130 research outputs found

    Block mapping class groups and their finiteness properties

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    A Cantor surface Cd\mathcal C_d is a non-compact surface obtained by gluing copies of a fixed compact surface YdY^d (a block), with d+1d+1 boundary components, in a tree-like fashion. For a fixed subgroup H<Map(Yd)H<Map(Y^d) , we consider the subgroup Bd(H)<Map(Cd)\mathfrak B_d(H)<Map(\mathcal C_d) whose elements eventually send blocks to blocks and act like an element of HH; we refer to Bd(H)\mathfrak B_d(H) as the block mapping class group with local action prescribed by HH. The family of groups so obtained contains the asymptotic mapping class groups of \cite{SW21a,ABF+21, FK04}. Moreover, there is a natural surjection onto the family symmetric Thompson groups of Farley--Hughes \cite{FH15}; in particular, they provide a positive answer to \cite[Question 5.37]{AV20}. We prove that, when the block is a (holed) sphere or a (holed) torus, Bd(H)\mathfrak B_d(H) is of type FnF_n if and only if HH is of type FnF_n. As a consequence, for every nn, Map(Cd)Map(C_d) has a subgroup of type FnF_n but not Fn+1F_{n+1} which contains the mapping class group of every compact subsurface of Cd\mathcal C_d.Comment: 21 pages, 1 figur

    Metabolic transition in mycorrhizal tomato roots

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    Beneficial plant–microorganism interactions are widespread in nature. Among them, the symbiosis between plant roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) is of major importance, commonly improving host nutrition and tolerance against environmental and biotic challenges. Metabolic changes were observed in a well-established symbiosis between tomato and two common AMF: Rhizophagus irregularis and Funneliformis mosseae. Principal component analysis of metabolites, determined by non-targeted liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry, showed a strong metabolic rearrangement in mycorrhizal roots. There was generally a negative impact of mycorrhizal symbiosis on amino acid content, mainly on those involved in the biosynthesis of phenylpropanoids. On the other hand, many intermediaries in amino acid and sugar metabolism and the oxylipin pathway were among the compounds accumulating more in mycorrhizal roots. The metabolic reprogramming also affected other pathways in the secondary metabolism, mainly phenyl alcohols (lignins and lignans) and vitamins. The results showed that source metabolites of these pathways decreased in mycorrhizal roots, whilst the products derived from α-linolenic and amino acids presented higher concentrations in AMF-colonized roots. Mycorrhization therefore increased the flux into those pathways. Venn-diagram analysis showed that there are many induced signals shared by both mycorrhizal interactions, pointing to general mycorrhiza-associated changes in the tomato metabolome. Moreover, fungus-specific fingerprints were also found, suggesting that specific molecular alterations may underlie the reported functional diversity of the symbiosis. Since most positively regulated pathways were related to stress response mechanisms, their potential contribution to improved host stress tolerance is discussed

    In memoriam, Ricardo Franco Rojas

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    Harmonized and Quality Sample Handling in Biobank-Supported Multicenter Prospective Studies

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    In the frame of multicenter research studies, biobanks ensure the harmonization and traceability of the prospective collection of quality samples. This is significant because pre-analytical variables must be carefully considered to guarantee the integrity of biomarkers to be tested and to avoid bias affecting the validity of the analytical results. According to a quality management system, biobanks contribute with documents and records; consumable preparation for collection, processing, and conservation; sample quality controls; and centralized management of sample handling, storage, and distribution. Traceability of samples is based on unique standard codes and the use of pre-assigned, pre-coded, and pre-labeled materials for sample collection, processing, and conservation. By using these supporting tools, quality derivatives are obtained based on common and evidence-based standard operating procedures (SOPs), with associated traceability information in relation with their collection, processing, conservation, and distribution. The biobank-supported workflow, specifically designed and implemented for each project, allows obtaining harmonized quality samples contributing to the quality of large and complex research projects and the corresponding validity of the analyses

    An Alternative Internet-of-Things Solution Based on LoRa for PV Power Plants: Data Monitoring and Management

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    This paper proposes a wireless low-cost solution based on long-range (LoRa) technology able to communicate with remote PV power plants, covering long distances with minimum power consumption and maintenance. This solution includes a low-cost open-source technology at the sensor layer and a low-power wireless area network (LPWAN) at the communication layer, combining the advantages of long-range coverage and low power demand. Moreover, it offers an extensive monitoring system to exchange data in an Internet-of-Things (IoT) environment. A detailed description of the proposed system at the PV module level of integration is also included in the paper, as well as detailed information regarding LPWAN application to the PV power plant monitoring problem. In order to assess the suitability of the proposed solution, results collected in real PV installations connected to the grid are also included and discussed.This work was partially supported by the Spanish agreement (2017) between the Institute for Development of the Region of Murcia (INFO) and the Technological Center for Energy and Environment (CETENMA). The paper includes results of activities conducted under the Research Program for Groups of Scientific Excellence at Region of Murcia (Spain), the Seneca Foundation, and the Agency for Science and Technology of the Region of Murcia (Spain). This work was also supported by project AIM, Ref. TEC2016-76465-C2-1-R (AEI/FEDER, UE). The authors thank the staff of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (Spain) for services and facilities provided

    Masculinidades y feminidades en preadolescentes residentes en contextos rurales de Castilla-La Mancha

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    Este artículo presenta los principales resultados obtenidos del análisis cuantitativo exploratorio perteneciente a la investigación Las fronteras de la identidad de género: masculinidades y feminidades en contextos de interacción escolar. Se analizan 236 cuestionarios aplicados a preadolescentes de entornos educativos, de entre 11-16 años, residentes en poblaciones rurales de la provincia de Albacete. El cuestionario indaga en algunos de los diferentes aspectos que contribuyen al proceso de adquisición y expresión de la identidad de género de estos jóvenes, constituyendo agentes socializadores de primer orden. Los resultados del estudio indican que, a pesar de prevalecer discursos igualitarios en la sociedad, sigue predominando en las personas adolescentes de estos entornos una visión y una expresión de género estereotipada de lo que supone ser hombre o mujer. Por otro lado, determinados contenidos audiovisuales que gran parte de los y las adolescentes consumen pueden influir tanto en las relaciones entre distintos géneros como en la carencia de un espíritu crítico, ya que dichos contenidos no son apropiados para estas edades y muestran unos modelos de hombres y mujeres estereotipados

    Estudio sobre la orientación a la RSC entre empresas familiares y no familiares

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    La RSC sigue siendo asociada a las grandes empresas, siendo muy pocos los estudios centrados en las pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) y menos aún en las pymes familiares. Por este motivo, el objetivo del presente trabajo es conocer si existen diferencias en la orientación hacia la RSC entre las pymes familiares y no familiares, y si este hecho puede estar influenciado por el género y el nivel de estudios del gerente, entre otros factores. Los resultados obtenidos, sobre una muestra de 123 pymes, de las cuales 74 son de carácter familiar, ponen de manifiesto que las empresas familiares son más responsables socialmente que las no familiares

    Comportamiento del infarto agudo de miocardio en pacientes de 30 a 50 años en el hospital Universitario San Jorge, 2013 a 2017

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    La enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) es una importante causa de mortalidad y morbilidad, considerándose actualmente la primera causa de muerte e invalidez a nivel mundial. En las últimas décadas, se ha presentado el auge y desarrollo de ciertas enfermedades metabólicas, estrechamente ligadas a cambios en el estilo de vida, aumento del sedentarismo y dieta abundante

    Determination of the magnetostrictive atomic enviroments in FeCoB alloys

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    The atomic environments of Fe and Co involved in the magnetostriction effect in FeCoB alloys have been identified by differential extended x-ray fine structure (DiffEXAFS) spectroscopy. The study, done in amorphous and polycrystalline FeCoB films, demonstrates that the alloys are heterogeneous and that boron plays a crucial role in the origin of their magnetostrictive properties. The analysis of DiffEXAFS in the polycrystalline and amorphous alloys indicates that boron activates magnetostriction when entering as an impurity into octahedral interstitial sites of the Fe bcc lattice, causing its tetragonal distortion. Magnetostriction would be explained then by the relative change in volume when the tetragonal axis of the site is reoriented under an externally applied magnetic field. The experiment demonstrates the extreme sensitivity of DiffEXAFS to characterize magnetostrictive environments that are undetectable in their related EXAFS spectra

    Role of retinal pigment epithelium-derived exosomes and autophagy in new blood vessel formation

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    Autophagy and exosome secretion play important roles in a variety of physiological and disease states, including the development of age‐related macular degeneration. Previous studies have demonstrated that these cellular mechanisms share common pathways of activation. Low oxidative damage in ARPE‐19 cells, alters both autophagy and exosome biogenesis. Moreover, oxidative stress modifies the protein and genetic cargo of exosomes, possibly affecting the fate of surrounding cells. In order to understand the connection between these two mechanisms and their impact on angiogenesis, stressed ARPE‐19 cells were treated with a siRNA‐targeting Atg7, a key protein for the formation of autophagosomes. Subsequently, we observed the formation of multivesicular bodies and the release of exosomes. Released exosomes contained VEGFR2 as part of their cargo. This receptor for VEGF—which is critical for the development of new blood vessels—was higher in exosome populations released from stressed ARPE‐19. While stressed exosomes enhanced tube formation, exosomes became ineffective after silencing VEGFR2 in ARPE‐19 cells and were, consequently, unable to influence angiogenesis. Moreover, vessel sprouting in the presence of stressed exosomes seems to follow a VEGF‐independent pathway. We propose that abnormal vessel growth correlates with VEGFR2‐expressing exosomes release from stressed ARPE‐19 cells, and is directly linked to autophagy