766 research outputs found

    POLA PERILAKU MEMPERKOSA (Studi pada narapidana kasus asusila di lembaga pemasyarakatan klas 1 Lowokwaru Malang)

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    This research is descriptive research that aims to identify patterns of behavior found in a rape. Rape is one form of sexual violence as well as a form of sexual perversion, is said to deviate because of the occurrence of sexual relations is done outside the boundaries of moral norms and contrary to the norms of religion and society and is not responsible. Crime is quite complex and not stand on its own cause. The causes can be influenced by the circumstances that support, the existence of victims who are indirectly encouraging the perpetrators and could be due to other elements that influence it, from a variety of factors will create a pattern of rape behavior. The subjects used in this study are correctional inmates (PLT)-related cases of rape. Research sites in the penitentiary class 1 Lowokwaru Malang. Data collection method uses observation and interviews, data analysis methods using analytical methods descriptions, are for the validity of data in use triangulation technique which is a technique that utilizes data kebsahan examination something else outside of the data for checking purposes or as a comparison against the data already obtained . From the research, found patterns that influence the behavior of perpetrators of rape such as the relationship with the victim who already have a relationship, there is a need and a very strong sex drive, the similarities in terms of casualties, the presence of erotic stimulation that comes from outside actors, physically stronger than with the victim, in view of how to do this there are two kinds of coercion or without coercion, and the circumstances that support the implementation of the rapist perpetrator intent. For the parents should be more careful of the safety of their children to avoid the nuances of sexual crimes such as sexual abuse and rape

    Social Security Reform in Indonesia: an Analysis of the National Social Security Bill (RUU Jamsosnas)

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    The Indonesian social security program is currently undergoing a fundamental overhaul designed to make the existing system work better for the beneficiaries and to extend social security coverage to more workers, both in the formal and informal sector. the existing scheme has not been successful in its aims to provide adequate social security benefits to beneficiaries because of its low coverage, limited benefits, and low investment returns, combined with poor governance. the government has proposed a plan to convert the current social security scheme, which is based on a provident fund system, into a compulsory social insurance system. the plan is analyzed in this paper in order to examine the possible impact of the proposed scheme on the Indonesian labor market, investment flows, the government budget, and the economy in general. from this analysis, we can conclude that there are several serious flaws in the government proposal as outlined in the proposed legislation, such as: the proposed scheme could worsen Indonesia's labor market and investment climate, worsen the government's budget deficits, and does not provide room for the private sector to provide social security benefits to Indonesians. many have concluded that publicly-provided social security schemes are no longer a viable model for workers today. instead private social security schemes would suit the health and retirement needs of today's workers better than public social security schemes. given the many problems facing the Indonesian public pension and healthcare system today, Indonesia should seriously consider adopting private social security programs to replace the current publiclyprovided scheme. keywords: social security, public pension, national health insurance, Indonesia

    Social Security Reform in Indonesia: an Analysis of the National Social Security Bill (RUU Jamsosnas)

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    The Indonesian social security program is currently undergoing a fundamental overhaul designed to make the existing system work better for the beneficiaries and to extend social security coverage to more workers, both in the formal and informal sector. the existing scheme has not been successful in its aims to provide adequate social security benefits to beneficiaries because of its low coverage, limited benefits, and low investment returns, combined with poor governance. the government has proposed a plan to convert the current social security scheme, which is based on a provident fund system, into a compulsory social insurance system. the plan is analyzed in this paper in order to examine the possible impact of the proposed scheme on the Indonesian labor market, investment flows, the government budget, and the economy in general. from this analysis, we can conclude that there are several serious flaws in the government proposal as outlined in the proposed legislation, such as: the proposed scheme could worsen Indonesia's labor market and investment climate, worsen the government's budget deficits, and does not provide room for the private sector to provide social security benefits to Indonesians. many have concluded that publicly-provided social security schemes are no longer a viable model for workers today. instead private social security schemes would suit the health and retirement needs of today's workers better than public social security schemes. given the many problems facing the Indonesian public pension and healthcare system today, Indonesia should seriously consider adopting private social security programs to replace the current publiclyprovided scheme. keywords: social security, public pension, national health insurance, Indonesia

    Hubungan Pemberian Reward dengan Motivasi Kerja Perawat di Ruang Inap Rumah Sakit

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    Nurses are the main key in a service. As a form of professional service, nursing is expected to improve the quality of the hospital in providing nursing care, be it promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative. By giving rewards aims to maintain the motivation of these employees so that they are always in good condition, so that the quality of hospital services increases. This research uses quantitative research, which is a non-experimental research with cross sectional design. The sample technique used in this study is Proportionate Random Sampling with a sample size of 102 respondents. Bivariate analysis was performed using the Rank Spearman Correlation test. The results of research and data analysis obtained Rho = 0,462 and ρ value of 0,000. The Rho value indicates that reward giving with work motivation is in moderate correlation strength with unidirectional correlation. The results of ρ value indicate that the hypothesis is accepted that there is a significant relationship between the provision of rewards and the work motivation of the nurses who work in the Inpatient Room of dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga Hospital. Conclusion of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between giving rewards and the work motivation of the nurses who work in the hospital room of dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga. Abstrak Perawat menjadi kunci utama dalam sebuah pelayanan Sebagai bentuk pelayanan profesional, keperawatan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan mutu Rumah Sakit dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan, baik itu bersifat promotif, preventif, kuratif dan rehabilitative. Dengan pemberian reward bertujuan untuk menjaga motivasi pegawai tersebut supaya selalu dalam kondisi yang baik, sehingga mutu pelayanan Rumah Sakit meningkat. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kuantitatif deskriptif analitik dengan desain cross sectional. Teknik sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Proportionate Random Sampling dengan jumlah sampel 102 responden. Penelitian ini menggunakan alat ukur kuesioner pemberian reward dan motivasi kerja. Analisis bivariat dilakukan dengan uji Korelasi Spearman Rank. Hasil penelitian dan analisis data diperoleh Rho = 0,462 dan ρ value sebesar 0,000 < 0. Nilai Rho tersebut menunjukkan bahwa pemberian reward dengan motivasi kerja berada dalam kekuatan korelasi sedang dengan arah korelasi yang searah. Hasil ρ value menunjukkan hipotesis diterima bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara pemberian reward dengan motivasi kerja perawat pelaksana di Ruang Inap RS Paru dr. Ario Wirawan Salatiga. Simpulan hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada hubungan signifikan pemberian  reward dengan motivasi kerja perawat pelaksana di Ruang Inap RS Paru dr. Ario Wirawan        alatiga. Dengan adanya reward yang jelas dapat mempengaruhi motivasi kerja perawat dalam melakukan asuhan keperawatan. Kata kunci : Perawat, reward, motivasi kerj


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    Antropologi visual merupakan sebuah cabang ilmu dari studi antropologi yang lebih menitik-beratkan perangkuman data dan objek kajian dalam bentuk yang benar-benar konkrit. Sampai dengan sekarang ini dua metode utama yang paling major dalam disiplin ini adalah fotografi dan film. Film The Warias: Indonesia’s Transsexual Muslims merupakan sebuah film dokumenter yang mengangkat isu kehidupan Maryani yang merupakan seorang waria dan para kaum transgender lainnya yang ingin mempelajari agama Islam di sebuah pesantren khusus transgender yang didirikan oleh Maryani. Dalam agama Islam sendiri, mengubah kodrat diri seperti jenis kelamin merupakan sesuatu yang dilarang. Tentunya hal ini menjadi polemik bagi masyarakat Indonesia yang mayoritas memeluk agama Islam dan tentunya kebanyakan mengutuk kaum transgender yang mengubah kodrat dirinya dan berperilaku menyerupai lawan jenisnya. Di sisi lain, para waria (sebutan lain untuk transgender) merindukan hubungan dengan Tuhan yang menciptakan mereka. Mereka tidak menghiraukan cemoohan orang lain dan berpegang teguh pada pendirian mereka bahwa hubungan individu dengan Tuhan cukup dilakukan masing-masing pribadi tanpa perlu campur tangan dari orang lain. Hal inilah yang ingin diangkat oleh sang sutradara. Sutradara Santiago Stelley menyampaikan unsur antropologi visual dalam film ini menggunakan dua cara, yaitu unsur antropologi visual yang tampak (manifest) dan yang tersembunyi (latent). Stelley bisa menunjukkan hal ini dengan halus tanpa terkesan memaksa dan penonton dapat menikmati film ini dengan unsur-unsur antropologi visualnya tanpa harus berpikir lebih keras karena kedua unsur tadi dapat ditampilkan secara hampir bersamaan dan berkesinambungan dalam satu adegan. Unsur-unsur tersebut bisa ditunjukkan baik dari segi visual maupun audionya. Kata kunci: Antropologi visual, film dokumenter, penyutradaraa


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    Prestasi belajar bagi siswa sangat penting karena merupakan suatu gambaran tingkat keberhasilan dari kegiatan selama mengikuti suatu pelajaran. Oleh karenanya baik siswa itu sendiri, guru maupun orangtua berharapan semua siswa sekolah memiliki prestasi belajar yang tinggi, namun demikian keberhasilan siswa mencapai prestasi belajar yang tinggi tidak lepas dari adanya faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya diantaranya yaitu interaksi antara siswa dengan guru. Interaksi yang harmonis antara siswa dengan guru perlu dikembangkan dan diterapkan agar memberikan kenyamanan dan motivasi yang tinggi bagi siswa maupun guru dalam proses belajar-mengajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar pada siswa. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) hubungan antara efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru dengan prestasi belajar, 2) sumbangan efektif efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru terhadap prestasi belajar, 3) Tingkat efektivitas interaksi siswaguru dan prestasi belajar. Hipotesis yang diajukan ada hubungan positif antara efektivitas interaksi siswa- guru dengan prestasi belajar. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 2 Surakarta kelas XII IPA sebanyak 26 siswa dan kelas XII IPS sebanyak 64 siswa. Jumlah seluruh subjek penelitian ada 90 siswa. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan adalah studi populasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan korelasi product moment. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan diperoleh nilai koefisien korelasi r = 0,276, p = 0,008 (p < 0,01). Hasil ini menunjukkan ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru dengan prestasi belajar. Semakin tinggi efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru maka semakin tinggi prestasi belajar, sebaliknya semakin rendah efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru maka semakin rendah pula prestasi belajar. Sumbangan efektif efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru terhadap prestasi belajar sebesar 7,6% ditunjukkan oleh koefisien determinan.Artinya masih terdapat 92,4% faktor- faktor lain yang mempengaruhi prestasi belajar di luar variabel efektivitas interaksi siswa- guru misalnya faktor lingkungan belajar yang kurang baik dan tidak ada motivasi dalam belajar. Efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 92,700 dan rerata hipotetik (RH) = 92,5. Artinya interaksi datau hubungan sosial guru dan siswa sudah menjadi terjadlin cukup baik, adapun Prestasi belajar pada subjek penelitian tergolong sedang, ditunjukkan oleh rerata empirik (RE) = 6,741. Artinya prestasi belajar subjek penelitian belum optimal sehingga perlu ditingkatkan lagi. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh dari hasil penelitian ini adalah ada hubungan positif yang sangat signifikan antara efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru dengan prestasi belajar. Semakin tinggi efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru maka semakin tinggi prestasi belajar, sebaliknya semakin rendah efektivitas interaksi siswa-guru maka semakin rendah pula prestasi belajar

    Effects Inclusive Leadership on Psychological Distress and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour : The Role of Work Engagement

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    A leader is critical in decreasing the psychological stress experienced by nurses during the epidemic. Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) can be enhanced by leaders. The purpose of this study was to see if inclusive leadership may lower psychological stress in nurses and if the leader can maximize employees' OCB attitudes by taking into account the role of job engagement in the workplace. The g-form questionnaire survey method was utilized in this study, with cross-sectional data collected from 288 nurses at a state hospital in Wonogiri, Central Java. SEM-PLS was used to evaluate the acquired data. The findings revealed a significant inverse link between inclusive leadership and psychological discomfort. Furthermore, inclusive leadership has a significant positive effect on OCB; thirdly, there is a significant positive relationship between work engagement and psychological distress; and finally, there is a significant positive relationship between work engagement and OCB. The study suggests that leaders be optimized by giving reciprocal acts and a sense of security in unexpected situations that result in psychological suffering, and that prevention methods be designed when unexpected events occur.Keywords: Pandemic, inclusive leadership, psychological distress, OCB, work engagement

    Islam, Christianity, and the Formation of Secularism in Indonesia 1945-1960

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    In this article, I will apply the varieties of secularism theory developed by Elizabeth Shakman Hurd and Ahmet Kuru in the case of Indonesia. Following Kuru’s typology, I argue that Indonesian secularism resembles that of passive secularism. This form of secularism came about from an alliance between secular nationalists and a religious minority (Christianity). The alliance between the two groups had successfully prevented Islam from becoming a dominant religion when an independent Indonesian state was formed in 1945. It was also successful from preventing reformist Muslims from instituting a state based on the sharia law during the crucial period of state-building in Indonesia between 1945 and 1960. However, this alliance also results in the formation of two authoritarian regimes that ruled Indonesia for four decades (1959-1998), and in the often tenuous relationship between two religious groups that sat on the opposite end of this conflict, namely Indonesian Muslims and Christians