795 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Berhitung Permulaan Melalui Permainan Kartu Angka Dan Gambar Pada Anak Di TK ABA Kraguman I Jogonalan Klaten Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung permulaan melalui permainan kartu angka dan gambar pada anak di TK ABA Kraguman I Jogonalan Klaten Penelitian ini bersifat kolaboratif antara peneliti, guru kelas, dan Kepala Sekolah. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi. Data dianalisis secara kuantitatif model alur, dengan 3 siklus, yang setiap siklusnya dilakukan dua kali pertemuan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kemampuan berhitung permulaan anak TK ABA Kraguman I Jogonalan Klaten melalui permainan kartu angka dan gambar, sebelum tindakan sampai dengan siklus III yaitu sebelum tindakan 40%, siklus I 60,41%, siklus II 73,54%, dan siklus III 86,87%. Kesimpulan penelitian ini adalah melalui permainan kartu angka dan gambar dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berhitung permulaan anak TK ABA Kraguman I Jogonalan Klaten

    A Comparative Study of the Characters and Administration of the Two Presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt

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    For this study, in which the similarities and dissimilarities between Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Delano Roosevelt are to be found out, there are four underlying purposes: (1) to ascertain characteristic conditions which surrounded their administrations; (2) to examine critically certain aspects of their foreign and domestic policies; (3) to appraise the two presidents in the light of their background, training, opportunities, and achievements; (4) to evaluate their foreign and domestic policies and indicate their influence upon internal and international relations. To ascertain characteristic conditions which surrounded their administrations is shown by a study of the Spanish- American War, the Caribbean and Pacific Ocean Trouble, and the Boxer Rebellion, which were difficulties to McKinley and later brought difficulties to Theodore Roosevelt, and the Depression, Trouble in Asia, European Debt Situation, and World Court, which worried Hoober and met Franklin Roosevelt when he came into office. Certain aspects of their foreign and domestic policies are to be examined critically by presentation of the Caribbean Policy, European Troubles, and Far Eastern Difficulties as far as their foreign affairs were concerned, and conservation, Trust Busting, and Strikes and Labor as far as domestic affairs can be considered. The men were alike in their beliefs in the keeping of the Monroe Doctrine and neutrality, and really did much to aid the developing of the country as both were liberal in their views and acts. By appraising the two presidents in the light of their background, training, opportunities, and achievements, it is to be noted how strikingly parallel their lives were until their nominations. Both were from New York, graduated from the same school, Assistant-Secretary of the Navy, connected with the Army, Governor of New York, and eventually President. An evaluation, by a critical analysis of their foreign and domestic policies, should indicate their influence upon internal and international relations. In spite of their combing from positions of wealth, this study is designated to show whether they remained popular because of the actions they fostered for the common man. Recognition by John Doe Public for these two great men should be as high, if not higher, upon leaving the high office as it was when they entered, because of their performance of such humane acts

    Bounds for the Number of Independent and Dominating Sets in Trees

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    In this work, we investigate bounds on the number of independent sets in a graph and its complement, along with the corresponding question for number of dominating sets. Nordhaus and Gaddum gave bounds on χ(G)+χ(G) and χ(G) χ(G), where G is any graph on n vertices and χ(G) is the chromatic number of G. Nordhaus-Gaddum- type inequalities have been studied for many other graph invariants. In this work, we concentrate on i(G), the number of independent sets in G, and ∂(G), the number of dominating sets in G. We focus our attention on Nordhaus-Gaddum-type inequalities over trees on a fixed number of vertices. In particular, we give sharp upper and lower bounds on i(T )+ i(T ) where T is a tree on n vertices, improving bounds and proofs of Hu and Wei. We also give upper and lower bounds on i(G) + i(G) where G is a unicyclic graph on n vertices, again improving a result of Hu and Wei. Lastly, we investigate ∂(T )+ ∂(T ) where T is a tree on n vertices. We use a result of Wagner to give a lower bound and make a conjecture about an upper bound

    Recovering Soil Quality of Elephant Grass-Cultivated Suboptimal Land Through Mycorrhizae and Organic Fertilizer

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    Bio and organic fertilizers have been used to improve soil quality for a long time in attempts to boost plant productivity. This field study used a randomized complete block design with three replications to investigate the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi with four doses (0, 15, 30, and 45 Mg Ha-1) of manure on the soil quality of elephant grass cultivated on suboptimal land. Mycorrhizae and manure improved the physical, chemical, and biological quality of the soil. Higher mycorrhizae-administered manure doses improved soil aggregate stability, pH, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon, total nitrogen, available phosphorous, exchangeable potassium, and the microbial population. Overall, the use of mycorrhizae and manure could aid in the recovery of suboptimal land quality. Keywords: aggregate stability; arbuscular; biofertilizer; manure; nutrient; carbo


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui  klasifikasi tanah rawa pegunungan volkan berdasarkan Taksonomi Tanah di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode survai deskriptif-kuantitaf. Terdapat tiga pedon yang diamati, yaitu rawa yang pernah ditanami padi, rawa yang ditanami cabai, dan rawa alami. Di lapangan diamati sifat-sifat morfologinya, kemudian diambil bahan tanahnya dari setiap horison dan dianalisis sifat fisika, kimia, dan mineralogi di laboratorium. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ketiga pedon sama-sama memiliki sifat tanah andik. Epipedon masing-masing pedon adalah umbrik, molik dan okhrik. Semua pedon memiliki horison penciri bawah sombrik. Semua pedon tergolong ordo Andisol. Semua pedon tergolong subordo Aquand. Semua pedon tergolong great group Endoaquand. Subgrup masing- masing pedon adalah Lithic, Histic, dan Typic. Famili pedon P1 dan P3 adalah medial, campuran, isohipertermik; sedangkan pedon P2: medial, isohipertermik. Klasifikasi tanah setiap pedon: Lithic Endoaquand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik; Histic Endoaquand, medial, isohipertermik; dan Typic Endoaquand, medial, campuran, isohipertermik
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