13 research outputs found

    Determination of the binding epitope of RGD-peptidomimetics to \u3b1v\u3b23 and \u3b1IIb\u3b23 integrin-rich intact cells by NMR and computational studies

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    NMR experiments (transferred NOE and Saturation Transfer Difference) were used to shed light on the binding epitope of RGD peptidomimetics 1-3 with integrins \u3b1v\u3b23 and \u3b1IIb\u3b23, expressed on the membrane of ECV304 bladder cancer cells and human platelets, respectively. The NMR results were supported by docking calculations in the active sites of \u3b1v\u3b23 and \u3b1IIb\u3b23 integrin receptors and were compared to the results of competitive \u3b1v\u3b23 receptor binding assays and competitive ECV304 cell adhesion experiments. While cis RGD ligand 1 interacts mainly with the \u3b1 integrin subunit through its basic guanidine group, trans RGD ligands 2 and 3 are able to interact with both the \u3b1 and \u3b2 integrin subunits via an electrostatic clam

    Loss of VHL in mesenchymal progenitors of the limb bud alters multiple steps of endochondral bone development

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    Adaptation to low oxygen tension (hypoxia) is a critical event during development. The transcription factors Hypoxia Inducible Factor-1α (HIF-1α) and HIF-2α are essential mediators of the homeostatic responses that allow hypoxic cells to survive and differentiate. Von Hippel Lindau protein (VHL) is the E3 ubiquitin ligase that targets HIFs to the proteasome for degradation in normoxia. We have previously demonstrated that the transcription factor HIF-1α is essential for survival and differentiation of growth plate chondrocytes, whereas HIF-2α is not necessary for fetal growth plate development. We have also shown that VHL is important for endochondral bone development, since loss of VHL in chondrocytes causes severe dwarfism. In this study, in order to expand our understanding of the role of VHL in chondrogenesis, we conditionally deleted VHL in mesenchymal progenitors of the limb bud, i.e. in cells not yet committed to the chondrocyte lineage. Deficiency of VHL in limb bud mesenchyme does not alter the timely differentiation of mesenchymal cells into chondrocytes. However, it causes structural collapse of the cartilaginous growth plate as a result of impaired proliferation, delayed terminal differentiation, and ectopic death of chondrocytes. This phenotype is associated to delayed replacement of cartilage by bone. Notably, loss of HIF-2α fully rescues the late formation of the bone marrow cavity in VHL mutant mice, though it does not affect any other detectable abnormality of the VHL mutant growth plates. Our findings demonstrate that VHL regulates bone morphogenesis as its loss considerably alters size, shape and overall development of the skeletal elements

    O Enfermeiro na Prevenção do Câncer Cérvicouterino e de Mama

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.O câncer cérvicouterino é a terceira neoplasia maligna em mulheres no âmbito mundial em especial no Brasil com estimativa de 18 mil novos casos em 2013. O câncer de mama apresenta-se como a primeira causa de morte em mulheres com 50 anos e mais. Nesse contexto, o enfermeiro junto à equipe de saúde e comunidade pode desenvolver um trabalho importante na prevenção desses agravos. JUSTIFICATIVA: A saúde da mulher tem sido alvo de pesquisas e discussões ao longo de várias décadas. Assim sendo a aproximação dos acadêmicos extensionistas do Curso de Enfermagem com essa área de atuação, permite formação mais qualificada para o cuidado à mulher, de forma mais humana, contribuindo para a diminuição dos agravos, especialmente no tocante às repercussões físicas, psicológicas e sociais do câncer cérvicouterino e de mama. OBJETIVO: Partilhar a experiência dos acadêmicos do Curso de Enfermagem da Unioeste – Cascavel PR durante as atividades desenvolvidas no projeto de extensão intitulado: Humanização no cuidado à mulher. METODOLOGIA: Relato de experiência sobre o cuidado realizado às mulheres na Consulta de Enfermagem em Ginecologia que inclui o exame clinico das mamas, a orientação sobre o autoexame das mamas (AEM), a coleta de material para a prevenção do câncer cérvicouterino, orientações, encaminhamentos e tratamentos frente aos achados. Foram atendidas 435 mulheres no período de dezembro de 2008 a dezembro de 2012, no Núcleo Assistencial Francisco de Assis (NAFA), situado no Bairro Interlagos em Cascavel PR-Brasil. CONCLUSÃO: O cuidado humanizado foi o foco para o desenvolvimento das atividades - ofertar serviço de qualidade com resolutividade. Percebemos que além de conhecimento científico sobre a temática saúde da mulher e competência técnica, adquiriu-se uma bagagem de conhecimento no tocante à humanização no cuidado. Essa prática repercutirá positivamente no futuro profissional dos alunos envolvidos neste projeto

    Long-Lasting Efficacy of Radio Electric Asymmetric Conveyer Neuromodulation Treatment on Functional Dysmetria, an Adaptive Motor Behavior

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    BackgroundFluctuating asymmetry (FA) is widely defined as the deviation from perfect bilateral symmetry and is considered an epigenetic measure of environmental stress. Rinaldi and Fontani hypothesized that the FA morpho-functional changes originate from an adaptive motor behavior determined by functional alterations in the cerebellum and neural circuits, not caused by a lesion, but induced by environmental stress. They called this phenomenon functional dysmetria (FD). On this premise, they developed the radio electric asymmetric conveyer (REAC) technology, a neuromodulation technology aimed at optimizing the best neuro-psycho-motor strategies in relation to environmental interaction.AimsPrevious studies showed that specific REAC neuro postural optimization (NPO) treatment can induce stable FD recovery. This study aimed to verify the duration of the NPO effect in inducing the stable FD recovery over timeMaterials and methodsData were retrospectively collected from a population of 29,794 subjects who underwent a specific semiological FD assessment and received the NPO treatment, regardless of the pathology referred.ResultsThe analysis of the data collected by the various participants in the study led us to ascertain the disappearance of FD in 100% of the cases treated, with a stability of the result detected up to 18 years after the single administration of the REAC NPO treatment.ConclusionsThe REAC NPO neurobiological modulation treatment consisting of a single administration surprisingly maintains a very long efficacy in the correction of FD. This effect can be explained as the long-lasting capacity of the NPO treatment to induce greater functional efficiency of the brain dynamics as proven in previous studies

    Germline loss-of-function PAM variants are enriched in subjects with pituitary hypersecretion

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    Introduction: Pituitary adenomas (PAs) are common, usually benign tumors of the anterior pituitary gland which, for the most part, have no known genetic cause. PAs are associated with major clinical effects due to hormonal dysregulation and tumoral impingement on vital brain structures. PAM encodes a multifunctional protein responsible for the essential C-terminal amidation of secreted peptides.Methods: Following the identification of a loss-of-function variant (p.Arg703Gln) in the peptidylglycine a-amidating monooxygenase (PAM) gene in a family with pituitary gigantism, we investigated 299 individuals with sporadic PAs and 17 familial isolated PA kindreds for PAM variants. Genetic screening was performed by germline and tumor sequencing and germline copy number variation (CNV) analysis.Results: In germline DNA, we detected seven heterozygous, likely pathogenic missense, truncating, and regulatory SNVs. These SNVs were found in sporadic subjects with growth hormone excess (p.Gly552Arg and p.Phe759Ser), pediatric Cushing disease (c.-133T>C and p.His778fs), or different types of PAs (c.-361G>A, p.Ser539Trp, and p.Asp563Gly). The SNVs were functionally tested in vitro for protein expression and trafficking by Western blotting, splicing by minigene assays, and amidation activity in cell lysates and serum samples. These analyses confirmed a deleterious effect on protein expression and/or function. By interrogating 200,000 exomes from the UK Biobank, we confirmed a significant association of the PAM gene and rare PAM SNVs with diagnoses linked to pituitary gland hyperfunction.Conclusion: The identification of PAM as a candidate gene associated with pituitary hypersecretion opens the possibility of developing novel therapeutics based on altering PAM function.ISSN:1664-239