11 research outputs found

    The Influence of Original Local Government Revenue, Specific Allocation Fund on Government Capital Expenditures in Southeast Sulawesi Disrict/ City

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    This study aims to examine how the influence of Local Own Revenue and Special Allocation Funds on District/City Government Capital Expenditures in Southeast Sulawesi Province. The type of data used in this study is secondary data. The source of the data used in this study comes from Realization Reports on the Capital Expenditure Budget, Local Own Revenue and Special Allocation Funds from 2015-2021 in 17 Regencies/Cities in Southeast Sulawesi Province. Analysis of testing the data in this study is panel data regression analysis using Eviews 10 software. The results of this study found that the Regional Original Income variable has a significant effect on the Capital Expenditure variable with a significant level of 0.0000, the Special Allocation Fund variable has a significant effect on the Capital Expenditure variable with a significant level of 0.0000. As well as the variable Regional Original Income and Special Allocation Funds Simultaneously or jointly have a significant effect on the Capital Expenditure variable with a significant level of 0.00000. The limitations of this study are that there are still many factors that influence Capital Expenditures, therefore it is hoped that further researchers can add other variables to make them more varied

    How liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios influence financial distress: A study on Indonesian mining firms

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    This study investigates the impact of liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios on financial distress in mining companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. It posits that higher liquidity in a company correlates with reduced financial distress. The research encompasses eight mining companies observed from 2016 to 2020. Purposive sampling was employed to select a sample of eight companies meeting specific criteria. The study utilizes multiple linear regression analysis as its analytical approach. The findings, significant at the 5% level, reveal that liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios collectively exert a substantial influence on financial distress, accounting for 85.3% of the variance in the dependent variable. Specifically, the study concludes that: 1) Liquidity has a significant negative effect on financial distress, 2) Profitability also demonstrates a significant negative impact on financial distress, and 3) Leverage exhibits a significant positive effect on financial distress

    Penatalaksanaan Hydrotherapy Pada Anak Cerebral Palsy Spastic Quadriplegy Dengan Gangguan Kemampuan Fungsional Berdiri Dan Berjalandi Yayasan Sayap Ibu (YSI)Yogyakarta

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    Background : Cerebral palsy spastic quadriplegy the term is used to describe disorders of brain development when the brain is on infancy, where this disorder is characterized with increased tendon reflexes, stretch reflexes excessive, increase muscle tone or hipercontractility muscle and clonus happens four extremity upper although lower. In this case will be found signs, symptoms and the complex problematic with main problem is the existence of postural spasticity and four extremity with activities standing and walking disorder. Aims of Research: To know the implementation of physiotherapy in the case of spastic cerebral palsy quadriplegy with functional impairment standing and walking in reducing spasticity, improve gross motor skills, as well as functional activity in the case of spastic cerebral palsy quadriplegy using aquatic therapy modalities. Result : After treatment for 6 times the obtained results at spastic assessment on right trunk T0: 3 to T6: 2, left trunk T0: 2, to T6: 2, right shoulder T0: 1, to T6: 1, left shoulder T0: 1 to T6: 1, right elbow T0: 2 to T6: 2, left elbow T0: 2 to T6: 2, right wrist T0: 2 to T6: 2, left wrist T0: 1 to T6: 1, right hip T0: 2 to T6: 2, left hip T0: 2 to T6: 2, right knee T0: 3 to T6: 2, left knee T0: 2 to T6: 2, right ankle T0: 3 to T6: 3, left ankle T0: 3 to T6: 2, increase gross motor skills T0: 83.58% to T6: 87.01%, ability fungsional T0: 58% to T6: 58%. Conclution : Aquatic therapy can reduce spasticity, increase gross motor skills (Gross Motor Function Measurement) and can increase functional activity in the caseof cerebral palsy

    Solidaritas Dalam Perspektif Kajian Hadist

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    Manusia sebagai makhluk social tentu perlu bantuan dan proses interaksi social dengan manusia lainnya. Sebagai manusia pula juga disebut sebagai makhluk sosial didalamnya ada bentuk kepedulian dan empati sosial dengan manusia lainnya, terlebih manusia yang sedang tertimpa musibah atau pertolongan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (i) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana konsep solidaritas dalam perspektif kajian hadist. (ii) 2) Untuk mengetahui bagaimana keteladanan Rasulullah SAW dalam membangun solidaritas masyarakat Makkah dan Madinah. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah penelitian studi literatur review. Pada bagian ini dilakukan pengkajian mengenai konsep dan teori yang digunakan berdasarkan literatur yang  tersedia, baik  dari  atikel  yang  dipublikasikan  dalam berbagai  jurnal ilmiah  maupun  artikel.  Kajian pustaka yang berfungsi membangun konsep atau teori yang menjadi dasar  studi  dalam penelitian. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah Konsep solidaritas dalam perspektif Al-Qur-an dan hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW merupakan konsep yang tindakan dan perbuatan seseorang didasarkan pada anjuran Allah SWT dengan mengikuti yang telah dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah SAW. Solidaritas yang dicontohkan oleh Rasulullah SAW adalah solidaritas sesama ummat muslim dan sesama manusia dengan berpedoman pada Al-Qur-an. 


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    This article aims: (1) To find out the concept of educators. (2) To find out hadith research about educators. (3) To find out the fiqh al hadis about educators. The hadiths about educators in this study do not meet the validity of the sanad, because the elements of fairness and dhabit of the narrator have not been fulfilled and the continuity of the sanad. The hadith matans contain syadz and illat, this is in accordance with searches on other hadith matans, there are no contradictory hadiths and a few other hadith matans that support this hadith, even though they do not conflict with the verses of the Koran. Given the narration and matan hadith that do not meet the criteria of validity but can be practiced

    Keutamaan Belajar dan Mengajar Perspektif Hadist Nabi Muhammad SAW

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    Belajar merupakan sebuah proses penting dalam hidup manusia guna mencapai kebahagiaan hidup di dunia dan akhirat. Dengan ilmu, manusia dapat melakukan berbagai hal dalam hidupnya seperti mencari nafkah dan beribadah. Belajar pada dasarnya menjadi kewajiban yang melekat pada manusia sebagai hamba Allah SWT karena dengan belajar manusia dapat memperoleh keselamatan didunia dan akhirat. Amal tanpa adanya ilmu bagai orang yang dapat berlari namun dia tersesat karena tidak mengetahui arah. Dalam makalah yang sederhana ini akan dibahas mengenai kewajiban menuntut ilmu atau kewajiban belajar yang bersandar pada kajian hadis tematik. Makalah ini membahas beberapa hadis yang membahas tentang keutamaan belajar karena pada dasarnya banyak diantara hadis-hadis yang ada isi dan pesannya sama. Sebelum membahas mengenai kewajiban menuntut ilmu dalam hadis perlu dipahami terlebih dahulu pengertian kewajiban belajar dalam perspektif umum kemudian mengenai kewajiban belajar sebagaimana tertuang dalam hadis-hadis Rasulullah SAW serta sebagai dasar pembelajaran, kita juga akan membahas mengenai definisi ilmu, klasifikasinya serta keutamaan ilmu sehingga dapat dipahami secara baik tentang bagaimana kewajiban menuntut ilmu, apa itu ilmu, pembagian ilmu dan keutamaan menuntut ilmu. Lebih lanjut dalam makalah ini adalah untuk membentuk motivasi untuk giat belajar dan mendalami ilmu khususnya agama

    Pengaruh Latihan Continuous Running Terhadap Tingkat Kebugaran (Aerobik) Pada Siswa Sepak Bola Usia 15-18 Tahun Di Akademi Training Centre Kota Salatiga

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    Background: Aerobic Fitness is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels in the use of oxygen and use it to become a force that can be used to daily activity. Aerobic fitness is one of physical components which is be basic of soccer player, Fitness aerobics has a very important role on the activity of the game of football, and this is in play, the player is required to have perfect physical condition to be able to always be a concentration in the play as well as persisting in long time, so it is important to be kept by every player to always be ready and consistent and stable on the pitch. Objective: To know the influence of Continous Running to the level of aerobic fitness of football student aged 15-18 years in Training Centre Academy Salatiga city. Methods: The research method used in this research is Quasi-experiment using pre and post-test with control group design of 30 respondent which are divided into 2 groups, namely treatment group and control group. Aerobic fitness is measured by using cooper test that is 2,4 Km running test before exercises and after respondent have done the continous running excercise as long as 6 week, data were analyzed by using the Willcoxon signed rank test to test the effect and to observe the differences between treatment group and control group to aerobic fitness level of football academy aged 15-18 year student using Mann Whitney test. Results: The researcher find the influence of Continous Running to aerobic fitness level of student aged 15-18 years after the Statistical test using Wilcoxon test showed a p-value of 0.001 in the treatment group and the control group getting the p-value of 0.238 and to know the difference of influence between treatment group and control group by using Mann Whitney test obtained p-value 0,000. Conclusion: There are the influence of Continous Running to aerobic fitness level of student aged 15-18 years

    Etika Bertetangga Dalam Presfektif Hadis

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    Researchers are interested in researching this in order to find out: Neighboring ethics in a hadith perspective. Aims to find out about: neighborly ethics, neighborly ethics in the hadith perspective and the virtues of neighbors. This research is entirely in the nature of library research. The results of this study indicate that, neighborly ethics in Islam is part of the guidelines and ethics in neighbors that need to be considered by Muslims in all lines. Neighbors are people around us who need to be respected and treated in the best possible way because every day we interact with people around us. Therefore, we need to apply neighborly ethics in accordance with Islamic teachings so that relations with neighbors remain harmonious. and established good friendships. Neighboring ethics among Muslims, This treatment is not only given to our neighbors whose background is Muslim, but also to our neighbors who are non-Muslims. In fact, in order to protect the rights and honor of his neighbours, Al-Hasan has no problem giving sacrificial meat to non-Muslim neighbours, both Jews and Christians. The virtue of having a ladder because neighbors are the closest family from the existing environment, and live side by side with each other. If every neighbor respects other neighbors, and everyone glorifies their neighbors, the community will undoubtedly be good, because a sense of brotherhood has been created, mutual love, and mutual respect for other neighbors. Humans do not only establish a vertical relationship with Allah (read: hablul minallah) but also build an intimate horizontal relationship with other creatures, with the principle of mutual need

    Aktivitas Antiinflamasi Ekstrak Metanol Kulit Batang Sengkuang pada Tikus Wistar yang Diinduksi CFA (Complete Freund’s Adjuvant): Anti-Inflammatory Activity Test of Methanolic Extract of Sengkuang Bark (Dracontomelon Dao) on Wistar Complete Freund’s Adjuvant (CFA) Induced Rats

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    One of the plants found in East Kalimantan is the Drancotomelon dao (sengkuang) plant. Previous tests demonstrated the presence of anti-inflammatory activity of D. Dao leaf extract through the reduction of proinflammatory mediators such as TNF-?, IL-1?, and IL-6 which were induced by bacteria. This study aims to determine the anti-inflammatory activity of the methanol extract of the stem bark of the Sengkuang plant in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis induced by complete freund's adjuvant (CFA) to determine the anti-inflammatory potential of other parts of the sengkuang plant. In this test, rat models of rheumatoid arthritis induced using CFA were divided into 4 treatment groups: negative group (NaCMC), positive group (methyl prednisolone), test group 1 (sengkuang extract 50 mg/KgBW/day), test group 2 (lengkuang extract). 200 mg/KgBB/day). Observation of its anti-inflammatory effect was observed for 14 days. Analysis of the data in this study used a one-way ANOVA with joint thickness dependent variable and zinc dose independent variable. Sengkuang extract at doses of 50 and 200 mg/KgBW/day can reduce joint thickness in animals induced with CFA. The activity of reducing joint thickness showed significance in zinc extract at a dose of 50 mg/KgBW/day on the 14th day. Methanol extract of sengkuang has anti-inflammatory activity in CFA-induced rheumatoid arthritis rats at an optimal dose of 200 mg/KgBW/day, has an anti-inflammatory effect that is good enough to reduce edema volume in arthritis rats. Keywords: Drancotomelon dao, Sengkuang, Anti-Inflammatory, CFA Abstrak Salah satu tumbuhan yang ditemukan di Kalimantan Timur adalah tumbuhan Drancotomelon dao (sengkuang). Uji sebelumnya menunjukkan adanya aktivitas antiinflamasi ekstrak daun D. Dao melalui penurunan mediator proinflamasi seperti TNF-?, IL-1?, dan IL-6 yang diinduksi oleh bakteri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan aktivitas antiinflamasi ekstrak metanol kulit batang tanaman Sengkuang pada tikus model artritis rematoid yang diinduksi complete freund’s adjuvant (CFA) untuk mengetahui potensi antiinflamasi dari bagian lain tanaman sengkuang ini. Pada uji ini, Tikus model rematoid arthritis diinduksi menggunakan CFA dibuat menjadi 4 kelompok perlakuan: kelompok negatif (NaCMC), kelompok positif (metil prednisolone), kelompok uji 1 (ekstrak sengkuang 50 mg/KgBB/hari), kelompok uji 2 (ekstrak sengkuang 200 mg/KgBB/hari). Observasi efek antiinflamasinya diamati selama 14 hari. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan ANOVA satu arah dengan variabel terikat tebal sendi dan variabel bebas dosis sengkuang. Ekstrak sengkuang baik dosis 50 dan 200 mg/KgBB/hari dapat menurunkan tebal sendi pada hewan yang diinduksi dengan CFA. Aktivitas penurunan tebal sendi menunjukkan signifikansi pada ekstrak sengkuang dengan dosis 50 mg/KgBB/hari pada hari ke-14. Ekstrak methanol sengkuang memiliki aktivitas antiinflamasi pada tikus model rheumatoid artritis yang diinduksi CFA dengan dosis optimal 200mg/KgBB/hari, memiliki efek anti inflamasi yang cukup baik untuk menurunkan volume edema pada tikus model arthritis. Kata Kunci: Drancotomelon dao, Sengkuang, Antiinflamasi, CF


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    Atomic Physics Theory as Educational Material Based on the Hadith Perspective of the Prophet Muhammad Saw. This study aims to understand the concept of educational material in general, hadith related to educational material, especially on the theory of atomic physics and to know the content and explanation of hadith in relation to the world of education. The method used in this study is in the form of pure literature with the techniques used in collecting data based on documentation through written heritage evidence such as writings or manuscripts, archives, books on opinions, theories, concepts as well as propositions and related laws. with the formulation of the study problem. Based on these data, it shows that educational material is everything that contains information that has been compiled and the material in education as a whole comes from the Koran and Hadith, including scientific material, especially the theory of atomic glasses. Hadith related to atoms is Hadith Sahih Muslim No. 3947 which contains information regarding the theory of atomic physics and is in line with al-Qquran Saba' verse 3 and the Hadith is authentic. Scientific material, especially the theory of atomic physics, can be used to reveal the mystery of the universe which is proof of the power of Allah SWT.Teori Fisika Atom Sebagai Materi Pendidikan Berdasarkan Perspektif Hadis Nabi Muhammad Saw. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami konsep materi pendidikan secara umum, hadis yang berkaitan dengan materi pendidikan khususnya pada teori fisika atom dan mengetahui kandungan serta penjelasan hadis dalam kaitannya dengan dunia pendidikan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah berupa kepustakaan murni 10 tahun terakhir dengan teknik yang digunakan dalam mengumpulkan datanya berdasarkan dokumentasi melalui buti-bukti peninggalan yang tertulis seperti tulisan atau manuscript, arsip-arsip, buku-buku tentang pendapat, teori, konsep maupun dalil dan hukum yang berkaitan dengan rumusan masalah kajian. Berdasarkan data tersebut menunjukkan bahwa materi pendidikan adalah segala sesuatu yang berisikan informasi yang telah disusun dan Materi dalam pendidikan secara keseluruhan bersumber dari al-Quran dan Hadis termasuk juga materi sains khususnya teori fisika atom. Hadis yang berkaitan dengan atom adalah Hadis Shahih Muslim No. 3947 yang berisikan tentang informasi mengenai teori fisika atom dan sejalan dengan  alquran Surah Saba’ ayat 3 dan Hadis tersebut adalah shahih. Materi sains khususnya teori fisika atom dapat digunakan sebagai penyingkap tabir misteri alam semesta yang merupakan bukti kekuasaan Allah SWT