1,562 research outputs found

    Diseño de sistemas de aire acondicionado VRV para la Biblioteca de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito

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    External factors affect human beings daily activities. One of these external factors is the comfort given by the place where they develop. It is detected that one of the biggest problems that the San Francisco de Quito University Library faces is the lack of commodity of users because of the high temperatures of the building. The goal of this project is to develop the design of an Air-Conditioning system for this place. Considering the size of the building, diminish in costs and the technology achieved nowadays, it is considered a VRV (Variable Refrigerant Volume) system as the best choice.Las actividades de los seres humanos están afectadas por factores externos. Uno de ellos es el confort del lugar donde se desenvuelven. Se detecta que uno de los problemas más grandes de la Biblioteca de la Universidad San Francisco de Quito es la falta de comodidad de los usuarios debido a las altas temperaturas del interior. El objetivo de este proyecto es realizar el diseño de un sistema de aire acondicionado para el edificio. Considerando el tamaño del edificio, la disminución de costos y la tecnología actual, se opta por un sistema VRV (Volumen de refrigerante variable, por sus siglas en inglés)

    Control simultáneo y gestión administrativa en una dirección regional de educación, 2023

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    La presente tesis tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación entre el control simultáneo y la gestión administrativa en una dirección regional de educación, 2023. El estudio fue de tipo básico, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental, transversal, correlacional. Se empleó una muestra representativa compuesta por 45 colaboradores; la técnica empleada para recopilar información fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario, conformado por 25 ítems para la variable control simultáneo y 20 ítems para la variable gestión administrativa, los mismos que fueron validados por juicio de expertos y confiabilidad a través del coeficiente estadístico “Alfa de Cronbach”, cuyos valores fueron 0.941 para la variable control simultáneo y 0.973 para gestión administrativa, lo cual implica que los instrumentos usados son altamente confiables. Los resultados obtenidos muestran existe relación entre la variable Control Simultáneo y la variable Gestión Administrativa de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Piura (DREP), dado que la correlación según coeficiente de Pearson es 0.425**; concluyendo que dicha relación es moderada y en sentido positivo

    Adding tightly-integrated task scheduling acceleration to a RISC-V multi-core processor

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    Task Parallelism is a parallel programming model that provides code annotation constructs to outline tasks and describe how their pointer parameters are accessed so that they might be executed in parallel, and asynchronously, by a runtime capable of inferring and honoring their data dependence relationships. It is supported by several parallelization frameworks, as OpenMP and StarSs. Overhead related to automatic dependence inference and to the scheduling of ready-to-run tasks is a major performance limiting factor of Task Parallel systems. To amortize this overhead, programmers usually trade the higher parallelism that could be leveraged from finer-grained work partitions for the higher runtime-efficiency of coarser-grained work partitions. Such problems are even more severe for systems with many cores, as the task spawning frequency required for preserving cores from starvation grows linearly with their number. To mitigate these problems, researchers have designed hardware accelerators to improve runtime performance. Nevertheless, the high CPU-accelerator communication overheads of these solutions hampered their gains. We thus propose a RISC-V based architecture that minimizes communication overhead between the HW Task Scheduler and the CPU by allowing Task Scheduling software to directly interact with the former through custom instructions. Empirical evaluation of the architecture is made possible by an FPGA prototype featuring an eight-core Linux-capable Rocket Chip implementing such instructions. To evaluate the prototype performance, we both (1) adapted Nanos, a mature Task Scheduling runtime, to benefit from the new task-scheduling-accelerating instructions; and (2) developed Phentos, a new HW-accelerated light weight Task Scheduling runtime. Our experiments show that task parallel programs using Nanos-RV --- the Nanos version ported to our system --- are on average 2.13 times faster than those being serviced by baseline Nanos, while programs running on Phentos are 13.19 times faster, considering geometric means. Using eight cores, Nanos-RV is able to deliver speedups with respect to serial execution of up to 5.62 times, while Phentos produces speedups of up to 5.72 times.This work was supported by the Spanish Government (projects SEV-2015-0493 and TIN2015-65316-P), the Generalitat de Catalunya (2017-SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR1328), FAPESP (grants 2017/02682-2, 2018/00687-0, and 2014/25694-8), CNPq (grant 408782/2016-1), and CAPES.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Mechanical treatment of the initial powder and the influence of powder microstructure on the flowability of the thermoplastic slip casting suspension and on the properties of sintered alumina ceramic

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    In the present work the influence of properties of the initial alumina powder on the physical and mechanical properties of sintered ceramic formed by slip casting method has been studied. The linear shrinkage, bulk density and three point bending strength of materials have been evaluated and discussed

    Fast Matrix Multiplication via Compiler-only Layered Data Reorganization and Intrinsic Lowering

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    The resurgence of machine learning has increased the demand for high-performance basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS), which have long depended on libraries to achieve peak performance on commodity hardware. High-performance BLAS implementations rely on a layered approach that consists of tiling and packing layers, for data (re)organization, and micro kernels that perform the actual computations. The creation of high-performance micro kernels requires significant development effort to write tailored assembly code for each architecture. This hand optimization task is complicated by the recent introduction of matrix engines by IBM's POWER10 MMA, Intel AMX, and Arm ME to deliver high-performance matrix operations. This paper presents a compiler-only alternative to the use of high-performance libraries by incorporating, to the best of our knowledge and for the first time, the automatic generation of the layered approach into LLVM, a production compiler. Modular design of the algorithm, such as the use of LLVM's matrix-multiply intrinsic for a clear interface between the tiling and packing layers and the micro kernel, makes it easy to retarget the code generation to multiple accelerators. The use of intrinsics enables a comprehensive performance study. In processors without hardware matrix engines, the tiling and packing delivers performance up to 22x (Intel), for small matrices, and more than 6x (POWER9), for large matrices, faster than PLuTo, a widely used polyhedral optimizer. The performance also approaches high-performance libraries and is only 34% slower than OpenBLAS and on-par with Eigen for large matrices. With MMA in POWER10 this solution is, for large matrices, over 2.6x faster than the vector-extension solution, matches Eigen performance, and achieves up to 96% of BLAS peak performance

    Caracterização de lesões de pele em imagens digitais a partir da máquina de vetor de suporte

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    Este trabalho apresenta um método para a caracterização das lesões de pele, a partir das características da regra ABCD (assimetria, borda, cor e diâmetro) e análise de textura. As características ABCD são obtidas de acordo com o dermatologista e a textura das imagens é definida pela sua dimensão fractal, por meio do método box-counting. As características de assimetria e textura extraídas das imagens são utilizadas como entradas para o classificador SVM (Máquina de Vetor de Suporte), que é uma técnica baseada em aprendizado estatístico, utilizada para o reconhecimento de padrões em imagens. O SVM classifica a assimetria das lesões em simétrica ou assimétrica e a textura das lesões em lisa ou rugosa. Todas as informações referentes as características extraídas da lesão são passadas ao dermatologista com o intuito de auxiliá-lo no diagnóstico

    Enabling HW-based task scheduling in large multicore architectures

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    Dynamic Task Scheduling is an enticing programming model aiming to ease the development of parallel programs with intrinsically irregular or data-dependent parallelism. The performance of such solutions relies on the ability of the Task Scheduling HW/SW stack to efficiently evaluate dependencies at runtime and schedule work to available cores. Traditional SW-only systems implicate scheduling overheads of around 30K processor cycles per task, which severely limit the ( core count , task granularity ) combinations that they might adequately handle. Previous work on HW-accelerated Task Scheduling has shown that such systems might support high performance scheduling on processors with up to eight cores, but questions remained regarding the viability of such solutions to support the greater number of cores now frequently found in high-end SMP systems. The present work presents an FPGA-proven, tightly-integrated, Linux-capable, 30-core RISC-V system with hardware accelerated Task Scheduling. We use this implementation to show that HW Task Scheduling can still offer competitive performance at such high core count, and describe how this organization includes hardware and software optimizations that make it even more scalable than previous solutions. Finally, we outline ways in which this architecture could be augmented to overcome inter-core communication bottlenecks, mitigating the cache-degradation effects usually involved in the parallelization of highly optimized serial code.This work is supported by the TEXTAROSSA project G.A. n.956831, as part of the EuroHPC initiative, by the Spanish Government (grants PCI2021-121964, TEXTAROSSA; PDC2022-133323-I00, Multi-Ka; PID2019-107255GB-C21 MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; and CEX2021-001148-S), by Generalitat de Catalunya (2021 SGR 01007), and FAPESP (grant 2019/26702-8).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    Large fires are global environmental problems, increasingly recurrent due to climate change, with severe perspectives for the future. The present study characterized the edaphoclimatic conditions of the Governador Indigenous Territory (TI), Amarante do Maranhão - MA, as well as analyzed the influence of these conditions on large burn scars (over 50 ha) and fire danger indices in the period from 2001 to 2018. The scars were mapped on TM and OLI Landsat images and the following fire danger indices were assessed: Telicyn Logarithmic Index; Nesterov Index; Monte Alegre Formula (FMA) and Modified Monte Alegre Formula (FMA +); and the Canadian Fire Weather Index (FWI). The results indicate that the Governador TI region is a critical area in terms of wildfires, with large impacted areas and climatic conditions with great fire risks. In addition, savanna formations, which predominate in the region, are highly prone to fires, as well as pastures in the surroundings. The Monte Alegre Formula index stands out with the best result, as well as the great correlation with climate and vegetation data, highlighting the period from June to August and savanna formations as the most critical conditions

    Some advances in extensive bridge monitoring using low cost dynamic characterization

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    Dynamic measurements will become a standard for bridge monitoring in the near future. This fact will produce an important cost reduction for maintenance. US Administration has a long term intensive research program in order to diminish the estimated current maintenance cost of US$7 billion per year over 20 years. An optimal intervention maintenance program demands a historical dynamical record, as well as an updated mathematical model of the structure to be monitored. In case that a model of the structure is not actually available it is possible to produce it, however this possibility does not exist for missing measurement records from the past. Current acquisition systems to monitor structures can be made more efficient by introducing the following improvements, under development in the Spanish research Project “Low cost bridge health monitoring by ambient vibration tests using wireless sensors”: (a) a complete wireless system to acquire sensor data, (b) a wireless system that permits the localization and the hardware identification of the whole sensor system. The applied localization system has been object of a recent patent, and (c) automatization of the modal identification process, aimed to diminish human intervention. This system is assembled with cheap components and allows the simultaneous use of a large number of sensors at a low placement cost. The engineer’s intervention is limited to the selection of sensor positions, probably based on a preliminary FE analysis. In case of multiple setups, also the position of a number of fixed reference sensors has to be decided. The wireless localization system will obtain the exact coordinates of all these sensors positions. When the selection of optimal positions is difficult, for example because of the lack of a proper FE model, this can be compensated by using a higher number of measuring (also reference) points. The described low cost acquisition system allows the responsible bridge administration to obtain historical dynamic identification records at reasonable costs that will be used in future maintenance programs. Therefore, due to the importance of the baseline monitoring record of a new bridge, a monitoring test just after its construction should be highly recommended, if not compulsory

    Medición del capital intelectual y la imagen corporativa en la empresa Estructuras Metálicas JRM SAC, ubicada en la ciudad de Lima

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    El presente trabajo de investigación nos ha permitido conocer el nivel del Capital Intelectual de la empresa Estructuras Metálicas JRM SAC, en sus tres componentes Capital Humano, Capital Estructural y Capital Cliente que posee la empresa en base a una serie de indicadores propios del modelo de medición del capital intelectual navegador Skandia. De igual forma, en el estudio se utilizó información tomada del modelo de medición de Imagen Corporativa del Dr. Día Dumont (2015) basada en un cuestionario de preguntas orientadas a determinar la Imagen Comercial, Imagen Estratégica, Imagen Emocional e Imagen Social de la empresa. Asimismo, la investigación estuvo orientada a conocer la relación del Capital Intelectual con la Imagen Corporativa. En el estudio se utilizó como muestra el personal de la empresa agrupada en el nivel operativo, administrativo y comercial, así mismo se midió la percepción de los clientes con los que cuenta la compañía en un periodo determinado En conclusión, los resultados de la investigación muestran que el Capital Intelectual en la empresa Estructuras Metálicas JRM S.A.C es de nivel medio según lo establecido en el modelo navegador SKANDIA, y que existe una relación directa con la Imagen Corporativa según el coeficiente de Correlación de Spearman. De igual forma, en el estudio se identificaron componentes del Capital Intelectual que muestran un mayor desarrollo en comparación de sus otros componentes, lo cual representa una oportunidad de mejora para la compañía en implementar estrategias que permitan potenciar su nivel de Capital Intelectual en su componente Capital Humano, Capital Estructura y Capital Cliente.This research work has allowed us to know the level of Intellectual Capital of the company Estructuras Metálicas JRM SAC, in its three components Human Capital, Structural Capital and Client Capital that the company owns based on a series of indicators of the measurement model of the intellectual capital browser Skandia. In the same way, the study used information taken from the model of Corporate Image measurement of Dr. Día Dumont (2015) based on a questionnaire aimed at determining the Commercial Image, Strategic Image, Emotional Image and Social Image of the company. Likewise, the research was oriented to know the relationship of Intellectual Capital with the Corporate Image. In the study, the company personnel grouped at the operational, administrative and commercial level were used as a sample, as well as the perception of the clients that the company has in a given period. In conclusion, the results of the investigation show that the Intellectual Capital in the company Metallic Structures JRM SAC is of medium level as established in the SKANDIA navigator model, and that there is a direct relationship with the Corporate Image according to the Spearman Correlation coefficient. Similarly, the study identified components of Intellectual Capital that show greater development in comparison to its other components, which represents an opportunity for improvement for the company in implementing strategies that enhance its level of Intellectual Capital in its Capital component Human, Capital Structure and Client Capital.Tesi