536 research outputs found

    La experiencia de la aplicación de un modelo de acreditación de carreras en Chile (2000 – 2007)

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    This work is made from the academics views considered "key players" in five higher education institutions in the region of Valparaiso (Chile), for having participated with different degrees of responsibility in accreditation processes of degree careers in education, both public and private universities. After a brief contextualization of the development and characterization of the accreditation model adopted in Chile at the level of institutions and courses, analyses their views from different experiences and views about studied institutions accreditation processes, evaluation criteria, the concept of quality used and the expectations concerning the improvement of the teaching careers. Finally, raised some proposals in order to refine this evaluative process, in response to the reality of our institutions. Keywords Accreditation; careers evaluation; quality; higher educationEste trabajo se elabora a partir de las opiniones de académicos considerados “actores claves” dentro de cinco instituciones de educación superior de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), por haber participado con diferentes grados de responsabilidad en procesos de acreditación de carreras de Licenciatura en educación, tanto en universidades públicas y privadas. Luego de una breve contextualización del desarrollo y caracterización del Modelo de Acreditación adoptado en Chile a nivel de instituciones y de carreras, se analizan sus opiniones desde distintas experiencias y visiones acerca de los procesos de acreditación en las instituciones estudiadas, los criterios de evaluación, la concepción de calidad utilizada y las expectativas respecto al mejoramiento de las carreras pedagógicas. Finalmente, se plantean algunas propuestas en orden a perfeccionar este proceso evaluativo, atendiendo a la realidad de nuestras institucione

    Latinx Internship Prepa: An Experiential Career Readiness and Preparation Program for Latinx, First-Generation Undergraduate College Students

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    Access to higher education has increased within the last decades, particularly within historically underserved communities, but the challenges of navigating college for first-generation Latino/a/x students still show up in the disproportionate rates of retention, persistence, and graduation for this group (National Center for Education Statistics, 2019). High-impact practices have shown to promote student retention and help close the achievement gap for underrepresented students. More specifically, internships and experiential learning activities play an important role in aiding students\u27 careers, academic major, and self-exploration. For first-generation college students, engaging with higher education institutions through these practices often leads to better academic outcomes and an increase in persistence and retention (Conefrey, 2021). Additionally, professionals of color who work at higher education institutions serve as mentors for students of color and often play a large role in the engagement of this community of students. These faculty and staff of color, when working with students, consider the background and identities as well as their social and cultural capital that this specific student population is bringing with them to a college campus, and in many cases provide more resources and support than what their role entails (Luedke, 2017). During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, a virtual internship preparation and readiness program, Latinx Internship Prepa, was created and launched during the Summer 2020 semester and again in the Fall 2020 semester. The Latinx Internship Prepa program was designed to provide already existing campus resources and services, such as the Career Center and Writing Center, in a structured 5-week student program. The program also provided guidance on accessing and scheduling the use of these services for first-generation Latinx students and providing a direct connection with staff members in these offices. Participating students were provided with career development tools (e.g., resume building, cover letter writing, and LinkedIn branding tips) as well as experiential activities (mock-interviews and presentation delivery practice) to assist these students with applying and interviewing for national and competitive internships and other experiences such as fellowships and clinicals. Professionals of color and/or first-generation professionals were invited to participate in this program by delivering career readiness content through presentations and engaging activities, in addition to leading individual and group mock-interviews with students. Feedback was considered from the summer session, in which students requested more peer interaction and practice of presentation skills. As a result, in the fall semester, a group presentation over a professional development topic of their choosing was added as an additional activity. This article focuses on the experiences of Latinx, First-Generation undergraduate college students who participated in a 5-week online synchronous internship preparation and readiness program. A secondary data set was used in which 18 students during the summer 2020 session and an additional 7 students during the fall 2020 session responded to both qualitative and quantitative questions. Analyses of the data yielded themes that can inform students’ academic and professional planning and future programs to continue to incorporate cultural representation and more intentional support

    Ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico en el CEIP Lledoner, comunidad de aprendizaje: un estudio de casos

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    [spa] Estudio de casos sobre el ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico en un centro de educación pública (infantil y primaria) español que trabaja bajo el proyecto de Comunidades de Aprendizaje, definido por sus actores como de transformación y re-significación de la escuela a partir del trabajo colaborativo de padres, familias, voluntarios, profesores y directivos. Las principales técnicas utilizadas dentro del estudio se encuentran las entrevistas en profundidad, los grupos de discusión, la observación participante, la revisión documental interna del centro y la toma de notas en un diario de campo. El estudio de corte cualitativo fue desarrollado entre los cursos académicos 2011-2012 y 2012-2013, y contó con el financiamiento del estado chileno a partir del programa de formación de capital humano avanzado Becas-Chile. Se logró determinar la importancia que tiene el correcto ejercicio del liderazgo pedagógico compartido dentro de la escuela, que corresponsabiliza a todos los actores en la mejora de los aprendizajes de los estudiantes y a su vez se hace necesario para dotar de sostenibilidad al proyecto educativo del centro.[eng] Cases study about educational leadership in a Spanish public education center (pre-school and primary school) working under the project Learning Communities, defined by its actors as transformation and re-signification of the school from then collaborative work of parents, families, volunteers, teachers and directors. The main techniques used in the study were in-depth interviews, focus groups, participant observation, internal document review center and taking notes in a field journal. The qualitative study was developed between the academic years 2011-2012 and 2012-2013, and was financing by the Chilean state from training program for advanced human capital Becas-Chile. It was possible to determine the importance of the proper exercise of shared pedagogical leadership within the school, that the joint responsibility of all participant is required to improving student learning, which in turn is necessary to provide sustainability to educational project center

    Long Term Outcomes of Surgical and Clinical Symptoms Following Minimally Invasive Heller Myotomy: A Retrospective Clinical Database Review

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    I Introduction Minimally invasive Heller myotomy rates have increased, but little evidence is available regarding long term clinical and surgical outcomes. Our aim was to evaluate long term symptom improvement and medication resolution for patients undergoing minimally invasive Heller myotomy. Methods A single-institution database was retrospectively reviewed for patients undergoing laparoscopic Heller myotomy (LHM) or robotic Heller myotomy (RHM) during 2007-2018. Patients with primary HM followed by a Dor fundoplication were included. Demographics and surgical data were analyzed. Esophageal symptoms, testing, and medication use were collected preoperatively (pre-op), at 6-month (6-mo), 12-month (12-mo), and long-term (LT; 12-mo+) follow-up. Analysis was performed using SPSS v.23.0, α=0.05. Results Eighty eight patients (RHM:N=66; LHM:N=22) were included. The majority were male (62.5%) and Caucasian (89.8%), with a mean BMI of 27.3. Two patients had an intraoperative esophageal perforation, each repaired with a non-eventful postoperative course. Mean follow-up time was 71 months overall, 75 months [11-171 months] and 40 months [6-158 months] for LHM and RHM, respectively. All patients showed significant LT improvement of regurgitation, solid or liquid dysphagia, and Eckardt Score. Postoperative proton pump inhibitor (PPI) use was significantly lower at LT (LHM:31.3%, RHM:19.4%) compared to pre-op. Conclusion In this study, minimally invasive HM was a safe and effective treatment for achalasia symptom resolution in the long term. Therefore, in our experience, minimally invasive HM is a safe therapy that helps maintain symptom resolution

    El liderazgo compartido como factor de sostenibilidad del proyecto de comunidades de aprendizajes

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    El presente artículo indaga sobre los significados y valoraciones que los miembros de una Comunidad de Aprendizaje le atribuyen al fenómeno del liderazgo. Utilizamos una metodología cualitativa de estudio de casos, desde una perspectiva comunicativo-crítica. A pesar de las diversas conceptualizaciones, existe una alta valoración sobre la importancia que tiene el liderazgo como base de la mejora y cambio educativo. Nuestro estudio pone de manifiesto también que la sostenibilidad del proyecto depende de la participación y corresponsabilidad en el aprendizaje de todos sus miembros

    La experiencia de la aplicación de un modelo de acreditación de carreras en Chile (2000 – 2007)

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    Aquest treball s’elabora a partir de les opinions d’acadèmics considerats «actors claus» dins de cinc institucions d’educació superior de la regió de Valparaíso (Xile), per haver participat amb diferents graus de responsabilitat en processos d’acreditació de carreres de llicenciatura en Educació, tant en universitats públiques com privades. Després d’una breu contextualització del desenvolupament i caracterització del Model d’Acreditació adoptat a Xile en l’àmbit d’institucions i de carreres, s’analitzen les seves opinions des de diferents experiències i visions sobre els processos d’acreditació en les institucions estudiades, els criteris d’avaluació, el concepte de qualitat utilitzada i les expectatives respecte a la millora de les carreres pedagògiques. Finalment, es plantegen algunes propostes amb vista a perfeccionar aquest procés avaluatiu, atenent a la realitat de les nostres institucions.This work is made from the academics views considered "key players" in five higher education institutions in the region of Valparaiso (Chile), for having participated with different degrees of responsibility in accreditation processes of degree careers in education, both public and private universities. After a brief contextualization of the development and characterization of the accreditation model adopted in Chile at the level of institutions and courses, analyses their views from different experiences and views about studied institutions accreditation processes, evaluation criteria, the concept of quality used and the expectations concerning the improvement of the teaching careers. Finally, raised some proposals in order to refine this evaluative process, in response to the reality of our institutions.Este trabajo se elabora a partir de las opiniones de académicos considerados “actores claves” dentro de cinco instituciones de educación superior de la región de Valparaíso (Chile), por haber participado con diferentes grados de responsabilidad en procesos de acreditación de carreras de Licenciatura en educación, tanto en universidades públicas y privadas. Luego de una breve contextualización del desarrollo y caracterización del Modelo de Acreditación adoptado en Chile a nivel de instituciones y de carreras, se analizan sus opiniones desde distintas experiencias y visiones acerca de los procesos de acreditación en las instituciones estudiadas, los criterios de evaluación, la concepción de calidad utilizada y las expectativas respecto al mejoramiento de las carreras pedagógicas. Finalmente, se plantean algunas propuestas en orden a perfeccionar este proceso evaluativo, atendiendo a la realidad de nuestras instituciones

    An example of secondary fault activity along the North Anatolian Fault on the NE Marmara Sea Shelf, NW Turkey

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    Seismic data on the NE Marmara Sea Shelf indicate that a NNE-SSW-oriented buried basin and ridge system exist on the sub-marine extension of the Paleozoic Rocks delimited by the northern segment of the North Anatolian Fault (NS-NAF), while seismic and multi-beam bathymetric data imply that four NW-SE-oriented strike-slip faults also exist on the shelf area. Seismic data indicate that NW-SE-oriented strike-slip faults are the youngest structures that dissect the basin-ridge system. One of the NW-SE-oriented faults (F1) is aligned with a rupture of the North Anatolian Fault (NAF) cutting the northern slope of the Cinarcik Basin. This observation indicates that these faults have similar characteristics with the NS-NAF along the Marmara Sea. Therefore, they may have a secondary relation to the NAF since the principle deformation zone of the NAF follows the Marmara Trough in that region. The seismic energy recorded on these secondary faults is much less than that on the NAF in the Marmara Sea. These faults may, however, produce a large earthquake in the long term

    Effects of different doses of Salix babylonica extract on growth performance and diet in vitro gas production in Pelibuey growing lambs

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    Twenty Pelibuey 3-4 month old and 23.7±3.3 kg body weight male lambs were used in a randomised design to study the effects of daily oral administration of Salix babylonica (SB) extract on dry matter (DM), water intake, average daily gain (ADG), and feed efficiency for 72 days. Animals were divided into four groups fed the same total mixed ration with different doses of SB: 0 (Control), 20 (SB20), 40 (SB40) and 60 (SB60) mL/lamb/d. In vitro gas production (GP) of the same diet fed to lambs as a substrate was measured with different doses of SB (0, 0.3, 0.7, 1.0 mL/g DM). Daily administration of SB to lambs had no effects (P=0.05) on growth performance and DMI (linear effect, P=0.2805; quadratic effect, P=0.3747). Both low and moderate doses of SB (SB40>SB20) tended to increase (linear effect, P=0.4010; quadratic effect, P=0.9166) ADG. The asymptotic GP quadratically increased (PSB20) tended to increase (linear effect, P=0.4010; quadratic effect, P=0.9166) ADG. The asymptotic GP quadratically increased (PSB20) tended to increase (linear effect, P=0.4010; quadratic effect, P=0.9166) ADG. The asymptotic GP quadratically increased (P<0.001) with decreased GP rate and with increasing SB extract doses. In vitro GP increased (P<0.05) with advancing of incubation time in all SB doses. During the first 24 h of incubation, 0.3 mL SB/g DM had the highest GP, whereas 1.0 mL SB/g DM quadratically increased (P<0.001) GP. The low dose of SB extract increased ME (linear effect, P=0.024) and short chain fatty acids (SCFA) (linear effect, P=0.023). However, the highest dose quadratically decreased (P=0.02) DM degradability. In conclusion, administration of SB extract at 40 mL/lamb/d tended to increase DM intake, improve daily weight gain in growing lambs with increasing asymptotic in vitro ruminal GP and SB dose

    Oral administration of Sauce llorón extract to growing lambs to control gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp

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    The TMR used was the same that was previously fed to lambs of the experiment done at the same farm by Salem et al.[18]. Lambs were fed the same TMR with the addition of 0, 20, 40 and 60 mL SB extract/lamb/day for Control (SB0), SB20, SB40 and SB60, respectively. Extract was orally administered daily at 7:00 h before morning feeding to each lamb for 45 days of the experimental period. Lambs were fed at 7:00, 13:00 and 17:00 h with a TMR that was formulated to meet all of their nutrient requirements[19]. Feed and water intake was recorded daily during the experimental period.Objective: To explore anthelmintic effects of oral administration of aqueous extract of Sauce llor ´on (Salix babylonica; SB) against gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp. Methods: Sixteen Pelibuey male lambs of 3–4 months of age and (23.7 ± 3.3) kg body weight were used in a completely randomized design to be fed a total mixed ration (Control; SB0), or Control plus SB extract using 20 (SB20), 40 (SB40) and 60 (SB60) mL/lamb/day for 45 days. Lambs had a natural gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp. infection and had never been treated with chemical anthelmintic drugs. Individual faecal samples were collected for ova counting using McMaster procedure after 0, 7, 14, 21, 30 and 45 days post extract administration. Results: No extract dose × day interactions for both gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp. egg count were found. Administration of SB extract had a higher effect (quadratic effect, P = 0.006 4) at dose of 20 mL SB/lamb/day for gastrointestinal nematode eggs during the first 21 days; however, the dose of SB40 tended (linear effect, P = 0.089 7) to be more effective than the others for Moniezia spp. egg during the first 7 days. Sampling day had a linear (P = 0.043 6) effect on Moniezia spp. egg count. Conclusions: The aqueous extract of SB could be more effective against nematodes at 20 and at 40 mL/lamb/day for Moniezia spp. The use of the SB extract could represent a promising alternative to synthetic anthelmintics for the treatment of gastrointestinal nematodes and Moniezia spp. in small ruminants from organic and conventional production system