357 research outputs found

    Larvicidal Effectiveness of Betel Leaves (Piper Betle Linn.) Infusa Against Mortality Aedes Agypti Larvae

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    Background. Indonesia was a country with the most cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in South East Asia. The appropriate countermeasures such as vector control is a other method to reduce the incidence. Abate (temephos) was reported in any countries have resistance against Aedes aegypti. Betel Leaves (Piper betel Linn) is contains essential oil, saponin, alkaloid and tannin can be expected as larvacidal effect to Aedes aegypti. larvae. Objective. To know larvacidal effect and optimum concentration of Betel leaves infusa is effective for killing mosquito larvae of Aedes aegypti. Methodology. This research is experimental research with Post Test Only Control Group Design method. Aedes aegypti larvae used larvae which have developed into instar III/IV, divided into 7 groups, positive control groups (abate 10 mg/100 mL), negative control groups (aquadest), betel leaves infusa groups, 4 mL/100 mL, 5 mL/100 mL, 6 mL/100 mL, 7 mL/100 mL and 8 mL/100 mL. The each groups contains 10 larvae and it's repeated 4 times Parameters measured were the number of dead larvae in 24 hours. Data processed with One Way Anova test by 21th SPSS and continued with Post Hoc Least Significant Difference (LSD) test. Result. Percentage of larvae mortality in 4 mL/100 mL infusa concentration is is 72,5%; 5 mL/100 mL is 80%; 6 mL/100 mL is 82,5%; 7 mL/100 mL is 90 % and 8 mL/100mL is 92,5% with P value is 0,022. Conclusion. Betel leaves (Piper betle Linn) infusa have larvacidal effect against larvae of Aedes aegypti mosquitos and optimum concentration is at 7 mL/100 – 8 mL/100 mL

    The Role of Teacher Motivation in Islamic Religious Education Subjects Online Case Studies at Baburrohmah Islamic Middle School Mojosari

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    The condition of countries in the world as well as Indonesia is currently still in an alarming condition that threatens human health and has a major influence on changes in social dynamics, one of which is one of them is in the upper education sector, the covid 19 virus is still endemic. What is really felt by this impact is the replacement of the teaching and learning proceeded that was previously carried out in classrooms to a limited virtual space (E-Learning). So that the changes in learning activities had an influence on the problem of students' learning motivation. Therefore, in conditions like this, teachers were required to be able to fulfill their role as an important element in education. The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze the role of PAI teachers on students' learning motivation in online learning. Described the implementation of online learning, obstacles, and supporting factors. This research used descriptive qualitative research with a case study approach. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis method used the Miles and Huberman method and Checks the validity of the data by triangulation. These results indicated that the role of the teacher occupied a very important position teruntuk how then how an educator in maintaining the condition of the motivation of learners in lessons online that had taken place during a pandemic covid 19 Keywords: Teacher's Role PAI, Motivation and Learning Onlin

    Political Communication Instruments Fasha Maulana In Influencing Millennial Voter: Evidence from Jambi Mayoral Election in 2019

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    Beginner voters are the millennial generation who are considered to be very influential in the contestation of the general election, including the implementation of the Pilwakoin Jambi city, which took place during the simultaneous regional elections in 2018. Pilwako candidates must think of new, modern ways of packaging political messages and then convey them through communication channels, which can influence the decision of millennial voters in determining their choice. This matters is very important in the elements of an election because the process of elections are having the following main steps, which are; (1) the process of introduction of candidates; (2) the process of giving the messages towards the peoples; (3) the process of elction. But, in the following steps that play a role is the distribution of those messages because it is the task of candidates especially in inviting the young generation to participated. The concept of using these communication is a steps in the participation of the candidates with many techniques, likely digital communication or communication through door-to-door. These matters are concerned because of the one of elector that having the elements of fullment of quotes for the candidates will be perfect if there are the beginner elector, which are referring toward the millenial elector. It has been said as the millenial beginner, it is caused of the concept and the ages element of the elector which are known as millenial elector. In the election that will conducted on the next year surely it will assure the total of elector will be improved as compared as the total of millenial elector on previous years, which are the total of millenial electors are 70-80 million peoples. These numbers are so highly and being fantastic numbers as compared as the total of electors in the ages of mature or old electors. The method used in this research is the descriptive qualitative method. By using the qualitative-descriptive methods, the researcher will able to described which are better that based on the process of covering the communication that done by the following candidates towards the millenial electors. Data collection techniques by interview and observation. The result of the analysis are following; (1) the elected candidates pack a political message outlined in the vision and mission in the form of ideas to make fundamental improvements in various fields, which are these fields is the basic from whole of various types fields that showed the communication process that conducted by those candidates before conduxted election.; (2) the elected candidate pairs mostly use internet digital media and outdoor media such as posters and banners; (3) millennial voters are faced with a complicated and confusing election process because they must vote with a critical attitude and in-depth analysis of the pair of candidates for mayor who are perceived as equally well


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    ABSTRAKSI: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) merupakan langkah awal menuju Internet Mobile, yang memungkinkan sebuah ponsel bisa mengakses internet. Pada dasarnya WAP adalah sebuah standar komunikasi antara telephone mobile dengan informasi yang ada di internet. Banyak peralatan wireless yang bisa dipakai untuk aplikasi WAP antara lain: handphone, pager, radio dua arah, smart phone, communicator mulai dari low end hingga yang high end.Pada kehidupan nyata kita menyadari bahwa terdapat banyak informasi berguna tetapi tidak dapat dimanfaatkan oleh user karena ketidak tahuannya akan keberadaan ataupun perubahan status akan informasi tersebut.Sayangnya konsep aplikasi layanan yang diterapkan umumnya bersifat “menginstruksikan” user untuk mengakses content dari server, dengan kata lain content telah tersedia di jaringan, tetapi hanya disajikan apabila ada permintaan dari user.Untuk mengatasi hal diatas, idealnya informasi di “push” ke user, baik pada waktu atau pun ketika kondisi tertentu berlangsung sehingga user tidak perlu melakukan request (secara eksplisit) untuk memperoleh informasi tersebut.Dengan mengacu pada konsep diatas, pada proyek akhir ini dibuat suatu aplikasi berbasis WAP dan Short Messaging Services (SMS) push. Aplikasi ini nantinya akan menyajikan Informasi perkuliahan dan seputar kampus STT Telkom yang dapat disampaikan kepada seluruh civitas akademika baik yang bersifat umum maupun untuk civitas tertentu.Pada akhirnya diharapkan agar aplikasi ini nantinya dapat menjadi alternatif proses layanan birokrasi dan informasi dikampus tercinta STT Telkom.Kata Kunci : ABSTRACT: Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) is the first step toward Internet mobile, which make a mobile phone gaining access to the internet possible. There are a lot of wireless communications that can be used for this application, such as: mobile phone, pager, smart phone, communicator etc.At the real environment, we realize that there are a lot of useful information but can’t be used by a user optimally because of his unknowing about the availability or changing of that information.Unfortunately, the application concept services which is applied generally instructed the user to gain the content from the server, on the other word the content has been available on the network, but only showed if there is any request from the user.To overcome the problem above, ideally the information should be “pushed” to the user, either at the specific time or condition so that user doesn’t have to make a request (explicitly) to get that information.By looking at the concept above, at this final project I make an application based WAP and SMS push. This application then will serve the information about lecture and announcement around STTTELKOM University which will be send to its academicals either publicly or to a specific academicals.Finally this application is destined to be an alternative process and information at our lovely campus.Keyword

    Penerapan Metode Extreme Programming Dalam Mengembangkan Aplikasi Pemasukan Dan Pengeluaran Kas Berbasis Web

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    CV. Derwati merupakan perusahaan swasta yang bergerak dibidang dagang yaitu sebagai supplier toko buku dan alat peraga. Sistem pengolahan keuangan pada CV. Derwati Pontianak saat ini masih menggunakan buku sebagai pencatatan pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas, Microsoft excel digunakan untuk merekap data sebagai laporan keuangan. Masalah yang terjadi diantaranya sering terjadi kehilangan data pencatatan pemasukan dan pengeluaran, sulit melakukan pencarian data dan laporan keuangan yang dibuat sering mengalami tidak singkron. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti merancang dan membangun aplikasi pemasukan dan pngeluaran kas dengan menggunakan metode extreme programming. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah dapat mencatat transaksi pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas dengan baik, data tersimpan dengn aman, mudah melakukan pencarian data, membantu dan mempermudah pengguna dalam mengolah keuangan. Berdasarkan uraian tersebut, kesimpulan yang dapat diambil yaitu dengan adanya aplikasi pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas yang dikembangkan dengan menggunakan metode extreme programming dapat mempermudah pengguna dalam pengelolaan keuangan serta menyediakan laporan keuanga


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    Penelitian ini menganalisis tentang pengaruh rasio likuiditas, leverage, aktivitas, profitabilitas, dan rasio pasar terhadap return saham pada perusahaan Go-Public di Indonesia pada tahun 2008-2010. Populsi yang di gunakan sebagai sampel adalah perusahaan yang masuk daftar LQ-45. Berdasar kriteria yang telah ditentukan, diperoleh sampel akhir sebanyak 16 perusahaan. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan teknik analisis data berupa analisis regresi linear berganda untuk menganalisis pengaruh rasio keuangan (current ratio, dep to equity ratio, dep to total assets, total assets turnover, return on assets, return on equity, dan price earning ratio) terhadap return perusahaan. Data di ambil dari laporan keuangan perusahaan, dan return saham diperoleh berdasarkan tanggal publikasi laporan keuangan selama tujuh hari sebelum dan sesudah laporan keuangan di publikasikan. Pelaksanaan perhitungan rasio keuangan dan perhitungan return saham dilakukan dengan Microsoft Excel, sedangkan pelaksanaan analisis data menggunakan program SPSS versi 17.00 Berdasarkan deskripsi data, rata-rata return saham perusahaan bernilai positif, yang mengindikasikan pelaku pasar khususnya investor menggunakan informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan investasi yang berarti pasar bereaksi terhadap return saham. Dari uji asumsi klasik yang dilakukan, menyatakan bahwa data penelitian bebas dari asumsi uji normalitas, uji multikilinearitas, uji autokorelasi, dan uji heterokedastisitas. Hasil uji t variable DER, DTA, dan ROA mempunyai nilai probabilitas atas 0,05, yang berarti bahwa P ≄ 0,05, maka ditolak, dan diterima yang artinya variable DER, DTA, dan ROA tidak berpengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham. Sedangkan variable CR, TATO, ROE, dan PER mempunyai nilai probabilitas di bawah 0,05 yang berarti P ≀ 0,05, maka maka diterima, dan ditolak yang artinya variable CR, TATO, ROE, dan PER mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap return saham. Analisis regresi menunjukan pengaruh variable independen yaitu sebesar 29,2%, sedangkan 70,8% merupakan variable selain variable penelitian yang mempengaruhi besar kecilnya return saham

    Analisis Pemanfaatan Limbah Kecap (Ampas Kedelai) sebagai Bahan Bakar Padat Alternatif Menggunakan Teknologi Hydrothermal

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    Limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) merupakan sisa pengolahan kecap yang memiliki nilai ekonomis rendah dan banyak ditemukan di Indonesia. Kandungan protein dan NaCl yang cukup tinggi pada limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) dapat menimbulkan polusi berat pada perairan bila pembuangannya tidak diberi perlakuan yang tepat. Salah satu pengolahan limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) yaitu dijadikan bahan bakar padat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas bahan bakar padat dari limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) menggunakan proses termokimia berupa perlakuan hydrothermal. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen. Variasi yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah variasi suhu 160°C, 190°C dan 220°C; holding time 30 menit dan 60 menit; dan variasi komposisi antara limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) dan air, yaitu 1:4 dan 1:5 pada suhu 190°C. Pengambilan data menggunakan bomb calorimeter untuk nilai kalori dan perhitungan berdasarkan ASTM D-3173 untuk kadar air, ISO 562 untuk kadar volatil, ASTM D-3174 untuk kadar abu dan kadar karbon. Hasil pengujian berdasarkan variasi suhu dan holding time menunjukkan nilai kalor tertinggi (3866,1128 kal/gr), kadar air terendah (1,7691%), kadar volatile terendah (62,9821%), kadar abu terendah (8,6351%) dan kadar karbon tertinggi (26,4948%). Sedangkan, berdasarkan variasi komposisi dan holding time menunjukkan nilai kalor tertinggi (3546,3636 kal/gr) kadar air terendah (1,7074%), kadar volatile terendah (68,5812%), kadar abu terendah (8,3718%) dan kadar karbon tertinggi (20,3151%). Nilai kalor tersebut setara dengan batubara lignit (3500-4611 cal/gr) berdasarkan standar kualitas batubara American Standard Testing and Mineral (ASTM). Hasil tersebut membuktikan adanya peningkatan kualitas bahan bakar padat limbah industri kecap (ampas kedelai) secara signifikan. Oleh karena itu, teknologi hydrothermal adalah solusi tepat yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas bahan bakar padat alternatif


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    Wajah merupakan salah satu bagian tubuh terpenting dari manusia. Wajah berfungsi sebagai tanda pengenal identitas seseorang Wajah karena wajah sangat terstruktur, kompleks dan rumit.Metode Metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Metode Hidden Markov Model (HMM) merupakan dua metode yang sangat sering digunkan untuk membuat aplikasi pengenalan wajah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari tau perbandingan dari metode PCA dan HMM. Citra yang digunakan pada penelitian kali ini merupakan citra yale face database (http://vision.ucsd.edu/content/yale-face-database) dengan menggunakan 10 sampel data. Berdasarkan dari penelitian yang kita lakukan secara umum metode PCA lebih akurat dalam pengenalan wajah dari pada dengan metode HMM. Dengan hasil rata – rata kecocokan wajah dengan metode PCA yang didapatkan adalah 77,59, dibadingkan dengan nilai rata – rata kecocokan wajah dengan metode HMM adalah 68,69

    Hubungan Faktor-faktor Internal dan Eksternal dengan Tingkat Partisipasi Anggota Kelompok Petani Pemakai Air (Kp2a) (Studi Kasus di Kecamatan Seginim Kabupaten Bengkulu Selatan)

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    This research aim to know internal factors and eksternal relation with participation rate the members of water users farmers group in Subdistrict of Seginim of Regency of Bengkulu South arch. This research conducted on 1-15 August 2006 in Subdistrict of Seginim of Regency of Bengkulu South arch. Responder determination conducted with Samle Random Sampling, where responder amount taken by as much 60 responder. Model Rank-Spearmans used to conduct expense function analysis, while for the input levying conducted by a analysis descriptively.Result of research indicate that egoism rate, perception, motivation and communication have a significant relation with participation rate the members of water user farmers group in Subdistrict of Seginim of Regency of Bengkulu South arch
