29 research outputs found

    A low-molecular-weight alginate oligosaccharide disrupts pseudomonal microcolony formation and enhances antibiotic effectiveness

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    In chronic respiratory disease the formation of dense, 3-dimensional ‘micro colonies' by Pseudomonas aeruginosa within the airway plays an important role in contributing to resistance to treatment. An in vitro biofilm model of pseudomonal microcolony formation using artificial sputum (AS) medium was established to study the effects of low molecular weight alginate oligomers (OligoG CF-5/20) on pseudomonal growth, microcolony formation and the efficacy of colistin. The studies employed clinical cystic fibrosis (CF) isolates (n=3) and reference non-mucoid and mucoid multi-drug resistant (MDR) CF isolates (n=7). Bacterial growth, biofilm development and disruption were studied using cell-viability assays and image analysis using scanning electron- and confocal laser scanning microscopy. Pseudomonal growth in AS medium was associated with increased ATP production (p10 μm) microcolonies. In conventional growth medium, colistin retained an ability to inhibit growth of planktonic bacteria, although the MIC was increased (0.1 to 0.4 μg/ml) in AS medium versus. In contrast, in an established biofilm model in the AS medium, the efficacy of colistin was decreased. OligoG CF-5/20 (≥2%) treatment however, induced dose-dependent biofilm disruption (p0.2%; p<0.05) reductions in pseudomonal quorum sensing signaling. These findings reinforce the potential clinical significance of microcolony formation in the CF lung, and highlight a novel approach to treat MDR pseudomonal infections

    A New Class of Safe Oligosaccharide Polymer Therapy To Modify the Mucus Barrier of Chronic Respiratory Disease

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    The host- and bacteria-derived extracellular polysaccharide coating of the lung is a considerable challenge in chronic respiratory disease and is a powerful barrier to effective drug delivery. A low molecular weight 12–15-mer alginate oligosaccharide (OligoG CF-5/20), derived from plant biopolymers, was shown to modulate the polyanionic components of this coating. Molecular modeling and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy demonstrated binding between OligoG CF-5/20 and respiratory mucins. Ex vivo studies showed binding induced alterations in mucin surface charge and porosity of the three-dimensional mucin networks in cystic fibrosis (CF) sputum. Studies in Humans showed that OligoG CF-5/20 is safe for inhalation in CF patients with effective lung deposition and modifies the viscoelasticity of CF-sputum. OligoG CF-5/20 is the first inhaled polymer therapy, represents a novel mechanism of action and therapeutic approach for the treatment of chronic respiratory disease, and is currently in Phase IIb clinical trials for the treatment of CF


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan di Badan Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Daerah (BAPUSIPDA) yang ada di sekitar Bandung raya. Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang rendahnya produktivitas kerja arsiparis Bapusipda se-Bandung raya yang diduga disebabkan oleh kurangnya tingkat keterampilan kerja para arsiparis. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survey eksplanasi, dimana data dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan angket yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan model skala likert pada 31 pegawai arsiparis di Bapusipda se-Bandung raya yang diambil sebagai sampel. Data yang terkumpul dalam penelitian ini diuji dengan menggunakan uji regresi linier sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) tingkat keterampilan kerja arsiparis berada pada kategori sedang; (2) tingkat produktivitas kerja arsiparis berada pada kategori cukup; (3) terdapat pengaruh yang sangat kuat dari keterampilan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja arsiparis di Bapusipda se-Bandung raya. Penelitian ini menyarankan agar pihak Bapusipda memberikan dorongan motivasi yang lebih kepada para pegawai dengan cara memberikan penghargaan dan pengakuan yang tepat dan wajar kepada pegawai atas prestasi kerja yang telah dicapainya. Selain itu, pihak Bapusipda seyoganya mengadakan kegiatan pendidikan dan pelatihan dengan intensitas yang lebih tinggi, agar profesionalisme dan produktivitas kerja para arsiparis meningkat. ---------- This research was conducted in Agency for Library and Archives (henceforth, BAPUSIPDA). It investigates the low productivity of the archivists in the institution, which was assumed to have been caused by a lack of work skills. This research adopts survey-explanatory method, where data were collected by distributing a set of questionnaires using Likert scale to a sample of 36 archivists in BAPUSIPDA. The collected data were analyzed using simple linear regression. The results show that: (1) the level of archivists’ work skills was at the medium category; (2) the level of productivity of the archivists was at the moderate category; and (3) there was quite significant influence of work skills on work productivity of the archivists at BAPUSIPDA. This study recommends that BAPUSIPDA should further motivate the employees by giving adequate and appropriate rewards and recognition for their work achievements. In addition, BAPUSIPDA should also provide more intensive inservice educational activities and training in order to develop the archivists’ professionalism and work productivity

    Rapport/Report 31/2016 - English Summary

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    -Resultatene fra prosjektet viste at fôring av laks med et magert, proteinrikt fôr halverte dødeligheten etter sykdomsutbrudd ved SAV3 og PRV koinfeksjon, økte «superior»-andelen med 12 % enheter og reduserte forekomsten av mørke filetflekker med 11 % enheter. Forekomsten av store filetflekker var redusert ned til en tredjedel. I prosjektet undersøkte vi effekt av fôr på forekomst av mørke filetflekker etter sykdomsutbrudd ved PRV & SAV3 koinfeksjon. Laksen fikk et magert (25 % fett), proteinrikt (46 % protein) testfôr eller et ordinært fôr (35 % fett og 37 % protein) før, under og en periode etter et naturlig sykdomsutbrudd i juli 2015 (tre merder per fôrtype ved Nofimas FoU konsesjoner i Sør-Norge). All fisk ble undersøkt for mørke filetflekker ved samme slaktevekt (4 kg sløyd). Dødelighet og tilvekst varierte mellom merdene etter sykdomsutbruddet, med betydelig lavere dødelighet og bedre vekst for laksen som fikk testfôret (dødeligheten halvert). Mengden PRV i mørke flekker og normal muskel avtok i tid fra sykdomsutbruddet. Forekomsten av melaninflekker var 11 % enheter lavere for laksen som fikk testfôr sammenlignet med ordinært fôr (15,6 % vs. 26,3 %). I tillegg til å vurdere totale frekvensen av mørke flekker, er det også interessant å se på andelen fileter med store problematiske flekker som er vanskelige å trimme bort (> 3 cm). Testfôret reduserte forekomsten av store flekker med 2/3. For laksen som fikk det ordinære fôret var det en klar sammenheng mellom dødelighet og forekomst av mørke flekker mens forekomsten av mørke filetflekker i laks som fikk testfôret var stabil og uavhengig av dødelighet (2.600 fileter evaluert). PRV-virus ble funnet i nyre, hjerte og filet i all fisk, uavhengig av om den hadde flekker eller ikke. Mengden PRV i mørke flekker og normal muskel avtok i tid fra sykdomsutbruddet. For testgruppen ble 91 % av laksen klassifisert som «superior», mens «superior» andelen for laksen som fikk det ordinære fôret var på 79 %. Redusert fettnivå og økt proteinnivå syntes derved fordelaktig med dagens fôringredienser.Commercially reared Atlantic salmon were fed a lean, protein rich test diet or a standard energy dense diet prior to, during and a period after a natural disease outbreak (07.2015) associated with PRV and SAV3 co-infection. The feed ingredients were the same in both diets. The test group had 11 % units lower frequency of dark spots and also significantly fewer fillets with serious large spots at slaughter. The occurrence of spots was higher in net pens with high mortality for salmon fed the standard diet, but the prevalence of dark spots was stable of the test group fed the lean diet. The proportion of salmon classified as “superior” by the slaughterhouse was 91 % for the test diet and 79 % for the standard diet. PRV was detected in skeletal muscle, kidney and heart, independent of the occurrence of dark spots. The amount of PRV virus in fillets decreased with time after the outbreak. The major feed effects on the response to SAV3 & PRV co-infection in form of decreased mortality, growth, proportion of “superior” salmon, and prevalence and severity of dark fillet spots at slaughter, shows that decreasing the fat level and increasing the protein level is advantageous with today’s blend of ingredients in feeds for Atlantic salmon