1,893 research outputs found

    Southern pedagogies, an approach to education for peace.

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    El pensador Boaventura De Sousa Santos, ha propuesto un sistema de pensamiento que hace una profunda crítica al conocimiento occidental en general y específicamente reúne una serie de argumentos que evidencian las consecuencias del pensamiento de la modernidad. En textos como Descolonizar el saber reinventar el poder y Las epistemologías del sur, el sociólogo portugués describe su sistema. A partir de su planteamiento filosófico, me permito mediante el presente texto desarrollar unas ideas pedagógicas que se desarrollan a partir de las epistemologías del sur. En este sentido, se genera una propuesta desde la educación, para desarrollar este tipo de pensamiento. El presente texto desarrolla seis elementos de la educación desde las epistemologías del sur, a saber: la no existencia, la ignorancia, lo residual, lo inferior, lo local y lo improductivo. Posteriormente se comparten algunos aprendizajes de un proceso en el que me permití ser facilitador para el desarrollo de esta apuesta en el sur de Colombia: el departamento del Putumayo.The thinker Boaventura De Sousa Santos has proposed a system of thought that makes a deep criticism of Western knowledge and specifically brings together a series of arguments that show the consequences of the thinking of modernity. In texts such as decolonizing knowledge reinventing power and Southern epistemologies, the Portuguese sociologist describes his system. From his philosophical approach, I allow myself through the present text to develop pedagogical ideas that are developed from the southern epistemologies. In this sense, a proposal is generated from education, to develop this type of thinking. This text develops six elements of education from southern epistemologies, namely: non-existence, ignorance, the residual, the inferior, the local and the unproductive. Subsequently, some lessons are learned from a process in which I allowed myself to be a facilitator for the development of this bet in the south of Colombia, into Putumayo

    Big Data y su impacto en las empresas

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    Durante la mayor parte de la historia se ha trabajado con pocos datos debido a que las herramientas para recabar, organizar, almacenar y analizar toda la información de nuestro alrededor, eran pobres. Hoy, el entorno ha dado un giro sustancial e inapelable. A pesar de que todavía existen restricciones en cuánto a la cantidad de datos que se pueden manejar, es notable como se van reduciendo a medida que pasa el tiempo y la tecnología mejora. En este trabajo se estudiará como las empresas desarrollan sus herramientas para adaptarse a tales sumas de datos masivos y cuál va a ser el impacto del Big Data sobre ellas. Nuestro objetivo es determinar las formas en las que las empresas se pueden beneficiar de la aplicación de estos métodos y cuáles van a ser los obstáculos más arduos a la hora de ponerlos en marcha

    SerAPI: Machine-Friendly, Data-Centric Serialization for COQ: Technical Report

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    We present SerAPI, a library and protocol for machine-friendly communication with the COQ proof assistant. SerAPI is implemented using Ocaml's PPX pre-processing technology, and it is specifically targeted to reduce implementation burden for tools such as Integrated Development Environments or code analyzers. SerAPI tries to address common problems that tools interacting with COQ face, providing a uniform and data-centric way to access term representations, proof state, and an extended protocol for document building. SerAPI is work in progress but fully functional. It has been adopted by the jsCoq and PeaCoq Integrated Development Environments , and supports running inside a web browser instance. For the near future, we are focused on extending the document protocol and providing advanced display abilities to clients

    Really Natural Linear Indexed Type Checking

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    Recent works have shown the power of linear indexed type systems for enforcing complex program properties. These systems combine linear types with a language of type-level indices, allowing more fine-grained analyses. Such systems have been fruitfully applied in diverse domains, including implicit complexity and differential privacy. A natural way to enhance the expressiveness of this approach is by allowing the indices to depend on runtime information, in the spirit of dependent types. This approach is used in DFuzz, a language for differential privacy. The DFuzz type system relies on an index language supporting real and natural number arithmetic over constants and variables. Moreover, DFuzz uses a subtyping mechanism to make types more flexible. By themselves, linearity, dependency, and subtyping each require delicate handling when performing type checking or type inference; their combination increases this challenge substantially, as the features can interact in non-trivial ways. In this paper, we study the type-checking problem for DFuzz. We show how we can reduce type checking for (a simple extension of) DFuzz to constraint solving over a first-order theory of naturals and real numbers which, although undecidable, can often be handled in practice by standard numeric solvers

    Characterizations of bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas

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    Based on a general construction method by means of bivariate ultramodular copulas we construct, for particular settings, special bivariate conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas. We also show that the sets of copulas obtained in this way are dense in the sets of all conic, extreme value, and Archimax copulas, respectively

    The Ciao clp(FD) library. A modular CLP extension for Prolog

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    We present a new free library for Constraint Logic Programming over Finite Domains, included with the Ciao Prolog system. The library is entirely written in Prolog, leveraging on Ciao's module system and code transformation capabilities in order to achieve a highly modular design without compromising performance. We describe the interface, implementation, and design rationale of each modular component. The library meets several design goals: a high level of modularity, allowing the individual components to be replaced by different versions; highefficiency, being competitive with other TT> implementations; a glass-box approach, so the user can specify new constraints at different levels; and a Prolog implementation, in order to ease the integration with Ciao's code analysis components. The core is built upon two small libraries which implement integer ranges and closures. On top of that, a finite domain variable datatype is defined, taking care of constraint reexecution depending on range changes. These three libraries form what we call the TT> kernel of the library. This TT> kernel is used in turn to implement several higher-level finite domain constraints, specified using indexicals. Together with a labeling module this layer forms what we name the TT> solver. A final level integrates the CLP (J7©) paradigm with our TT> solver. This is achieved using attributed variables and a compiler from the CLP (J7©) language to the set of constraints provided by the solver. It should be noted that the user of the library is encouraged to work in any of those levels as seen convenient: from writing a new range module to enriching the set of TT> constraints by writing new indexicals

    Adventures in the (not so) Complex Space

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    International audienceWe report on the progress of a constructive mechanization for a small subset of signal processing theory, built upon the SSREFLECT and MATHCOMP libraries.The development was started to provide mechanized semantics for audio programming languages. Currently, we have formalized several standard properties of the Discrete Fourier Transform, such as its unitary matrix form and its power and convolution theorems. Future goals include transfer functions and constant overlap-add processing.At the workshop, we aim to discuss the needs and limits of our current approach, surveying some mathematical concepts not covered by existing libraries, and similar efforts in other frameworks and theorem provers
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