629 research outputs found

    Global Competitiveness and Canadian Sectoral/Regional Labour Productivity Differences

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    This paper evaluates the extent to which the decrease in total factor productivity growth that is alleged to have occurred in the last few years is also reflected in corresponding decreases in labour productivity growth, among key provinces and sectors of the Canadian economy. The analysis is based upon non-parametric productivity comparisons, for the 1984-1998 period. Data envelopment analysis is the methodological tool selected for the measurement of total factor productivity and hence of operational effectiveness to assess the extent to which sectoral productivity differences across Canadian regions represents a barometer of global competitiveness. The evidence indicates that labour productivity is growing. Factors associated with economies of scale appear to be the main source of inefficiency, as expected in a spatial setting. These inefficiencies are reflected mostly in increasing returns to scale, which enhances the competitiveness potential of the regions' economic base and of the industries in their midst

    Production of gaseous and liquid bio-fuels from the upgrading of lignocellulosic bio-oil in sub- and supercritical water: effect of operating conditions on the process

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    This work analyses the influence of the temperature (310–450 C), pressure (200–260 bar), catalyst/biooil mass ratio (0–0.25 g catalyst/g bio-oil), and reaction time (0–60 min) on the reforming in sub- and supercritical water of bio-oil obtained from the fast pyrolysis of pinewood. The upgrading experiments were carried out in a batch micro-bomb reactor employing a co-precipitated Ni–Co/Al–Mg catalyst. This reforming process turned out to be highly customisable for the valorisation of bio-oil for the production of either gaseous or liquid bio-fuels. Depending on the operating conditions and water regime (sub/supercritical), the yields to upgraded bio-oil (liquid), gas and solid varied as follows: 5–90%, 7–91% and 3–31%, respectively. The gas phase, having a LHV ranging from 2 to 17 MJ/m3 STP, was made up of a mixture of H2 (9–31 vol.%), CO2 (41–84 vol.%), CO (1–22 vol.%) and CH4 (1–45 vol.%). The greatest H2 production from bio-oil (76% gas yield with a relative amount of H2 of 30 vol.%) was achieved under supercritical conditions at a temperature of 339 C, 200 bar of pressure and using a catalyst/bio-oil ratio of 0.2 g/g for 60 min. The amount of C, H and O (wt.%) in the upgraded bio-oil varied from 48 to 74, 4 to 9 and 13 to 48, respectively. This represents an increase of up to 37% and 171% in the proportions of C and H, respectively, as well as a decrease of up to 69% in the proportion of O. The HHV of the treated bio-oil shifted from 20 to 35 MJ/kg, which corresponds to an increase of up to 89% with respect to the HHV of the original bio-oil. With a temperature of around 344 C, a pressure of 233 bar, a catalyst/bio-oil ratio of 0.16 g/g and a reaction time of 9 min a compromise was reached between the yield and the quality of the upgraded liquid, enabling the transformation of 62% of the bio-oil into liquid with a HHV (29 MJ/kg) about twice as high as that of the original feedstock (17 MJ/kg)

    Magnetism of NaFePO4 and related polyanionic compounds

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    Magnetic properties of maricite (m) and triphlyte (t) polymorphs of NaFePO4 are investigated by combining ab initio density functional theory with a model Hamiltonian approach, where a realistic Hubbard-type model for magnetic Fe 3d states in NaFePO4 is constructed entirely from first-principles calculations. For these purposes, we perform a comparative study based on the pseudopotential and linear muffin-tin orbital methods while tackling the problem of parasitic non-sphericity of the exchange-correlation potential. Upon calculating the model parameters, magnetic properties are studied by applying the mean-field Hartree-Fock approximation and the theory of superexchange interactions to extract the corresponding interatomic exchange parameters. Despite some differences, the two methods provide a consistent description of the magnetic properties of NaFePO4. On the one hand, our calculations reproduce the correct magnetic ordering for t-NaFePO4 allowing for magnetoelectric effect, and the theoretical values of NÊel and Curie-Weiss temperatures are in fair agreement with reported experimental data. Furthermore, we investigate the effect of chemical pressure on magnetic properties by substituting Na with Li and, in turn, we explain how a noncollinear magnetic alignment induced by an external magnetic field leads to magnetoelectric effect in NaFePO4 and other transition-metal phosphates. However, the origin of a magnetic superstructure with q = (1/2, 0, 1/2) observed experimentally in m-NaFePO4 remains puzzling. Instead, we predict that competing exchange interactions can lead to the formation of magnetic superstructures along the shortest orthorhombic c axis of m-NaFePO4, similar to multiferroic manganites. Š 2018 the Owner Societies.Oier Arcelus and Javier Carrasco acknowledge the financial support of the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through the project ENE2016-81020-R. The SGI/IZO-SGIker UPV/EHU (Arina cluster), the i2BASQUE academic network, and the Barcelona Supercomputer Center are acknowledged for computational resources. Oier Arcelus acknowledges support by the Basque Government through a PhD grant (Reference No. PRE-2016-1-0044)

    Una evaluaciĂłn crĂ­tica del potencial de supervivencia de las sociedades laborales

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    This paper presents a critical evaluation of the economic survival of labour-managed firms (LMF) compared to that of conventional companies, paying particular attention to their different forms of capital ownership. There are many arguments both ways; some argue that LMFs enjoy a higher likelihood of survival, since they offer greater employment stability and their workers enjoy more incentives as they are involved in the decision-making process. The counterarguments claim that LMFs are less efficient, due largely to the free-rider problem, serious agent-principal problems, a higher degree of risk aversion on the part of their worker-owners and degeneration due to rent-seeking behaviour, which reduces their likelihood of survival. The results of this evaluation point to the divergence between most of the predictions of economic theory and the successful development of LMFs in Spain.Labour-managed firms, forms of capital ownership, economic performance, survival prospects.

    Responses of track and field coaches to athletes with eating problems

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    This study aimed to explore how track and field coaches respond to athletes with eating problems. Eleven experienced coaches participated in semi-structured interviews exploring their responses to, and challenges faced when, working with athletes with eating problems. The analysis revealed three themes relating to the strategies employed by coaches. The first theme indicated a supportive approach, where coaches were proactive in seeking support and in reducing training at the early stages of an eating problem. The second theme outlined an avoidant approach, characterized by coach reluctance to be involved in managing eating problems, and a lack of confidence in their knowledge of eating disorders. The third theme involved a confrontational approach, where coaches employed strict rules and engaged in coercion to persuade athletes to seek treatment. All of the coaches reported facing challenges in persuading athletes to seek treatment and were frustrated by the lack of available support. The study highlights the importance of providing resources and support services where coaches can seek advice. Coach-education packages can utilize the findings to highlight the strengths and limitations of different coach strategies, and to reinforce the importance of their role in identification and intervention when eating problems in athletes are suspected

    Feasibility and acceptability of experience sampling among LGBTQ+ young people with self-harmful thoughts and behaviours

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    This study was the first to determine whether it was feasible and acceptable to use experience sampling methods (ESM) among LGBTQ+ young people, who had current experiences of self-harm. Sixteen LGBTQ+ young people (16-25 years old) took part in the experience sampling study. This included a baseline assessment, a 7-day ESM assessment (participants were sampled six times a day using a phone app), and the option of an interview at the end of the 7-day ESM assessment. Feasibility data was descriptively analysed, with pilot ESM data presented. Qualitative data was thematically analysed to determine the acceptability (barriers and facilitators) of taking part in this study. Study feasibility was assessed by enrolment rate (55.2%), participant retention across assessment period (100%), ESM app feasibility (87.5%), and good adherence to total number of ESM surveys (67.6%). Individual study adherence ranged between 43 and 95.2%. Study acceptability was assessed by participant interviews. Thematic analysis indicated four superordinate themes; (i) Self-reflection and awareness; (ii) Practicalities of ESM surveys; (iii) Daily timeframes; and (iv) Suggestions for future studies. Pilot ESM data demonstrates that there was fluctuation of depressive and anxiety symptoms within- and between- participants over the course of the study, however, greater sample power is needed for full analysis. This study demonstrated that ESM designs are feasible and acceptable among LGBTQ+ young people with current experiences of self-harm. Pilot data indicated that specific experiences and moods are likely to be important to self-harm. These potentially have a temporal influence on self-harm behaviour or ideation, and therefore should be examined in a fully powered sample

    Identifying and preventing disordered eating among athletes : perceptions of track and field coaches

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    Objective: This study aimed to identify the strategies employed by coaches when identifying disordered eating (DE) among track and field athletes. Design: This was a qualitative study and an inductive thematic analysis was conducted. Method: Semi structured interviews were conducted with eleven track and field coaches, with experience of coaching at national and international level. The interviews were recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysis was conducted. Results: Track and field coaches reported using physical, social and performance indicators to identify disordered eating in their athletes. Coaches also monitored their athletes' eating attitudes and behaviors. Weight loss (both observed and objectively monitored) was considered to be a key indicator of disordered eating. Coaches placed a high level of importance on weight for performance, and an “ideal” female athlete body. Previous experiences of detecting disordered eating and a close relationship with the athlete facilitated the identification of disordered eating. Athlete secrecy and masking behaviors, difficulties in communication and coaches' stereotypical beliefs were found to complicate the identification process. Conclusions: This study highlights the need for additional information, advice and guidance for track and field coaches to improve their knowledge and confidence in identifying disordered eating among their athletes

    MotivATE: A Pretreatment Web-Based Program to Improve Attendance at UK Outpatient Services Among Adults With Eating Disorders.

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    BACKGROUND: In the UK, eating disorders affect upward of 725,000 people per year, and early assessment and treatment are important for patient outcomes. Around a third of adult outpatients in the UK who are referred to specialist eating disorder services do not attend, which could be related to patient factors related to ambivalence, fear, and a lack of confidence about change. This lack of engagement has a negative impact on the quality of life of patients and has implications for service costs. OBJECTIVE: To describe the development of a Web-based program ("MotivATE") designed for delivery at the point of referral to an eating disorder service, with the aim of increasing service attendance. METHODS: We used intervention mapping and a person-based approach to design the MotivATE program and conducted a needs assessment to determine the current impact of service nonattendance on patients (via a review of the qualitative evidence) and services (through a service provision survey to understand current issues in UK services). Following the needs assessment, we followed the five steps of program development outlined by Bartholomew et al (1998): (1) creating a matrix of proximal program objectives; (2) selecting theory-based intervention methods and strategies; (3) designing and organizing the program; (4) specifying adoption and implementation plans; and (5) generating program evaluation plans. RESULTS: The needs assessment identified current nonattendance rates of 10%-32%. We defined the objective of MotivATE as increasing attendance rates at an eating disorder service and considered four key determinants of poor attendance: patient ambivalence about change, low patient self-efficacy, recognition of the need to change, and expectations about assessment. We chose aspects of motivational interviewing, self-determination theory, and the use of patient stories as the most appropriate ways to enable change. Think-aloud piloting with people with lived experience of an eating disorder resulted in positive feedback on the MotivATE program. Participants related well to the stories used. Nonetheless, because of feedback, we further modified the program in line with patients' stage of change and addressed issues with the language used. A consultation with service staff meant that we could make clear implementation plans. Finally, a randomized controlled trial is currently underway to evaluate the MotivATE program. CONCLUSIONS: Using intervention mapping, we have developed a novel pretreatment Web-based program that is acceptable to people with eating disorders. To our knowledge, this is the first such program. The model of development described here could be a useful template for designing further programs for other difficult-to-engage populations
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