45 research outputs found

    Hubungan Obesitas Remaja Dengan Gambaran Citra Tubuh Di MTSN 1 Bondowoso Desa Traktakan Kecamatan Wonosari

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    Obesity is a problem which is scared by all ages, including juvenile ages because it can affect the change in physical appearance.A change in physical appearance certainly can influence their body image in juvenile age. The objective of the study is correlation between juveniles obesity ang body image in student of MTsN I Bondowoso at Traktakan Village Wonosari districts.This study is kuantitatif research, the population is all of students from MTsN I BondowosoTraktakan village Wonosaridistricts.a sample 28 ( twentyeigh) people, sampling using proposive sampling, data analysis using the Spearman Rho. The score of correlation test showed from SPSS 17  that the Spearman Rho value p < 0,05 can to correlation value p = 0,040 value p = 0,040 is smaller than 0,05,and r = 0,391 which means the hypothsis is accepted.The result of this research found that there was significentcorrelation between juvenile obesity and body image in students of MTsN I Bondowoso. From the resultof this study,researchers are looking forward to a change in adolescent to diet and exercise activities that routine to maintain ideal body weigh


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    Spesies bintang mengular Ophiomastix annulosa termasuk dalam kelas Ophiuroidea yang berperan penting dalam ekosistem sebagai pemakan detritus dan partikel – partikel kecil yang berasal dari subtrat (surface deposit feeder). Spesies ini mampu hidup dan menempati berbagai habitat dengan tipe substrat berupa karang hidup, karang mati, pecahan karang, dan daerah lamun. Tipe substrat tersebut dapat ditemukan di Pantai Bilik Taman Nasional Baluran (TNB). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menentukan preferensi tipe substrat dan kepadatan populasi O. annulosa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode jelajah terstruktur dengan analisis data penilaian tipe substrat berdasarkan kode bentik (benthic code) dan menghitung kepadatan dari O. annulosa. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa spesies O. annulosa banyak ditemukan pada tipe substrat karang mati (91.5%) dan karang masif (5.82%) dengan kepadatan tergolong rendah yaitu 0.0089 individu/m²

    Species Diversity of Grasshopper (Orthoptera: Caelifera) at the Rehabilitation Zone of the Bonangan Block, Wonoasri Resort, Meru Betiri National Park

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    Grasshoppers (Caelifera) are herbivorous insects that act as first consumers in the food chain. Grasshoppers can detect the presence or absence of plants as a source of food and a place to live, as well as being an indicator of environmental recovery. This study aims to determine the diversity of grasshopper species in the rehabilitation zone of Bonangan Block, Resort Wonoasri Meru Betiri National Park. The sampling method used a structured roaming technique. The results obtained nine types of grasshoppers covering seven genera with a total of 228 individuals. The diversity index value obtained is 1.86. The conclusion of this study was that the composition of grasshoppers included nine types of grasshoppers found, namely Oxya sp., Catantops sp., Trilophidia sp. (1), Trilophidia sp. (2), Schistocerca sp., Acrida sp., Phlaeoba sp., Atractomorpha sp. (1) and Atractomorpha sp. (2). The value of the diversity index of grasshoppers is in the medium category with the diversity index value of 1.86


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    Exotic plants are plants that are intentionally or unintentionally included in an area. Based on the results of the 2020 survey, one of the exotic plants found in the Donglo Block Rehabilitation Zone area of Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is cinderella weed (Synedrella nodiflora). The objective of this study is to determine the distribution pattern and area of cover of exotic S. nodiflora plants in the research location. Data were collected using a combination method of systematic plot transects measuring 2 x 2 meters which were placed along the transect with a total of 415 plots. The data recorded were the coordinate position of each individual S. nodiflora and the area of the cover. Analysis of distribution pattern data using the Morisita index and visualized with a spatial distribution map using Geographic Information System (GIS). Coverage area analysis was carried out by calculating the percent cover of S. nodiflora. The results of the analysis of the Morisita index showed the value of Iδ = 7.13, which indicates that the distribution pattern of the plants is clustered. In addition, the presence of this species in the study area was occupied 41.7% or 0.85 ha of the total area of 2.04 ha. It shows that this species still did not dominate the area, so it can be said that this species has not yet become an invasive species category in the research location


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    Meru Betiri National Park (MBNP) is one of the conservation areas as a habitat for diurnal raptors in East Java. However, the updated information on diurnal raptors in MBNP is still limited, with the latest information recorded in 2014. Therefore, this study aims to inventory the species composition of diurnal raptors in Bandealit Resort at MBNP. This research was conducted in April-June 2022 using the point count method with an observation radius of 1 km. We sampled a total of three observation points in three forest cover types i.e dense vegetation (primary forest), semi-dense vegetation (secondary forest-plantation), and low vegetation (coastal forest). Data collection included diurnal raptors species, frequency of encounters for each species, time of encounter, coordinate points, and activity (flyover, soaring, and perched). The results showed the presence of 10 diurnal raptors at the Bandealit Resort MBNP which consisted of two families (Accipitridae and Falconidae). Based on the IUCN Red list of threatened species, there are eight species of least concern (LC), one species of near threatened (NT), and one species of endangered (EN). The frequency of encounters shows that Crested Serpent-eagle (Spilornis cheela) has the highest frequency value (20%), while the Spotted Kestrel (Falco moluccensis) and Changeable Hawk-Eagle (Nisaetus cirrhatus) have the lowest frequency value (4%). Furthermore, as a special record, the Javan Hawk-eagle (N. bartelsi) is found with a fairly high frequency of encounters (11%). Approximately 75.71% of observed diurnal raptors are in soaring activity. Moreover, based on their distribution area, the primary forest has the highest composition of diurnal raptor species encountered


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    Program pengembangan desa binaan ini dilakukan di Desa Purwoasri, Kecamatan Gumukmas, Kabupaten Jember yang merupakan salah satu desa binaan Universitas Jember. Tujuan yang ditetapkan pada program ini adalah terjadinya peningkatan atau intensivikasi budidaya ayam kampung unggul dengan menerapkan teknologi pembibitan dengan menggunakan mesin tetas otomatis, peningkatan Sumber daya peternak melalui pelatihan, praktek, dan pendampingan tentang manajeman budidaya ayam kampung unggul. Metode pelaksanaan pengembangan desa binaan diawali dengan: kegiatan sosialisai program pengabdian pada masyarakat, Pelatihan dan pendampingan manajeman pembibitan ternak (teknik penetasan telur menggunakan mesin tetas otomatis) untuk mendapatkan bibit ayam kampungunggul, pelatihan manajeman pemeliharaan, manajeman pakan (formulasi ransum berbahan pakan lokal), manajeman kesehatan ternak guna meningkatkan sekil dan ketrampilan peternak dalam hal budidaya ternak ayamkampung, pelatihan penguatan kelembagaan, Pembentukan kelompok usaha bersama (KUBE), meningkatkan akses pasar, disfersivikasi usaha untuk meningkatkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraanpeternak, dan pendampingan kegiatan untuk memastikan keberlanjutan Program Desa Binaan. Target dari kegiatan ini yaitu bersama dengan pemerintah Desa Purwoasri dan kelompok peternak ayam kampung unggul melakukan intensifikasi usaha budidaya ayam kampung unggul guna meningkatkan kemandirian dan kesejahteraan peternak

    The Diversity and Uniqueness of Avifauna in Erek-Erek Geoforest at Ijen Geopark, East Java, Indonesia

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    Erek-Erek Geoforest (EEG) is one of the Biosites of Ijen Geopark located at the eastern slope of Mount Ijen. This location has unique topography of highland forests restricted by mountain ridges. This topography creates dense vegetation and humid ecosystem supporting microhabitats for endemic birds. This study aims to investigate the diversity and uniqueness of avifauna in EEG based on the existing value of birds. The method used is a point count at three potential station for the presence of birds. The data collected are the bird species, individual number of species, and species existence based on conservation status, distribution, and protection status. Data analysis includes the Shannon Wiener diversity index (H’), Evenness index (E), and existence factor (Ef) of bird community. The results show there are 57 species of birds belonging to 46 genera and 31 families. The diversity of birds in EEG Biosite has a high value (H'=3.40) and also a high evenness value (E=0.84). The Ef value of birds in this area is 51.35, which means the uniqueness value is a medium category. There are three bird species that have the highest Ef value, i.e Arborophila orientalis (Ef=80.00), Pycnonotus bimaculatus (Ef=73.33) and Locustella montis (Ef=73.33). The three species are endemic to Indonesia, especially A. orientalis whose distribution is limited to the highlands of East Java. Based on the composition, diversity, and uniqueness of avifauna in the EEG, it becomes valuable information for the government, Ijen Geopark Manager, and local communities to manage EEG Biosite conservatively by maintaining the existence of avifauna and their habitats.


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    The role of the NU youth as an extension of the NU kyai was so great in eradicating parties and forbidden ideologies such as the PKI. Based on the basic principles of NahdlatulUlama such as tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, and tasamuh, plus a platform for thinking and acting based on the principles of the ushulfiqh and guidance from kyai, NU youths steadfastly declared war with communism. Similarly, when they defend the rights of former Communist activists or those who are considered Communists and their families, they are also based on these principles. For this reason, this paper aims to examine the idealized upheaval of NU youth in addressing the anti-communism discourse.This article was written by critically examining pre-existing scientific texts to expose ideological upheaval among NU youth sociologically. In simple terms, through this article it can be concluded that NU youth based on existing principles have a big contribution in maintaining the integrity of the Republic of Indonesia, starting from the eradication of the PKI, as well as other efforts to defend Indonesia. On the other hand, they also have concern for oppressed groups including former 1965 political prisoners and their families. They were so diligent in fighting for the rights of former political prisoners in 1965 even though in the past they had also suppressed the PKI to its roots. One of the discourses that arose relating to the anti-communism discourse was the discourse of reconciliation between the NU group and Communism. The discourse was responded to differently by NU youth. Some consider it a form of humanism, and there are those who see it as a bad idea, and some even consider it as an extreme step.Peran pemuda NU sebagai kepanjangan tangan dari para kyai NU begitu besar dalam pemberantasan partai dan ideologi terlarang seperti PKI. Dengan berpijak pada prinsip dasar Nahdlatul Ulama seperti tawasuth, tawazun, i’tidal, dan tasamuh, ditambah pijakan berpikir dan bertindak yang didasarkan pada prinsip-prinsip yang ada pada ushul fiqh serta petunjuk dari para kyai, pemuda NU dengan mantap menyatakan perang dengan komunisme. Begitu pula ketika mereka membela hak-hak dari mantan aktivis Komunis atau yang dianggap Komunis dan keluarganya, mereka pun juga berdasar pada prinsip-prinsip tersebut. Untuk itu tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pergolakan idelogi di kalangan pemuda NU dalam menyikapi wacana anti-komunisme.Artikel ini ditulis dengan menelaah secara kritis teks-teks ilmiah yang telah ada sebelumnya untuk menelanjangi pergolakan ideologi di kalangan pemuda NU secara sosiologis. Secara sederhana, melalui artikel ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemuda NU dengan berdasar prinsip yang ada memiliki andil besar dalam mempertahankan keutuhan NKRI, mulai dari pemberantasan PKI, serta upaya-upaya lain dalam mempertahankan Indonesia. Di sisi lain, mereka juga memiliki perhatian terhadap kelompok tertindas termasuk mantan tahanan politik 1965 dan keluarganya. Mereka begitu gigih memperjuangkan hak-hak mantan tahanan politik 1965 meski di masa lalu mereka pula yang memberangus PKI sampai ke akarnya. Salah satu wacana yang mengemuka berkaitan dengan wacana anti-komunisme adalah wacana rekonsiliasi antara golongan NU dan Komunisme. Wacana tersebut ditanggapi berbeda-beda oleh pemuda NU. Ada yang menganggapnya sebagai bentuk sifat humanis, adapula yang melihatnya sebagai gagasan buruk, bahkan ada yang memandang rekonsiliasi tersebut sebagai langkah ekstrim

    Pengembengan Minyak Kemiri Sebagai Upaya Diversifikasi Produk Hasil Hutan Non Kayu Dalam Peningkatan Kesejahteraan Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Sanenrejo Kecamatan Tempurejo Kabupaten Jember

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    Sanenrejo Village is one of the supporting villages for the conservation forest area of ​​Merubetiri National Park (TNMB), where most of the people depend on the forest area of ​​TNMB. Candlenut as a non-timber forest product is the most widely produced resource in the TNMB forest area. So far, the pecan seeds have fallen on the land without being used. Given the large potential of candlenut, it is important to make efforts to diversify processed candlenut products from the conservation forest of TNMB. This community service activity aims to equip community groups with the skills to diversify processed candlenut products in the form of candlenut oil with pressing and purification techniques using activated charcoal. This product diversification activity by producing candlenut oil is expected to be able to improve the economic welfare of the community considering the high price of candlenut oil in the market. In addition, this service activity will also improve the community's ability to manage joint business groups with the hope that the community will become more independent in business and can develop business well so that people who are independent in this business will reduce their activities in the forest and the forest will be more sustainable. The service method includes socialization, candlenut oil production workshops starting from the extract stage, isolation to oil filtration using activated charcoal and evaluation of activities. The result of this activity is candlenut oil products that are ready to be marketed.Desa Sanenrejo merupakan salah satu desa penyangga kawasan hutan konservasi Taman Nasional Merubetiri (TNMB), dimana sebagian besar masyarakatnya mengantungkan hidupnya dikawasan hutan TNMB. Kemiri sebagi hasil hutan non kayu adalah sumberdaya yang paling banyak dihasilkan di kawasan hutan TNMB. Selama ini biji kemiri berjatuhan pada lahan tanpa termanfaatkan. Mengingat besarnya potensi kemiri maka menjadi penting untuk dilakukan upaya diversifikasi produk olahan kemiri hasil hutan konservasi TNMB. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk membekali kelompok masyarakat dengan keterampilan melakukan diversifikasi produk olahan kemiri berupa minyak kemiri dengan teknik pres dan pemurnian dengan menggunakan arang aktif.&nbsp; Kegiatan diversifikasi produk dengan memproduksi minyak kemiri ini, diharapkan mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat mengingat harga minyak kemiri dipasaran yang cukup tinggi. Selain itu pada kegiatan pengabdian ini juga akan dilakukan peningkatan kemampuan masyarakat dalam mengelola kelompok usaha bersama dengan harapan masyarakat menjadi lebih mandiri dalam usaha dan dapat mengembangkan usaha dengan baik sehingga masyarakat yang mandiri dalam usaha ini akan mengurangi aktifitasnya didalam hutan dan hutan akan semakin lestari. Metode pengabdian meliputi sosialisasi, workshop produksi minyak kemiri mulai dari tahap ekstrak, isolasi sampai dengan filtrasi minyak dengan menggunakan arang aktif dan evaluasi kegiatan. Hasil dari kegiatan adalah produk minyak kemiri yang siap dipasarkan. &nbsp; Keywords: minyak kemiri, diversifikasi produk, arang akti

    The Diversity of Waterbirds Species in Jatipapak Mangrove Ecosystem at Kucur Resort, Alas Purwo National Park, East Java

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    The study aims to determine the composition and diversity of waterbirds species in the Jatipapak mangrove ecosystem at Alas Purwo National Park (APNP). This research was conducted on September-October 2020 with terrestrial and marine surveys in three stations. Data collection includes the waterbirds species and the number of individuals of each species. Data analysis used species composition and diversity index (Shannon Wiener=H’). The results of the study obtained the existence of 837 individuals waterbirds consisting of seven families, 16 genera, and 23 species. The waterbird communities in this area are composed of 11 species of resident birds and 12 species of migratory birds. The diversity index of waterbird species obtained is 2.31 which means moderate level. Based on the conservation status, there were 22 species of waterbirds that were classified as least concern (LC) and one species namely the Lesser Adjutant (Leptoptilos javanicus) which was included in the Vulnerable (VU) category.ABSTRAK: Penelitian bertujuan untuk menentukan komposisi dan keanekaragaman spesies burung air di ekosistem mangrove Jatipapak di Taman Nasional Alas Purwo (TNAP). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan September-Oktober 2020 dengan survei darat dan laut di tiga stasiun. Data yang dicatat meliputi spesies burung air dan jumlah individu setiap jenis. Analisis data menggunakan penentuan komposisi spesies dan indeks keanekaragaman jenis Shannon Wiener (H’). Hasil penelitian diperoleh 837 individu burung air yang terdiri dari 7 famili, 16 genus, dan 23 spesies. Komunitas burung air di kawasan ini terdiri dari 11 spesies burung penetap dan 12 spesies burung migran. Nilai indeks keanekaragaman jenis burung air yang diperoleh adalah 2,31 yang berarti dalam kategori sedang. Berdasarkan status konservasi, terdapat 22 spesies burung air yang tergolong least concern (LC) dan satu spesies yaitu bangau tongtong (Leptoptilos javanicus) yang masuk dalam kategori Vulnerable (VU)