1,105 research outputs found

    Identidad grupal, conformación de roles y comportamiento violento

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    Treball Final de Grau en Criminologia i Seguretat. Codi: CS1044. Curs acadèmic: 2016-2017El Holocausto es el ejemplo de comportamiento violento más representativo de la historia reciente asumible por el ser humano. La explicación de lo sucedido en Alemania bajo el mandato del Partido Nazi se encuentra en la construcción de una identidad nacional bajo las doctrinas e ideología nazis, asumidas por el pueblo alemán bajo una poderosa situación que hizo de hombres corrientes auténticos partícipes del genocidio. La Teoría Identidad Social y de la Autocategorización del individuo explican como personas corrientes pueden asumir roles en su interacción con la sociedad que en ocasiones están alejados de lo que es moralmente correcto, manifestándose una clara hostilidad hacia determinados grupos, pese a que las características de la situación legitimen y autoricen su conducta desviada.Holocaust is the most representative example of violent behavior in recent history that human nature can assume. The explanation of what happened in Germany under the Nazi Party's mandate lies in the construction of a national identity under the Nazi doctrines and ideology, assumed by German people under a powerful situation that transform ordinary men in authentic genocide perpetrators. Social Identity Theory and the Self-categorization explain how ordinary people can assume roles in their interaction with society that are sometimes far from what is morally correct, with real hostility to other groups, even though the characteristics of the situation legitimize and authorize their deviant behavior

    Design of an enhanced air data sensor for a very light aircraft

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    This project is the following part of a previous thesis about the design, development and implementation of a data acquisition system: “Development of an Integrated Flight Test Instrumentation System for Ultra Light Machines” called Mnemosine by Alberto Rolando. Participating in the improvement of the part Urania. Once the new design was decided and the implementation was done, the calibration of the new Pitot – boom has become a critical part where the pressure sensors, temperature sensor and the Pitot tube has been analyzed and tested in a wind tunnel. In this document the pre-documentation for the experimental test, the results and conclusions including the elaboration of a program in Matlab in order to calculate those important magnitudes and to show in an easier way all the results is presented

    A Multi-state model for the analysis of functional decline and mortality of frail elderly patients

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    L’objectiu d’aquest estudi, que correspon a un projecte de recerca sobre la pèrdua funcional i la mortalitat de persones grans fràgils, és construir un procés de supervivència predictiu que tingui en compte l’evolució funcional i nutricional dels pacients al llarg del temps. En aquest estudi ens enfrontem a l’anàlisi de dades de supervivència i mesures repetides però els mètodes estadístics habituals per al tractament conjunt d’aquest tipus de dades no són apropiats en aquest cas. Com a alternativa utilitzem els models de supervivència multi-estats per avaluar l’associació entre mortalitat i recuperació, o no, dels nivells funcionals i nutricionals considerats normals. Després d’estimar el model i d’identificar els factors pronòstics de mortalitat és possible obtenir un procés predictiu que permet fer prediccions de la supervivència dels pacients en funció de la seva història concreta fins a un determinat moment. Això permet realitzar un pronòstic més precís de cada grup de pacients, la qual cosa pot ser molt útil per als professionals sanitaris a l’hora de prendre decisions clíniques.The aim of this study, corresponding to a research project on functional decline and mortality of frail elderly patients, is to build a predictive survival process which takes into account the functional and nutritional evolution of the patients over time. We deal with both survival data and repeated measures but the usual statistical methods for the joint analysis of longitudinal and survival data are not appropriate in this case. As an alternative we use the multi-state survival model approach to evaluate the association between mortality and the recovery, or not, of normal functional and nutritional levels. Once the model is estimated and the prognostic factors of mortality identified, a predictive process is computed which allows predictions to be made of a patient’s survival based on their history at a given time. This provides a more exact estimate of the prognosis for each group of patients which may be very helpful to clinicians in the making of decisionsEl objetivo de este estudio, correspondiente a un proyecto de investigación sobre la pérdida funcional y la mortalidad de ancianos frágiles, es construir un proceso de supervivencia predictivo que tenga en cuenta la evolución funcional y nutricional de los pacientes a lo largo del tiempo. En este estudio nos enfrentamos al análisis de datos de supervivencia y medidas repetidas pero los métodos estadísticos habituales para el tratamiento conjunto de este tipo de datos no son apropiados en este caso. Como alternativa utilizamos los modelos de supervivencia multi-estados para evaluar la asociación entre mortalidad y recuperación, o no, de los niveles funcionales y nutricionales considerados normales. Despuésde estimar el modelo y de identificar los factores pron ́osticos de mortalidad es posible obtener un proceso predictivo que permite hacer predicciones de la supervivencia de los pacientes en función de su historia concreta hasta un determinado momento. Esto permite realizar un pronóstico más preciso de cada grupo de pacientes, lo cual puede ser muy útil para los profesionales sanitarios en la toma de decisiones clínicas

    The Performance of Several Docking Programs at Reproducing Protein-Macrolide-Like Crystal Structures

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    The accuracy of five docking programs at reproducing crystallographic structures of complexes of 8 macrolides and 12 related macrocyclic structures, all with their corresponding receptors, was evaluated. Self-docking calculations indicated excellent performance in all cases (mean RMSD values ≤ 1.0) and confirmed the speed of AutoDock Vina. Afterwards, the lowest-energy conformer of each molecule and all the conformers lying 0-10 kcal/mol above it (as given by Macrocycle, from MacroModel 10.0) were subjected to standard docking calculations. While each docking method has its own merits, the observed speed of the programs was as follows: Glide 6.6 > AutoDock Vina 1.1.2 > DOCK 6.5 >> AutoDock 4.2.6 > AutoDock 3.0.5. For most of the complexes, the five methods predicted quite correct poses of ligands at the binding sites, but the lower RMSD values for the poses of highest affinity were in the order: Glide 6.6 ≈ AutoDock Vina ≈ DOCK 6.5 > AutoDock 4.2.6 >> AutoDock 3.0.5. By choosing the poses closest to the crystal structure the order was: AutoDock Vina > Glide 6.6 ≈ DOCK 6.5 ≥ AutoDock 4.2.6 >> AutoDock 3.0.5. Re-scoring (AutoDock 4.2.6//AutoDock Vina, Amber Score and MM-GBSA) improved the agreement between the calculated and experimental data. For all intents and purposes, these three methods are equally reliable

    La Farmàcia Sala del mercat de Cardona

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    De la mateixa manera que a la resta de nuclis urbans del Principat, el segle XIII, significa per a la vila del castell de Cardona un temps de canvi, experimentant un important creixement demografic, urbanístic i econbmic que alhora es va traduir en el desenvolupament social dels seus habitants i de les institucions de govern comunals. A partir de la nova realitat urbana, hom distingira dins el terme del castell de Cardona als habitants de la vila (ville castri Cardone o ville Cardone) dels habitants del seu terme o ve'inat prbpiament dit (termini castri Cardone o vicinatus Cardone). Mentre que els primers eren cavallers al servei dels vescomtes o homes d'ofici; els del velnat eren els habitants dels masos que es trobaven repartits al llarg i ample del territori que conformava el terme

    La farmàcia Sala del Mercat de Cardona

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    Piso Piloto: Medellín-Barcelona

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    La exposición Piso Piloto. Medellín-Barcelona tiene como objetivo promover el debate y presentar una serie de propuestas que contribuyan a dar respuestas a las problemáticas más importantes de ambas ciudades en torno al tema de la vivienda y su relación con el espacio público. Unas propuestas que pueden ser extrapolables a otras ciudades del mundo.The Show House. Medellín-Barcelona exhibition aims to encourage debate and to present a series of proposals that contribute to addressing the most important issues that both cities deal with in relation to the subject of housing and its relationship with public space. Such proposals may be extrapolated to other cities around the world.Peer Reviewe

    Innovative strategies to enhance the sensory quality of dry fermented sausages containing lactic ingredients by the addition of exogenous enzymes

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    This study investigated the impact of the addition of exogenous enzymes (Accelerzyme CPG, Debitrase DBP20) or cellular preparations (FlavoGard), traditionally used in the cheese industry, to accelerate flavour development of dry fermented sausages with 6% of lactic derivatives content. Sausages were fermented to pH 5.0, dried for 32 days and vacuum packed stored under refrigeration for 60 days. Sausages were analysed for physicochemical parameters, technological microbiota and proteolysis after fermentation, drying/ripening and storage. Similar compositional results were obtained in all products (38-39% humidity in the final product; 38.2% fat and 40.7% protein as dry matter throughout the study). Debitrase application positively affected proteolysis by changing the free amino acid profile and increasing non-protein nitrogen and total free amino acids by 2.2 and 11.8-fold, respectively. Accelerzyme increased ripened cheese flavour and overall sensory quality from 5.1 to 5.8; Debitrase increased ripened cheese odour and flavour, bitterness, umami, adhesiveness, pastiness, and overall sensory quality from 5.0 to 5.9, and decreased acid and hardness. This study highlights the effects of adding some exogenous enzyme/bacterial preparations traditionally used in the cheese industry to enhance the flavour of dry fermented sausages with high content of lactic ingredients and increase its sensory quality.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio