192 research outputs found

    Mixing Time Scales in a Supernova-Driven Interstellar Medium

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    We study the mixing of chemical species in the interstellar medium (ISM). Recent observations suggest that the distribution of species such as deuterium in the ISM may be far from homogeneous. This raises the question of how long it takes for inhomogeneities to be erased in the ISM, and how this depends on the length scale of the inhomogeneities. We added a tracer field to the three-dimensional, supernova-driven ISM model of Avillez (2000) to study mixing and dispersal in kiloparsec-scale simulations of the ISM with different supernova (SN) rates and different inhomogeneity length scales. We find several surprising results. Classical mixing length theory fails to predict the very weak dependence of mixing time on length scale that we find on scales of 25--500 pc. Derived diffusion coefficients increase exponentially with time, rather than remaining constant. The variance of composition declines exponentially, with a time constant of tens of Myr, so that large differences fade faster than small ones. The time constant depends on the inverse square root of the supernova rate. One major reason for these results is that even with numerical diffusion exceeding physical values, gas does not mix quickly between hot and cold regions.Comment: 23 pages, 14 figures that include 7 simulation images and 19 plots, accepted for publication at Ap

    Explosive Nucleosynthesis in Hypernovae

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    We examine the characteristics of nucleosynthesis in 'hypernovae', i.e., supernovae with very large explosion energies ( \gsim 10^{52} ergs). We carry out detailed nucleosynthesis calculations for these energetic explosions and compare the yields with those of ordinary core-collapse supernovae. We find that both complete and incomplete Si-burning takes place over more extended, lower density regions, so that the alpha-rich freezeout is enhanced and produces more Ti in comparison with ordinary supernova nucleosynthesis. In addition, oxygen and carbon burning takes place in more extended, lower density regions than in ordinary supernovae. Therefore, the fuel elements O, C, Al are less abundant while a larger amount of Si, S, Ar, and Ca ("Si") are synthesized by oxygen burning; this leads to larger ratios of "Si"/O in the ejecta. Enhancement of the mass ratio between complete and incomplete Si-burning regions in the ejecta may explain the abundance ratios among iron-peak elements in metal-poor stars. Also the enhanced "Si"/O ratio may explain the abundance ratios observed in star burst galaxies. We also discuss other implications of enhanced [Ti/Fe] and [Fe/O] for Galactic chemical evolution and the abundances of low mass black hole binaries.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal (13 March 2001) Tables 6 - 9 are available at http://www.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~nakamura/research/papers/nakamuratab.ps.g

    Pre-galactic metal enrichment - The chemical signatures of the first stars

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    The emergence of the first sources of light at redshifts of z ~ 10-30 signaled the transition from the simple initial state of the Universe to one of increasing complexity. We review recent progress in our understanding of the formation of the first stars and galaxies, starting with cosmological initial conditions, primordial gas cooling, and subsequent collapse and fragmentation. We emphasize the important open question of how the pristine gas was enriched with heavy chemical elements in the wake of the first supernovae. We conclude by discussing how the chemical abundance patterns conceivably allow us to probe the properties of the first stars and subsequent stellar generations, and allow us to test models of early metal enrichment.Comment: 52 pages, 20 figures, clarifications, references added, accepted for publication in the Reviews of Modern Physic

    A systems view of epithelial–mesenchymal transition signaling states

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    Epithelial–mesenchymal transition (EMT) is an important contributor to the invasion and metastasis of epithelial-derived cancers. While considerable effort has focused in the regulators involved in the transition process, we have focused on consequences of EMT to prosurvival signaling. Changes in distinct metastable and ‘epigentically-fixed’ EMT states were measured by correlation of protein, phosphoprotein, phosphopeptide and RNA transcript abundance. The assembly of 1167 modulated components into functional systems or machines simplified biological understanding and increased prediction confidence highlighting four functional groups: cell adhesion and migration, metabolism, transcription nodes and proliferation/survival networks. A coordinate metabolic reduction in a cluster of 17 free-radical stress pathway components was observed and correlated with reduced glycolytic and increased oxidative phosphorylation enzyme capacity, consistent with reduced cell cycling and reduced need for macromolecular biosynthesis in the mesenchymal state. An attenuation of EGFR autophosphorylation and a switch from autocrine to paracrine-competent EGFR signaling was implicated in the enablement of tumor cell chemotaxis. A similar attenuation of IGF1R, MET and RON signaling with EMT was observed. In contrast, EMT increased prosurvival autocrine IL11/IL6-JAK2-STAT signaling, autocrine fibronectin-integrin α5ÎČ1 activation, autocrine Axl/Tyro3/PDGFR/FGFR RTK signaling and autocrine TGFÎČR signaling. A relatively uniform loss of polarity and cell–cell junction linkages to actin cytoskeleton and intermediate filaments was measured at a systems level. A more heterogeneous gain of ECM remodeling and associated with invasion and migration was observed. Correlation to stem cell, EMT, invasion and metastasis datasets revealed the greatest similarity with normal and cancerous breast stem cell populations, CD49f(hi)/EpCAM(-/lo) and CD44(hi)/CD24(lo), respectively. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s10585-010-9367-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    NLTE determination of the aluminium abundance in a homogeneous sample of extremely metal-poor stars

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    Aims: Aluminium is a key element to constrain the models of the chemical enrichment and the yields of the first supernovae. But obtaining precise Al abundances in extremely metal-poor (EMP) stars requires that the non-LTE effects be carefully taken into account. Methods: The NLTE profiles of the blue resonance aluminium lines have been computed in a sample of 53 extremely metal-poor stars with a modified version of the program MULTI applied to an atomic model of the Al atom with 78 levels of Al I and 13 levels of Al II, and compared to the observations. Results: With these new determinations, all the stars of the sample show a ratio Al/Fe close to the solar value: [Al/Fe] =-0.06 +- 0.10 with a very small scatter. These results are compared to the models of the chemical evolution of the halo using different models of SN II and are compatible with recent computations. The sodium-rich giants are not found to be also aluminium-rich and thus, as expected, the convection in these giants only brings to the surface the products of the Ne-Na cycle.Comment: To be published on A&

    Hypernova Nucleosynthesis and Galactic Chemical Evolution

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    We study nucleosynthesis in 'hypernovae', i.e., supernovae with very large explosion energies ( \gsim 10^{52} ergs) for both spherical and aspherical explosions. The hypernova yields compared to those of ordinary core-collapse supernovae show the following characteristics: 1) Complete Si-burning takes place in more extended region, so that the mass ratio between the complete and incomplete Si burning regions is generally larger in hypernovae than normal supernovae. As a result, higher energy explosions tend to produce larger [(Zn, Co)/Fe], small [(Mn, Cr)/Fe], and larger [Fe/O], which could explain the trend observed in very metal-poor stars. 2) Si-burning takes place in lower density regions, so that the effects of α\alpha-rich freezeout is enhanced. Thus 44^{44}Ca, 48^{48}Ti, and 64^{64}Zn are produced more abundantly than in normal supernovae. The large [(Ti, Zn)/Fe] ratios observed in very metal poor stars strongly suggest a significant contribution of hypernovae. 3) Oxygen burning also takes place in more extended regions for the larger explosion energy. Then a larger amount of Si, S, Ar, and Ca ("Si") are synthesized, which makes the "Si"/O ratio larger. The abundance pattern of the starburst galaxy M82 may be attributed to hypernova explosions. Asphericity in the explosions strengthens the nucleosynthesis properties of hypernovae except for "Si"/O. We thus suggest that hypernovae make important contribution to the early Galactic (and cosmic) chemical evolution.Comment: To be published in "The Influence of Binaries on Stellar Population Studies", ed. D. Vanbeveren (Kluwer), 200

    The r-process nucleosynthesis: a continued challenge for nuclear physics and astrophysics

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    The identification of the astrophysical site and the specific conditions in which r-process nucleosynthesis takes place remain unsolved mysteries of astrophysics. The present paper emphasizes some important future challenges faced by nuclear physics in this problem, particularly in the determination of the radiative neutron capture rates by exotic nuclei close to the neutron drip line and the fission probabilities of heavy neutron-rich nuclei. These quantities are particularly relevant to determine the composition of the matter resulting from the decompression of initially cold neutron star matter. New detailed r-process calculations are performed and the final composition of ejected inner and outer neutron star crust material is estimated. We discuss the impact of the many uncertainties in the astrophysics and nuclear physics on the final composition of the ejected matter. The similarity between the predicted and the solar abundance pattern for A > 140 nuclei as well as the robustness of the prediction with varied input parameters makes this scenario one of the most promising that deserves further exploration.Comment: 8 pages, contribution to the Nuclei in the Cosmos Conference, to appear in Nucl. Phys.

    Chromium: NLTE abundances in metal-poor stars and nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy

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    Aims. We investigate statistical equilibrium of Cr in the atmospheres of late-type stars to show whether the systematic abundance discrepancy between Cr I and Cr II lines, as often encountered in the literature, is due to deviations from LTE. Furthermore, we attempt to interpret the NLTE trend of [Cr/Fe] with [Fe/H] using chemical evolution models for the solar neighborhood. Methods. NLTE calculations are performed for the model of Cr atom, comprising 340 levels and 6806 transitions in total. We make use of the quantum-mechanical photoionization cross-sections of Nahar (2009) and investigate sensitivity of the model to uncertain cross-sections for H I collisions. NLTE line formation is performed for the MAFAGS-ODF model atmospheres of the Sun and 10 metal-poor stars with -3.2 < [Fe/H] < -0.5, and abundances of Cr are derived by comparison of the synthetic and observed flux spectra. Results. We achieve good ionization equilibrium of Cr for the models with different stellar parameters, if inelastic collisions with H I atoms are neglected. The solar NLTE abundance based on Cr I lines is 5.74 dex with {\sigma} = 0.05 dex; it is \sim 0.1 higher than the LTE abundance. For the metal-poor stars, the NLTE abundance corrections to Cr I lines range from +0.3 to +0.5 dex. The resulting [Cr/Fe] ratio is roughly solar for the range of metallicities analyzed here, which is consistent with current views on production of these iron peak elements in supernovae. Conclusions. The tendency of Cr to become deficient with respect to Fe in metal-poor stars is an artifact due to neglect of NLTE effects in the line formation of Cr I, and it has no relation to peculiar physical conditions in the Galactic ISM or deficiencies of nucleosynthesis theory.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, to be published in A&

    Analysis of 26 Barium Stars II. Contributions of s-, r- and p-processes in the production of heavy elements

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    Barium stars show enhanced abundances of the slow neutron capture (s-process) heavy elements, and for this reason they are suitable objects for the study of s-process elements. The aim of this work is to quantify the contributions of the s-, r- and p-processes for the total abundance of heavy elements from abundances derived for a sample of 26 barium stars. The abundance ratios between these processes and neutron exposures were studied. The abundances of the sample stars were compared to those of normal stars thus identifying the fraction relative to the s-process main component. The fittings of the sigmaN curves (neutron capture cross section times abundance, plotted against atomic mass number) for the sample stars suggest that the material from the companion asymptotic giant branch star had approximately the solar isotopic composition as concerns fractions of abundances relative to the s-process main component. The abundance ratios of heavy elements, hs, ls and s and the computed neutron exposure are similar to those of post-AGB stars. For some sample stars, an exponential neutron exposure fits well the observed data, whereas for others, a single neutron exposure provides a better fit. The comparison between barium and AGB stars supports the hypothesis of binarity for the barium star formation. Abundances of r-elements that are part of the s-process path in barium stars are usually higher than those in normal stars,and for this reason, barium stars seemed to be also enriched in r-elements, although in a lower degree than s-elements. No dependence on luminosity classes was found in the abundance ratios behaviour among the dwarfs and giants of the sample barium stars.Comment: 30 pages including 24 figures, accepted to A&
