39 research outputs found

    Reducing Wait Time Prediction In Hospital Emergency Room: Lean Analysis Using a Random Forest Model

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    Most of the patients visiting emergency departments face long waiting times due to overcrowding which is a major concern across the hospital in the United States. Emergency Department (ED) overcrowding is a common phenomenon across hospitals, which leads to issues for the hospital management, such as increased patient s dissatisfaction and an increase in the number of patients choosing to terminate their ED visit without being attended to by a medical healthcare professional. Patients who have to Leave Without Being Seen (LWBS) by doctors often leads to loss of revenue to hospitals encouraging healthcare professionals to analyze ways to improve operational efficiency and reduce the operational expenses of an emergency department. To keep patients informed of the conditions in the emergency room, recently hospitals have started publishing wait times online. Posted wait times help patients to choose the ED which is least overcrowded thus benefiting patients with shortest waiting time and allowing hospitals to allocate and plan resources appropriately. This requires an accurate and efficient method to model the experienced waiting time for patients visiting an emergency medical services unit. In this thesis, the author seeks to estimate the waiting time for low acuity patients within an ED setting; using regularized regression methods such as Lasso, Ridge, Elastic Net, SCAD and MCP; along with tree-based regression (Random Forest). For accurately capturing the dynamic state of emergency rooms, queues of patients at various stage of ED is used as candidate predictor variables along with time patient s arrival time to account for diurnal variation. Best waiting time prediction model is selected based on the analysis of historical data from the hospital. Tree-based regression model predicts wait time of low acuity patients in ED with more accuracy when compared with regularized regression, conventional rolling average, and quantile regression methods. Finally, most influential predictors for predictability of patient wait time are identified for the best performing model


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    Suggestioiden hyödyt soittamisessa ja soitonopetuksessa

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    Opinnäytetyössäni käsittelen suggestion käsitettä, hypnoosia, suggestopedistä opetusta, suggestioiden ominaisuuksia sekä niiden käyttöä esiintymisjännityksen hallinnassa sekä soitonopetuksessa ja –oppimisessa. Tarkastelen niitä omien kokemuksieni ja muiden kokemusten kautta. Työni tavoitteena on lisätä tietoisuutta siitä, että omaa mieltänsä voi vahvistaa ja omia uskomuksiansa voi muuttaa. Suggestiot toimivat monipuolisuutensa vuoksi myös erinomaisena työkaluna erilaisten ja eri-ikäisten oppijoiden parissa. Tässä työssä on esitelty muutamia konkreettisia harjoituksia suggestioiden käyttöä varten. Harjoitukset ovat peräisin alan asiantuntijoilta. Olen etsinyt teoreettista taustaa kirjallisuudesta sekä kokemuksia suggestioiden käyttöä kartoittavan kyselyn kautta. Kohdistin kyselyn eri elämäntilanteessa oleville musiikkipedagogeille, muusikoille, tanssijoille sekä muille esiintyville taiteilijoille. Kyselyn avulla kartoitin muun muassa sitä, millaisissa tilanteissa suggestioita käytetään, millaisia suggestioita käytetään ja millaisia kokemuksia niiden käytöstä on.This thesis explores the concept of suggestion, hypnosis, suggestopedia as teaching method and the features of suggestions. I explore them through my own and others’ experiences and want to know how to use suggestions to ease stage fright. My goal is to make people more aware of the fact that people can strengthen their own minds and change their own beliefs. Because suggestions are versatile, they are an excellent tool for different kinds of learners in different ages. This thesis presents a few concrete exercises how people can use suggestions. The exercises are made by experts. The theoretical background comes from literature and through a survey. The survey’s target group consisted of musicians, music pedagogues, dancers and other performing artists with different life backgrounds. They were asked for example, in what kind of situations you use suggestions, what kind of suggestions you use and what kind of experiences they have

    Analisis Upaya Muhammadiyah Dalam Meningkatkan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Melalui Ekspor Tepung Mocaf Ke Inggris

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    Pertumbuhan ekonomi merupakan komponen terpenting bagi perekonomian negara. Pertumbuhan ekonomi sangat lekat dengan pembangunan ekonomi, keduanya sama-sama berkaitan dan berjalan berdampingan karena tolak ukur dari pertumbuhan ekonomi terletak pada keberhasilan pembangunan ekonomi yang telah dilaksanakan sehingga bisa dengan jelas diketahui perkembangan ekonomi yang telah dilaksanakan pada setiap Negara  Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang analisis upaya Muhammadiyah dalam kontribusinya terhadap  peningkatan perekonomian Negara melalui ekspor tepung mocaf 60 ton setiap bulan ke Negara Inggris yang dimulai pada tahun 2021. Artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan teknik deskriptif analisis, instrument pengumpulan data diperoleh dari sumber primer ysng berasal dari owner rumah mocaf. Setelah itu, penelitian ini diperkuat dari data sekunder yang diperoleh dari sumber tertulis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah peran oragnisasi masyarakat dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi sangat peting, salah satu oragnisasi masyarakat yaitu Muhammadiyah lewat Rumah Mocaf yang didirkan oleh kadeenya ikut berkontribusi dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi melalui ekspor dengan melibatkan peran masyarakat yang besar, dalam hal ini terdapat beberapa indikator pertumbuhan ekonomi yang terpenuhi dinataranya adalah penyeimbangan perekonomian, perubahan struktur ekonomi, peningkatan lapangan kerja, dan pemenuhan kebutuhan yang merata

    To shear failure of steel and fibre-reinforced concrete circular hollow section composite column at elevated temperature

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    [EN] This study predicts the shear strength of steel fibre reinforced concrete (SFRC) members at elevated temperature using numerical modelling. The authors derived the stress-strain relation in the pure shear mode at ambient temperature based on a damage model calibrated at ambient and elevated temperatures. The model was validated on the special experimental arrangement for the pure shear mode of the SFRC in torsion. These results enables to determine the stress-strain diagram at elevated temperature. The shear strength of SFRC is compared with the compressive and tensile strength and used to observe reasons for experimentally observed failure model. The work is a part of comprehensive project focused on development of design models for the steel and SFRC composite columns with circular hollow section (CHS) at elevated temperature. Research includes two levels accuracy/complexity, allowing simplified or advanced approach to design following the coming changes in European standard for composite member design in fire, EN1994-1-2:2021. Experimental studies of the project include mechanical material tests of heated fibre-concrete samples in tension and compression, thermal uniform and non-uniform tests of insulated fragments of CHS and tests of full scale SFRC CHS columns in steady-state and transient-state regimes. Developing advanced FEM simulation of global mechanical behaviour of SFRC CHS columns is a multi-levelled composite mechanical and thermo-model and provide numerous numerical experiments. Together with steel material model in fire, validated FEM model of mechanical behaviour of fibre-reinforce concrete at elevated temperature is performed. Validated simplified and advanced thermal model of SFRC in CHS at elevated temperature gives temperature fields and moisture distribution inside section which depends on direction, heat flux, sizes and gives possibility to model different fire cases of full-scale columns in bending, shear, and buckling at elevated temperature. Proposed analytical and simplified FEM mechanical model of column is taking into account degradation of mechanical properties, analytical models of transfer of heat inside the column section and provides simple solutions for designers.This publication was supported by grant of Grant Agency Czech Republic, No. 15-19073S, Models of steel and fibre concrete composite columns exposed to fire.Arha, T.; Křístek, V.; Tretyakov, A.; Blesak, L.; Tkalenko, I.; Wald, F.; Stefan, R.... (2018). To shear failure of steel and fibre-reinforced concrete circular hollow section composite column at elevated temperature. En Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Advances in Steel-Concrete Composite Structures. ASCCS 2018. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 863-869. https://doi.org/10.4995/ASCCS2018.2018.7201OCS86386

    Democracia en el Estado de México: fortalezas y debilidades

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    En toda interacción humana puede estar presente el poder. Por tanto, todas las formas de interacción humana son susceptibles de catalogarse como democráticas o como autoritarias (e incluso híbridas, cuando conjugan elementos democráticos y autoritarios). En la interacción democrática o bien está ausente el poder o bien éste es ejercido con tolerancia y con apego a normas preestablecidas. En la interacción autoritaria prevalece la intolerancia, la arbitrariedad y la violencia

    Rancang Bangun Pengukur Intensitas Cahaya Pada Lampu Operasi Berbasis Arduino

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