438 research outputs found

    I Festa de la Mel, Arnes 2004

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    EFEKTIVITAS PROGRAM BIMBINGAN PRIBADI SOSIAL UNTUK MENINGKATKAN PENYESUAIAN DIRI PESERTA DIDIK : Penelitian Pra Eksperimen terhadap Peserta Didik Kelas VII MTs Al-Inayah Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menghasilkan program bimbingan pribadi sosial yang efektif untuk meningkatkan penyesuaian diri peserta didik kelas VII MTS Negeri Al-Inayah Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2013/2014. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan metode pra eksperimen dengan desain penelitian one pre and post test group design. Teknik sampling menggunakan Purposive Sampling. Alat pengungkap data menggunakan angket berbentuk skala sikap dan statistik nonparametrik digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Hasil penelitian yaitu: (1) profil penyesuaian diri peserta didik; (2) rumusan program bimbingan pribadi sosial yang tepat menurut pakar dan praktisi; dan (3) gambaran keefektifan program bimbingan pribadi sosial untuk meningkatkan penyesuaian diri peserta didik. Rekomendasi penelitian ditunjukan kepada (1) guru pembimbing; dan (2) peneliti selanjutnya. The study is aimed to create a guiding program of social personality to improve students’ self adjustment effectively of seventh grade students of MTS Al-Inayah Bandung 2013/2014. The approach used is a quantitative method of pre-experimental research design with one pre-and post-test group design. The sampling technique used is the purposive sampling. The data collection tool used is questionnaires and attitude scales and nonparametric statistics were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study are: (1) the learner profile adjustment; (2) the formulation of guiding program of social personality by experts and practitioners; and (3) description of the effectiveness of guiding program of social personality to improve the students’ social adjustment. The study is recommended to (1) guidance teachers; and (2) further researchers. Keywords: personal social guidance program, self adjustment, MTS learner

    Perancangan Sistem Informasi Manajeman Inventory Dengan Menggunakan Ms. Visual Foxpro 6.0 Pada Kantor Dinas Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Lampung Selatan

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    Dengan kemajuan ilmu dan teknologi yang kini berkembang pesat, khususnya dalam pengolahan data barang inventaris banyak orang yang menggunakan sistem komputerisasi untuk mencapai hasil yang lebih sempurna, mempercepat dan mempermudah pekerjaan. Kantor Dinas Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Lampung Selatan diharapkan meninggalkan cara manual dalam mencatat data-data inventaris barang, karena akan mengurangi efektifitas kerja sehingga hasilnya kurang dirasakan optimal.Skripsi ini akan menggambarkan serta menjelaskan perancangan sistem informasi manajemen inventory pada Kantor Dinas Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) Lampung Selatan. Dalam merancang sistem, peneliti menggunakan perancangan program yang dijelaskan pada bagian keempat dari Skripsi ini

    Sistem Kendali dan Pengawasan Wilayah Pintu Berbasis IoT

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    - In this study, an IoT-based door security system was proposed which facilitated homeowners to open and close doors and unlock doors through the internet. The system is also equipped with a real time video streaming feature so that the owner can save the environment around the door and ensure the person at the door before opening it. The Raspberry Pi is used as the main controller of the system that provides web pages for users and signatories to access Arduino Uno boards. Arduino Uno controls the servo to control the door. The camera used in this study is a Raspberry Camera with 5 MP resolution. From the results of the tests carried out, the results of the system that have been made can work well. Expected full service and response to changes in users on web pages is also quite fast. Streaming video runs smoothly at 30 fps with a resolution of 640x480.Keywords - Raspberry Pi, Streaming Video, Internet of Things, Door Contro

    Toward a Collaborative Platform for Hybrid Designs Sharing a Common Cohort

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    This doctoral thesis binds together four included papers in a thematical whole and is simultaneously an independent work proposing a platform facilitating epidemiological research. Population-based prospective cohort studies typically recruit a relatively large group of participants representative of a studied population and follow them over years or decades. This group of participants is called a cohort. As part of the study, the participants may be asked to answer extensive questionnaires, undergo medical examinations, donate blood samples, and participate in several rounds of follow-ups. The collected data can also include information from other sources, such as health registers. In prospective cohort studies, the participants initially do not have the investigated diagnoses, but statistically, a certain percentage will be diagnosed with a disease yearly. The studies enable the researchers to investigate how those who got a disease differ from those who did not. Often, many new studies can be nested within a cohort study. Data for a subgroup of the cohort is then selected and analyzed. A new study combined with an existing cohort is said to have a hybrid design. When a research group uses the same cohort as a basis for multiple new studies, these studies often have similarities regarding the workflow for designing the study and analysis. The thesis shows the potential for developing a platform encouraging the reuse of work from previous studies and systematizing the study design workflows to enhance time efficiency and reduce the risk of errors. However, the study data are subject to strict acts and regulations pertaining to privacy and research ethics. Therefore, the data must be stored and accessed within a secured IT environment where researchers log in to conduct analyses, with minimal possibilities to install analytics software not already provided by default. Further, transferring the data from the secured IT environment to a local computer or a public cloud is prohibited. Nevertheless, researchers can usually upload and run script files, e.g., written in R and run in R-studio. A consequence is that researchers - often having limited software engineering skills - may rely mainly on self-written code for their analyses, possibly unsystematically developed with a high risk of errors and reinventing solutions solved in preceding studies within the group. The thesis makes a case for a platform providing a collaboration software as a service (SaaS) addressing the challenges of the described research context and proposes its architecture and design. Its main characteristic, and contribution, is the separation of concerns between the SaaS, which operates independently of the data, and a secured IT environment where data can be accessed and analyzed. The platform lets the researchers define the data analysis for the study using the cloud-based software, which is then automatically transformed into an executable version represented as source code in a scripting language already supported by the secure environment where the data resides. The author has not found systems solving the same problem similarly. However, the work is informed by cloud computing, workflow management systems, data analysis pipelines, low-code, no-code, and model-driven development

    Prototype Topology SDN for Simple Network Campus

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    The use of communication networks is increasingly felt increasingly sophisticated. This can be seen with the use of innovative network infrastructure that provides connection services to users. Virtual service network can be a prototype of a software-based network logic in this case is a software-defined network. This software is open source-based or a lot of the paid version. Where this software serves as a bridge between networks that use routers or router software logic. Using a software-defined network on the router logic can be made very flexible and easy to integrate with a stable condition

    Sistem Complaint Handling Berbasis ISO 10002:2004 Pada Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bandar Lampung Untuk Meningkatkan Responsibilitas Penanganan Keluhan

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    Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi telah menyetuh berbagai kegiatan dalam kehidupan manusia, salah satunya pada penanganan keluhan (handling complaint) yang dibutuhkan oleh setiap perusahan. Dan untuk mempermudah proses pengaduan dibutuhkan suatu sistem handling complaint yang berbasis ISO 10002 : 2004, yang diambil dari data kemampuan, pengetahuan dan sistemnya berjalan secara automatis Salah satu yang menjadi acuan bagi penangan keluhan untuk kepuasan pelanggan adalah ISO 10002 : 2004 karena disana terdiri dari berbagai klausal yang berkaitan dengan penangan keluhan,(Marimin, 1992), dalam membangun sistem handling complaint diperlukan suatu langkah yang strategis dan sistematis dimana sistem handling complaint diterapkan di Fakultas Ilmu Komputer Universitas Bandar Lampung

    When all hope is gone

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    Problemstilling: Hvordan kan sykepleieren fremme mening hos pasienter i akutt krise, etter nyoppdaget uhelbredelig cancer? Bakgrunn: NĂ„r man jobber i helsevesenet er det nĂŠrmest uunngĂ„elig Ă„ ikke mĂžte pasienter med kreft. Vi har begge erfart hvor vanskelig det kan vĂŠre Ă„ mĂžte pasienter som akkurat har fĂ„tt vite at de har uhelbredelig kreft. Hensikt: Oppgavens tittel «NĂ„r alt hĂ„p er ute » innebĂŠrer en fĂžrforstĂ„else om at hĂ„p om helbredelse er urealistisk hos pasienter med inoperabel kreft. Med bakgrunn i sykepleieteoretikeren Travelbee sin definisjon av sykepleierens funksjon, som handler om Ă„ hjelpe pasienter og deres pĂ„rĂžrende Ă„ mestre sykdom og lidelse, samt Ă„ finne mening, er oppgavens hensikt Ă„ belyse hvordan sykepleieren kan gjĂžre dette. Metode: Oppgaven er et litteraturstudie, og Joyce Travelbee og Kari Martinsen ligger til grunn for den sykepleieteoretiske plattformen, sammen med relevant litteratur og forskning om blant annet krise, hĂ„p, omsorg og psykososiale behov. Med fokus pĂ„ det eksistensielle behovet drĂžfter vi ved hjelp av litteratur og egne erfaringer, hvordan sykepleieren kan fremme mening hos palliative pasienter. Resultat: Det viser seg at det aller viktigste for pasienter med dĂždelig sykdom er opplevelsen av hĂ„p, og Ă„ fremme hĂ„p er blant sykepleierens oppgaver. HĂ„p kan gi livet mening, og mening i situasjonen de befinner seg i, og dette kan hjelpe pasienten Ă„ mestre. Konklusjon: Omsorg er blant grunnpillarene i sykepleieutĂžvelsen, og mĂ„ vĂŠre basert pĂ„ en forstĂ„else av den andres situasjon. Sykepleieren kan fremme mening ved Ă„ bruke sine empatiske evner, god kommunikasjon, og ivareta pasientens psykososiale behov

    Model Zero-One Linear Programming untuk Penjadwalan Raw Mill dan Cement Mill

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    The scheduling of electrical energy usage during Peak Load Period (PLP) is a complicated problem that has been faced by PT Semen Padang after Indonesian Power Company (PLN) implemented the demarcation regulation of electrical energy usage during PLP (6:00 – 10:00 p.m.) which may not exceed 44.100 kWH. This regulation forces Production Department of PT Semen Padang to arrange the “on (1) or off (0)” schedule for the Raw Mills and Cement Mills during PLP. A Raw Mill or Cement Mill can be switched-off if the specified criteria are satisfied. Those criteria refer to the achievement of daily production targets, silo content at PLP, and the requirement for particular Raw Mill or Cement Mill to be off during those 4 hours of PLP. Meanwhile, the constraints are related to the length of machining hours of Raw Mill, Kiln or Cement Mill before preventive maintenance takes place. To solve this problem, a scheduling model for Raw Mills and Cement Mills on-off during PLP is then developed using a linear programming approach. The decision variables are the “on-off” state of Raw Mills and Cement Mills during PLP, while the objective function is to minimize the penalty expense of energy used during PLP. The developed scheduling model has the ability to solve the problem of the “on-off” assignment for Raw Mills and Cement Mills from Indarung II to Indarung V. This scheduling model can decrease the penalty of electrical energy expense during PLP from Rp. 3.07 billion to Rp. 1.79 billion
