335 research outputs found

    El juego como recurso para desarrollar el aprendizaje coeducativo

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    Con este trabajo de fin de grado pretendemos analizar los juegos más populares en los niños y en las niñas a la hora de jugar con sus amigos y amigas. De este modo podemos identificar los estereotipos que hoy día siguen existiendo en el ámbito educativo debido a la sociedad patriarcal. Por ello, la necesidad de implantar un sistema coeducativo en las aulas de los centros, erradicando dichos estereotipos y fomentando una igualdad entre sexos. A raíz de esto, en este trabajo se plantea una propuesta de intervención coeducativa para 5º de Educación Primaria, la cual será llevada a cabo en dos centros públicos de la provincia de Sevilla, a través de la técnica del cuestionario abierto antes y después de realizar la propuesta para observar la efectividad de dicha intervención. Para concluir, a pesar de obtener en los resultados una evolución favorable por parte del alumnado, es fundamental seguir introduciendo la coeducación en la escuela puesto que es una meta que requiere tiempo y debe comenzar desde el profesorado, quienes deben permanecer en continua formación abordando dicho tema.With this end of degree project we intend to analyze the most popular games for children when it comes to playing with their friends. This was we can identify the stereotypes that still exist today in the educational field because of a patriarchal society. Therefore, we have a need to implant a coeducational system in the classrooms, removing said stereotypes and inducing equality between sexes. Starting with the above, this project is a proposal for a coeducational intervention in year 5, which will be carried out in two public schools in the province of Seville, using the technique of an open questionnaire before and after making the suggestion to observe the reality of such action. To conclude, despite obtaining a positive evolution by the students in the results, it is fundamental to continue introducing coeducation in the schools, since it is a goal that requires time and must begin with the teachers, who should remain in continuous training in this subject.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado de Educación Primari

    Knowledge discovery based on computational taxonomy and intelligent data mining

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    This study investigates an approach of knowledge discovery and data mining in insufficient databases. An application of Computational Taxonomy analysis demonstrates that the approach is effective in such a data mining process. The approach is characterized by the use of both the second type of domain knowledge and visualization. This type of knowledge is newly defined in this study and deduced from supposition about background situations of the domain. The supposition is triggered by strong intuition about the extracted features in a recurrent process of data mining. This type of domain knowledge is useful not only for discovering interesting knowledge but also for guiding the subsequent search for more explicit and interesting knowledge. The visualization is very useful for triggering the supposition.Área: Ingeniería de Software - Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Knowledge discovery based on computational taxonomy and intelligent data mining

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    This study investigates an approach of knowledge discovery and data mining in insufficient databases. An application of Computational Taxonomy analysis demonstrates that the approach is effective in such a data mining process. The approach is characterized by the use of both the second type of domain knowledge and visualization. This type of knowledge is newly defined in this study and deduced from supposition about background situations of the domain. The supposition is triggered by strong intuition about the extracted features in a recurrent process of data mining. This type of domain knowledge is useful not only for discovering interesting knowledge but also for guiding the subsequent search for more explicit and interesting knowledge. The visualization is very useful for triggering the supposition.Área: Ingeniería de Software - Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI


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    Enfermería ve el cuidado humano como una necesidad, no solo biológica ni física, sino, que traspasa más allá de un todo. Objetivo: explorar las representaciones sociales de enfermería en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas en los adolescentes del CETAD-Libertadores de Guayaquil 2022. Diseño metodológico: estudio cualitativo – etnográfico, permitió explorar las representaciones sociales de enfermería en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas. Los sujetos fueron a 9 enfermeras/os con experiencias en el cuidado de adolescentes consumidores de drogas. Para la recolección de los datos se realizaron grupos focales, se realizó entrevistas siguiendo el Guion de preguntas orientadoras, para la validación se empleó el método de credibilidad, haciendo las transcripción e interpretación de los datos lo más cercano posible a la realidad estudiada. Para el análisis de los datos se empleó el método de comparación constate, organizado con el software de Atlas ti. 22. Resultados: Interacción social enfermería-paciente y familia en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas de los adolescentes, Visibilidad social de enfermería en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas en los adolescentes, Rol de acompañamiento social de enfermería en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas en los adolescentes. Conclusiones: Las representaciones sociales de enfermería en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas se basa en la orientación, compromiso y responsabilidad, como un proceso individual en el adolescente para el afrontamiento. Sin embargo, la interacción social en el afrontamiento del consumo de drogas en la familia es limitada, debido a que persiste la idea que enfermería tiene competencias solo para dar medicaciónNursing sees human care as a necessity, not only biological or physical, but that goes beyond a whole. Objective: to explore the social presentations of nursing in coping with drug use in adolescents of CETAD-Libertadores de Guayaquil 2022. Methodological design: qualitative-ethnographic study allowed to explore the social representations of nursing in coping with drug consumption. The subjects went to 9 nurses with experiences in the care of adolescent drug users. For data collection, focus groups were conducted, interviews were conducted following the Script of guiding questions, for validation the credibility method was used, making the transcription and interpretation of the data as close as possible to the reality studied. For the analysis of the data, the method of constant comparison was used, organized with the Atlas ti. 22. Software. Results: Social interaction nursing-patient and family in coping with drug use in adolescents, social visibility of nursing in coping with drug use in adolescents, Role of social accompaniment of nursing in coping with drug consumption in adolescents. Conclusions: The social representations of nursing in coping with drug use is based on guidance, commitment, and responsibility, as an individual process in the adolescent for coping. However, social interaction in coping with drug use in the family is limited because the idea persists that nursing has competence only to give medication0000-0003-4260-623

    Diseño de un manual de investigación aplicado a la enfermería

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    PDFEl propósito de este estudio establece la relevancia de la investigación como eje transversal en la formación profesional de la Carrera de Enfermería de la Universidad de Guayaquil. El problema está en la necesidad de los estudiantes de Enfermería quienes requieren adoptar estrategias que promuevan el aprendizaje de la investigación el que servirá de marco referencial para el ejercicio profesional de las futuras generaciones en relevos. Desde el punto de vista teórico el estudio se lo relacionó con la Educación Superior y la importancia de la investigación en la práctica de Enfermería, de esta manera se pretendió aportar elementos valiosos que puedan ser aplicados en el ejercicio profesional; siendo el docente universitario el propulsor fundamental de lograr a través de su aplicación crear cultura de investigación e interés en quienes van a ejercer la carrera y puedan fundamentar el por qué, cómo, cuándo y para qué se debe investigar lo que significa en otro contexto lo funcional de la propuesta. La modalidad de proyecto es factible, apoyado en la investigación de campo, se realizó con Directivos, Docentes y Estudiantes de tercer año de la Escuela de Enfermería de la Universidad de Guayaquil. Desde el punto de vista social, el estudio se considera importante por cuanto beneficia tanto a los docentes como a los estudiantes, debido a que aporta herramientas significativas en pro de la educación, como fuente de actualización perfeccionamiento y fortalecimiento de la gestión docente, y en consecuencia, garantiza el desarrollo integral del estudiante en la Carrera de Enfermería. El manual propuesto ofrecerá opciones para dar a conocer los principios que rigen a la investigación los cuales deben estar inmersos en los programas de la Carrera de Enfermería. El primer beneficiario es el paciente quien constituye la principal razón de la asistencia de Enfermería.The intention of this study establishes the relevance of the investigation like transverse axis in the professional formation of the Race of Infirmary of the University of Guayaquil. The problem is in the necessity of the infirmary students whom they require to adopt strategies that the learning of the investigation promotes which will serve as referential frame for the professional exercise of the future generations in relief. From the theoretical point of view the study was actually related to the Superior Education and the importance of the investigation of infirmary, this way it was tried to contribute valuable elements that they can be applied in the professional exercise; being the educational college student the propellent fundamental to manage through its application to create culture of investigation and interest in those who are going to exert the race and can base so that, like, when and so that one is due to investigate what means in another context the functional thing of the proposal. The project modality is feasible, supported in the investigation of field, was made with Directors, Educational and Students of third year of the School of Infirmary of the University of Guayaquil. From the social point of view, the study is considered important inasmuch as it benefitted so much to the educational ones as to the students, because it contributed to significant tools for the education, like update source improvement and fortification of the educational management, and consequently, to guarantee the integral development of the student in the infirmary race. The manual proposed will offer options to present the principles that prevail to the investigation which they must be immersed in the programs of the infirmary race. The first serious beneficiary the patient who constitutes the main reason of the infirmary attendanc

    Knowledge discovery based on computational taxonomy and intelligent data mining

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    This study investigates an approach of knowledge discovery and data mining in insufficient databases. An application of Computational Taxonomy analysis demonstrates that the approach is effective in such a data mining process. The approach is characterized by the use of both the second type of domain knowledge and visualization. This type of knowledge is newly defined in this study and deduced from supposition about background situations of the domain. The supposition is triggered by strong intuition about the extracted features in a recurrent process of data mining. This type of domain knowledge is useful not only for discovering interesting knowledge but also for guiding the subsequent search for more explicit and interesting knowledge. The visualization is very useful for triggering the supposition.Área: Ingeniería de Software - Bases de DatosRed de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Assessment of response of greenhouse foundations to traction, and their simulation ussing finite elements

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    La causa de colapso de las estructuras de invernaderos son las succiones provocadas por el viento. Actualmente no se calculan las cimentaciones sometidas a esluerzos de tracción yes la experiencia de los técnicos de las empresas constructoras, o el deseo de los agricultores. lo que determina las dimensiones y distancia entre el/as. En este trabajo. se han ensayado prototipos a escala real de los distintos tipos de pilotes usados en la construcción de invernaderos. determinando laluerza máxima de tracción y el desplazamiento asociado a la misma que pueden soportar. En este artículo. se desarrollan modelos no lineales mediante el método de elementos finitos. que permiten el cálculo de este tipo de cimentaciones con mayor aproximación a los resultados reales que el obtenido mediante el uso delórmulas empíricas.rhe cause 01the col/apse 01the structures 01greenhouses is the suction induced by wind. Currently, the design olthe loundations is not based on calculations oltraction. rhe experience 01the construction company or 01thelarmer determine the dimensions and separation 01greenhouse loundations. In this work. we tested prototypes 01diflerent types olpileloundations. used in the construction 01 greenhouse, to determine the maximumlorce 01 traction and the associated displacement which they can support. In this article. non-linear models using finite elements. are developed that enable more accurate calculation olthe actual results than obtained with empiricallormulas

    Fibroblast response to initial attachment and proliferation on titanium and zirconium surfaces.

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    Introduction: In recent decades, dental implants have become one of the best options for comprehensive dental restoration; their placement is a multidisciplinary task that requires a solid understanding of biological, periodontal, surgical and prosthetic principles. Objective: The aim of this study was to quantify in vitro the adhesion and proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts’ (HGF) response on titanium (Ti) and zirconia (Zr) surfaces. Methodology: Samples of Ti and Zr were observed under atomic force microscopy (AFM). HGFs were inoculated in each sample to determine adhesion and cell proliferation. The MTT reagent was mixed with DMEM and inoculated in each plate; formazan was dissolved with dimethyl sulfoxide and analyzed at 540 nm in a microplate spectrophotometer. The test was performed with three independent experiments. Data were analyzed with Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests (Lilliefors), Kruskal-Wallis tests and Mann-Whitney test comparisons. Results: Topography of the Zr plates showed greater roughness (Ra= 0.39μm) than Ti (Ra= 0.049μm). Quantification of HGF adhesion was significantly higher (p˂0.05) in Ti, while proliferation showed no statistically significant differences between the groups. Conclusion: It is noteworthy that, even though Ti initially showed increased cell adhesion on the surface, after 24 h Zr samples showed similar proliferation; this demonstrates that both surfaces have a comparable biological response

    Impact of the Seedbed in Science and Engineering on High School Students

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    Este trabajo expone los hallazgos del “semillero en ciencia e ingeniería, talleres de hoja de cálculo y programación, el cálculo diferencial a través de la experimentación y principios de soldadura”, en el nivel medio superior. Con la finalidad de establecer un espacio pedagógico de reflexión y practica entre alumnos y docentes retomando conocimientos sobre ciencia, ingeniería, útiles en el contexto formativo de los alumnos, desarrollando habilidades y destrezas mediante talleres conformados por exposiciones teóricas-prácticas. El tipo de estudio fue un enfoque investigativo cuantitativo y cualitativo, con el método de investigación descriptivo-exploratorio y un diseño no experimental transeccional. Para el análisis de datos se usó la estadística descriptiva, frecuencias y porcentajes. Los resultados demuestran el impacto del proyecto, supero las expectativas dado que los alumnos señalaron sus aspiraciones a continuar su preparación profesional en la educación superior, el semillero les fue interesante, educativo, útil y con utilización en los trabajos y proyectos de sus materias consecuentes, entre otros. Para finalizar, se encontró que la propuesta tuvo un impacto significativo, al fomentar conocimientos de ciencia e ingeniería a estudiantes del nivel medio superior, generando un posicionamiento de construcción cognitiva, en la búsqueda de una mejor preparación para su incursión al nivel superior.This work exposes the findings of the “seedbed in science and engineering, spreadsheet and programming workshops, differential calculus through experimentation and welding principles”, at the upper secondary level. With the purpose of establishing a pedagogical space for reflection and practice between students and teachers, resuming knowledge about science and engineering, useful in the students' educational context, developing skills and abilities through workshops made up of theoretical-practical presentations. The type of study was a quantitative and qualitative research approach, with the descriptive-exploratory research method and a non-experimental transectional design. Descriptive statistics, frequencies and percentages were used for data analysis. The results demonstrate the impact of the project, it exceeded expectations given that the students indicated their aspirations to continue their professional preparation in higher education, the seedbed was interesting, educational, useful and used in the work and projects of their corresponding subjects. among others. Finally, it was found that the proposal had a significant impact, by promoting knowledge of science and engineering to high school students, generating a positioning of cognitive construction, in the search for better preparation for their entry into higher education

    Era uma vez na aula de matemática: textos literários como recurso didático

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    Contos e histórias podem levar à formulação de tarefas matemáticas no contexto do que é narrado, ao mesmo tempo em que promovem o desenvolvimento da imaginação, da criatividade e da capacidade de conectar diferentes disciplinas. Este artigo apresenta o desenho de duas atividades que utilizam textos literários como recurso para o ensino de matemática no nível de ensino médio. Os conteúdos abordados são proporcionalidade inversa, proporcionalidade direta, notação científica e interpretação de gráficos. Além disso, são expostas possíveis dificuldades que um professor pode enfrentar ao projetar esse tipo de tarefa, e são fornecidas orientações para superá-las.Stories and tales can give rise to the formulation of mathematical tasks in the context of what is narrated, while at the same time favoring the development of imagination, creativity and the possibility of connecting different disciplines into dialogue. This work presents the design of two activities that use literary texts as a resource to teach mathematics in basic secondary education. The contents addressed are inverse proportionality, direct proportionality, scientific notation and interpretation of graphs. Likewise, some difficulties that a teacher could experience when designing this type of tasks are identified and guidelines are offered to overcome them.Los cuentos e historias pueden dar lugar a la formulación de tareas matemáticas en el contexto de lo que se narra, a la vez que favorecen el desarrollo de la imaginación, de la creatividad y la posibilidad de conectar distintas disciplinas. En este trabajo se presenta el diseño de dos actividades que utilizan textos literarios como recurso para enseñar matemática en la enseñanza media básica. Los contenidos que se abordan son proporcionalidad inversa, proporcionalidad directa, notación científica e interpretación de gráficos. Asimismo, se consignan algunas dificultades que podría experimentar un docente al momento de diseñar este tipo de tareas y se ofrecen orientaciones para superarlas