12,748 research outputs found

    XMM-Newton observations of three poor clusters: Similarity in dark matter and entropy profiles down to low mass

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    (Abridged) We present an analysis of the mass and entropy profiles of three poor clusters (A1991, A2717 and MKW9) observed with XMM-Newton. The clusters have similar temperatures (kT=2.65, 2.53 and 2.58 keV), and similar redshifts (0.04 < z < 0.06). We trace the surface brightness, temperature, entropy and integrated mass profiles up to 0.5 (0.35 for MKW9) of the virial radius (r_200). The integrated mass profiles are very similar in physical units and are reasonably well fitted with the NFW mass model with concentration parameters of c_200=4-6 and M_200=1.2-1.6 X 10^14 h_70^-1 \msun. The entropy profiles are similar at large scale, but there is some scatter in the central region (r<50 kpc). None of the clusters has an isentropic core. Including XMM data on A1983 (kT=2.2 keV), and A1413 (kT = 6.5 keV), we discuss the structural and scaling properties of cluster mass and entropy profiles. The scaled mass profiles display <20% dispersion in the 0.05 - 0.5 r_200 radial range. The c_200 parameters of these clusters, and other values from the literature, are fully consistent with the c_200 - M_200 relation derived from simulations. The dispersion in scaled entropy profiles is small, implying self-similarity down to low mass (kT ~2 keV), and is reduced by 30-40% (to ~20%) if we use the empirical relation S \propto T^0.65 instead of the standard self-similar relation, S \propto T. The mean scaled profile is well fitted by a power law for 0.05 < r_200 < 0.5, with a slope slightly lower than expected from pure shock heating (\alpha = 0.94+/-0.14), and a normalisation at 0.1 r_200 consistent with previous studies. The gas history thus likely depends both on gravitational processes and the interplay between cooling and various galaxy feedback mechanisms.Comment: Final refereed version to appear in A&A. Minor changes. 15 pages, 12 figures (Figs 1 & 3 low res

    Anisotropic thermal expansion of bismuth from first principles

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    Some anisotropy in both mechanical and thermodynamical properties of bismuth is expected. A combination of density functional theory total energy calculations and density functional perturbation theory in the local density approximation is used to compute the elastic constants at 0 K using a finite strain approach and the thermal expansion tensor in the quasiharmonic approximation. The overall agreement with experiment is good. Furthermore, the anisotropy in the thermal expansion is found to arise from the anisotropy in both the directional compressibilities and the directional Gr\"uneisen functions.Comment: accepted for publication in PR

    Pseudographs and Lax-Oleinik semi-group: a geometric and dynamical interpretation

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    Let H be a Tonelli Hamiltonian defined on the cotangent bundle of a compact and connected manifold and let u be a semi-concave function defined on M. If E (u) is the set of all the super-differentials of u and (\phi t) the Hamiltonian flow of H, we prove that for t > 0 small enough, \phi-t (E (u)) is an exact Lagrangian Lipschitz graph. This provides a geometric interpretation/explanation of a regularization tool that was introduced by P.~Bernard to prove the existence of C 1,1 subsolutions

    Looking for Light Pseudoscalar Bosons in the Binary Pulsar System J0737-3039

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    We present numerical calculations of the photon-light-pseudoscalar-boson conversion in the recently discovered binary pulsar system J0737-3039. Light pseudoscalar bosons (LPBs) oscillate into photons in the presence of strong magnetic fields. In the context of this binary pulsar system, this phenomenon attenuates the light beam emitted by one of the pulsars, when the light ray goes through the magnetosphere of the companion pulsar. We show that such an effect is observable in the gamma-ray band since the binary pulsar is seen almost edge-on, depending on the value of the LPB mass and on the strenght of its two-photon coupling. Our results are surprising in that they show a very sharp and significant (up to 50%) transition probability in the gamma-ray (>> tens of MeV) domain. The observations can be performed by the upcoming NASA GLAST mission.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    An SZ/X-ray galaxy cluster model and the X-ray follow-up of the Planck clusters

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    Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) cluster surveys will become an important cosmological tool over next few years, and it will be essential to relate these new surveys to cluster surveys in other wavebands. We present an empirical model of cluster SZ and X-ray observables constructed to address this question and to motivate, dimension and guide X-ray follow-up of SZ surveys. As an example application of the model, we discuss potential XMM-Newton follow-up of Planck clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures. To appear in the proceedings of the XXXXIIIrd Rencontres de Morion

    Development of GCP Ontology for sharing crop information

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    Poster presented at 3rd International Biocuration Conference. Berlin (Germany), 17 Apr 200
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