554 research outputs found

    Content and Meaning Constitutive Inferences

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    A priori theories of justification of logic based on meaning often lead to trouble, in particular to issues concerning circularity. First, I present Boghossian’s a prioriview. Boghossian maintains the rule-circular justifications from a conceptual role semantics. However, rule-circular justifications are problematic. Recently, Boghossian (Boghossian, 2015) has claimed that rules should be thought of as contents and contents as abstract objects. In this paper, I discuss Boghossian’s view. My argumentation consists of three main parts. First, I analyse several arguments to show that in fact, Boghossian’s inferentialist solution is not fully satisfying. Second, I discuss the matter further, if one accepts that basic logical rules are constitutive of meaning, that is, they constitute the logical concepts and the content of a rule is an abstract object, then abstract objects — like, for example, rules — could be constitutive of meaning. The question is whether conceptual priority is in the judgment or in the object and what theory of content is pursued. Grasping content as a matter of knowing how a word or concept behaves in inferences is not completely explicative. Finally, I contend that rules come to exist as a result of certain kinds of mental action. These actions function as constitutive norms. Logical rules are not abstract objects but ideal. What one construes as norms or rules of content may involve idealization, but this is because we share a language

    Design optimization of storage facilities taking into account the domino effect

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    Storing hazardous substances is a process that entrails high risk, and in which many resources are spent in the planning of safety measures; however, safety could be included at the initial stages of the design of this type of installations, by optimizing the number of tanks that are used to store the substance. The effects and consequences of major accidents are directly proportional to the mass of materials involved in them; therefore, if the mass was divided in more containing units, the consequences at the moment of an accident occurrence would be lesser. However, as more units are used to store a dangerous substance in an installation, the risk of domino effect occurrence at the moment of an accident also increases. The objective of this paper is to develop a methodology that allows finding the optimum number of units that have to be used to store dangerous materials, taking the possibility of domino effect occurrence into account. The proposed methodology is described and applied to a case study as a decision making tool, obtaining results that demonstrate that the design of storage installations can be improved from a risk point of view, by combining quantitative risk analysis and optimization techniques.Postprint (published version

    ETCS Experiences in Zoology: Under and Postgraduate Courses

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    Multi-objective optimization of hazardous substance storage facilities. The decision between risks and costs associated to the project

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    The design storage installations for dangerous substances can be optimized from a safety and risk point of view by combining quantitative risk analysis and mathematical optimization techniques; the consequences of accidents are directly proportional to the mass involved in them, which means that in a storage installation, if the totality of the stored substance is divided into more tanks, the consequences when an accident occurs in any of the units will be less significant than if all the mass was stored in one tank (in installations where there is low possibility of domino effect occurrence). However, as more tanks are used to store the mass, the economical investment will also increase; then, a situation arises between two conflicting objectives, that can be solved through the use of multi objective optimization.Postprint (published version

    Krowdix: simulador de redes sociales

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    Krowdix es un programa para el análisis de redes sociales. Estas redes se pueden crear y modificar de un modo sencillo, y están formadas por nodos (los usuarios de la red) y relaciones (conexiones entre esos nodos), pero además tienen otros elementos como aficiones (los intereses de los nodos), contenidos (cualquier cosa creada por un nodo en la red) y comentarios (de un nodo a un contenido). El programa es capaz de mostrar estas redes por pantalla de distintos modos, así como de generar informes que recojan sus propiedades. Pero además, gracias al uso de agentes inteligentes, Krowdix puede actuar como un simulador, mostrando la evolución de la red a partir de un instante dado. [ABSTRACT] Krowdix is a Social Network analyzer. Those networks can be created and modified easily, and they consist on nodes (network users) and relations (connections among nodes). They have other elements also, like likings (nodes interests), contents (anything created by a node) and comments (from nodes to contents). The program can show these networks on screen in different ways and generate reports with its properties. Furthermore, using intelligent agents, Krowdix can simulate the evolution of a network from a certain moment

    La locura celestial de San Juan de la Cruz

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    Estudio de incorporación de energías renovables mediante bomba de calor para la climatización del Polideportivo de Nazaret

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    [ES] Estudio de un sistema de climatización (calor/frío/deshumectación ambiental, ACS y calentamiento de piscina) para el Polideportivo de Nazaret mediante bomba de calor. Se analizará la integración de intercambiadores en el subsuelo (geotermia) y en el interior de un colector de aguas residuales, aprovechando energéticamente la diferencia de temperaturas de ambos con el aire ambiente. El trabajo incluirá la determinación de las distintas demandas térmicas, la forma de gestionar ambos recursos conjuntamente de la manera más eficiente, el dimensionado y diseño del sistema, y la definición de un programa de pruebas para la instalación una vez implementada.Noblejas Arnaldos, L. (2019). Estudio de incorporación de energías renovables mediante bomba de calor para la climatización del Polideportivo de Nazaret. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/118562TFG

    Estudi de l'estabilització dels llits fluïditzats sòlios-gas mitjançant l'aplicació d'un camp magnètic

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    La tesi s’inicia fent una presentació del comportament dels llits estabilitzats magnèticament i de les seves aplicacions, així com de les limitacions que tenen degut a les pèrdues de les propietats magnètiques en certes condicions.A continuació, es proposa un model matemàtic dels llits fluïditzats estabilitzats magnèticament, basat en la distribució que segueixen les partícules amb les línies del camp. L’estabilització magnètica també s’ha aplicat a llits fluïditzats amb barreges de partícules magnètiques i no magnètiques. S’ha estudiat el comportament d’aquests sistemes, així com la influència de la fracció màssica de material magnètic en el retard en l’aparició del bombolleig. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que l’estabilització magnètica pot aplicar-se no solament a la fluïdització de partícules magnetitzables sinó també a partícules no magnetitzables, si una certa fracció de material magnètic és present en el llit. Es proposen diferents correlacions per al càlcul de la velocitat de transició en funció de les propietats del sistema gas-sòlid i les condicions d’operació.També s’estudia l’efecte del camp magnètic sobre el comportament tèrmic dels llits fluïditzats de partícules magnètiques escalfats amb una superfície calefactora introduïda dins el llit. S’ha determinat la distribució axial i radial de temperatures en el llit. A partir dels resultats experimentals, s’ha desenvolupat un model que permet el càlcul de la conductivitat tèrmica efectiva del llit. A més, mitjançant l’aplicació de l’analogia de Chilton i Colburn a les dades experimentals obtingudes, s’han proposat diferents correlacions per a l’estimació del coeficient de transferència de calor en llits estabilitzats i semi estabilitzats.Finalment, s’ha estudiat experimentalment, mitjançant l’assecament d’aire humit en llits formats per barreges d’alúmina-acer, la transferència de matèria en llits estabilitzats i semi estabilitzats. S’han emprat dos paràmetres, eficiència del llit i factor de eficiència, per comparar el comportament dels diferents tipus de llits. La precisió del model teòric desenvolupat s’ha provat amb els resultats experimentals obtinguts. Els models corresponents als llits fluïditzats clàssics no presenten un bon ajust amb les dades experimentals; ara bé, quan aquests models són modificats tenint en compte l’efecte del camp magnètic, l’ajust amb les dades és molt millor.First, in this thesis, the behaviour of the magnetically stabilized fluidized bed is presented, as well as its applications; the limitations due to the loss of magnetic properties in certain conditions are also considered.Later, a mathematical model of the magnetically stabilized fluidized bed, based on the arrangement of particles following field lines is proposed. Magnetic stabilization has also been applied to fluidized beds with mixture of magnetisable and non-magnetisable particles. The behaviour of these systems is studied, as well as the influence of the magnetic material mass fraction on the delay of bubbling. The results obtained show that the magnetic stabilization can be applied not only to the fluidization of magnetisable materials but also to non-magnetisable particles, if a certain fraction of magnetisable material is present. Correlations are proposed to calculate the transition velocity as a function of gas-solid properties and operating conditions.Also, the effect of the magnetic field on the thermal behaviour of a fluidized bed of magnetisable particles with an immersed heating surface has been studied. The temperature distribution inside the bed has been determined, both in the radial and axial directions. A model has been developed which allows calculation of the effective thermal conductivity of the bed from experimental data. In addition, by means of the application of the Chilton and Colburn analogy to the experimental data obtained, different correlations for the estimation of the heat transfer coefficient in stabilized and semi-stabilized beds have been proposed.Finally, the mass transfer in magnetically stabilized and semi-stabilized beds has been studied experimentally using the drying of moist air in beds of alumina-steel mixtures. Two parameters, bed efficiency and efficiency factor have been used to compare the behaviour of the different beds. The accuracy of the theoretical model developed has been tested using the results obtained. The models corresponding to the classical fluidized bed do not agree with experimental data; however, when these models are modified to take into account the effect of magnetic stabilization, the accuracy is much better
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