395 research outputs found

    A low complexity resource allocation algorithm for multicast service delivery in OFDMA networks

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    Allocating and managing radio resources to multicast transmissions in Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access (OFDMA) systems is the challenging research issue addressed by this paper. A subgrouping technique, which divides the subscribers into subgroups according to the experienced channel quality, is considered to overcome the throughput limitations of conventional multicast data delivery schemes. A low complexity algorithm, designed to work with different resource allocation strategies, is also proposed to reduce the computational complexity of the subgroup formation problem. Simulation results, carried out by considering the Long Term Evolution (LTE) system based on OFDMA, testify the effectiveness of the proposed solution, which achieves a near-optimal performance with a limited computational load for the system

    Measurement campaign on transmit delay diversity for mobile DVB-T/H systems

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    This article is posted here with permission from IEEE - Copyright @ 2010 IEEEThis paper describes the work carried out by Brunel University and Broadreach Systems (UK) to quantify the advantages that can be achieved if Transmit Delay Diversity is applied to systems employing the DVB standard. The techniques investigated can be applied to standard receiver equipment without modification. An extensive and carefully planned field trial was performed during the winter of 2007/2008 in Uxbridge (UK) to validate predictions from theoretical modeling and laboratory simulations. The transmissions were performed in the 730 MHz frequency band with a DVB-T/H transmitter and a mean power of 18.4 dBW. The impact of the transmit antenna separation and the MPE-FEC was also investigated. It is shown that transmit delay diversity significantly improves the quality of reception in fast fading mobile broadcasting application

    Evaluación de la calidad de los aceites de oliva vírgenes obtenidos a partir de las variedades arauco y arbequina de Mendoza, Argentina

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    La calidad del aceite de oliva virgen está definida por factores de carácter agronómico y de carácter industrial. Entre los primeros encontramos a la variedad, las condiciones edafo-climáticas de cada zona productora, las prácticas culturales y el estado de madurez de la aceituna a la cosecha. Entre los segundos se encuentran, los métodos de extracción y las condiciones de conservación utilizados. Las características de la producción de aceite de oliva virgen en la provincia de Mendoza son particulares y distintas a las de otras zonas de Argentina, por lo que se hace necesario evaluar específicamente la calidad de los aceites de oliva vírgenes obtenidos, debido a la necesidad que tienen productores e industriales de dar valor agregado a su producción. El crecimiento del cultivo del olivo (Olea europaea L.) en Mendoza en los últimos cinco años está representado principalmente por la variedad arbequina, con una superficie implantada cercana a 33%, seguida por la variedad arauco con un 20%. Como objetivos se planteó evaluar calidad físico-química a través de contenidos en acidez, ácidos grasos, esteroles, polifenoles y tocoferoles; evaluar calidad sensorial y realizar perfiles sensoriales característicos; finalmente, determinar la influencia de estado de madurez y las condiciones de extracción del aceite en las particularidades de los mismos. Se analizaron 30 muestras de aceite de oliva virgen en total: 21 del cv. arauco y 9 del cv.arbequina. Se realizó análisis estadístico descriptivo e inferencial. El aceite de oliva virgen del cv. Arauco presentó un valor promedio de ácido oleico de 65,56%; campesterol promedio de 3,79%; altos contenidos en antioxidantes naturales, alcanzando valores de polifenoles totales de hasta 858 mg/Kg. y de tocoferoles totales de hasta 477 mg/Kg. Sensorialmente estos aceites pueden resultar desequilibrados, presentándose muy amargos y muy picantes por efecto de un elevado contenido en polifenoles; presentan notas herbáceas características. El aceite de oliva virgen del cv. arbequina presenta un valor promedio de ácido oleico de 63,28%; campesterol promedio de 3,51%; contenidos medios de tocoferoles y polifenoles, alcanzando valores de polifenoles totales de hasta 316 mg/Kg. y de tocoferoles totales de hasta 335 mg/Kg. Sensorialmente los aceites son armoniosos, con notas frutales características. El estado de madurez y el método de extracción influyen en las características de calidad de los aceites.The virgin olive oil quality is defined by agronomic factors and industrial factors. The first includes the variety, soil and climate conditions of each producing area, cultural practices and olives maturity at harvest. The second includes the extraction methods and the storage conditions used. The characteristics of virgin olive oil production in the province of Mendoza, are unique and different from other parts of Argentina, so, it is necessary to specifically assess the quality of virgin olive oils obtained, due to need of producers and industry to add value to their production. The tremendous growth of olive growing (Olea europaea L.) in Mendoza in the last five years, is mainly represented by the variety Arbequina, with a planted area close to 33%, followed by the variety Arauco with 20%, reason by which these varieties were chosen for this study. As objective is focused to evaluate physical and chemical quality through acid content, fatty acids, sterols, polyphenols and tocopherols; also evaluate sensory quality and characteristic sensory profiling; and finally, determine the influence of olives maturity and oil extraction methods in the particularity of eachoil. We analyzed 30 samples of virgin olive oil in total: 21 samples of cv. Arauco and 9 samples of cv. Arbequina, from different areas of Mendoza and two productive seasons. We performed descriptive and inferential statistical analysis. Virgin olive oil cv. arauco presented an average value of 65.56% oleic acid, campesterol average 3.79%; high contents of natural antioxidants: polyphenols reaching values of up to 858 mg / kg, total tocopherols and up to 477 mg / kg. Sensory oils can be unbalanced, presenting very bitter and very spicy, due to a high content of polyphenols; with characteristic herbaceous notes. Virgin olive oil cv. Arbequina has an average value of 63.28% oleic acid, campesterol average 3.51%; media content tocopherols and polyphenols, total polyphenol reaching values of up to 316 mg / kg, total tocopherols and up to 335 mg / kg. Sensory oils are harmonious, with fruity characteristics. The ripeness and extraction method affect the characteristics of the oils.Fil: Araniti, Elena Verónica. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias

    Multicasting Over 6G Non-Terrestrial Networks: A Softwarization-Based Approach

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    Multicast/broadcast delivery is a critical challenge of future 6G mobile networks where massive Internet of Things (IoT) deployment and extended reality multimedia such as teleportation are target application scenarios. Non-terrestrial networks (NTNs) are considered essential for the success of 6G, which aims to provide true 'global' services by extending mobile access worldwide, thus overcoming the coverage limit of current terrestrial networks (TNs). This article discusses how the main distinguishing features of NTNs can be effectively exploited for 6G multicasting. Furthermore, in line with the evolution of future 6G networks toward softwarized systems, we evaluate the potential of using the softwarization paradigm in the heterogeneous TN-NTN architecture to deliver multicast services

    A Concise Review of 5G New Radio Capabilities for Directional Access at mmWave Frequencies

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    In this work, we briefly outline the core 5G air interface improvements introduced by the latest New Radio (NR) specifications, as well as elaborate on the unique features of initial access in 5G NR with a particular emphasis on millimeter-wave (mmWave) frequency range. The highly directional nature of 5G mmWave cellular systems poses a variety of fundamental differences and research problem formulations, and a holistic understanding of the key system design principles behind the 5G NR is essential. Here, we condense the relevant information collected from a wide diversity of 5G NR standardization documents (based on 3GPP Release 15) to distill the essentials of directional access in 5G mmWave cellular, which becomes the foundation for any corresponding system-level analysis.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables, published in proceedings of International Conference on Next Generation Wired/Wireless Networking, NEW2AN 2018, St. Petersburg, Russi

    Phytotoxic Effects and Mechanism of Action of Essential Oils and Terpenoids

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    [EN] Weeds are one of the major constraints in crop production affecting both yield and quality. The excessive and exclusive use of synthetic herbicides for their management is increasing the development of herbicide-resistant weeds and is provoking risks for the environment and human health. Therefore, the development of new herbicides with multitarget-site activity, new modes of action and low impact on the environment and health are badly needed. The study of plant-plant interactions through the release of secondary metabolites could be a starting point for the identification of new molecules with herbicidal activity. Essential oils (EOs) and their components, mainly terpenoids, as pure natural compounds or in mixtures, because of their structural diversity and strong phytotoxic activity, could be good candidates for the development of new bioherbicides or could serve as a basis for the development of new natural-like low impact synthetic herbicides. EOs and terpenoids have been largely studied for their phytotoxicity and several evidences on their modes of action have been highlighted in the last decades through the use of integrated approaches. The review is focused on the knowledge concerning the phytotoxicity of these molecules, their putative target, as well as their potential mode of action.This research was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades RTI2018-094716-B-100 and by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR), project SIR-2014 cod. RBSI14L9CE (MEDANAT).Verdeguer Sancho, MM.; Sánchez-Moreiras, AM.; Araniti, F. (2020). Phytotoxic Effects and Mechanism of Action of Essential Oils and Terpenoids. Plants. 9(11):1-52. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants9111571S15291

    Evaluation of the differential quality of virgin olive oil obtained in the province of Mendoza, Argentina, with a view to record a geographical indication

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    El primer perfil económico de Mendoza comenzó definiéndola como una provincia olivícola. Por diversas circunstancias, la olivicultura disminuyó su importancia con el tiempo, y hoy, con sus casi 20.000 hectáreas cultivadas, representa la segunda actividad agrícola en importancia en la Provincia. El rumbo que marcan actualmente las necesidades productivas y comerciales del sector, es diferenciar su producción a través de la puesta en valor con una Indicación Geográfica Mendoza (IGMen), para ello se necesita contar con estudios completos que avalen trazabilidad, calidad y características propias de los aceites de oliva vírgenes calidad "extra" y calidad "virgen", tanto blends como varietales, producidos y obtenidos según el contexto edafoclimático, socio-cultural y técnico de la Provincia de Mendoza. La hipótesis de trabajo se fundamenta en el hecho de que es posible determinar y cuantificar las características diferenciales a través de análisis físico -químicos y sensoriales, para ser utilizados en una propuesta de indicación geográfica. Los objetivos son caracterizar materia prima, obtener aceites de oliva vírgenes, evaluar atributos sensoriales y realizar perfiles, realizar análisis físico-químicos, caracterizar los aceites de oliva vírgenes y evaluar el posible impacto en los precios de una IGMen. La metodología de trabajo articula el trabajo de la Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (Unidad Ejecutora), la Facultad de Ciencias Médicas y la Facultad de Artes y Diseño de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, con instituciones públicas y privadas relacionadas al sector: Asociación Olivícola Mendoza (ASOLMEN), Fundación Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR) y la Dirección de Fiscalización y Control del Gobierno de Mendoza (DFyC); esta articulación se apoya en la adopción de los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS). Los resultados obtenidos se transferirán a través de las distintas acciones utilizando estrategias de comunicación y diseño, con medios gráficos, audiovisuales y visuales, que permitan tanto a productores como industriales, distribuidores como consumidores, identificar lo que una IGMen significa. Se espera contribuir a la puesta en valor de la producción olivícola local a través de estos estudios que darán sustentabilidad a una IGMen, beneficiando al sector y posibilitando la preferencia de nuestros aceites en el mercado consumidor argentino, como así también en mercados emergentes (China, Japón, etc) en un marco internacional sumamente competitivo.According the first economic profile, Mendoza has been defined as an olive growing province. Due different reasons, olive growing decreased its importance over time. At the present, it represents the second most important agricultural activity in the Province with almost 20,000 hectares cultivated. According to the current direction of the productive and commercial needs of the sector, its production must be differentiated by putting it into value through a Mendoza Geographical Indication (IGMen). For this, it is necessary to have complete studies that guarantee traceability, quality and characteristics of virgin olive oils, "extra" and "virgin" quality, both blends and varietals, produced and obtained according to the edaphoclimatic, sociocultural and technical context of Mendoza. The working hypothesis is based on the fact that it is possible to determine and quantify the differential characteristics through physico-chemical and sensory analysis in order to be used in a proposal of geographical indication. The aims are: to characterize raw material, obtain virgin olive oils, evaluate sensory attributes and perform profiles, make physical-chemical analyzes, characterize virgin olive oils and evaluate the possible impact on the prices of an IGMen. The work methodology articulates the work of the Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias (Executing Unit), the Facultad de Ciencias Médicas and the Facultad de Artes y Diseño from Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, with public and private institutions related to the sector: Asociación Olivícola Mendoza (ASOLMEN), Fundación Instituto de Desarrollo Rural (IDR) and the Dirección de Fiscalización y Control del Gobierno de Mendoza (DFyC). This articulation is based on the adoption of sustainable development objectives (SDO). The results will be transferred through different actions using communication and design strategies, with graphic, audiovisual and visual media, that allow both producers and industrialists, distributors and consumers, to identify what an IGMen means. It is expected to contribute to the put in value of local olive growing production through these studies that will give sustainability to an IGMen, benefiting the sector and enabling the preference of oils from Mendoza in the Argentine consumer market, as well as in emerging markets (China, Japan, etc.) in a highly competitive international framework

    Secondary metabolites and eco-friendly techniques for agricultural weed/pest management

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    In agro-ecosystems, pests (insects, weeds, and other plant’s parasites) compete with crops for edaphic resources, negatively affecting quality and crop yields [1]. Nowadays, synthetic pesticides, easy to apply and accessible to farmers, are the most common and effective methods for pest management [2]. Nevertheless, the negative impact of these chemicals on the environment, human health, and the development of herbicides/pesticides-resistance are shifting the attention to alternative pest control technologies based on natural compounds [3–6]. Therefore, new eco-friendly agronomic techniques and the use of natural or natural-like molecules might represent a valid alternative strategy for pest control in the framework of sustainable agriculture [7–9]. The Special Issue “Secondary metabolites and eco-friendly techniques for agricultural weed/pest management” is timely and could offer interesting contributions to readers on the most recent aspects related to this pivotal topic. It includes 12 research papers (11 original articles and a scientific review) in which different aspects of pest management, from basic research to potential practical approaches, have been investigated through the latest and innovative technologies

    Multimedia content delivery for emerging satellite networks

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    Multimedia content delivery over satellite systems is considered as a promising service in the emerging networks. The aim of this work is to design a novel radio resource management (RRM) algorithm for efficiently managing multicast multimedia content transmission over satellite network. The proposed approach performs the spectrum management on a per-group basis, by splitting multicast terminals into different subgroups according to the experienced channel qualities. We demonstrate that subgrouping policy defined by the authors as multicast subgrouping-maximum satisfaction index (MS-MSI), is based on a new metric (i.e., MSI), which overcomes the weakness of the previous techniques proposed in literature and provides the best trade-off between user throughput and fairness. As a further result, we demonstrate that MS-MSI is robust to the long propagation delay of satellite links. An extensive simulation campaign has been conducted by considering several satellite environments