4 research outputs found

    Prevention of microbial colonization of feeding tubes in the intensive care unit

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    Background Various microorganisms which increase the mortality rate in the intensive care unit (ICU) cause microbial colonization of the nasogastric tube (NGT) and use the NGT as a reservoir. Aim To detect the colonization on the NGT and to determine the effect that training regarding hand hygiene, NGT management, and enteral feeding (EF) provided to ICU nurses and auxiliary service staff (ASS) has on the level of NGT colonization. Methods A quasi-experimental pre-test and post-test control design was used in this study. Microbial samples were taken from the outer and inner parts of NGT. The microorganisms were categorized as: group 1, no risk; group 2, low risk pathogenic; group 3, high-risk pathogenic group. The training was given to nurses (n = 15) and ASS (n = 7). Hand hygiene, NGT, and EF care training are provided to nurses and ASS by researchers. A total of three training sessions were scheduled to be held in 3 weeks so that all health care staff members were trained. Each session lasted 2 h in total. Patients were assigned to a group if one of the microorganisms presented on the outer surface of the patient's feeding tube and/or on the hub. The hand hygiene compliance was evaluated by direct observation according to the World Health Organization hand hygiene indications. Results The study was conducted with 46 patients. Evaluating the patients for the presence of microorganisms before education revealed that 4.3% were in group 1, 21.8% were in group 2, and 73.9% were in group 3. After the education, evaluating the samples for the presence of microorganisms revealed that 39.1% were in group 1, 13% were in group 2, and 47.8% were in group 3. A statistically significant difference was found between the number of samples included in the groups after the participants had received training (H = 8.186; p = .017). Conclusions An NGT could act as a reservoir of microbial colonization and high-risk microorganisms could be on the tube. Providing training not only to nurses but also to ASS will help reduce the risk of colonization. Relevance to Clinical Practice Eliminating such colonization with effective hand hygiene during NGT feeding is a cost-effective method. Providing training not only to nurses but also to ASS will help obtain the optimum benefit from patient care

    The prevalence of childhood psychopathology in Turkey: a cross-sectional multicenter nationwide study (EPICPAT-T)

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    Conclusion: This is the largest and most comprehensive epidemiological study to determine the prevalence of psychopathologies in children and adolescents in Turkey. Our results partly higher than, and partly comparable to previous national and international studies. It also contributes to the literature by determining the independent predictors of psychopathologies in this age group

    Prevalence of Childhood Affective disorders in Turkey: An epidemiological study

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    Aim: To determine the prevalence of affective disorders in Turkey among a representative sample of Turkish population. Methods: This study was conducted as a part of the "The Epidemiology of Childhood Psychopathology in Turkey" (EPICPAT-T) Study, which was designed by the Turkish Association of Child and Adolescent Mental Health. The inclusion criterion was being a student between the second and fourth grades in the schools assigned as study centers. The assessment tools used were the K-SADS-PL, and a sociodemographic form that was designed by the authors. Impairment was assessed via a 3 point-Likert type scale independently rated by a parent and a teacher. Results: A total of 5842 participants were included in the analyses. The prevalence of affective disorders was 2.5 % without considering impairment and 1.6 % when impairment was taken into account. In our sample, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder was lacking, thus depressive disorders constituted all the cases. Among depressive disorders with impairment, major depressive disorder (MDD) (prevalence of 1.06%) was the most common, followed by dysthymia (prevalence of 0.2%), adjustment disorder with depressive features (prevalence of 0.17%), and depressive disorder-NOS (prevalence of 0.14%). There were no statistically significant gender differences for depression. Maternal psychopathology and paternal physical illness were predictors of affective disorders with pervasive impairment. Conclusion: MDD was the most common depressive disorder among Turkish children in this nationwide epidemiological study. This highlights the severe nature of depression and the importance of early interventions. Populations with maternal psychopathology and paternal physical illness may be the most appropriate targets for interventions to prevent and treat depression in children and adolescents

    The prevalence of childhood psychopathology in Turkey: a cross-sectional multicenter nationwide study (EPICPAT-T).

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    Aim: The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of childhood psychopathologies in Turkey