122 research outputs found

    Development of a teaching team in the coordination of the teaching staff in the university environment

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    La coordinación en la docencia universitaria se ha establecido como uno de los elementos relevantes para el buen desempeño de la docencia y el buen desarrollo profesional y organizativo. Ante la identificación de la baja satisfacción de los alumnos del Grado de Marketing e Investigación de Mercados de la Universidad de Cádiz con la coordinación docente se plantea la creación de un equipo docente formado por profesores de dicho título con el objetivo de crear procedimientos comunes para conseguir una mejor comunicación del profesorado del Título y resolver así los inconvenientes derivados de la falta de coordinación generando una mayor satisfacción del alumnado. De esta manera se creó y desarrolló el equipo docente estableciéndose reuniones periódicas durante el curso académico 2016/2017 y proponiendo una serie de actividades que ayudasen a conseguir una mayor y mejor coordinación docente. Una vez realizadas las actividades se analizaron los resultados conseguidos durante el curso 2016/2017, comprobándose una mayor satisfacción por parte del alumnado y el profesorado del título. Por lo tanto, la experiencia fue realmente positiva, no obstante, es conveniente que el desarrollo y el estudio dicho equipo docente se siga realizando para los posteriores cursos académicos para corroborar así la eficacia de su implantaciónThe teaching coordination in the university field has been established as one of the main elements for the good performance of teaching and good professional and organizational development Before the identification of the low satisfaction of the students of the Marketing and Market Research Degree of the University of Cadiz with the teaching coordination, the creation of a teaching team made up of professors of said degree is proposed with the aim of creating common procedures to achieve better communication of the Title faculty and to solve the problems derived from the lack of coordination, generating greater student satisfaction. In this way, the teaching team was created and developed, establishing regular meetings throughout the 2016/2017 academic year and proposing a series of decisions or activities that would help to achieve greater and better teacher coordination. Once the activities were carried out, the results achieved during the 2016/2017 academic year were analyzed, demonstrating greater satisfaction both in the students and in the teaching staff of the degree, therefore the experience was really positive, however it is convenient that the development and This teaching team will continue studying for the subsequent academic courses to corroborate the effectiveness of its implementation

    El corrido, voz del pueblo en Nuevo León

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    Tesis (Maestría en Letras Españolas) UANLUANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    Redes sociales como medio de promoción turística en los países iberoamericanos

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    Through social networks it is possible to create a virtual community around a brand allowing users who wish to inform themselves and interact with the publications made by the brand itself. In this context, these social networks stand out as a channel to obtain and disseminate information on travel experiences, being of great influence on the part of tourists when making a purchase decision. In this way, it is interesting to know how tourist destinations use these social networks to carry out their marketing strategies. Thus, the objective of this study is to analyze the activity and effectiveness of official social networks for tourism promotion in Ibero-American countries. To do this, we consider the variables of “presence”, “engagement” and “type of publications” that are measured through a series of performance indicators using the online analysis tool Fanpage Karma®. The results specify that each social network can be used for a particular goal. Facebook stands out as the most complete social network for the promotion of tourist destination with a greater number of followers. Instagram becomes the main social network for general greater interaction with users while Twitter evolves into a news and communication channel. Also highlight the importance of the visual nature of publications for the tourism sector, being those that most often generate interactions of the social networks studied are useful according to the objective to be achieved.A través de las redes sociales las marcas pueden crear una comunidad virtual alrededor de esa marca permitiendo a los usuarios que lo deseen informarse e interaccionar con las publicaciones realizadas por la propia marca. En este contexto destacan estas redes sociales como canal para obtener y difundir información sobre experiencias de viaje, siendo de gran influencia por parte de los turistas a la hora de tomar una decisión de compra. De esta manera, es de interés conocer como los destinos turísticos utilizan estas redes sociales para realizar sus estrategias de marketing. Así, en este estudio se ha analizado la utilización de las redes sociales oficiales de promoción turística de los 19 países iberoamericanos, estudiando tanto su actividad como su efectividad a través de la medición de indicadores obtenidos mediante la herramienta de análisis online Fanpage Karma. Los resultados, en general, consideran a Facebook como principal red social de promoción turística para estos países, no obstante, cada una de las redes sociales estudiadas son útiles según el objetivo que se quiera alcanzar

    Using PM2.5 concentrations to estimate the health burden from solid fuel combustion, with application to Irish and Scottish homes

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    Background: This study estimates the potential population health burden from exposure to combustion-derived particulate air pollution in domestic settings in Ireland and Scotland. Methods: The study focused on solid fuel combustion used for heating and the use of gas for cooking. PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter < 2.5 μm) was used as the pollutant mixture indicator. Measured PM2.5 concentrations in homes using solid fuels were adjusted for other sources of PM2.5 by subtracting PM2.5 concentrations in homes using gas for cooking but not solid fuel heating. Health burden was estimated for exposure indoors 6 pm - midnight, or all day (24-hour), by combining estimated attributable annual PM2.5 exposures with (i) selected epidemiological functions linking PM2.5 with mortality and morbidity (involving some re-scaling from PM10 to PM2.5, and adjustments ‘translating’ from concentrations to exposures) and (ii) on the current population exposed and background rates of morbidity and mortality. Results: PM2.5 concentrations in coal and wood burning homes were similar to homes using gas for cooking, used here as a baseline (mean 24-hr PM2.5 concentrations 8.6 μg/m3) and so health impacts were not calculated. Concentrations of PM2.5 in homes using peat were higher (24-hr mean 15.6 μg/m3); however, health impacts were calculated for the exposed population in Ireland only; the proportion exposed in Scotland was very small. The assessment for winter evening exposure (estimated annual average increase of 2.11 μg/m3 over baseline) estimated 21 additional annual cases of all-cause mortality, 55 of chronic bronchitis, and 30,100 and 38,000 annual lower respiratory symptom days (including cough) and restricted activity days respectively. Conclusion: New methods for estimating the potential health burden of combustion-generated pollution from solid fuels in Irish and Scottish homes are provided. The methodology involves several approximations and uncertainties but is consistent with a wider movement towards quantifying risks in PM2.5 irrespective of source. Results show an effect of indoor smoke from using peat (but not wood or coal) for heating and cooking; but they do not suggest that this is a major public health issue

    Phenolic compounds in extra virgin olive oil stimulate human osteoblastic cell proliferation

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    In this study, we aimed to clarify the effects of phenolic compounds and extracts from different extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) varieties obtained from fruits of different ripening stages on osteoblast cells (MG-63) proliferation. Cell proliferation was increased by hydroxytyrosol, luteolin, apigenin, p-coumaric, caffeic, and ferulic acids by approximately 11–16%, as compared with controls that were treated with one vehicle alone, while (+)-pinoresinol, oleuropein, sinapic, vanillic acid and derivative (vanillin) did not affect cell proliferation. All phenolic extracts stimulated MG-63 cell growth, and they induced higher cell proliferation rates than individual compounds. The most effective EVOO phenolic extracts were those obtained from the Picual variety, as they significantly increased cell proliferation by 18–22%. Conversely, Arbequina phenolic extracts increased cell proliferation by 9–13%. A decline in osteoblast proliferation was observed in oils obtained from olive fruits collected at the end of the harvest period, as their total phenolic content decreases at this late stage. Further research on the signaling pathways of olive oil phenolic compounds involved in the processes and their metabolism should be carried out to develop new interventions and adjuvant therapies using EVOO for bone health (i.e.osteoporosis) in adulthood and the elderly

    Overexpression of AtGRDP2, a novel glycine-rich domain protein, accelerates plant growth and improves stress tolerance

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    "Proteins with glycine-rich signatures have been reported in a wide variety of organisms including plants, mammalians, fungi, and bacteria. Plant glycine-rich protein genes exhibit developmental and tissue-specific expression patterns. Herein, we present the characterization of the AtGRDP2 gene using Arabidopsis null and knockdown mutants and, Arabidopsis and lettuce over-expression lines. AtGRDP2 encodes a short glycine-rich domain protein, containing a DUF1399 domain and a putative RNA recognition motif (RRM). AtGRDP2 transcript is mainly expressed in Arabidopsis floral organs, and its deregulation in Arabidopsis Atgrdp2 mutants and 35S::AtGRDP2 over-expression lines produces alterations in development. The 35S::AtGRDP2 over-expression lines grow faster than the WT, while the Atgrdp2 mutants have a delay in growth and development. The over-expression lines accumulate higher levels of indole-3-acetic acid and, have alterations in the expression pattern of ARF6, ARF8, and miR167 regulators of floral development and auxin signaling. Under salt stress conditions, 35S::AtGRDP2 over-expression lines displayed higher tolerance and increased expression of stress marker genes. Likewise, transgenic lettuce plants over-expressing the AtGRDP2 gene manifest increased growth rate and early flowering time. Our data reveal an important role for AtGRDP2 in Arabidopsis development and stress response, and suggest a connection between AtGRDP2 and auxin signaling.

    Buenas prácticas de innovación docente en la Universidad de Córdoba

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    La iniciativa presenta el Centro de Atención Infantil Temprana de la Universidad de Córdoba, en el que la investigación y la formación son básicos para sus integrantes y desde el que se hace un importante ejercicio de transferencia del conocimiento a la comunidad universitaria y a la socieda