89 research outputs found

    Targeted Disruption of Core 1 β1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1galt1) Induces Apical Endocytic Trafficking in Human Corneal Keratinocytes

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    Exposed mucosal surfaces limit constitutive endocytosis under physiological conditions to prevent uptake of macromolecules and pathogens and, therefore, cellular damage. It is now accepted that cell surface mucins, a group of high molecular weight glycoproteins on the epithelial glycocalyx, defined by their extensive O-glycosylation, play a major role in maintaining barrier function in these surfaces, but the precise mechanisms are unclear.In this work, we utilized a stable tetracycline-inducible RNA interfering system targeting the core 1 ß1,3-galactosyltransferase (C1galt1 or T-synthase), a critical galactosyltransferase required for the synthesis of core 1 O-glycans, to explore the role of mucin-type carbohydrates in apical endocytic trafficking in human corneal keratinocytes. Using cell surface biotinylation and subcellular fractionation, we found increased accumulation of plasma membrane protein in endosomes after C1galt1 depletion. Confocal laser scanning microscopy and fluorometry revealed increased translocation of negatively charged fluorescent nanospheres after C1galt1 knockdown sustained by an active transport process and largely independent of apical intercellular junctions. Internalization of nanospheres could be blocked by dynasore, nocodazole, chlorpromazine, and hyperosmotic sucrose, suggesting a mechanism for clathrin-coated pit budding and vesicular trafficking. This possibility was supported by experiments showing nanosphere colocalization with clathrin heavy chain in the cytoplasm.Together, the data suggest that core 1 O-glycans contribute to maintenance of apical barrier function on exposed mucosal surfaces by preventing clathrin-mediated endocytosis

    Análisis comparativo de bradyrhizobia aislados de Lupinus angustifolius y Lupinus mariae-josephi.

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    Los altramuces (Lupinus sp.) son leguminosas con alto contenido proteico y alto valor en alimentación animal. Todas las especies de Lupinus que crecen en la Península Ibérica, incluida L. angustifolius, requieren suelos ácidos, excepto L- mariae-josephi, una especie recientemente descrita, que excepcíonalmente crece en suelos alcalinos. Se han analizado las relaciones filogenéticas entre bacterias endosimbióticas (rizobios) de L. mariae-josephi y de L. angustifolius y su posición evolutiva respecto a rizobios aislados de otras especies de Lupinus y de otras leguminosas. Con este fin se comparó la secuencia aminoacídica de proteínas esenciales ("housekeeping"), RecA, AtpD, Glnl l, y de la proteína simbiótica NodC, así como también la secuencia nucleotídica intergénica 16S-23S (ITS). La caracterización simbiótica de L. angustifolius y L. mariae-josephi implicó la realización de ensayos de inoculación cruzada, empleando plantas cuyos endosimbiontes están filogenéticamente próximos. Además, se estudió por microscopía de fluorescencia la distribución de bacteroides en los nodulos, utilizando rizobios que expresan GFP. Se espera identificar factores de la simbiosis con rizobios que capacitan a L .mariae-josephi para crecer en suelos básicos

    Hybrid parallel multimethod hyperheuristic for mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems in computational systems biology

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    [Abstract] This paper describes and assesses a parallel multimethod hyperheuristic for the solution of complex global optimization problems. In a multimethod hyperheuristic, different metaheuristics cooperate to outperform the results obtained by any of them isolated. The results obtained show that the cooperation of individual parallel searches modifies the systemic properties of the hyperheuristic, achieving significant performance improvements versus the sequential and the non-cooperative parallel solutions. Here we present and evaluate a hybrid parallel scheme of the multimethod, using both message-passing (MPI) and shared memory (OpenMP) models. The hybrid parallelization allows to achieve a better trade-off between performance and computational resources, through a compromise between diversity (number of islands) and intensity (number of threads per island). For the performance evaluation, we considered the general problem of reverse engineering nonlinear dynamic models in systems biology, which yields very large mixed-integer dynamic optimization problems. In particular, three very challenging problems from the domain of dynamic modeling of cell signaling were used as case studies. In addition, experiments have been carried out in a local cluster, a large supercomputer and a public cloud, to show the suitability of the proposed solution in different execution platforms.Gobierno de España; DPI2017-82896-C2-2-RGobierno de España; TIN2016-75845-PXunta de Galicia; R2016/045Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/0

    Simbiosis bacteriana y conservación de flora amenazada: el caso del Lupinus mariae-josephae.

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    Lupinus mariae-josephae H. Pascual es un altramuz endémico de un reducido número de sitios en la Comunidad Valenciana, donde coloniza sustratos de ?terra rossa? sobre afloramientos de lapiaz. Descrito en 2004 a partir de plantas cultivadas, no pudo localizarse en campo hasta 2006, y el hallazgo de sus poblaciones ha estado estrechamente ligado a topónimos relativos a su nombre popular, ?tramús? en valenciano. Se ha demostrado la clara independencia genética, y en consecuencia el valor como ?buen taxon? de esta especie. Hasta ahora se han caracterizado y censado cinco poblaciones silvestres en diferentes localidades, y en todas ellas se observan fuertes fluctuaciones interanuales de sus efectivos, a veces acompañadas de importantes diferencias de vigor de los ejemplares; tres de estas poblaciones están actualmente protegidas mediante sendas microrreservas de flora. Algunos de estos núcleos poblacionales se componen en años concretos de formas poco vigorosas, que a menudo sólo producen 1-2 frutos con 1-2 semillas; por el contrario, las formas más vigorosas pueden producir varias docenas de semillas. La emergencia de plántulas se produce con gran probabilidad tras años de progresiva escarificación de la cubierta de las semillas en el suelo, y probablemente se acelera por procesos de reducción de la cubierta vegetal como los incendios forestales. La germinación experimental ex situ sólo se consigue satisfactoriamente mediante el pretratamiento de escaldado de las semillas

    Crosslinker-free collagen gelation for corneal regeneration

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    Development of an artificial cornea can potentially fulfil the demand of donor corneas for transplantation as the number of donors is far less than needed to treat corneal blindness. Collagen-based artificial corneas stand out as a regenerative option, having promising clinical outcomes. Collagen crosslinked with chemical crosslinkers which modify the parent functional groups of collagen. However, crosslinkers are usually cytotoxic, so crosslinkers need to be removed from implants completely before application in humans. In addition, crosslinked products are mechanically weak and susceptible to enzymatic degradation. We developed a crosslinker free supramolecular gelation strategy using pyrene conjugated dipeptide amphiphile (PyKC) consisting of lysine and cysteine; in which collagen molecules are intertwined inside the PyKC network without any functional group modification of the collagen. The newly developed collagen implants (Coll-PyKC) are optically transparent and can effectively block UV light, are mechanically and enzymatically stable, and can be sutured. The Coll-PyKC implants support the growth and function of all corneal cells, trigger anti-inflammatory differentiation while suppressing the pro-inflammatory differentiation of human monocytes. Coll-PyKC implants can restrict human adenovirus propagation. Therefore, this crosslinker-free strategy can be used for the repair, healing, and regeneration of the cornea, and potentially other damaged organs of the body

    Subconjunctival injection of mesenchymal stromal cells protects the cornea in an experimental model of GVHD

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    Purpose: To evaluate the therapeutic effect of subconjunctival injection of human mesenchymal stromal cells (hMSCs) in the cornea of mice with graft versus host disease (GVHD). Methods: GVHD was induced in mice after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) between MHC-mismatched mouse strains. Subconjunctival injection of hMSCs was applied at day 10 post-HSCT. Infiltration of CD3+ cells in the cornea and epithelial alterations were analyzed by immunofluorescence. Tear was assessed using the PRT test and TearLab Osmolarity System. qPCR was used to evaluate changes in cytokines, Pax6 and Sprr1b expression. To evaluate the effect of irradiation, we analyzed the expression of these genes in TBI mice. Results: Immune cell invasion occurs in mice with GVHD, as shown by the presence of CD3+ cells in the cornea. Interestingly, eyes treated with hMSC did not present CD3+ cells. Tear osmolarity was increased in GVHD eyes, but not in treated eyes. TNFa expression was highly increased in all corneas except in Control and treated eyes. Pax6 in corneal epithelium showed a similar pattern in GVHD and Control mice, and its gene expression was enhanced in GVHD corneas. In contrast, Pax6 was reduced in GVHD + MSC corneas. We also found an increase in SPRR1B staining in GVHD eyes that was lower in GVHD + MSC mice, demonstrating that corneal keratinization is less frequent after treatment with hMSC. Conclusions: The treatment with hMSCs by subconjunctival injection is effective in reducing corneal inflammation and squamous metaplasia in ocular GVHD (oGVHD). Local treatment with hMSCs is a promising strategy for oGVHD.This study was supported by Fund for Health of Spain (FIS) grant PI12/00939 and Red de Terapia Celular de Castilla y León. Rafael Martínez-Carrasco was supported by a grant from Junta de Castilla y León. A. Velasco, J. Aijón and E. Hernández-Galilea belong to UIC.077 and L.I. Sánchez-Abarca and F. Sánchez-Guijo to UIC-116 from Junta de Castilla y León

    Short Tandem Repeat (STR) Profiles of Commonly Used Human Ocular Surface Cell Lines

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to establish the short tandem repeat (STR) profiles of several human cell lines commonly used in ocular surface research. Materials and Methods: Independently DNA was extracted from multiple passages of three human corneal epithelial cell lines, two human conjunctival epithelial cell lines and one meibomian gland cell line, from different laboratories actively involved in ocular surface research. The samples were then subjected to STR analysis on a fee-for-service basis in an academic setting and the data compared against that in available databases. Results: The STR profiles for the human corneal epithelial cells were different among the three cell lines studied and for each line the profiles were identical across the samples provided by three laboratories. Profiles for the human conjunctival epithelial cells were different among the two cell lines studied. Profiles for the meibomian gland cell line were identical across the samples provided by three laboratories. No samples were contaminated by elements of other cell lines such as HeLa. Conclusions: This comprehensive study provides verification of STR profiles for commonly used human ocular surface cell lines that can now be used as a reference by others in the field to authenticate the cell lines in use in their own laboratories

    Socio-geographical disparities of obesity and excess weight in adults in Spain: insights from the ENE-COVID study

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    Background: In Spain, differences in the prevalence of obesity and excess weight according to sex and sociodemographic factors have been described at the national level, although current data do not allow to delve into geographical differences for these conditions. The aim was to estimate national and regional prevalences of adult obesity and excess weight in Spain by sex and sociodemographic characteristics, and to explore difference sources of inequalities in its distribution, as well as its geographical pattern. Method: ENE-COVID study was a nationwide representative seroepidemiological survey with 57,131 participants. Residents in 35,893 households were selected from municipal rolls using a two-stage random sampling stratified by province and municipality size (April-June 2020). Participants (77.0% of contacted individuals) answered a questionnaire which collected self-reported weight and height, as well as different socioeconomic variables, that allowed estimating crude and standardized prevalences of adult obesity and excess weight. Results: Crude prevalences of obesity and excess weight were higher in men (obesity: 19.3% vs. 18.0%; excess weight: 63.7% vs. 48.4%), while severe obesity was more prevalent in women (4.5% vs. 5.3%). These prevalences increased with age and disability, and decreased with education, census tract income and municipality size. Differences by educational level, relative census income, nationality or disability were clearly higher among women. Obesity by province ranged 13.3-27.4% in men and 11.4-28.1% in women; excess weight ranged 57.2-76.0% in men and 38.9-59.5% in women. The highest prevalences were located in the southern half of the country and some north-western provinces. Sociodemographic characteristics only explained a small part of the observed geographical variability (25.2% obesity). Conclusion: Obesity and overweight have a high prevalence in Spain, with notable geographical and sex differences. Socioeconomic inequalities are stronger among women. The observed geographical variability suggests the need to implement regional and local interventions to effectively address this public health problem.This study was supported by Spanish Ministry of Health, Institute of Health Carlos III, and Spanish National Health System.S

    Rationale, design and preliminary results of the GALIPEMIAS study (prevalence and lipid control of familial dyslipidemia in Galicia, northwest Spain)

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    [Abstract] Aims. There is little information on the familial nature of dyslipidemias in the Spanish population. This knowledge could have potential diagnostic and treatment implications. The objective of the GALIPEMIAS study was to determine the prevalence of familial dyslipidemia in Galicia, as well as determine the degree of lipid control in the participants. Prevalence of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) was also estimated. This paper presents the design, methodology and selected preliminary results. Methodology. A cross‐sectional study was performed in the population aged ≥18 years using cluster sampling and then random sampling. A sample of 1000 subjects was calculated and divided into three sequential phases with a specific methodology for each one. Phase I: selection of subjects from the general population and collection of informed consent documents; Phase II: collection of data from the digital clinical history to select subjects with dyslipidemia according to study criteria; Phase III: personal interview, blood analysis, family tree, and definitive diagnosis of dyslipidemia. Prevalence of different diseases and active medication was analysed. Corrected prevalence (to the reference population) of different risk factors and ASCVD was estimated. Results. Phase I participation was 89.5%. We extracted complete information from 93% of the participants (Phase II). According to the study′s own criteria, 56.5% (n = 527) of the participants had some form of dyslipidemia and almost 33.7% of them had familial dyslipidemia with autosomal dominant inherit pattern. The corrected prevalence of ASCVD was 5.1% (95% CI 3.1‐7.2). Conclusions. Dyslipidemia was the most prevalent cardiovascular risk factor in our population with an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern in one out of every three dyslipidemia cases. Approximately, 5.1% of the sample population aged ≥18 has suffered an episode of ACVD