386 research outputs found

    Efecto del sensacionalismo en las noticias = Effect of sensationalism in the news

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    Este proyecto se embarca en un arte que lleva desde el siglo XVI y que actualmente está en auge. Consta de un estilo de comunicación que se ha desarrollado hasta tal punto que tiene más valor y peso que una comunicación veraz. Junto a los medios de comunicación y las redes sociales que le han dado ese último empujón hacia el olimpo de lo más trend en el tema de las comunicaciones, han cambiado a los meros reporteros con guion por empresas, psicólogos, sociólogos y gente del marketing que van más allá del mero interés informativo sino buscan lo visceral y el morbo de las situaciones. Realmente el mundo de la información se ha caído, lo cual crea una guerra y un dilema a los estudiantes de comunicación, pero el problema es en la mentalidad del público que quiere evadirse de la realidad y busca “el salseo”. Durante el desarrollo se expondrán diferentes tipos de sensacionalismo, aspectos legales que sobrepasan estos métodos comunicativos, el estudio cualitativo de las noticias más sensacionalistas y finalmente una dinámica de grupo donde se hablará distendidamente sobre este tipo de noticias y porque causa tanto interés

    Análisis retrospectivo y de futuro del reactor nuclear PWR

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    La energía nuclear se plantea como una opción real ante el problema actual del cambio climático y la necesidad de reducir las emisiones de CO2. Los 442 reactores nucleares operativos en el mundo en octubre del año 2021 son capaces de generar más de 390 GWe. Las 10 potencias mundiales en cuanto a desarrollo de la tecnología nuclear como fuente de generación de energía eléctrica son: Estados Unidos, Francia, China, Japón, Rusia, Corea del Sur, Canadá, Ucrania, Reino Unido y Alemania (Fernández-Arias & Vergara, 2021). Los principales diseños de reactores nucleares se distribuyen de la siguiente manera: (i) PWR: 305 reactores operativos, suponiendo el 69% de los reactores nucleares operativos y una capacidad de generación de energía eléctrica de 290 GWe; (ii) BWR: 62 unidades operativas, suponiendo un 14% del total y una capacidad de generación de energía eléctrica de 63 GWe; (iii) PHWR: 48 unidades operativas, suponiendo un 11% del total y una capacidad de 24 GWe; (iv) otros diseños: el 6% restante de los rectores nucleares operativos en el mundo son capaces de generar 16 GWe. El diseño de reactor nuclear que más se ha implantado a lo largo de la historia y que cuenta con los planes de desarrollo más ambiciosos es el Reactor de Agua a Presión, del inglés Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) (Fernández-Arias et al., 2021). Los objetivos de la presente investigación son: (i) realizar un análisis técnico de las diferentes variantes de este diseño PWR implantadas a lo largo de los últimos ochenta años (Fernández-Arias et al., 2013); (ii) analizar el nivel de implantación de las distintas variantes del diseño PWR alrededor del mundo; y (iii) analizar un escenario de extensión de la vida útil de estos reactores, más allá de los 40 años previstos inicialmente (Fernández-Arias et al., 2020). Para lograr estos objetivos, se ha desarrollado un análisis estadístico de la implantación de estas variantes, basado en el porcentaje de operación, que implica el porcentaje de reactores construidos y en operación. Los resultados reflejan una hegemonía de las variantes occidentales en los más 300 reactores PWR actualmente operativos, destacando las versiones norteamericanas y francesas. En el futuro, los avances realizados en los nuevos diseños PWR desarrollados dentro de la Generación III y Generación III+ harán que estos sean más seguros y eficientes. Estos diseños, al igual que los de Generación II, han evolucionado aumentando tanto su efectividad, disponibilidad y capacidad de generación, desde el punto de vista de la seguridad. A partir del año 2030, comenzarán a estar operativos los reactores PWR Generación III, ahora en construcción, lo que supondrá mantener la capacidad de generación actual. En el año 2050, la capacidad de generación disminuirá a 127 GWe, un descenso del 50% con respecto a la capacidad de generación actual. Hasta ese momento, 178 PWR se encontrarán en situación de parada prolongada y únicamente 81 se encontrarán en operación

    Análisis de los factores que influyeron en la evolución y desarrollo del reactor nuclear PWR

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    [ES] Analizar desde los enfoques utilizados tradicionalmente en la sociología de la tecnología como el sistema técnico formado por el diseño de reactor nuclear PWR ha evolucionado desde su etapa de gestación (a partir de la década de los cincuenta) hasta una etapa de madurez (a partir de la década de los noventa). Estudiar que factores sociales y técnicos pudieron influir en la construcción de las diferentes variantes del reactor nuclear PWR, para lo cual es necesario abrir la caja negra del sistema técnico y adentrarse en aspectos técnicos tradicionalmente alejados de los estudios CTS. Plantear un esquema de "macro-evolución" del diseño, con la ayuda del análisis de redes sociales (ARS) para averiguar el peso específico de cada uno de los factores involucrados en la evolución de las diferentes variantes, así como de las propias variantes del diseño PWR

    An Empirical Study of Real-World SPARQL Queries

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    Understanding how users tailor their SPARQL queries is crucial when designing query evaluation engines or fine-tuning RDF stores with performance in mind. In this paper we analyze 3 million real-world SPARQL queries extracted from logs of the DBPedia and SWDF public endpoints. We aim at finding which are the most used language elements both from syntactical and structural perspectives, paying special attention to triple patterns and joins, since they are indeed some of the most expensive SPARQL operations at evaluation phase. We have determined that most of the queries are simple and include few triple patterns and joins, being Subject-Subject, Subject-Object and Object-Object the most common join types. The graph patterns are usually star-shaped and despite triple pattern chains exist, they are generally short.Comment: 1st International Workshop on Usage Analysis and the Web of Data (USEWOD2011) in the 20th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW2011), Hyderabad, India, March 28th, 201

    A Global Review of PWR Nuclear Power Plants

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    [Abstract] Nuclear energy is presented as a real option in the face of the current problem of climate change and the need to reduce CO2 emissions. The nuclear reactor design with the greatest global impact throughout history and which has the most ambitious development plans is the Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR). Thus, a global review of such a reactor design is presented in this paper, utilizing the analysis of (i) technical aspects of the different variants of the PWR design implemented over the past eight years, (ii) the level of implementation of PWR nuclear power plants in the world, and (iii) a life extension scenario and future trends in PWR design based on current research and development (R&D) activity. To develop the second analysis, a statistical study of the implementation of the different PWR variants has been carried out. Such a statistical analysis is based on the operating factor, which represents the relative frequency of reactors operating around the world. The results reflect the hegemony of the western variants in the 300 reactors currently operating, highlighting the North American and French versions. Furthermore, a simulation of a possible scenario of increasing the useful life of operational PWRs up to 60 years has been proposed, seeing that in 2050 the generation capacity of nuclear PWRs power plants will decrease by 50%, and the number of operating reactors by 70%

    Benchmark de sistemas GMAO actualmente disponibles en el mercado

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    Con el transcurso de los años, la eficiencia y la productividad se han convertido en los objetivos que todas las empresas quieren alcanzar. Para conseguirlos, es preciso evolucionar hacia nuevas metodologías y procedimientos de trabajo que nos permitan obtener los estándares de calidad requeridos. Uno de los factores con mayor influencia e impacto en una empresa es la gestión del mantenimiento. Tener la posibilidad de aumentar el ciclo de vida de los equipos o disminuir la probabilidad y tiempos de los fallos, lo convierte en una labor fundamental dentro de cualquier organización, independientemente del sector. Para ello, contar con la ayuda de un sistema informático que apoye en su gestión, es sin duda un elemento decisivo y diferenciador. El presente documento se compone de un estudio comparativo de una selección de sistemas de gestión del mantenimiento que existen en el mercado actualmente. La finalidad del trabajo consistirá en identificar cuáles son las características más determinantes para un GMAO, verificar si los softwares seleccionados las poseen y analizar cada propuesta de sistema de gestión del mantenimiento de las empresas.Over the years, efficiency and productivity have become the objectives that all companies want to achieve. To achieve them, it is necessary to evolve towards new methodologies and work procedures that allow us to obtain the required quality standards. One of the factors with the greatest influence and impact on a company is maintenance management. Having the possibility of increasing the life cycle of equipment or reducing the probability and time of failures makes it a fundamental task in any organization, regardless of the sector. For this, having the help of a computer system that supports its management is undoubtedly a decisive and differentiating element. This document consists of a comparative study of a selection of maintenance management systems currently available on the market. The purpose of the work will be to identify which are the most decisive characteristics for a CMMS, to verify if the selected softwares have them and to analyze each company's maintenance management system proposal.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería de Organización Industria

    Adaptive multiscapes: an up-to-date metaphor to visualize molecular adaptation

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    Wright's metaphor of the fitness landscape has shaped and conditioned our view of the adaptation of populations for almost a century. Since its inception, and including criticism raised by Wright himself, the concept has been surrounded by controversy. Among others, the debate stems from the intrinsic difficulty to capture important features of the space of genotypes, such as its high dimensionality or the existence of abundant ridges, in a visually appealing two-dimensional picture. Two additional currently widespread observations come to further constrain the applicability of the original metaphor: the very skewed distribution of phenotype sizes (which may actively prevent, due to entropic effects, the achievement of fitness maxima), and functional promiscuity (i.e. the existence of secondary functions which entail partial adaptation to environments never encountered before by the population). Results: Here we revise some of the shortcomings of the fitness landscape metaphor and propose a new "scape" formed by interconnected layers, each layer containing the phenotypes viable in a given environment. Different phenotypes within a layer are accessible through mutations with selective value, while neutral mutations cause displacements of populations within a phenotype. A different environment is represented as a separated layer, where phenotypes may have new fitness values, other phenotypes may be viable, and the same genotype may yield a different phenotype, representing genotypic promiscuity. This scenario explicitly includes the many-to-many structure of the genotype-to-phenotype map. A number of empirical observations regarding the adaptation of populations in the light of adaptive multiscapes are reviewed. Conclusions: Several shortcomings of Wright's visualization of fitness landscapes can be overcome through adaptive multiscapes.This work was supported by the Spanish projects ViralESS (FIS2014-57686-P, MINECO) and FIS2015-64349-P (MINECO/FEDER, UE). The funding body did not have any role in the design of the study and collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, and did not contribute to writing the manuscript

    Impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the use of ICT tools in science and technology education

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    This article analyzes the self-concept about digital competence in university professors of Sciences, Health Sciences and Engineering and the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) use habits of professors in these areas. For this purpose, a survey designed by the authors was completed by 340 university professors in the aforementioned areas. Based on the answers obtained from this survey, a descriptive quantitative analysis of the assessments of the self-concept of digital competence and training of the participants, of the didactic use of ICT and the frequency of their use before and after the pandemic has been carried out. The results showed that the digital competence of the professors is intermediate, but their training is valued as low, especially in Sciences and Health Sciences. The assessment of ICT is very good. The pandemic has caused a generalized increase in the use of ICT, mainly in Health Sciences, which is the area in which university students were most reluctant to use them. In addition, a gender gap which did not exist before the pandemic has been generated favoring females in the use of ICT in Science and Engineering. An age-based digital gap that existed before the pandemic has also been corrected in Health SciencesPeer Reviewe

    Some notes on justified representation

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    Proceedings of 10th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (MPREF) in conjunction with IJCAI 2016, New York City, USA, July 9thMulti-winner voting systems are often applied to scenarios in which it is desirable that the set of winners represents the different opinions or preferences of the agents involved in the election. Because of that, the development of axioms that capture the idea of representation and the study of multi-winner voting rules with such axioms is of great interest. In the context of approval-based committee voting, Aziz et al. proposed in 2015 at the AAAI Conference two axioms related to the concept of repre sentation. These axioms are called justified representation (JR) and extended justified representation (EJR). In this paper we present new results related to these axioms. First of all, we close an issue that was left open by Aziz et al. regarding the maximum number of seats for which the Reweighted Approval Voting satisfies JR. Second, we discuss a problem in the definition of EJR: a set of candidates can provide perfect representation for a given election and fail to provide EJR. We propose an alternative axiom which we have called proportional justified representation (PJR). We prove that PJR remedies that problem, while providing precisely the same results as EJR for all the voting systems that Aziz et al. analyzed in their paper.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministerio de Economa y Competitividad (project HERMES-SMARTDRIVER TIN2013-46801-C4-2-R) and by the Autonomous Community of Madrid (project e-Madrid S2013/ICE-2715)

    ToyLIFE: a computational framework to study the multi-level organisation of the genotype-phenotype map

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    The genotype-phenotype map is an essential object to understand organismal complexity and adaptability. However, its experimental characterisation is a daunting task. Thus, simple models have been proposed and investigated. They have revealed that genotypes differ in their robustness to mutations; phenotypes are represented by a broadly varying number of genotypes, and simple point mutations suffice to navigate the space of genotypes while maintaining a phenotype. Nonetheless, most current models focus only on one level of the map (folded molecules, gene regulatory networks, or networks of metabolic reactions), so that many relevant questions cannot be addressed. Here we introduce toyLIFE, a multi-level model for the genotype-phenotype map based on simple genomes and interaction rules from which a complex behaviour at upper levels emerges - remarkably plastic gene regulatory networks and metabolism. toyLIFE is a tool that permits the investigation of how different levels are coupled, in particular how and where mutations affect phenotype or how the presence of certain metabolites determines the dynamics of toyLIFE gene regulatory networks. The model can easily incorporate evolution through more complex mutations, recombination, or gene duplication and deletion, thus opening an avenue to explore extended genotype-phenotype maps.This work was supported through projects FIS2011-22449 (CFA, PC and JAC) and FIS2011{27569 (SM) of the Spanish MINECO.Publicad