123 research outputs found

    Cortical interneurons from human pluripotent stem cells: prospects for neurological and psychiatric disease

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    Cortical interneurons represent 20% of the cells in the cortex. These cells are local inhibitory neurons whose function is to modulate the firing activities of the excitatory projection neurons. Cortical interneuron dysfunction is believed to lead to runaway excitation underlying (or implicated in) seizure-based diseases, such as epilepsy, autism, and schizophrenia. The complex development of this cell type and the intricacies involved in defining the relative subtypes are being increasingly well defined. This has led to exciting experimental cell therapy in model organisms, whereby fetal-derived interneuron precursors can reverse seizure severity and reduce mortality in adult epileptic rodents. These proof-of-principle studies raise hope for potential interneuron-based transplantation therapies for treating epilepsy. On the other hand, cortical neurons generated from patient iPSCs serve as a valuable tool to explore genetic influences of interneuron development and function. This is a fundamental step in enhancing our understanding of the molecular basis of neuropsychiatric illnesses and the development of targeted treatments. Protocols are currently being developed for inducing cortical interneuron subtypes from mouse and human pluripotent stem cells. This review sets out to summarize the progress made in cortical interneuron development, fetal tissue transplantation and the recent advance in stem cell differentiation toward interneurons

    Knockdown of Amyloid Precursor Protein: Biological Consequences and Clinical Opportunities

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    Amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its cleavage fragment Amyloid-β (Aβ) have fundamental roles in Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Genetic alterations that either increase the overall dosage of APP or alter its processing to favour the generation of longer, more aggregation prone Aβ species, are directly causative of the disease. People living with one copy of APP are asymptomatic and reducing APP has been shown to lower the relative production of aggregation-prone Aβ species in vitro. For these reasons, reducing APP expression is an attractive approach for AD treatment and prevention. In this review, we will describe the structure and the known functions of APP and go on to discuss the biological consequences of APP knockdown and knockout in model systems. We highlight progress in therapeutic strategies to reverse AD pathology via reducing APP expression. We conclude that new technologies that reduce the dosage of APP expression may allow disease modification and slow clinical progression, delaying or even preventing onset

    Human myeloid progenitor glucocorticoid receptor activation causes genomic instability, type 1 IFN- response pathway activation and senescence in differentiated microglia; an early life stress model

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    One form of early life stress, prenatal exposure to glucocorticoids (GCs), confers a higher risk of psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders in later life. Increasingly, the importance of microglia in these disorders is recognized. Studies on GCs exposure during microglial development have been limited, and there are few, if any, human studies. We established an in vitro model of ELS by continuous pre-exposure of human iPS-microglia to GCs during primitive hematopoiesis (the critical stage of iPS-microglial differentiation) and then examined how this exposure affected the microglial phenotype as they differentiated and matured to microglia, using RNA-seq analyses and functional assays. The iPS-microglia predominantly expressed glucocorticoid receptors over mineralocorticoid receptors, and in particular, the GR-α splice variant. Chronic GCs exposure during primitive hematopoiesis was able to recapitulate in vivo ELS effects. Thus, pre-exposure to prolonged GCs resulted in increased type I interferon signaling, the presence of Cyclic GMP-AMP synthase-positive (cGAS) micronuclei, cellular senescence and reduced proliferation in the matured iPS-microglia. The findings from this in vitro ELS model have ramifications for the responses of microglia in the pathogenesis of GC- mediated ELS-associated disorders such as schizophrenia, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and autism spectrum disorder

    Mutations in valosin-containing protein (VCP) decrease ADP/ATP translocation across the mitochondrial membrane and impair energy metabolism in human neurons

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    Mutations in the gene encoding valosin-containing protein (VCP) lead to multisystem proteinopathies including frontotemporal dementia. We have previously shown that patient-derived VCP mutant fibroblasts exhibit lower mitochondrial membrane potential, uncoupled respiration, and reduced ATP levels. This study addresses the underlying basis for mitochondrial uncoupling using VCP knockdown neuroblastoma cell lines, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), and iPSC-derived cortical neurons from patients with pathogenic mutations in VCP. Using fluorescent live cell imaging and respiration analysis we demonstrate a VCP mutation/knockdown-induced dysregulation in the adenine nucleotide translocase, which results in a slower rate of ADP or ATP translocation across the mitochondrial membranes. This deregulation can explain the mitochondrial uncoupling and lower ATP levels in VCP mutation-bearing neurons via reduced ADP availability for ATP synthesis. This study provides evidence for a role of adenine nucleotide translocase in the mechanism underlying altered mitochondrial function in VCP-related degeneration, and this new insight may inform efforts to better understand and manage neurodegenerative disease and other proteinopathies

    The PSEN1 E280G mutation leads to increased amyloid-β43 production in induced pluripotent stem cell neurons and deposition in brain tissue

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    Mutations in the presenilin 1 gene, PSEN1, which cause familial Alzheimer’s disease alter processing of amyloid precursor protein, leading to the generation of various amyloid-β peptide species. These species differ in their potential for aggregation. Mutation-specific amyloid-β peptide profiles may thereby influence pathogenicity and clinical heterogeneity. There is particular interest in comparing mutations with typical and atypical clinical presentations, such as E280G. We generated PSEN1 E280G mutation induced pluripotent stem cells from two patients and differentiated them into cortical neurons, along with previously reported PSEN1 M146I, PSEN1 R278I and two control lines. We assessed both the amyloid-β peptide profiles and presenilin 1 protein maturity. We also compared amyloid-β peptide profiles in human post-mortem brain tissue from cases with matched mutations. Amyloid-β ratios significantly differed compared with controls and between different patients, implicating mutation-specific alterations in amyloid-β ratios. Amyloid-β42:40 was increased in the M146I and both E280G lines compared with controls. Amyloid-β42:40 was not increased in the R278I line compared with controls. The amyloid-β43:40 ratio was increased in R278I and both E280G lines compared with controls, but not in M146I cells. Distinct amyloid-β peptide patterns were also observed in human brain tissue from individuals with these mutations, showing some similar patterns to cell line observations. Reduced presenilin 1 maturation was observed in neurons with the PSEN1 R278I and E280G mutations, but not the M146I mutation. These results suggest that mutation location can differentially alter the presenilin 1 protein and affect its autoendoproteolysis and processivity, contributing to the pathological phenotype. Investigating differences in underlying molecular mechanisms of familial Alzheimer’s disease may inform our understanding of clinical heterogeneity

    Patient-physician interaction in general practice and health inequalities in a multidisciplinary study: design, methods and feasibility in the French INTERMEDE study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The way in which patients and their doctors interact is a potentially important factor in optimal communication during consultations as well as treatment, compliance and follow-up care. The aim of this multidisciplinary study is to use both qualitative and quantitative methods to explore the 'black box' that is the interaction between the two parties during a general practice consultation, and to identify factors therein that may contribute to producing health inequalities. This paper outlines the original multidisciplinary methodology used, and the feasibility of this type of study.</p> <p>Methods and design</p> <p>The study design combines methodologies on two separate samples in two phases. Firstly, a qualitative phase collected ethnographical and sociological data during consultation, followed by in-depth interviews with both patients and doctors independently. Secondly, a quantitative phase on a different sample of patients and physicians collected data via several questionnaires given to patients and doctors consisting of specific 'mirrored' questions asked post-consultation, as well as collecting information on patient and physician characteristics.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The design and methodology used in this study were both successfully implemented, and readily accepted by doctors and patients alike. This type of multidisciplinary study shows great potential in providing further knowledge into the role of patient/physician interaction and its influence on maintaining or producing health inequalities. The next challenge in this study will be implementing the multidisciplinary approach during the data analysis.</p

    Selective suppression of oligodendrocyte-derived amyloid beta rescues neuronal dysfunction in Alzheimer’s disease

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    Funding: Funding: R.M.R, D.K., C.S.F. and M.A.B. are supported by the UK Dementia Research Institute through UK DRI Ltd, principally funded by the UK Medical Research Council. M.A.B. is further supported by an UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/X011038/1) and an NC3Rs studentship grant (NC/W001675/1). S.S.H. is supported by an Alzheimer’s Association International Research Fellowship (AARF-23-1149637). C.A. and S.W. are supported by the National Institute for Health and Care Research University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre. M.S. is supported by an MRC Career Development Award (MR/X019977/1). T.A.G. is supported by an Alzheimer’s Association Research Fellowship to Promote Diversity (23AARFD-1029918).Reduction of amyloid beta (Aβ) has been shown to be effective in treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD), but the underlying assumption that neurons are the main source of pathogenic Aβ is untested. Here, we challenge this prevailing belief by demonstrating that oligodendrocytes are an important source of Aβ in the human brain and play a key role in promoting abnormal neuronal hyperactivity in an AD knock-in mouse model. We show that selectively suppressing oligodendrocyte Aβ production improves AD brain pathology and restores neuronal function in the mouse model in vivo. Our findings suggest that targeting oligodendrocyte Aβ production could be a promising therapeutic strategy for treating AD.Peer reviewe

    Developmental regulation of tau splicing is disrupted in stem cell-derived neurons from frontotemporal dementia patients with the 10 + 16 splice-site mutation in MAPT

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    The alternative splicing of the tau gene, MAPT, generates six protein isoforms in the adult human CNS. Tau splicing is developmentally regulated and dysregulated in disease. Mutations in MAPT that alter tau splicing cause frontotemporal dementia (FTD) with tau pathology, providing evidence for a causal link between altered tau splicing and disease. The use of induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived neurons has revolutionized the way we model neurological disease in vitro. However, as most tau mutations are located within or around the alternatively spliced exon 10, it is important that iPSC-neurons splice tau appropriately in order to be used as disease models. To address this issue, we analysed the expression, and splicing of tau in iPSC-derived cortical neurons from control patients and FTD patients with the 10+16 intronic mutation in MAPT. We show that control neurons only express the fetal tau isoform (0N3R), even at extended time points of 100 days in vitro. Neurons from FTD patients with the 10+16 mutation in MAPT express both 0N3R and 0N4R tau isoforms, demonstrating that this mutation overrides the developmental regulation of exon 10 inclusion in our in vitro model. Further, at extended time-points of 365 days in vitro, we observe a switch in tau splicing to include six tau isoforms as seen the adult human CNS. Our results demonstrate the importance of neuronal maturity for use in in vitro modeling and provide a system that will be important for understanding the functional consequences of altered tau splicing

    iPSC-derived neuronal models of PANK2-associated neurodegeneration reveal mitochondrial dysfunction contributing to early disease

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    Mutations in PANK2 lead to neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation. PANK2 has a role in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A (CoA) from dietary vitamin B5, but the neuropathological mechanism and reasons for iron accumulation remain unknown. In this study, atypical patient-derived fibroblasts were reprogrammed into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and subsequently differentiated into cortical neuronal cells for studying disease mechanisms in human neurons. We observed no changes in PANK2 expression between control and patient cells, but a reduction in protein levels was apparent in patient cells. CoA homeostasis and cellular iron handling were normal, mitochondrial function was affected; displaying activated NADH-related and inhibited FADH-related respiration, resulting in increased mitochondrial membrane potential. This led to increased reactive oxygen species generation and lipid peroxidation in patient-derived neurons. These data suggest that mitochondrial deficiency is an early feature of the disease process and can be explained by altered NADH/FADH substrate supply to oxidative phosphorylation. Intriguingly, iron chelation appeared to exacerbate the mitochondrial phenotype in both control and patient neuronal cells. This raises caution for the use iron chelation therapy in general when iron accumulation is absent
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