193 research outputs found

    Paris Konferansı’nda Mezopotamya

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    DergiPark: 326441trakyasobedWorld War I had come to an end with being signed of Mondros Armistice and Paris Peace Conference had gathered. While Wilson, the President of United States, wanted to make the Conference come true according to the principles which he suggested and were called as ‘’Fourteen Points’’, France and England weren’t ready to admit the principles without changing them. Furthermore, England had had got different ideas about Mesopotamia at the Paris Peace Conference. In this article, our study took shape in the light of the report which was prepared for Lord Curzon by Sir Erle Richards and presented the basic lines of politics which was followed by England for the area of Mesapotamia, the necessity of not giving of these lands to Turkey, the occupation of Mesopotamia by England Army, the special rights of England on Mesopotamia, the promises of England Administration on the next administration, the benefits of England Administration in Mesopotamia, Kurdish matterBirinci Dünya Savaşı, Mondros Mütarekesi’nin imzalanmasıyla bitmiş ve Paris Barış Konferansı toplanmıştır. Konferansa katılan ABD Başkanı Wilson kendisinin ortaya attığı ve On Dört Nokta olarak anılan ilkeler çerçevesinde Konferansın gerçeklemesini isterken Fransa ve İngiltere 14 noktayı değiştirmeden kabul etmeye henüz hazır değildiler. Ayrıca Paris konferansında İngiltere’nin Mezopotamya için ayrı düşünceleri bulunmaktadır. Bu makalede Mezopotamya bölgesi için Lord Curzan’a, Sir Erle Richards tarafından hazırlanan ve İngiltere’nin Konferansta Mezopotamya bölgesi için izlediği politikanın temel hatlarını sunan rapor ışığında çalışmamız şekillenmiştir. Söz konusu belge, Mezopotamya toprakları, bu toprakların Türkiye’ye verilmemesi gerektiği, İngiliz kuvvetlerinin Mezopotamya’yı işgali, İngiltere’nin Mezopotamya ile ilgili özel hakları, İngiliz hükümetinin gelecek hükümetle ilgili vaatleri, İngiliz hükümetinin Mezopotamya’daki çıkarları, Kürt sorunu gibi başlıklarda incelenebili

    British - Kurdish Relations During the World War I

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    DergiPark: 326413trakyasobedDuring the World War I, British troops entered the Ottaman lands including the Khanikin. British government already had relationship with Sheik Mahmut, called as the leader of ‘’Suleymanian’’, at that time. But British government had started to show more importance to this area when they learnt that Kurdish chiefs in Kifri, Talabani family and Seyit Ahmet – religious leader of the area – are British supporter. With the letter to British government sent by Sheik Mahmut for Kurdistan, British government had sent Noel – the experienced major – to Southern Kurdistan. Furthermore, British government’s paying attention on Armenians’ conditions had caused to create the relationships between British, Kurds and ArmeniansBirinci Dünya Savaşı sırasında İngilizler Khanikin’in de dahil olmak üzere Osmanlı topraklarına girmişlerdir. İngilizlerin, Süleymaniye şehrinin lideri sayıların Şeyh Mahmut ile bu dönemde zaten ilişkileri bulunmaktadır. Ancak İngilizler, Kifri bölgesindeki Kürt reislerinin, Talabani ailesinin ve bölgenin dini lideri Seyit Ahmet’in İngiliz taraftarı olduğunu öğrenince bölgeye daha çok önem göstermeye başlamışlardır. Buna Şeyh Mahmut’un İngiliz Hükümetine Kürdistan için gönderdiği mektupta eklenince İngilizler bölgede tecrübesi olan Binbaşı Noel’i Güney Kürdistan’a göndermiştir. Ayrıca İngilizlerin Ermenilerin durumuyla da yakından ilgilenmeye başlamaları bölgede İngiliz, Kürt ve Ermeniler arasında ilişkilerin doğmasına neden olmuştu

    Potencial das biomassas foliares de Albizia zygia e Albizia lebbeck como emendas orgânicas do solo no crescimento e rendimento do quiabo, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

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    In the array to assess the suitability of using amendments from nitrogen fixing trees in agroforestry, the response of okra to Albizia lebbeck and Albizia zygia leafy biomasses as soil amendments were investigated at the Faculty of Renewable Natural Resources Demonstration Farm in the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi-Ghana. The objective of this study was to assess the effect of different levels of A. lebbeck and A. zygia leafy biomasses on the growth and yield of okra in a randomized complete block design. Four treatments were used and allocated as T1 (Control, no biomass), T2 (0.2454 kg of A. lebbeck leafy biomass per 2.7 m2), T3 (0.2932 kg of A. zygia leafy biomass per 2.7 m2), T4 (0.2127 kg of A. lebbeck leafy biomass + 0.1466 kg of A. zygia leafy biomass per 2.7 m2. The treatments were replicated four times. Growth in height, stem diameter, fruit yield and fruit dry weight were the parameters investigated on. The application of A. lebbeck and A. zygia leafy biomasses as soil amendment significantly improve the growth (height and stem diameter) and yield (fruit yield and fruit dry weight) of okra compared to the control treatment during the twelve weeks period of the experiment (p˂0.05). Therefore, A. lebbeck and A. zygia leafy biomass amendments are recommended for use by okra farmers, as it has great prospects for use in soil fertility improvement.No intuito de avaliar a adequação do uso de corretivos de árvores fixadoras de nitrogênio na agrossilvicultura, a resposta do quiabo às biomassas folhosas de Albizia lebbeck e Albizia zygia como corretivos do solo foi investigada na Fazenda de Demonstração da Faculdade de Recursos Naturais Renováveis da Universidade de Ciências Kwame Nkrumah. e Tecnologia, Kumasi-Gana. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o efeito de diferentes níveis de biomassas foliares de A. lebbeck e A. zygia no crescimento e produção de quiabo em delineamento de blocos casualizados. Quatro tratamentos foram utilizados e alocados em T1 (Controle, sem biomassa), T2 (0,2454 kg de biomassa folhosa de A. lebbeck), T3 (0,2932 kg de biomassa folhosa de A. zygia), T4 (0,2127 kg de biomassa folhosa de A. lebbeck + 0,1466 kg de biomassa folhosa de A. zygia). Os tratamentos foram replicados quatro vezes. Crescimento em altura, diâmetro do caule, produtividade e massa seca dos frutos foram os parâmetros investigados. A aplicação de biomassas folhosas de A. lebbeck e A. zygia melhorou significativamente o crescimento e a produção de quiabo em comparação ao tratamento controle durante o período de 12 semanas do experimento (p˂0,05). Portanto, os corretivos de biomassa foliar de A. lebbeck e A. zygia são recomendados para uso pelos produtores de quiabo, pois apresentam grandes perspectivas de uso na melhoria da fertilidade do solo. Além disso, investigações adicionais com outros níveis de cobertura morta de A. lebbeck e A. zygia podem ser realizadas para determinar a taxa ideal para crescimento e rendimento ideais de quiabo, Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench

    Mutation of BRAF V600E in Iraqi Female Patients Diagnosed With Breast Cancer

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    هدفت هذه الدراسة الى التحري عن وجود طفرة BRAF V600E من عدمها في الاناث التي تم تشخيصهن بالاصابة بسرطان الثدي وفي اعمار مختلفة، حيث تم جمع عينات الدم والانسجة من 46 مريضة وباعمار(46± 3.54)، حيث تم تقسيمها اللى مجموعتين، المجموعة التي  تحت العلاج الكيمياوي وعددها 31 مصابة والمجموعة الاخرى بدون علاج كيمياوي وعددها 15 مصابة كما تم مقارنة النتائج مع مجموعة الاصحاء كمجموعة سيطرة وعددهم 23 شخصا وباعمار(47.93±3.05) سنة.تم اجراء  تفاعل البلمرة المتسلسل ( (PCR وباستخدام بوادئ تم تصميمها ضمن الدراسة الحالية على جميع العينات. اظهرت النتائج عدم وجود علاقة مابين الاصابة بسرطان الثدي وطفرة BRAF V600E في المرضى العراقين المشمولين بالدراسة الحالية.This study aimed to investigate the possible presence of BRAF V600E mutation in the Iraqi female patients who diagnosed with breast cancer in different ages, in which Blood and tissue samples were collected from 46 female patients with  age (46.73±3.54);Those were divided into two groups; who took chemotherapy (31 persons) as treated group and without chemotherapy as an untreated group (15 persons) and from (23) healthy person with age(47.93±3.05).  Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) were done with newly designed primers. The results revealed no correlation between breast cancer occurrence and BRAF V600E mutation in the Iraqi patients enrolled  in the current study. &nbsp

    Detection and prevention of malicious of relational database management systems (RDBMS)

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    Insider attack is formsthe biggest threat against database management systems. Although many mechanisms have been developed to detect and prevent the misuse activities on the database systems, such as authorized modification on the approved records by the authorized users in malicious intent. However, thesemechanisms still have some limitations in detecting insider attacks. This study proposes a mechanism called dependency mechanism (DM) by utilizing the dependency relationship among database attributes to detect and prevent the authorized modification on approved database records, which have been already used, approved and closed by the system. The proposed mechanism is based on high and low dependency among attributes(columns). These dependencies based on the high and low repetition and usage of the attribute in the database. When the DM recognizes and detects any authorized modification on the approved records, it considers it as a malicious. The results of proposed mechanism DM showed high ability to detect and prevent the malicious modification on the approved records. Flag Based Mechanism (FBM) is considered as a baseline for this study. The evaluation parameter is a detection rate, by which the accuracy of the proposed mechanism is evaluated and compared to the FBM technique

    Towards adapting metamodeling approach for the mobile forensics investigation domain

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    Mobile phones have become quite important tools in the modern world. The forensics field heavily relies on knowledge as an important resource. Due to the ongoing changes in digital technology, the power of knowledge enables innovation and assists in establishing proper standards and procedures. As such, it is necessary to establish a relationship between the information derived from knowledge to form new concepts and ideas. Knowledge in mobile forensics is scattered and huge. Hence, this leads to lack of knowledge management in mobile forensics. In addition, lead to complexity of investigation for new investigators, ambiguity in concepts and terminologies of mobile forensics domain and waste time to understand mobile forensics domain. Therefore, mobile forensics investigators are quite suffering with forensics investigation processes in their domain. This paper will develop a new approach for mobile forensics domain which is based on metamodeling. This approach contributes to unify common concepts of mobile forensics. It also provides many benefits which include simplifying the investigation process and guide investigations team, capture and reuse specialized forensic knowledge and support training and knowledge management activities. Furthermore, it reduces complexity and ambiguity in mobile forensic domai Towards Adapting Metamodeling approach for the Mobile Forensics Investigation Domain

    Simplified database forensic investigation using metamodeling approach

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    Database Forensic Investigation (DBFI) domain is a significant field used to identify, collect, preserve, reconstruct, analyze and document database incidents. However, it is a heterogeneous, complex, and ambiguous domain due to the variety and multidimensional nature of database systems. Numerous specific DBFI models and frameworks have been proposed to solve specific database scenarios but there is a lack of structured and unified frameworks to facilitate managing, sharing and reusing of DBFI tasks and activities. Thus, this research developed a DBFI Metamodel (DBFIM) to structure and organize DBFI domain. A Design Science Research Methodology (DSRM) to provide a logical, testable and communicable metamodel was applied in this study. In this methodology, the steps included problem identification, define objectives, design and development, demonstration and evaluation, and communication. The outcome of this study is a DBFIM developed for structuring and organizing DBFI domain knowledge that facilitates the managing, sharing and reusing of DBFI domain knowledge among domain practitioners. DBFIM identifies, recognizes, extracts and matches different DBFI processes, concepts, activities, and tasks from different DBFI models into a developed metamodel, thus, allowing domain practitioners to derive/instantiate solution models easily. The DBFIM was validated using qualitative techniques: comparison against other models; face validity (domain experts); and case study. Comparisons against other models and face validity were applied to ensure completeness, logicalness, and usefulness of DBFIM against other DBFI domain models. Following this, two case studies were selected and implemented to demonstrate the applicability and effectiveness of the DBFIM in the DBFI domain using a DBFIM Prototype (DBFIMP). The results showed that DBFIMP allowed domain practitioners to create their solution models easily based on their requirements

    Service-oriented design measurement and theoretical validation

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    As software systems become more and more complex over time, software quality accordingly becomes increasingly important. Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) paradigm is one of the established paradigms used for building and developing flexible, reusable, rapid and low cost software products. Consequently, the use of SOC to develop software systems is increasing. Software quality measurement has considerable importance in the context of SOC since it determines how the quality requirements for composite service should be achieved. As a result, several quality metrics for composite service design were proposed. However, these metrics were constructed based on previous development approaches, give insufficient focus and need modification to be applied to service-oriented systems. Furthermore, the existing metrics do not consider the composite service as building blocks and also they do not consider the indirect relationships. In this paper, a quality measurement for composite service-oriented design is proposed, with the aim of increasing reusability and decreasing the complexity of design. The paper begins with proposing a set of metrics to measure the quality of composite service design. Then, the proposed metrics are validated theoretically to check its usability and applicability for composite service. The results show that the proposed metrics are able to measure the quality of composite service design

    Pilot Area Formation Evaluation: Upper Shale Member/ Rumaila Oil Field

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    This study aims to conduct a comprehensive formation evaluation of a pilot area within the Upper Shale Member of the Rumaila Oil Field. This evaluation is an essential step in the full development of the field. The application of well-log data and core analyses can help in obtaining the desired information about the geological characteristics of the formation. The process begins with measuring the formation temperature and water resistance utilizing Schlumberger’s charts and equations. The volume of shale was determined by two different methods, which were then used together to obtain the final shale volume. The porosity was determined using the conventional porosity equations from the porosity logs and the saturation was estimated based on Archie's equation. In core data analysis, an unconventional technique was utilized to determine rock type and permeability. The core porosity and the permeability were classified into four groups mainly using a self-organizing map and an unsupervised machine-learning method, and selected regression equations of each group were applied to estimate permeability in the core. The method depicted a good agreement between the core and estimated permeabilities, proving it as an effective tool. A complicated training data set was constructed based on the use of a multilayer perceptron neural network on coreless wells to identify rock types and permeability. Analyzing the petrophysical properties of the study area showed evidence that this area is characterized by heterogeneity. The heterogeneity of this formation is due to the presence of a considerable amount of shale, in addition to the significant characteristic differences in the layers and the same layer in different locations. The abundance of shale rock poses challenges during drilling operations, particularly due to shale washout which can lead to mechanical issues with the drilling string. Therefore, caution is advised when drilling new wells in the area to mitigate shale washout risks. Furthermore, the analysis identified layers with high hydrocarbon saturation that are viable for production. Conversely, some layers, characterized by shale presence and poor rock quality, are deemed unsuitable for production, and should not be considered as reservoir rock

    Comparative study of efficacy of prepartum injection of multivitamins and selenium- vitamin E (ά-tocopherol)-combination on post-partum clinical findings, serum steroids, calf and placental weights, and milk antioxidant biomarkers changes in female dromed

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    Background: All concentrates given to camels were enriched in selenium (Se) in selenite form. The impacts of Se supplementation on lactating female health, milk, and Se/antioxidant statuses received no research interest. Aim: The current study aimed to compare the efficacy of long-term prepartum injection of Se-vitamin E combination and multivitamins on maternal post-calving clinical findings, serum steroid hormones, milk antioxidants, milk somatic cell count (SCC) status, calf body weight, placental weight (PW), and vaginal wash isolates. Methods: From three equal groups of postpartum she-camels (n = 45), one group received no treatment and served as control group (Cont.; n = 15). For 3 months prepartum, one group had received a combination of vitamin E (ά-tocopherol) and Se (VitE-Se-; n = 15), and the third one received multivitamins (Multi-; n = 15). All dams were subjected to clinical and laboratory assays including milk total antioxidant capacity (TAC), Se, vitamin E, and milk SCC on Days 14, 21, and 28 post-calving. Steroid hormones and calf and PW were estimated at birth (Day 0). Results: The study reported higher efficacy of Se-vitamin E combination comparing with that of multivitamins as a long-term prepartum injection in recently calved she-camels that was reflected through significant changes in steroids hormones (Drop), i.e., progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2), the milk antioxidant biomarkers (Elevation), i.e., TAC, Se, vitamin E, and milk SCCs (Reduction). Both two therapeutic regimens had a more powerful effect that the control one. Conclusion: The applied therapeutic supplements had no significant effect on clinical and hematological changes as well as calves’ body weights and PWs. Body weights were significantly higher in male camel calves than those of female calves either in Cont., VitE-Se-, or Multi-