63 research outputs found


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    Grinding/crushing is a process of reducing the size in a crushing plant to get the desired size. The coal ball mill technique is where the ball collides with the feed on the tube wall, thus cracks will form in the feed which will result in a smaller size. Limitation of the problem in this study is the effect of speed on time and grain size resulting from the milling process, the mass of the sample used is 500 grams with grain sizes that do not pass a 10 mesh sieve, there are three types of pulley variations, namely, pulleys of 2 inch, 4 inch. , and 20 inches with a ball as a control using 10 uniform balls with a diameter of 4.58 c


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    Prevalensi stunting merupakan masalah gizi kronis yang ada di Indonesia. Anak yang menderita stunting lebih rentan terkena penyakit dan gangguan kesehatan lainnya. Dampak stunting terhadap anak tidak hanya masalah kesehatan saja, namun juga berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kecerdasan. Salah satu upaya penanggulangan dan pencegahan stunting dapat dilakukan melalui  edukasi gizi terhadap ibu dan anak. Jenis dan metode edukasi gizi akan sangat berpengaruh terhadap efektivitas program edukasi gizi yang diberikan terhadap masyarakat. Pemilihan metode harus sesuai dengan sasaran audien agar materi dapat dengan baik tersampaikan kepada masyarakat target. Poster merupakan media edukasi gizi yang mudah diaplikasikan serta dapat menarik minat masyarakat untuk memperhatikan kegitan penyampaian materi. Cooking demo merupakan metode edukasi yang komunikatif dan menarik yang dapat diaplikasikan dalam pemberian edukasi gizi. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kuasi eksperimen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efikasi dari edukasi gizi menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo dalam meningkatkan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita stunting. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu yang signifikan pada perlakuan intervensi gizi dengan menggunakan poster dan cooking demo pada kelompok intervensi. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa edukasi gizi dengan menggunakan poster gizi dan cooking demo merupakan metode yang efektif dalam peningkatan pengetahuan gizi ibu balita.Kata Kunci:  Stunting; Edukasi gizi; Cooking demo; Poster gizi seimban

    Prototype of Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System Equipped Obstacle Warning System Based on Image Processing and Real-Time Tracking

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    Ships are sea transportation that is often used in Indonesia. However, who would have thought that the transportation would become a case because of the frequent occurrence of accidents. This has been proven from data from the KNKT (National Transportation Safety Committee) which noted that from 2012 to 2017 there had been an increase in accidents in the waters. In fact, according to the National Search and Rescue Agency (Basarnas) in 2020 there have been 878 incidents with victims reaching 4658 people. In this final project, the author makes a prototype of BNWAS (Bridge Navigational Watch Alarm System) equipped with obstacle warning using image processing with the otsu method strengthened by thresholding-based segmentation with inverse technique (TsTN), distance detection using the triangle similarity method, real-time tracking with GPS (Global Positioning System) and the entire system can be observed on the Android application. The Final Project performs several analyzes including performance analysis by calculating the accuracy of the BNWAS alarm system, image detection accuracy, distance detection accuracy, GPS accuracy, overall system testing accuracy and packet loss. The accuracy of each system is very good because the error is below 2%, while for overall system testing has a very good performance with a delay of 179.8 ms and 0% packet loss

    Anatomy Variation of Ruptured Anterior Communicating Artery (AcoA) Aneurysm : Serial Cases

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    Introduction : Intracranial aneurysms (IA) is an acquired disease characterized by dilatation of intracranial arteries, and is usually found at the location of arterial branches in the cranii base region. The selection of management and anatomic variations is quite interesting to be discussed in the case of aneurysms. Cases Report : Four cases of AcoA aneurysm were reported with variations in clinical manifestations, A1 segment anatomy, fundal projections and management considerations (Coiling vs. Clipping). This case series illustrates the compatibility with previous case studies that have existed. Discussion : The author concludes that the actions taken in cases I, II and III are in the form of coiling due to age, dome and neck ratio and access to perform such difficult surgical procedures. In case IV , it was considered to be performed surgical clipping action due to the presence of intracerebal hemoraghic, and the approach can be done from a non dominant hemisphere, proximal control only through the right carotid and the location of the posterior dome which was favorable for surgical clipping Conclusion : Aneurysms from the ACA-anterior communicating artery (ACoA) complex are some of the most complex lesions in the field of vascular neurosurgery. This location is where most rupture aneurysms occured with high mortalities due to complications of vasospasm and SAH. The choice of management in aneurysm cases which involved many factors such as age and anatomic variations.

    Penerapan Metode Al-Qasimi Dalam Menghafal Al-Qur’an Di Pondok Pesantren Baitul Qur’an Garut, Dawung, Sambirejo Sragen Tahun 2012-2013

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    Menghafal al-Qur‟an merupakan suatu perbuatan yang sangat mulia dan terpuji. Sebab, orang yang menghafalkan al-Qur‟an merupakan salah satu hamba yang ahlul

    Calibration and Validation of CN Values for Watershed Hydrological Response

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    The amount of rainfall can be used to estimate the runoff that enters a reservoir. Runoff is influenced by land use, and soil type greatly affects the amount of runoff that will occur. This study discusses the development of a hydrological model with the application of the Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC-HMS) in the Karangmumus watershed using soil data that has been verified in the field and divided into soil zones based on soil permeability testing in the laboratory. With the help of Geographic Information System (GIS) and Geospatial Hydrological Model (HEC-GeoHMS) applications, it is possible to identify the flow of the Karangmumus watershed and the Lempake Dam in Kalimantan by simulating the rain runoff process. The hydrological model was developed in the HEC-HMS by recording daily rainfall events from 2009 to 2019. With a daily period, then, the zoning soil type data was entered based on the results of soil permeability testing with the help of the application of the soil conservation curve method (SCS-CN), then discharge transformation, and calculation of water loss, including routing with Muskingum and SCS-Hydrograph applications. Based on the distribution of the CN value, the theoretical runoff is calculated and then calibrated with the observed discharge in 2017 and 2018, and then validated with the observed discharge in 2019, showing good results with a coefficient of determination between 0.89 to 0.92. Doi: 10.28991/CEJ-2023-09-01-06 Full Text: PD


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    Abstrak - Tujuan penulisan Penelitian ini untuk mepermudah pengguna dalam mengelola data bahan baku dan bahan jadi untuk memperoleh laba atau keuntungan dalam melakukan proses produksi. Metode yang ada saat ini masih manual, dimana terjadi kesalahan dalam menghitung jumlah bahan baku yang dibutuhkan, sehingga sering terjadi kerugian dalam setiap proses produksinya. Aplikasi ini di disain dengan menggunakan metode Just In Time (JIT) atau metode tepat waktu dimana pengguna hanya akan membeli bahan baku sesuai dengan jumlah kebutuhan yang diperlukan. Sehingga pengguna akan lebih mudah menghemat biaya produksi dikarenakan tidak akan takut kelebihan stok bahan baku, dan ini juga akan menghemat ruang penyimpanan di dalam gudang. Jadi dapat di simpulkan bahwa aplikasi ini dapat menggantikan metode yang lama. Sehingga dalam setiap proses produksinya dilakukan dengan tepat dan memperoleh laba atau keuntungan yang lebih besar lagi. Kelemahan aplikasi ini desainnya masih sangat sederhana. Kata Kunci - Visual Basic.Net 2010, Sistem Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Bahan Baku dan Bahan Jadi, Metode Just In Time (JIT). Abstract - The purpose of this thesis is to facilitate users in managing data on raw materials and finished materials to obtain profits or profits in carrying out the production process. The current method is still manual, where there is an error in calculating the amount of raw materials needed, so that losses often occur in each production process. This application is designed using the Just In Time (JIT) method or a timely method where users will only buy raw materials according to the number of needs needed. So that users will be easier to save on production costs because they will not be afraid of excess stock of raw materials, and this will also save storage space in the warehouse. So it can be concluded that this application can replace the old method. So that in each production process it is carried out properly and gets a bigger profit or profit. The weakness of this application is that the design is still very simple. Keywords - Visual Basic.Net 2010, Sistem Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Bahan Baku dan Bahan Jadi, Metode Just In Time (JIT


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    Objective: During infection like sepsis, myeloperoxidase (MPO) enzyme will be generated from the neutrophil. This enzyme will catalyze theoxidation of halide or pseudohalide (Cl, I-, SCN, and Br-) using hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). However, the mechanism by which oxidation of these severalcosubstrates in neonatal sepsis is unknown. Here, we have compared the kinetic parameter of MPO in saliva of newborn at risk of sepsis with orwithout the presence of these several cosubstrates.Methods: In this experiment, saliva samples were taken from newborn in health (n = 20) and risk of sepsis (n = 20). Saliva samples from each groupthen homogenized and divided into four groups. Group 1 served as control which contains saliva+H2O2; Group 2 contains saliva+H2O2+Cl−; Group 3contains saliva+H2O2+I−; and Group 4 contains saliva+H2O2+SCN−. After 1 h incubation, the kinetic parameters (Km and Vmax) were analyzed.Results: The result shows that in sepsis condition, compared without the presence of some cosubstrates, it seems the addition of some cosubstratewill increase the affinity between MPO, H2O2, and the cosubstrate. Between these three cosubstrates, it seems in sepsis condition MPO will oxidize Cl−.Conclusion: In sepsis condition, MPO works by a common mechanism, that is, oxidizing Cl− to hypochlorous acid than another cosubstrate
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