9 research outputs found


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    Judging from the social situation in Indonesia, horizontal conflict with religious sentiment was escalated since Pilkada that was held simultaneously on February 15, 2017. The issue of alleged blasphemy of Islam by Ahok rolling the snowball effect of politics that could threaten national security. The use of social media is escorted by the government through the Electronic Information and Transaction Act (UU ITE). Religious conflict management is also supported by all stakeholders including netizens who are expected to be able to use social media wisely and responsible for what they are disseminating and not easily provoked by information spread across social media


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    In the context of campaigns and political interests, the image of individuals or political candidates can be created and supported by the public through the mass media. For this reason, it is very important and interesting to be able to see the frame or framing of the second pair of Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin and Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno in the 2019 Election in the Kompas Newspaper mass media. The method used in this research is the analysis of media text content with data analysis through the Robert N. Entman framing model using the constructionism paradigm through qualitative research methods. The results showed Kompas conducted different framing on several news stories on the two Presidential Candidates in the 2019 election. The same framing occurred in several reports in the discussion of human rights issues. Key words: framing, Pemilu 2019, Mass Media, Politic


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    Abstrak: Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih adanya pelanggaran-pelanggaran hukum khususnya etika berkomunikasi di media sosial yang diatur di dalam Undang-Undang ITE dan KUHP. Media sosial seharusnya dimanfaatkan dengan baik di era Revolusi 5.0. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisis etika berkomunikasi di media sosial dalam perspektif Pancasila. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan dengan cara melakukan penelitian bahan-bahan pustaka atau data sekunder. Teknik analisis data menggunakan teknik pengolahan secara kualitatif dan penyajian data dilakukan secara diskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa etika berkomunikasi di media sosial belum optimal menerapkan nilai-nilai luhur Pancasila. Penegakan hukum sudah dilakukan dan beberapa kasus pelanggaran sudah diberikan hukuman. Konsep internalisasi nilai luhur Pancasila sebagai ideologi bangsa dan negara harus diterapkan di setiap kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Upaya preventif dan edukasi bijak bermedia sosial tidak kalah penting daripada hanya sekedar focus kepada upaya represif. Seluruh stakeholder harus tetap konsisten membumikan Pancasila sebagai pijakan etika berkomunikasi di media sosial supaya lebih memberikan manfaat daripada maksiat


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     This research aims to measure the disaster literacy of residents in Disaster-prone Area (DPA) III and its support villages in Magelang Regency related to the Sister Village-based disaster mitigation. The four-level disaster literacy model (basic disaster literacy, functional disaster literacy, communicative/interactive literacy, and critical disaster literacy) is used to explain the manifestation of awareness, knowledge and understanding of DPA III villagers and their support villages regarding the Sister Village program. This qualitative research uses a constructivist approach. The data was collected through in depth-interview with research respondents, namely village officials and the Disaster Risk Mitigation Team in Ngargosoko, Nglumut, and Kapuhan villages (located in DPA III) as well as Sucen, Gulon and Mangunsari villages (support villages). The results showed that there are concrete manifestations of awareness, knowledge understanding and behavior of the villagers regarding the Sister Village program at these four levels. However, the context is preparedness or non-disaster and before disaster conditions. For example, the understanding of the table-top exercise and field exercise function held by BPBD Kabupaten Magelang. The function of the Sister Village program is to collect population and pre-existing facilities data on a regular basis, conduct awareness programs in accordance with respondents’ job description in the Sister Village program and map the aspects of disaster mitigation to minimize disaster risks. As for the condition during disaster and after disaster, it is still cannot be seen from the research results because at the time of the research, the respective community was not facing eruption disaster, given that the last Merapi eruption occurred in 2010 and the Sister Village program was only initiated a year later

    Pola Kerja Wartawan Muda Dan Madya Di Era Digital

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    This study examines the work patterns of middle and young journalists in the newspaper industry. Journalists work patterns seen from the process of selecting news, researching news, and writing news. With the advent of the digital era, these three processes can be seen by the consumption patterns of digital media for middle and young journalists. This study was conducted using a study case with in-depth interviews with journalists of the Suara Merdeka newspaper. The results showed that the presence of digital media is used by middle and young journalists in the local newspape for personal needs outside of journalistic duties. The reason for this is the pattern of digital media consumption of young and middle journalists who are included in the categories of “joiners” and “conversationalists”. In other words they are connoisseurs and spectators. For news development and idea searches, they rely more on news sources in the form of press releases, local government, e-mail and emergency services rather than internet research. This is related to the company's principles which try to minimize legal problems from published news.

    Strategi Pengembangan Desa Wisata Melalui Pemberdayaan Masyarakat (Studi Desa Ngawen, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang)

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    Pengembangan desa wisata bertujuan sebagai salah satu hal yang dapat menambah pemasukan bagi dana desa selain itu dengan adanya pengembangan desa wisata diharapkan menjadi sarana bagi masyarakat untuk dapat mengembangkan kemampuan diri dan saling bersinergi dengan pihak-pihak terkait untuk memajukan desa. Desa Wisata Ngawen menjadi salah satu desa wisata yang ada di Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang yang memiliki berbagai potensi baik dari wisata alam, buatan, kuliner maupun kebudayaan. Namun meskipun memiliki berbagai potensi wisata, dalam pengembangannya masih ditemukan beberapa hal yang menghambat di samping hal-hal yang mendorong pengembangannya. Lokasi penelitian ini adalah di Desa Ngawen, Kecamatan Muntilan, Kabupaten Magelang. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer dan sekunder. Untuk metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan 4 cara yakni FGD (Focus Group Discussion), wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan mengikuti model interaktif yang diungkapkan oleh Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Desa Wisata Ngawen memiliki berbagai potensi wisata dan pada hakikatnya desa wisata ini berbasis pada masyarakat sehingga sebagian besar masyarakatnya sudah diajak dan mau untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan desa wisata ini. Namun, meskipun demikian masih ada beberapa faktor yang dikhawatirkan akan menghambat proses pengembangan desa wisata Ngawen

    Buku Ajar Komunikasi Interpersonal

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    Beberapa kali saya mendapati salah satu syarat wajib yang diajukan oleh sejumlah perusahaan dalam open recruitment adalah skill berkomunikasi yang baik. Kemampuan berkomunikasi menjadi salah satu penilaian karena diakui atau tidak, komunikasi memegang peran penting bagi keberlangsungan hidup seseorang bahkan perusahaan. Buku ini memiliki fokus pembahasan komunikasi interpersonal sebagai salah satu ranah kajian dalam bidang ilmu komunikasi


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    This research aims to reveal the forms of uncertainty experienced by first-year students during the pandemic as well as to describe the uncertainty reduction strategies that have been carried out. The method used is a qualitative research method with a case study approach. Data analysis was carried out by selecting and sorting data, both primary and secondary according to the focus of this research and tested for its validity level using triangulation of sources and methods. The results showed that the interaction process of first-year students during the pandemic took place more virtually. As a result, informants experience three forms of uncertainty at the same time, namely cognitive uncertainty, behavioral uncertainty, and relationship uncertainty. One of the things that creates uncertainty for first-year students during this pandemic is the concealment of faces and identities by not turning on the camera during virtual interactions. This then causes individual confusion in behaving to other individuals. The strategy taken to reduce this uncertainty is in the form of planning and seeking information, while hedging measures are not found in this research