975 research outputs found

    Assessing Indonesia’s Diplomacy on the Regional Conflict Management: Lessons from the South Thailand Conflict Settlement

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    Artikel ini menjelaskan masalah masalah dan prospek bagi penyelesaian konflik secara komprehensif dan langgeng di Thailand Selatan, dan bagaimana Indonesia memainkan peranannya secara signifikan.Fakta menunjukkan bahwa sumber konflik kontemporer di Thailand Selatan tidak hanya berasal dari faktor lingkup internal semata, namun juga berasal dari faktor lingkup eksternal, seperti perkembangan pengaruh ideologi jihadis di tingkat global dan regional. Faktor-faktor tersebut membawa kepada kompleksitas persoalan konflik di wilayah ini dan selanjutnya mengundang perhatian dan keprihatinan masyarakat internasional, khususnya kalangan negara-negara tetangga Thailand. Sejauh ini Indonesia telah mempelopori upaya menyikapi konflik di Thailand Selatan melalui pendekatan media si baik melalui jalur pemerintah (track one) maupun jalur non-pemerintah (track two). Perundingan perdamaian Bogor tahun 2008 dan upaya mediasi konflik yang dilakukan oleh Nahdlatul Ulama dan Muhammadiyah dalam konteks ini merupakan tonggak sejarah dalam perjalanan diplomasi total Indo- nesia. Indonesia tertantang memainkan peran lebih aktif lagi dalam mendukung terwujud nya perdamaian langgeng di wilayah Asia Tenggara, khususnya di wilayah Thailand Selatan yang dirundung konflik. Pelajaran yang dari proses mediasi di masa lampau diharapkan memperkokoh diplomasi Indonesia mendukung penyelesaian konflik Thailand Selatan

    Humanistic Approach in Teaching Foreign Language (from the Teacher Perspective)

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    In education, attention was paid almost exclusively to the acquisition of new knowledge and developing work habits of students. As much as the two areas are important, insisting only on them does not develop the skills that students will need later in life, nor will they develop positive attitudes and empathy. Forming socially acceptable attitudes and developing empathy is extremely important if one of the goals of education is to enable students to become responsible members of society. Unlike the traditional approach to education, a humanistic approach emphasizes the importance of the inner world of students; their thoughts, feelings and emotions are put into the forefront of development. This paper deals with the teaching of foreign languages and argues that the humanistic approach in teaching gives better results. The results of a qualitative participatory research dealing with the attitudes of teachers are presented in order to determine the extent to which teachers have awareness of the importance of applying a humanistic approach, and how much the incentive of teachers in the work influences the quality of interaction in teacher-learner and student-student approach. The results of the research indicate that the use of humanistic teaching approaches helps to develop emotionally positive attitudes in students, influences the creation of good relationships in the group, and encourages students to develop language competence

    Needs and Opportunities for Agricultural Research from the Perspective of West Asia and North Africa

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    Statement by Abdelaziz Arifi, President of the Association of Agricultural Research Institutions in the Near East and North Africa (AARINENA) on the needs and opportunities for agricultural research in West Asia and North Africa (WANA). The document was prepared for the first meeting of the Global Forum on Agricultural Research, held during CGIAR International Centers Week, October-November 1996. The paper considers issues raised in the Global Plan of Action of 1996 from the point of view of WANA countries. It addresses in particular capacity building, priority setting, and collaboration with IARCs and other research institutions.The statement was circulated as an input to GFAR discussions leading to the Declaration and Action Plan for Global Partnerships in Agricultural Research

    Të kuptuarit e gjuhës angleze si lingua franca dhe përfshirja e saj në formimin e politikave arsimore gjuhësore në Evropë

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    Ky material do të trajton një temë që prej kohësh ka qenë relevante në qarqet shkencore. Ështe fjala për kuptimin apo nocionin e gjuhës angleze si Lingua Franca (ALF) dhe rolin e saj në formimin e politikave arsimore të gjuhës në Evropë, e që është krijimi i një individualizmi plurilingual dhe një mjedisi shumëgjuhësh që karakterizohet me tolerancë dhe respekt për të ndryshmen. Pjesa e parë merret me përhapjen e gjuhës angleze në nivel global si rezultat i globalizimit, zhvillimit të teknologjive të informacionit dhe nevojës për mësim dhe avancim gjatë gjithë jetës. Ky koncept flet për politikat e gjuhës arsimore të Evropës, ku dominimi i anglishtes është i pranishëm. Qëllimi i punës është të prezantojë, në bazë të një sondazhi të burimeve përkatëse, anglishtën si Lingua Franca në formimin e politikave arsimore gjuhësore në Evropë. Disa autorë besojnë se njohuritë e ALF mundësojnë lëvizjen më të madhe të qytetarëve të Evropës dhe pjesëmarrjen në të gjitha sferat publike, dhe se ALF mund të shërbejë për të promovuar gjuhë dhe kultura tjera. Megjithatë, në Këshillin e Evropës mendohet se ka shumë dominim gjuhësor. Gjuha angleze mund të rrezikojë dëshirën e politikave të gjuhës evropiane për të krijuar një shoqëri shumëgjuhësore, ku të gjitha gjuhët janë të barabarta dhe të vlefshme në mënyrë të barabartë

    The understanding of English as lingua franca and its involvement in language education policies in Europe

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    This material addresses a topic that has long been relevant in scientific circles. It is about the meaning or understanding of the use of English as Lingua Franca (ELF) and its role in the formation of language education policies in Europe, which in fact is creation of a multi-lingual individualism and a multilingual environment characterized by tolerance and respect for the different. The first part deals with the spread of English at a global level as a result of globalization, the development of information technologies and the need for lifelong learning and advancement. This concept speaks of Europe's educational language policies, where English domination is present. The purpose of the work is to present, based on a survey of relevant resources, the understanding of English as Lingua Franca in the formation of language education policies in Europe. Some authors believe that ELF's knowledge enables the largest movement of European citizens and participation in all public spheres, and that ELF can serve to promote other languages and cultures. However, in the Council of Europe it is thought that there is a lot of linguistic dominance. English language can jeopardize the desire of European language policies to create a multilingual society, where all languages are equally and equally valid


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    The study aims to address public debt and government outflow affecting inflation in some of the countries of Southeast Europe, observing a combination of factors both theoretically and econometrically. The investigation included six (6) SEE countries, including the 2006-2020 timeframe, with 90 observations. The dynamic approach, the fixed effect, and the Arellano/Bond estimator were used to check the parameters considered in the study using panel data. Furthermore, the study also applied diagnostic tests such as the Sargan over-identifying restrictions and Pedroni test for cointegration. The results of the fixed effect and Arellano / Bond estimation demonstrate that public debt, current budget outflows, and capital budget outflows affect inflation, while overall budget outflows are insignificant. For further studies, it would be useful to apply other dynamic models by applying other specific factors, which will be considered as a useful contribution to the academic, research, and policy-making structures

    Penerapan model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) terhadap pemahaman konsep dan hasil belajar siswa pokok bahasan tekanan Kelas VIII Semester II di SMPN Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016

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    Penelitian ini berrtujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) peningkatan pemahaman konsep peserta didik; (2) peningkatan hasil belajar peserta didik; (3) perbedaan yang signifikan pemahaman konsep peserta didik; (4) perbedaan yang signifika hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) pada pokok bahasan tekanan. (5) aktivitas guru dan peserta didik dalam pembelajaran menggunakan model Problem Based Instruction (PBI) pada pokok bahasan tekanan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode pre-eksperimen dengan desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah one-grup pretest-postest design. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah tes pemahaman konsep, tes hasil belajar dan lembar pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa. Populasi penelitian adalah kelas VIII semester II SMPN 4 Palangka Raya, sedangkan sampel penelitian adalah kelas VIII-3 yang berjumlah 21 orang. Analisis data pretest dan postest pemahaman konsep dan hasil belajar kognitif siswa menggunakan SPSS versi 18.0 for windows. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) Terdapat peningkatan pemahaman konsep peserta didik dengan nilai N-Gain sebesar 0,24 dengan kategori rendah; (2) Terdapat peningkatan hasil belajar kognitif peserta didik dengan nilai N-Gain sebesar 0,47 dengan kategori sedang; (3) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan pemahaman konsep siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan model problem based Instruction pada materi pokok tekanan; (4) terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan hasil belajar kognitif siswa sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan model problem based Instruction pada materi pokok tekanan; (5) Aktifitas guru selama pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model problem based Instruction pada materi pokok Tekanan termasuk dalam kategori sangat baik dan aktifitas peserta didik selama pembelajaran dengan menggunakan model problem based Instruction pada materi pokok Tekanan termasuk dalam kategori baik. ABSTRACK This study is aimed to know: (1) The raising understanding concept of students; (2) The raising of student’s outcomes; (3) there is a least significant difference understanding concept of students; (4) there is a least significant difference student’s outcomes before and after using model problem based intruction in Pressure material. (5) activity of teacher and student during learning using model of problem based intruction in Pressure material. This study used pre-experimental methods and types using a one-group pretest-posttest design. The instrument used is the observation sheet of teacher activities and student activities, students cognitive achievement test and scientific attitude of students test. Population of the study there were class VIII second semester of SMPN 4 Palangka Raya and sample of the study there were class VIII-3 the total number was 21 students. The data analysis of pretest and posttest THB cognitive and process science skill used SPSS 18.0 for windows. The result of the study showed: (1) The raising understanding concept of students with score N-gain is 0,24 in low category; (2) The raising of student’s outcomes with score N-gain is 0,47 in medium category; (3) significant diference understanding concept of students before and after using model of problem based intruction in pressure material; (4) significant difference of student’s cognitive outcomes before and after using model of problem based intruction in pressure material; (5) activity of teacher during learning using model of problem based intruction in pressure material includes very good category and while activity of student during learning using problem based intruction model in pressure material includes good category

    The concept of “Comprehensive security” as a draft for reconstructing security in a system of international relations

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    To explain how applicable the concept of "comprehensive secu-rity" is in Kosovo, at first, I will try to analyze the term of security, and development of international relations in relation to the phe-nomenon of "Security". Initially the term “security” is to be elabo-rated, in theoretical terms, the impact "national security" had du-ring the Cold War, and the development of the international rela-tions system, especially after "the fall of the Berlin Wall,” and the fall of communism. In the broadest sense, the post- modern securi-ty is characterized by many threats, such as terrorism, failing sta-tes, climate change etc. The elements of comprehensive security will be part of the analysis of developments in Kosovo after the war and briefly transformation of the security sector after inde-pendence
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