23 research outputs found

    Eksperimen Pembelajaran Matematika Dengan Strategi Learning Start With A Question (Lsq) Dan Information Search (Is) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika Ditinjau Dari Kepercayaan Diri Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Al Islam Kartasura

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    The purpose of the research are to analyze: (1) the effect of learning Learning Start With A Question and Information Search on learning outcomes. (2) the effect student active for learning outcomes. (3) the interaction between learning methods Learning Start With A Question and Information Search of self confidence on learning outcomes. Type of the reseach quantitative with experimental design. Sample where taken by Cluster random sampling of the population of all students of class VIII SMP Al Islam Kartasura academic year 2016/2017. Data collection techniques by using questionnaires, tests and documentation. Before to the analyze, first tested the normality and homogeneity test. The hypotesistent use unvalance two way analysis of variance with α = 5%. The result of this study showed: (1) there was the effect of learning methods Learning Start With A Question and Information Search on learning outcomes. (2) there was the effect student self confidence for learning outcomes. (3) there was not interaction between learning methods Learning Start With A Question and Information Search of self confidence on learning outcomes


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    Background : Anisometropia is one of the most prevalent refractive disorders in the world. It is categorized into three degrees which are mild, moderate and severe. The more severe the degree of anisometropia is, the higher the possibility of other visual impairments to occur. One of the visual impairment is stereoscopic vision impairment. Aims : To determine the differences in stereoscopic vision between two groups of patients: those having mild-to-moderate anisometropia and severe anisometropia Methods : A cross-sectional study with two groups of patients with mild-to-moderate and severe anisometropia was conducted in RSUP dr.Kariadi Semarang during March to May 2016. This study involved 28 subjects suffering from various degrees of anisometropia. Vision test was held to classify their degree of anisometropia and was followed by stereoscopic vision examination using TNO Stereotest. Results : Subjects who suffered from mild-to-moderate anisometropia had better stereoscopic vision’s mean (81.43 ± 58.159 arcseconds) compared to those suffered from severe anisometropia (300±40,7 arcseconds) with p=0,000 Conclusion : There is a significant difference of stereoscopic vision between two groups of subjects with mild-to-moderate anisometropia and severe anisometropia. Keyword : anisometropia, degree of anisometropia, severe, stereoscopic vision, stereopsi


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    Latar Belakang : Penurunan sensibilitas kornea merupakan salah satu efek samping dari penggunaan beta blocker topikal yang dapat menimbulkan berbagai masalah seperti penurunan reflex mengedip, penurunan kemampuan penyembuhan luka pada kornea, dan terkait juga dengan penurunan sekresi air mata. Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui hubungan antara sensibilitas kornea dengan lama penggunaan beta blocker pada pasien glaukoma di RSUP Dr. Kariadi Semarang. Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional, yang menggunakan data dari wawancara dengan pasien dan pemeriksaan langsung. Pemeriksaan sensibilitas kornea menggunakan alat estesiometer Cochet-Bonnet. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji non parametrik Spearman. Hasil : Sebanyak 44 mata dari 25 pasien glaukoma yang terdiri dari 9 laki-laki dan 16 perempuan dan telah diwawancara lama penggunaan beta blocker diperiksa sensibilitas korneanya. Kelompok subjek yang menggunakan beta blocker 12 bulan memiliki rerata skor sensibilitas kornea tertinggi yaitu 19,958 mg/mm2. Uji non parametrik Spearman menunjukkan adanya kekuatan korelasi sedang, yaitu r=0,495, dengan p =0,001. Kesimpulan : Terdapat hubungan antara penurunan sensibilitas kornea dengan lama penggunaan beta blocker pada pasien glaukoma. Kata Kunci: sensibilitas kornea, glaukoma, beta blocker


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    Background: Stereoscopic is the highest level of binocular vision. Disruption of stereoscopic can reduce the quality of life. One of the factor that can lead to stereoscopic impairment is refractive error. Myopia is a refractive error that has high prevalence and can affect stereoscopic vision. Aim: To determine the difference of the stereoscopic vision among patients with mild, moderate, and severe myopia. Methods: The study was observational research with cross sectional design and conducted at outpatient of Ophtalmology, Dr. Kariadi Hospital Semarang during March until May 2016. The subject were patients with mild myopia (n=16), moderate myopia (n=16), and severe myopia (n=16). Stereoscopic vision was measured using TNO stereotest with corrected visual acuity. The difference of stereoscopic vision among groups were analyzed using Kruskal-Waliis test and Mann-Whitney test. Result: Kruskal-Wallis test showed significant differences of stereoscopic vision among patients with mild myopia, moderate myopia, and severe myopia. Stereoscopic vision in patients with moderate myopia were 90 (60-480) arc sec, significantly worse than in mild myopia 60 (60-120) arc sec (p=0,006). Stereoscopic vision in patients with severe myopia were 120 (60-240) arc sec, also significantly worse than in mild myopia (p=0,002). There was no significant difference of stereoscopic vision among moderate myopia and severe myopia (p = 0.838). Conclusion: There were significant differences of stereoscopic vision among patients with mild myopia, moderate myopia, and severe myopia. Stereoscopic vision in moderate and severe myopia are significantly worse than mild myopia. Key words: Stereoscopic vision, Myopia, TNO stereotest

    Structure-Functional Parameters in Differentiating Between Patients With Different Degrees of Glaucoma

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    We evaluated spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) parameters and visual field parameters in patients with different degrees of open-angle glaucoma (preperimetric, mild, moderate, and severe glaucoma) to determine which parameter best identifies each glaucomatous group