33 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dirancang untuk menganalisa variasi genetik yang mungkin terjadi pada gen E7 HPV18. Isolat Sampel diperoleh dari Pusat Penelitian HPV Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Andalas yang berasal dari berbagai daerah di Padang dan Pekanbaru. Isolat HPV18 E7 disekuensing kemudian dianalisa selanjutnya dibangun pohon filogeni (kekerabatan). Dari lima isolat yang dianalisa, terdapat dua silent mutation (C162T/Alanin) pada sampel HPV18M8, HPV18M11 dan satu missense mutation (G158A/Arginin/Glutamin pada posisi asam amino 47 (R47Q)) pada sampel HPV18M12. Sedangkan pada sampel HPV18M4 dan HPV18M15 relatif stabil. Berdasarkan analisa pohon filogeni, HPV18M4, HPV18M12 dan HPV18M15 termasuk lineage Asia-Amerika dengan mean distance 0,006 sedangkan HPV18M8 dan HPV18M11 termasuk lineage Eropa dengan mean distance 0,036. Tidak ditemukan varian Afrika pada lima isolat sampel yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Perlu penelitian lebih lanjut terhadap potensi onkogenik dari mutasi R47Q


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    Kasus covid 19 di Indonesia sudah melandai, dan pemerintah sudah mencabut pemberlakuan PPKM, tetapi status pandemi covid 19 global masih berlaku. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat tetap waspada dan selalu terbiasa menjaga kebersihan terutama setelah beraktivitas di luar rumah. Salah satu diantaranya yaitu dengan terbiasa mencuci tangan menggunakan sabun (handsoap). Kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan handsoap ini dengan memanfaatkan limbah organik rumah tangga berupa kulit jeruk dan kulit manggis yang terlebih dahulu difermentasi menjadi eco enzym. Zat ini berkhasiat sebagai antibakteri sehingga dapat dijadikan antiseptik pada bahan dasar sabun. Kegiatan ini ditujukan kepada mahasiswa yang tinggal disekitar kampus Akademi Farmasi Dwi Farma. Pelatihan bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang cara pembuatan handsoap sehingga mereka dapat memproduksi untuk pribadi ataupun dikembangkan dalam bentuk wirausaha ke depannya. Selama kegiatan dilakukan, para mahasiswa terlihat antusias dan bersemangat untuk memproduksi handsoap tersebut secara mandiri

    Extraction and Determination of Total Phenolic and Flavonoid in Kapok Leaves (Ceiba pentandra L.) using Ethanol as Solvent

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    Kapok (Ceiba pentandra L.) is traditionally used in medicine. Based on the phytochemical screening, the leaves contain phenolic compounds, including flavonoids and tannins. The method used to determine the total phenol content was the Folin-Ciocalteu method using gallic acid as standard solution. The linear regression equation obtained on measured at 765 nm is y = 0.0054x + 0.0272 with determination (r) and correlation coefficient (R2 ) of 0.9994 and 0.9997. Total phenolic content in ethanol extracts is 89.185 µg/ml calculated as gallic acid. Meanwhile, determination of flavonoid content used comparison standard of quercetin used the AlCl3 method. Measuring at a wavelength of 510 nm gives a linear regression equation y= 0.122 + 0.003x with r = 0.9984 and R2 = 0.9960. Flavonoid content in kapok leaves is 1.6287% w/w calculated as quercetin


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    Medical records are files containing records and documents about the patient's identity, examination, treatment, actions, and other services that have been provided to the patient. A storage system is an activity to store medical records in order to protect them from physical damage and the contents of the documents. The system of storing medical record documents is one of the most important factors in the provision of services in hospitals. The medical record document storage system provides data availability about all services that have been provided to patients. The purpose of this study is to analyze the storage of medical record documents in sunday market hospitals. This type of research is descriptive using qualitative approach. The population of this study was all officers in the storage of medical records documents numbered four people. The sample of this study is the entire population that exists. The data collection of this study was conducted by researchers by interviewing and observation. The validity of the data using source triangulation is to compare the circumstances and perspective of a person in this case the officer storing medical records documents with superiors or officers in other parts of the medical record installation and comparing the results of interviews with a related document.. The results of this study storage system using a centralization system with filing location is still scattered in several storage places and the system alignment terminal digit filling system. The average time to provide medical records for new patients is 8 minutes, the old patient reaches 20 minutes


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    The business competition of packaged tea products is increasing, as indicated by the growing number of new brands of bottled tea in packaging. The company must create a new marketing strategy to maintain and gain market share higher. The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of the brand image, attitude toward bundling, and product attributes towards consumer repurchase intention of Teh Botol Sosro product. The population in this research were Teh Botol Sosro consumers in Semarang. The samples were 200 people selected using purposive sampling through a questionnaire. Data obtained from the questionnaires were then processed and analyzed using the SPSS and AMOS program. The results showed that an independent third variable has a positive influence on costumer satisfaction, and customer satisfaction has a positive influence on re-purchase Intention. However, the most influential of the intention to repurchase ‘Teh Botol Sosro’ is the product attributes that influence the customer satisfaction as a determinant of success in increasing re-purchase intention

    The Impact of Brand Image, Product Attributes, and Attitude toward Bundling on Consumer Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention.

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    The business competition of packaged tea products is increasing, as indicated by the growing number of new brands of packaged tea. Companies should create a new marketing strategy to maintain and gain market share higher. The purpose of this research is to examine the influences of the brand image, attitude toward bundling, and product attributes on repurchase intention of Teh Botol Sosro product. The population in this research is Teh Botol Sosro’s consumers in Semarang city, Indonesia. Two hundred respondents are selected as sample using purposive sampling. Data obtained from the questionnaires were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) technique. The results show that brand image, attitude toward bundling, and product attributes positively influence consumer satisfaction, and in turn, consumer satisfaction positively influences repurchase intention. In addition, compared to the other variables, product attributes has the most influence on repurchase intention

    Kemampuan Tumbuh Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Saluran Pencernaan Broiler Umur Tiga Hari pada Berbagai Uji Probiotik

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan tumbuh Isolat Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal (BAL) asal saluran pencernaan broiler umur tiga hari pada berbagai uji probiotik (pH, Garam Empedu dan suhu yang berbeda) telah dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kemapuan bakteri probiotik tumbuh pada pH, kadar garam empedu dan suhu yang berbeda isolat mikrobia asal saluran pencernaan broiler yang dipelihara selama tiga hari dan mengalami perlakuan pakan dan tidak diberi pakan, Diperoleh 4 (empat) isolat yang menunjukkan karakteristik probiotik yang berbentuk Coccus (bulat) yaitu isolat A, dan D, yang diperkirakan tergolong genus Entrecoccus sp. dan yang berbentuk basil (batang) yaitu isolat B dan C di perkirakan tergolong genus Lactobacillus sp. Kemampuan daya tumbuh BAL terhadap ketahanan pH terlihat bahwa isolat B, C,D mampu tumbuh pada medium yang memiliki derajat keasaman pH 3 pH 4 dan pH 5 Medium yang memiliki derajat keasaman pH 3 tidak menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan pada isolat A, tetapi pada kondisi keasaman pH 4 dan pH 5 menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan koloni. Isolat A, B,C dan D dapat tumbuh pada garam empedu 1% dan 5%, Tetapi keseluruhan isolat lebih optimal tumbuh pada medium yang mengandung dengan konsentrasi 5% dibandingkan dengan konsentrasi 1%. Pada pengujian suhu 300C tidak terdapat pertumbuhan pada isolat A dan D sedangkan pada suhu 370C, dan 410C terdapat pertumbuhan dan terjadi endapan pada dasar tabung, ditandai bahwa pada suhu 370C dan 410C terdapat pertumbuhan mikroba,Adanya endapan pada pengujian suhu dapat dijadikan sebagai pendugaan isolat bakteri tumbuh

    Manajemen Pemeliharaan Jalur Hijau Jalan Sudirman Oleh Dinas Kebersihan Dan Pertamanan Kota Pekanbaru

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    This research was motivated by there are problems associated with the green line. One of them is the trees are planted on the pedestrian and the path of the median along the corridor of Sudirman Street serve as a place for the installation of board interest in the green belt, banners, pamphlets by way of nailing, tied with ropes and wires to meet of particular interest. Though it is set in Pekanbaru City Regional Regulation No. 5 of 2002 on Public Order article 5 explained that banned drying, attach, attach or hang objects on the road, the green line parks and public places, except the places that have been allowed by the mayor or the appointed official.Society must rely heavily on the performance of the Department of Cleanliness and Landscaping in Pekanbaru city because it is a government agency responsible for managing the green line are required to have maintenance management and performance optimized so that the green line in the city of Pekanbaru especially in the Sudirman Street maintained and its functions keep running.The purpose of this research is to know how the green line maintenance management Sudirman Street by the Department of Cleanliness And Landscaping In Pekanbaru City and determine the factors that influence the management of the maintenance. The theory used in this research is the Management Theory of G.R. Terry. As G.R. Terry explained that there are four aspects that must be taken to ensure that the management runs smoothly and achieved satisfactory results which consists of planning, organizing, implementation and monitoring.The method used to analyze is a descriptive qualitative data collection technique is by observation and interviews.Based on the research found that green line maintenance management is not working effectively, the planning process that takes time and the stage long enough for most of the plan ends with a discourse just like the manufacturing vertical garden for the pedestrian, making the park under the flyover and the process of carrying out the maintenance of the green line relating with others stillmisunderstanding, especially in solving the problem banners. Maintenance management green line of Sudirman street still hampered by two factors: not maximal innovations made by the Department of Cleanliness and Landscaping in creating a system or form of the green line that is new and the lack of participation of the society so that the planning done by the Department of Cleanliness and Landscaping has not reached the maximum results or unsatisfactory


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    Ditengah persaingan bisnis ICT (information communication technology) yang sangat kompetitif, kualitas pelayanan menjadi salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pelanggan. Dalam kurun waktu kurang dari 2 tahun, jumlah pelanggan Telkom Speedy di Bandung saat ini telah mencapai 15.676. Namun banyaknya keluhan pelanggan berdampak pada banyaknya jumlah pelanggan yang memutuskan untuk berhenti menggunakan layanan Telkom Speedy dengan persentase pelanggan churn sebesar 20,5%.Kecepatan akses yang tidak stabil, tagihan yang tidak sesuai dengan pemakaian, koneksi yang sering putus serta penanganan gangguan yang lambat merupakan sebagian dari keluhan yang sering di adukan pelanggan kepada PT.Telkom, khususnya PT.Telkom Kandatel Bandung. Beberapa keluhan dan jumlah pelanggan yang churn tersebut merupakan indikator adanya ketidakpuasan pelanggan terhadap layanan Telkom Speedy. Oleh karena itu sangat perlu bagi PT.Telkom untuk mengukur tingkat pelayanan Telkom Speedy yang selama ini diberikan kepada pelanggannya.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan dimensi SERVQUAL dari Zeithaml, Parasuraman dan Berry atas Gap 5 yaitu kesenjangan antara kepuasan dan harapan pelayanan yang terdiri atas 18 atribut pelayanan. Penelitian dilakukan melalui penyebaran kuisioner kepada pelanggan Telkom Speedy personal, lalu diukur atribut - atribut mana saja yang belum memenuhi harapan pelanggan. Dari 18 atribut yang diukur terdapat 14 atribut yang termasuk dalam kategori kurang memuaskan dengan Skor SERVQUAL untuk layanan Telkom Speedy keseluruhan adalah: -1.28.Selanjutnya, dilakukan penelitian untuk memberikan usulan perbaikan atas atributatribut pelayanan yang berada dibawah nilai harapan dengan metoda QFD, untuk menentukan prioritas perbaikan layanan Telkom Speedy. Hasilnya adalah target perbaikan layanan Telkom Speedy yang terdiri dari 19 karakterisitik teknis dan 32 karakterisitik part. Telkom Speedy, Metoda QFD, Servqual, layanan, gap