53 research outputs found

    Evaluación del desempeño de los colaboradores del Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda del Sector Público, de la ciudad de Quito, provincia de Pichincha, para la aplicación de estrategias de gestión en el área administrativa, período 2015

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    La presente investigación tiene por objetivo la “Evaluación del Desempeño de los colaboradores del Ministerio de Desarrollo Urbano y Vivienda del Sector Público de la ciudad de Quito, Provincia de Pichincha, para la aplicación de estrategias de gestión en el área administrativa, período 2015”, a fin de alcanzar una nueva cultura y desarrollo organizacional. Se realizó una entrevista y el análisis con la utilización de los formularios Eval-01 y Eval-03 del Ministerio de Relaciones Laborales. Para cumplir el proceso de evaluación requerido por la SENRES que trabaja con las 34 competencias técnicas y con las 9 competencias universales que recomienda el MRL de igual manera con un solo evaluador el mismo que podrá medir en base a grados de relevancia contemplados en el Artículo 14 de la Norma Técnica del Subsistema de Evaluación del Desempeño. Para dar a conocer el informe de evaluación del desempeño se recomienda la implementación de estrategias de gestión que garanticen un cambio positivo en el desempeño y eficiencia de los servidores, al igual que permita dar cumplimiento tanto a la Normativa Legal como a los requerimientos que tiene la Dirección del Talento Humano.The present research has as its objective the "Development Evaluation of the collaborators of the Ministry of Urban Development and Housing of the Public Sector in the city of Quito, Pichincha Province, for the implementation of management strategies in the administrative area, period 2015", so that, to achieve a new culture and organizational development. An interview was conducted and analysis with the use of the forms Eval-01 and Eval-03 of the Ministry of Labor Relations. In order to comply the evaluation process required by the SENRES that work with 34 technical skills and with the 9 universal competencies recommended by MRL in the same way with a single evaluator which could measure based on degrees of relevance referred to in Article 14 of the Technical Standard of the Subsystem of Performance Evaluation. To publicize the report of performance evaluation is recommended the implementation of strategies for the management that ensures a positive change in the performance and efficiency of servers as well as allow to comply both with the Legal Regulation and the requirements that have the Human Talent Management

    El estrés y la incidencia en la conducta de los adolescentes en los colegios urbano-marginales de Ibarra durante el año lectivo 2010

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    Establecer el nivel de estrés y su incidencia en la conducta de los/as adolescentes de los colegios urbano-marginales de Ibarra, “28 de Septiembre” de Priorato y Nocturno “Lincoln Larrea” de Guayaquil de Alpachaca durante el año lectivo 2010.El presente trabajo de investigación va encaminado a lograr que los jóvenes y adolescentes impulsar el desarrollo integral de su personalidad en base del despliegue de sus potencialidades utilizando la ayuda de técnicas modernas para combatir el estrés que incide en la conducta, los maestros, familia y jóvenes tengan en sus manos recursos pedagógicos para hacer frente a las diversas situaciones que afecten su vida y su conducta con bajo rendimiento académico

    Temporal profiles of intra- and extracellular laccase isoenzymes from Pleurotus ostreatus produced in submerged and solid-state cultures

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    Laccases are enzymes that have a great potential for use in breaking down toxic compounds. Fungal laccases show high enzymatic activity, especially those produced by basidiomycetes. Depending on the culture conditions and the strain used, a variety of isoenzymes and/or enzymatic activities can be obtained. In this study, extracellular laccase enzymes produced by Pleurotus ostreatus was identified in a submerged culture (SmF), with and without copper sulphate as a chemical inducer, and in a solidstate culture (SSF), using wheat straw as natural inducer. This study was conducted to observe the expression of the enzymes produced under the culture conditions tested and their persistence during the culture, as well as the extracellular activity produced and the correspondence that the isoenzymes presented between the intracellular and extracellular media. A positive effect of the inducers on the specific laccase activity was observed either in SmF with copper sulphate or SSF (41.11 and 40.43 UI/mg protein, respectively), compared with that obtained in SmF without copper sulphate (2.87 UI/mg protein). This effect was different only at the time when the highest activity appeared (360 and 120 h, respectively), showing advantages in SSF. The same three isoenzymes were observed in the three kinds of cultures. The main differences among the laccase profiles reside in the time when they appeared in each culture and only an additional form of lower molecular weight was observed in SSF. The laccase enzymes in the intracellular extracts were equal to those in the extracellular ones. The laccase isoenzymes profiles suggest that the presence of inducers helps in maintaining the activity through the culture time.Keywords: Phenol oxidases, basidiomycete, enzymatic activity, copper, wheat straw, solid-state culture (SSF), submerged culture (SMF

    Módulo de educación financiera sobre el tema ahorro: un aporte para promover el ahorro familiar en los consejos comunales.

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    The research was conducted with the aim of developing a financial education modules on the subject Savings; to promote household savings in the communal councils, for it was identified how local councils make the promotion of household savings? and described the guidelines for the design of financial education programs. The research was framed within the quantitative paradigm, the design and use descriptive and explanatory research. The research sample, which was intentional, was comprised of 14 community councils registered with the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIA-Lara). As data collection instrument was a questionnaire response closed, open and mixed. The design of the proposal was developed using the methodology of financial education program for the poor, developed by Microfinance Opportunities, Freedom From Hunger and Citigroup Foundation. The results showed that the DAC-UCLA students, through community service, use the program content of the subjects that are part of the curriculum of study to meet the needs of citizens and community councils surveyed are interested in incorporating activities saving training on the subject.La investigación se realizó con la finalidad de diseñar un modulo de Educación Financiera sobre el tema Ahorro; para promover el Ahorro Familiar en los Consejos Comunales; para ello se identifico ¿cómo los consejos comunales realizan la promoción del ahorro familiar? y se describieron las orientaciones para el diseño de programas de educación financiera. La investigación estuvo enmarcada en el paradigma cuantitativo, y se uso el diseño de investigación descriptivo y explicativo. La muestra de la investigación, la cual fue intencional, estuvo conformada por 14 consejos comunales inscritos en el Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrícolas (INIA-LARA). Como instrumento de recolección de información se utilizó un cuestionario de respuestas cerradas, abiertas y mixtas. El diseño de la propuesta se elaboró utilizando la metodología del programa de educación financiera para los pobres, desarrollado por Microfinance Opportunities, Freedom From Hunger y Citigroup Foundation. Los resultados determinaron que los estudiantes del DAC-UCLA, a través del servicio comunitario, utilizan el contenido programático de las materias que forman parte del pensum de estudio para cubrir necesidades de la ciudadanía y que los consejos comunales consultados, están interesados en incorporar actividades de capacitación sobre el tema ahorro

    El vínculo figura cuidadora-niño en casos de autismo

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    Autistic spectrum (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by difficulties in socialization, empathy, verbal and nonverbal communication, repetitive and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Although the presence of caregivers who are sensitive to their needs is essential in all children, this task is difficult in children with ASD due to the particularities of the disorder. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to explore the characteristics of the interaction of four caregivers with their children with ASD in order to provide recommendations that strengthen this bond, so as to promote the development of children. An exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach methodology was used. The tools used were a sociodemographic data sheet and the MBPQS test to obtain an appreciation of the sensitivity of the participating caregivers in the care of their children with ASD. The results showed that there were manifestations of sensitive care that needed to be strengthened. Based on these findings, recommendations were made to caregivers, with guidelines to strengthen the bond and development of children.El espectro autista (TEA) es un trastorno del neurodesarrollo caracterizado por dificultades en socialización, empatía, comunicación verbal y no verbal, conductas e intereses repetitivos y estereotipados. Si bien en todos los niños es fundamental la presencia de figuras cuidadoras sensibles a sus necesidades, esta labor se dificulta en los niños con TEA por las particularidades del trastorno. Por tanto, el objetivo del presente estudio fue explorar las características de la interacción de cuatro figuras cuidadoras con sus niños con TEA para proveer recomendaciones que fortalezcan este vínculo, de modo que se promueva el desarrollo de los niños. Se utilizó una metodología de enfoque cualitativo y de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo. Las herramientas empleadas fueron una ficha de datos sociodemográficos y el test MBPQS para obtener una apreciación de la sensibilidad de las figuras cuidadoras participantes en el cuidado de sus niños con TEA. Los resultados demostraron que había manifestaciones del cuidado sensible que requerían ser fortalecidas. A partir de estos hallazgos se elaboraron recomendaciones a las figuras cuidadoras, con pautas para fortalecer el vínculo y el desarrollo de los niños

    Talleres de escritura y su incidencia en la producción de textos descriptivos en inglés

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    El objetivo de la investigación, fue analizar la incidencia de los talleres de escritura en la producción de textos descriptivos en los estudiantes del Centro de Idiomas de la Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, bajo los parámetros de: pre escritura, borrador, revisión, edición y corrección. Para lo cual, se aplicó un plan de intervención sobre la base de las deficiencias detectadas. La muestra estuvo conformada por 2 grupos de 41 estudiantes. Al grupo experimental se aplicó el plan de intervención; mientras que el grupo de control siguió el método tradicional. Cada grupo fue evaluado mediante un instrumento en dos momentos: al inicio y al final de la experimentación. Los resultados fueron tabulados, analizados y sometidos a una prueba estadística; la misma que permitió concluir que los talleres influyeron de manera significativa en la producción de textos descriptivos

    Urolithiasis Bioresource

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    Urolithiasis is frequent and raises significant health care burden in a working-age population. Its prevalence, in the Azores archipelago, is currently unknown but it is thought to be higher than the overall estimated prevalence. The Azores Biobank (AZORBIO) Urolithiasis samples have been collected in accordance with standard operation procedures (SOPs) to ensure high quality. Each donor provided 30 ml whole blood and 9 ml of urine. If possible, we preferred blood collected from fasting individuals and first morning urine samples. Aliquots of plasma, serum, DNA, RNA and urine, are stored at -80°C freezers. This collection of samples, and data, will be used to investigate the genetic and/or environmental risk factors associated with the disease in this geographical area.</p

    Paracoccidioidiomycosis: case report

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    Os autores reportam o caso clínico de um homem, 43 anos de idade, natural e residente na ilha da Madeira, emigrado na Venezuela até há 6 anos. Em Março 2009, observado por aparecimento de lesão pápulo-crostosa de bordos regulares eritematosos, indolor, pruriginosa, com dimensões de 4,5 x 3 cm, localizada no dorso, com 2 meses de evolução. Como antecedentes, refere história de lesão da mucosa bucal, com exame histopatológico compatível com paracoccidioidomicose (PCM). Foram efectuadas duas biópsias da lesão cutânea para avaliação histopatológica e micológica. O exame histopatológico revelou a presença de múltiplas células circulares, sugerindo distribuição característica de “roda de leme”. O estudo micológicos revelou, no exame directo, a presença de leveduras – algumas em gemulação. As culturas permitiram isolar o Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. A radiografia pulmonar apresentava infiltrado bilateral e simétrico, nos lobos centrais e basais. A Tomografia Axial Computadorizada torácica demonstrou múltiplos nódulos espiculados, áreas de opacidade e bronquiectasias. Foi efectuada broncofibroscopia (sem alterações) e simultaneamente foi obtido o lavado broncoalveolar (LBA). A cultura, a 25º C, revelou a presença de hifas e clamidósporos (forma filamentosa). Na cultura, a 37º C, não se obteve a forma leveduriforme. O tratamento efectuado foi o itraconazol 200 mg/dia, durante 6 meses, com regressão da lesão. Até à actualidade, nenhum caso de PCM foi reportado na ilha da Madeira, Portugal. Embora não seja frequente, fora das áreas endémicas, os dermatologistas devem ser capazes de reconhecer e diagnosticar micoses sistémicas, como a PCM.We report a case of a 43 years-old portuguese man, natural and resident in Madeira island, who was emigrated in Venezuela until 6 years ago. He was observed on March 2008 for a crusted papulo-nodular lesion with erythematous regular borders, pruritic and sized 4,5 x 3,0 cm, located on the dorsum, with a 2 month history. There was no palpable lymphadenopathy. He denied other simptomatology. On March of 1999, the patient had a mouth lesion which was compatible with paracoccidioidomycosis on histopathological examination. He was not aware of any associated pathologies. We performed two punch biopsies of the cutaneous lesion for histopathological and mycological examination. The histopathology showed the presence of multiple round cells of different size (yeast cells) in a narrow base suggesting the classic “pilot’s wheels”, on Hematoxiline & Eosine stain. On direct microscopic examination the mycology revealed yeast of different sizes – some of them on gemulation. The cultures, at 24º and 37º, isolated Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. The thoracic x-ray revealed a heterogeneous, bilateral and symmetric pattern located towards the central and basal portions. The CT scan of the chest showed multiple, micronodular and striated lesions (some of them with small cavities), with tendency to coalesce. To characterize better these lung abnormalities, the patient performed a fibrobronchoscopy of the respiratory tract which was normal. The culture, at 25 ºC, obtained from the sputum of the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BAL) showed Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. Routine laboratory studies were normal and serology negative for HIV and tuberculosis. The treatment of choice was itraconazol 200 mg/day, for 6 months. As far as we know no case of PCM has been reported in Madeira. Although it is not a frequent disease outside the endemic areas, dermatologists should be able to recognise and diagnose systemic mycosis like PCM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Malnutrition in elementary rural schools in the municipality of Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, Mexico

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    Objective: To evaluate malnutrition in basic education students from four rural schools belonging to the municipality of Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, Mexico. Methodology: The study is based on the Participatory Action-Research (PAR) process, it is descriptive, analytical, non-experimental and cross-sectional. Through anthropometric measurements, the body mass index (BMI) was determined for 617 children and adolescents. To determine malnutrition, the tables proposed by the World Health Organization 2007 were taken as a reference, which indicate the BMI according to gender and age. Results: 47% of the students are in a normal nutritional state. In the rest of the student population, the problem of malnutrition predominated, with 43% being overweight and obese, and regarding malnutrition in its three levels (mild, moderate and severe), it had an impact on 10%, with girls being the most frequency to this problem. Implication: the study does not present dietary surveys or medical history of the students, since anthropometry is a method validated by the WHO. Findings: 53% of students face nutritional problems such as: overweight, obesity and malnutrition. Therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies in a participatory manner, as well as to develop a nutritional education program based on the “territorial food system” respecting their culture and, based on this, encourage the co-design of school and / or family gardens through agroecopedagogy.Objective: To assess malnutrition in elementary education students from four rural schools in the municipality of Paso de Ovejas, Veracruz, Mexico. Methodology: The study is based on the participatory action research process (PAR), a descriptive, analytical, non-experimental, and cross-sectional methodology. The body mass index (BMI) of 617 children and teenagers was measured through an anthropometric assessment. To determine malnutrition, the 2007 World Health Organization report which measures BMI according to gender and age was taken as reference. Results: Forty-seven percent of the students have a normal nutritional status. Among the rest of the student population, the problem of malnutrition is prevalent, with 43% being overweight or obese. Malnutrition in its three levels (mild, moderate, and severe) had an impact on 10% of the population, with girls being the most frequently affected. Implication: The study does not present dietary surveys nor students’ medical histories. Still, anthropometry is a method validated by WHO. Findings: Nutritional problems —such as overweight, obesity, and malnutrition— were observed in 53% of the students. Therefore, it is necessary to implement strategies that follow a participatory model and to develop a nutritional education program based on the “territorial food system”. This will foster respect for the local culture and encourage the co-design of school and/or family kitchen gardens through agro-ecopedagogy