1,483 research outputs found

    A characterization of non-archimedeanly quasimetrizable spaces

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    In this paper we introduce a new structure on topological spaces which allows us to give a characterization of non-archimedeanly quasipseudometrizable spaces

    Transfinite order dimension

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    We give two different transfinite extensions of the covering dimension based on the Borst's order of certain families of boundaries of basic open sets. We compare them and we study their main properties

    Dimension, inverse limits and GF-spaces

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    In this paper we characterize (covering) dimension in metrizable spaces in terms of fractal structures. We will also study dimension for compact metric spaces, giving a theorem relating dimension and a certain class of inverse limits, similar to that of Freudenthal

    Magnetization dynamics: path-integral formalism for the stochastic Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation

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    We construct a path-integral representation of the generating functional for the dissipative dynamics of a classical magnetic moment as described by the stochastic generalization of the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation proposed by Brown, with the possible addition of spin-torque terms. In the process of constructing this functional in the Cartesian coordinate system, we critically revisit this stochastic equation. We present it in a form that accommodates for any discretization scheme thanks to the inclusion of a drift term. The generalized equation ensures the conservation of the magnetization modulus and the approach to the Gibbs-Boltzmann equilibrium in the absence of non-potential and time-dependent forces. The drift term vanishes only if the mid-point Stratonovich prescription is used. We next reset the problem in the more natural spherical coordinate system. We show that the noise transforms non-trivially to spherical coordinates acquiring a non-vanishing mean value in this coordinate system, a fact that has been often overlooked in the literature. We next construct the generating functional formalism in this system of coordinates for any discretization prescription. The functional formalism in Cartesian or spherical coordinates should serve as a starting point to study different aspects of the out-of-equilibrium dynamics of magnets. Extensions to colored noise, micro-magnetism and disordered problems are straightforward.Comment: 47 pages + appendix, published versio

    The backbone of the climate network

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    We propose a method to reconstruct and analyze a complex network from data generated by a spatio-temporal dynamical system, relying on the nonlinear mutual information of time series analysis and betweenness centrality of complex network theory. We show, that this approach reveals a rich internal structure in complex climate networks constructed from reanalysis and model surface air temperature data. Our novel method uncovers peculiar wave-like structures of high energy flow, that we relate to global surface ocean currents. This points to a major role of the oceanic surface circulation in coupling and stabilizing the global temperature field in the long term mean (140 years for the model run and 60 years for reanalysis data). We find that these results cannot be obtained using classical linear methods of multivariate data analysis, and have ensured their robustness by intensive significance testing.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Tufa sedimentation in changing hydrological conditions: the River Mesa (Spain)

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    The processes controlling tufa deposition along the River Mesa (NE Spain) were studied from April 2003 to September 2009, based on six-monthly monitoring of physical and chemical parameters of the river water and sedimentological characteristics, including deposition rates on tablets. With a mean annual discharge around 1.5m3 /s, the sedimentation rate (mean 2mm/yr) recorded important spatial, seasonal and interannual variations. The river waters are of the calcium bicarbonate type. In this study, three distinct river stretches were distinguished based on the steady groundwater inputs, some of low-thermal nature. Groundwater discharges controlled the water chemical composition, and some sedimentation features too. At each stretch, an increase in pCO2 and conductivity was measured around the spring sites. Decreasing trends in conductivity or alkalinity with high enough saturation values with respect to calcite were only clearly observed in the intermediate stretch, which had higher tufa deposition rates than the other two. Tufa deposition rates were higher in cool (autumn+winter) than in warm (spring+summer) periods. In some low-rainfall warm periods, tufa deposition was inhibited or limited due to the low flow –mainly from groundwater inputs– and to the dryness of some river sites, which indeed favoured erosion during flooding. A decrease in yearly deposition rates from April 2006 onwards paralleled an important reduction in the river discharge. Groundwater inputs, drought periods and flood events should therefore be considered to understand fluvial tufa sedimentation in semi-arid conditions

    Spectral Fizeau Interferometer applied to dental polymeric resins early shrinkage determination

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    In this work a variant of the well know Fiber Optic Fizeau Interferometer is presented. It is analyzed in the spectral domain and applied to the study of the shrinkage experienced by photocured polymeric resins. This approach, which maintains its main characteristics of being noninvasive and intrinsically self-calibrated, is sensitive to changes in the direction of evolution of the interferometric cavity length which is being measured. The Spectral Domain Fiber Optic Fizeau Interferometer generates typical response curves that must be processed in order to obtain the measurement related to the cavity length for every moment in time. The cavity is formed between the surface of the sample under test and the fiber optic tip itself. Besides, this sensor is used to determine whether or not exothermal effects from photocuring reactions affect the net shrinkage measured in the samples.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasFacultad de IngenieríaConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Spectral Fizeau Interferometer applied to dental polymeric resins early shrinkage determination

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    In this work a variant of the well know Fiber Optic Fizeau Interferometer is presented. It is analyzed in the spectral domain and applied to the study of the shrinkage experienced by photocured polymeric resins. This approach, which maintains its main characteristics of being noninvasive and intrinsically self-calibrated, is sensitive to changes in the direction of evolution of the interferometric cavity length which is being measured. The Spectral Domain Fiber Optic Fizeau Interferometer generates typical response curves that must be processed in order to obtain the measurement related to the cavity length for every moment in time. The cavity is formed between the surface of the sample under test and the fiber optic tip itself. Besides, this sensor is used to determine whether or not exothermal effects from photocuring reactions affect the net shrinkage measured in the samples.Centro de Investigaciones ÓpticasFacultad de IngenieríaConsejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Dynamical symmetries of Markov processes with multiplicative white noise

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    We analyse various properties of stochastic Markov processes with multiplicative white noise. We take a single-variable problem as a simple example, and we later extend the analysis to the Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for the stochastic dynamics of a magnetic moment. In particular, we focus on the non-equilibrium transfer of angular momentum to the magnetization from a spin-polarised current of electrons, a technique which is widely used in the context of spintronics to manipulate magnetic moments. We unveil two hidden dynamical symmetries of the generating functionals of these Markovian multiplicative white-noise processes. One symmetry only holds in equilibrium and we use it to prove generic relations such as the fluctuation-dissipation theorems. Out of equilibrium, we take profit of the symmetry-breaking terms to prove fluctuation theorems. The other symmetry yields strong dynamical relations between correlation and response functions which can notably simplify the numerical analysis of these problems. Our construction allows us to clarify some misconceptions on multiplicative white-noise stochastic processes that can be found in the literature. In particular, we show that a first-order differential equation with multiplicative white noise can be transformed into an additive-noise equation, but that the latter keeps a non-trivial memory of the discretisation prescription used to define the former.Comment: 44 page
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