16 research outputs found

    Phosphorylation stoichiometries of human eukaryotic initiation factors.

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    Eukaryotic translation initiation factors are the principal molecular effectors regulating the process converting nucleic acid to functional protein. Commonly referred to as eIFs (eukaryotic initiation factors), this suite of proteins is comprised of at least 25 individual subunits that function in a coordinated, regulated, manner during mRNA translation. Multiple facets of eIF regulation have yet to be elucidated; however, many of the necessary protein factors are phosphorylated. Herein, we have isolated, identified and quantified phosphosites from eIF2, eIF3, and eIF4G generated from log phase grown HeLa cell lysates. Our investigation is the first study to globally quantify eIF phosphosites and illustrates differences in abundance of phosphorylation between the residues of each factor. Thus, identification of those phosphosites that exhibit either high or low levels of phosphorylation under log phase growing conditions may aid researchers to concentrate their investigative efforts to specific phosphosites that potentially harbor important regulatory mechanisms germane to mRNA translation

    Heparan sulfate differences in rheumatoid arthritis versus healthy sera

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    Heparan sulfate (HS) is a complex and highly variable polysaccharide, expressed ubiquitously on the cell surface as HS proteoglycans (HSPGs), and found in the extracellular matrix as free HS fragments. Its heterogeneity due to various acetylation and sulfation patterns endows a multitude of functions. In animal tissues, HS interacts with a wide range of proteins to mediate numerous biological activities; given its multiple roles in inflammation processes, characterization of HS in human serum has significant potential for elucidating disease mechanisms. Historically, investigation of HS was limited by its low concentration in human serum, together with the complexity of the serum matrix. In this study, we used a modified mass spectrometry method to examine HS disaccharide profiles in the serum of 50 women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and compared our results to 51 sera from healthy women. Using various purification methods and online LC–MS/MS, we discovered statistically significant differences in the sulfation and acetylation patterns between populations. Since early diagnosis of RA is considered important in decelerating the disease's progression, identification of specific biomolecule characterizations may provide crucial information towards developing new therapies for suppressing the disease in its early stages. This is the first report of potential glycosaminoglycan biomarkers for RA found in human sera, while acknowledging the obvious fact that a larger population set, and more stringent collection parameters, will need to be investigated in the future.The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by the National Institutes of Health (Grant GM 47356)

    Dynactin-dependent cortical dynein and spherical spindle shape correlate temporally with meiotic spindle rotation in Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    Oocyte meiotic spindles orient with one pole juxtaposed to the cortex to facilitate extrusion of chromosomes into polar bodies. In Caenorhabditis elegans, these acentriolar spindles initially orient parallel to the cortex and then rotate to the perpendicular orientation. To understand the mechanism of spindle rotation, we characterized events that correlated temporally with rotation, including shortening of the spindle in the pole-to pole axis, which resulted in a nearly spherical spindle at rotation. By analyzing large spindles of polyploid C. elegans and a related nematode species, we found that spindle rotation initiated at a defined spherical shape rather than at a defined spindle length. In addition, dynein accumulated on the cortex just before rotation, and microtubules grew from the spindle with plus ends outward during rotation. Dynactin depletion prevented accumulation of dynein on the cortex and prevented spindle rotation independently of effects on spindle shape. These results support a cortical pulling model in which spindle shape might facilitate rotation because a sphere can rotate without deforming the adjacent elastic cytoplasm. We also present evidence that activation of spindle rotation is promoted by dephosphorylation of the basic domain of p150 dynactin

    Novel Mass Spectrometric Method for Phosphorylation Quantification Using Cerium Oxide Nanoparticles and Tandem Mass Tags

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    The stoichiometry of protein phosphorylation significantly impacts protein function. The development of quantitative techniques in mass spectrometry has generated the ability to systematically monitor the regulation levels of various proteins. This study reports an integrated methodology using cerium oxide nanoparticles and isobaric tandem mass tag (TMT) labeling to assess absolute stoichiometries of protein phosphorylation. This protocol was designed to directly measure the dephosphorylation levels for a known phosphorylation site, therefore allowing for quantification of phosphosites. Both the accuracy and precision of the method were verified using standard peptides and protein tryptic digests. This novel method was then applied to quantify phosphorylations on eukaryotic initiation factor 3H (eIF3H), a protein integral to overall eukaryotic protein translation initiation. To date, this is the first report of assessment of protein phosphorylation quantification on eIF3

    Differentiation of CC vs CXC Chemokine Dimers with GAG Octasaccharide Binding Partners: An Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Approach

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    Chemokines, 8 kDa proteins implicated in leukocyte migration via oligomerization, bind to glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) during the inflammation response as a means to regulate chemokine migration. Structural characterization of chemokines non-covalently bound to GAGs provides physiologically meaningful data in regard to routine inmmunosurveillance and disease response. In order to analyze the structures resulting from the GAG:chemokine interaction, we employed ion mobility mass spectrometry (IMMS) to analyze monocyte chemoattractant protein‑1 (MCP‑1), a CC chemokine, and interleukin‑8 (IL‑8), a CXC chemokine, along with their individual interactions with GAG heparin octasaccharides. We show that MCP‑1 and IL‑8 are physiologically present as a dimer, with MCP‑1 having two variants of its dimeric form and IL‑8 having only one. We also show that the MCP‑1 dimer adopts two conformations, one extended and one compact, when bound to a dodecasulfated heparin octasaccharide. Binding of MCP‑1 to heparin octasaccharide isomers of varying sulfation patterns results in similar arrival time distribution values, which suggests minimal distinguishing features among the resultant complexes. Additionally, tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) showed that the binding of MCP‑1 to a heparin octasaccharide has different dissociation patterns when compared with the corresponding IL‑8 bound dimer. Overall, IMMS and MS/MS were used to better define the structural tendencies and differences associated with CC and CXC dimers when associated with GAG octasaccharides

    Methodology for measuring conformation of solvent-disrupted protein subunits using T-WAVE ion mobility MS: an investigation into eukaryotic initiation factors

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    The methodology developed in the research presented herein makes use of chaotropic solvents to gently dissociate subunits from an intact macromolecular complex and subsequently allows for the measurement of collision cross section (CCS) for both the recombinant (R-eIF3k) and solvent dissociated form of the subunit (S-eIF3k). In this particular case, the k Subunit from the eukaryotic initiation factor 3 (eIF3) was investigated in detail. Experimental and theoretical CCS values show both the recombinant and solvent disrupted forms of the protein to be essentially the same. The ultimate goal of the project is to structurally characterize all the binding partners of eIF3, determine which subunits interact directly, and investigate how subunits may change conformation when they form complexes with other proteins. Research presented herein is the first report showing retention of solution conformation of a protein as evidenced by CCS measurements of both recombinant and solvent disrupted versions of the same protein. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 1699-1706) (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Inc. on behalf of American Society for Mass Spectrometr