589 research outputs found

    Profesores de enseñanza media técnica agrícola: mecanismos para la apropiación del conocimiento científico

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    En la presente investigación se exponen elementos teóricos actualizados sobre los procesos de transferencia de ciencia, tecnología e innovación utilizados por profesores de Colegios técnicos agrícolas en el contexto latinoamericano. En la actualidad la mayoría de artículos científicos se vuelcan a la tarea de explicar el fenómeno de transferencia de tecnología desde la perspectiva empresarial existiendo un déficit de información sobre este proceso en otras esferas del desarrollo socioeconómico de los países de la región. El objetivo del presente trabajo determinar la relación existente entre el conocimiento científico, mecanismos para la de transferencia de tecnología y apropiación de conocimientos en profesores de enseñanza media técnico agrícola a partir de la metodología de revisión y análisis documental (RAD) con artículos científicos de las bases de datos Gale Cengage Learning, Academic One File y Ebscot. Entre los resultados más relevantes encontramos que los mecanismos de transferencia utilizados con mayor frecuencia por los profesores son las publicaciones científicas en formato digital, pero no en bases indexadas; destacan además los “spin-offs” académicos, licencias y patentes, se evidenció la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías de la comunicación

    Retrocessos do Projeto de Lei nº 3.729/2004: A Flexibilização do Licenciamento Ambiental como um obstáculo para o cumprimento da Agenda 2030

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    Este artigo é um aperfeiçoamento do trabalho “Retrocessos na Legislação que rege o Licenciamento Ambiental como um obstáculo para o cumprimento da Agenda 2030”, apresentado no III Encontro Nacional de Políticas Públicas na Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades da Universidade de São Paulo. Tem como objetivo analisar e discutir o Projeto de Lei nº 3.729/2004 que está em tramitação no congresso nacional e que, de acordo com órgãos ambientais, propõe a flexibilização do instrumento de licenciamento ambiental, algo que pode ser caracterizado como um retrocesso na legislação ambiental. Busca-se desta forma refletir acerca de como essa alteração legislativa pode vir a ser um impeditivo para que o Brasil construa um desenvolvimento sustentável conforme preconizado na Agenda 2030, considerando que historicamente o instrumento de licenciamento ambiental tende a buscar a compatibilização entre desenvolvimento econômico e proteção ambiental, sendo importante, portanto fortalecer o licenciamento e torna-lo eficiente, visando construir instituições eficazes com legitimidade e capacidade de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável através de uma política de comando e controle

    Análise comparativa de algoritmos de aprendizado profundo para o auxílio no diagnóstico de esquizofrenia a partir da classificação de MRI cerebral

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Engenharia Eletrônica, 2021.A esquizofrenia é uma doença psiquiátrica crônica de difícil compreensão que perturba e desabilita cerca de 1% da população mundial, o que pode tornar o paciente dependente da ajuda de terceiros para tarefas cotidianas devido aos seus sintomas, caso não ocorra o devido tratamento. Em muitos casos estes sintomas não evidenciam o diagnóstico da doença, o que o torna difícil. Uma alternativa é a análise morfológica do cérebro, através de diferenças perceptíveis nas regiões cerebrais de pacientes portadores de esquizofrenia comparados a indivíduos saudáveis. Neste contexto, busca-se analisar métodos de classificação automática, com arquitetura de redes neurais convolucionais, para distinguir pacientes portadores de esquizofrenia de pacientes saudáveis por meio de imagens de ressonância magnética. Na literatura, existem diversas arquiteturas de redes neurais disponíveis para estudo. Porém, por apresentarem aplicações com imagens de ressonância magnética, além de bons resultados e com a maior disponibilidade de informações para a reprodutibilidade, como as etapas de pré-processamento e parâmetros de treinamento das redes, as redes exploradas foram as arquiteturas FayNet e ResNet, com as imagens disponibilizadas pelo banco de dados virtual SchizConnect. Em uma primeira etapa foi realizado o pré-processamento das imagens com o software Clínica, aplicando-se a técnica de processamento de dados t1-linear, que realiza uma normalização MNI para padronização das imagens para posteriormente utilizar a biblioteca Nilearn e então obter os cortes das imagens. Os cortes 15 e 20 foram selecionados das imagens tridimensionais normalizadas. As redes foram implementadas e validadas por métricas de desempenho e k-fold (com k = 7), obtendo uma acurácia de 80,0% ±2,29% e F2-score de 80,0% ±2,40% , para o modelo FayNet, acurácia de 85,2% ±2,47% e F2-score de 85,4% ±0,03% na arquitetura criada baseado na ResNet18. Com o intuito de buscar melhorias na acurácia de classificação, a FayNet foi modificada, objetivando-se aumentar o desempenho da rede, dando origem assim a Faynet 2.0 que obteve uma acurácia de 88,7% ±4,07% e F2-score de 85,7 ±3,40%.Schizophrenia is a chronic psychiatric disease that is difficult to understand and that disturbs and disables about 1% of the world population, which can make the patient dependent on the help of others for daily tasks due to their symptoms, if the proper treatment is not followed. . In many cases, these symptoms do not show the diagnosis of the disease, which makes it difficult. An alternative is the morphological analysis of the brain, through noticeable differences in the brain regions of patients with schizophrenia compared to healthy individuals. In this context, we seek to analyze automatic classification methods, with convolutional neural network architecture, to distinguish patients with schizophrenia from healthy patients through magnetic resonance images. In the literature, there are several architectures of neural networks available for study, however, for presenting applications with magnetic resonance images, in addition to good results with greater availability of information for reproducibility, such as the pre-processing steps and training parameters of the networks . The networks explored were the FayNet and ResNet architectures, with the images made available by the virtual database SchizConnect. In a first step, the images were pre-processed with the software Clínica, applying the pipeline t1-linear, which performs an MNI normalization for standardizing the images and later using a Nilearn library and then get the image slices. Cuts 15 and 20 were selected from normalized three-dimensional images. The networks were implemented and validated by performance metrics and k-fold (with k = 7), obtaining an accuracy of 80.0% ±2.29% and F2-score of 80.0% ±2.40% , for the FayNet model, accuracy of 85.2% ±2.47% and F2- score of 85.4% ±0.03% in the architecture created based on ResNet18. In order to improve the accuracy of classification, FayNet was modified, aiming to increase the performance of the network, thus giving rise to Faynet 2.0 which obtained an accuracy of 88.7% ±4.07 % and F2-score of 85.7 ±3.40%

    Organic materials, mineral fertilizer and liming effects on yield of flooded rice

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    O sistema de manejo adotado para as áreas produtoras de arroz irrigado na região Norte Fluminense, RJ, tem conduzido a um progressivo desgaste da camada orgânica dos gleissolos. O efeito de alguns componentes do manejo do solo, como a adubação e a calagem, foi o objetivo do presente estudo. O experimento foi conduzido em casa de vegetação, com amostras de dois horizontes (A e Cg) de um solo gley pouco húmico, coletado no vale do Rio São João, RJ, onde foi avaliado o efeito da adição de estrume bovino, palha de arroz, NPK e calagem, mais as interações entre tratamentos, sobre o rendimento do arroz irrigado. Constatou-se que o horizonte superficial A propiciou um melhor desenvolvimento vegetativo e rendimento de grãos, em comparação com o horizonte subsuperficial (Cg). A adubação mineral aumentou o peso de matéria seca da palhada e das raízes e o rendimento de grãos em ambos os horizontes, enquanto o esterco aumentou os valores destes parâmetros apenas no horizonte A. A incorporação de palha aumentou o peso da palhada e das raízes, mas diminuiu o rendimento de grãos no horizonte A, enquanto no subsuperficial (Cg) diminuiu o rendimento da matéria seca da palhada e não permitiu a formação de grãos.The management system adopted in flooded rice fields in the North region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has caused a progressive reduction in the organic layer of gley soils. The pre- sent work investigates the effects of fertilizer and lime on this system. The experiment was carried out in a greehouse, using soil samples of two horizons (A and Cg) of a low humic gley soil from the valley of the São João River, RJ. The effects of addition of cow manure, rice straw, NPK and lime, singly or in combination, on rice yield, were investigated. Results indicated highly significant differences between soil horizons, showing better responses under superficial horizon (A) as compared to the subsuperficial horizon (Cg). Mineral fertilization increased dry matter production of rice tops and grains on both soil horizons, while cattle manure increased these parametres only on the superficial one. Rice straw application also raised dry matter production of rice tops, but decreased grain yeld on superficial horizon, while on subsuperficial one it reduced dry matter production of the tops and did not induce grain formation

    Different nitrogen sources on the absorption and distribution of phosphorus in corn

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    Efeito de doses crescentes de P (0, 10, 20, 40 e 60 ppm) e uma dose única de N (80 ppm), aplicada como N-NO3 ou como N-NH4 mais um inibidor de nitrificação, sobre a acumulação de matéria seca e absorção de N e P por milho (Zea mays L.). Os resultados indicam que a nitrificação foi efetivamente bloqueada, durante o período experimental, pelo uso do inibidor de nitrificação (N-SERVE) a 20 ppm no solo. Houve um efeito positivo de doses crescentes de P sobre a acumulação de matéria seca pelas plantas. Não houve diferenças significativas, na acumulação de matéria seca, entre plantas que receberam N-NO3 e as que receberam N-NH4. Houve, entretanto, uma maior relação "raiz: parte aérea", para as plantas do grupo N-NH4, aos níveis mais elevados de P no solo (40 e 60 ppm). Observou-se um maior acúmulo de N-solúvel (N-amino+ N-NO3) nas plantas que receberam doses menores de P no solo, com o teor de N-amino mais elevado nas plantas do grupo N-NH4, e um teor mais elevado de N-NO3 nas plantas do grupo N-NO3. Houve um maior acúmulo de N na parte aérea do que nas raízes das plantas estudadas (66,8% e 33,18%), enquanto que o acúmulo de P foi maior nas raízes que na parte aérea (61,4% e 38,6%). Os resultados indicam que os teores de P e N dos tecidos não são um indicador seguro do estágio nutricional das plantas em relação a estes elementos.Dry weight and N and P uptake by corn (Zea mays L. var. Centralmex) were compared in greenhouse for soils treated with increasing P-levels (0, 10, 20, 40 and 60 ppm) and a fixed N-level (80 ppm) applied either as NO3 - or as NH4+ plus a nitrification inhibitor. No difference was found in dry matter content between NO3+ and NH4+ treatments but a positive effect was observed with increasing P-levels. Free-N (amino-N + NO3- - N) accummulated in the shoots of plants treated with low levels of P. Amino-N was the free-N main fraction in plants treated with NH4+ whereas NO3- - N was the free-N main fraction in plants treated with NO3-. Nitrogen accummulated more in shoots (66.8%) than in roots (33,18%) while P accummulated more in roots (61.4%) than in shoots (38.6%). At the highest P-levels in soil (40 and 60 ppm) the root/shoot ratio was higher for plants under NH4+ - N than under NO3- - N. Phosphorus and N contents expressed as percentage of dry weight were not good indicators of nutrient status for these nutrients. Free N pool, on the other hand, was very sensitive to low P levels in soil

    Laboratory biochemical markers of cardiac injury by COVID-19: an integrative review.

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    The damaging effects of Sars-CoV-2 on cardiac tissue may be intensified with the presence of cardiocirculatory pathologies. The use of clinical biomarkers has grown, in order to monitor this cardiotoxicity early. In this sense, this study aimed to investigate, through an integrative review, the main biomarkers of cardiac injury associated with comorbidities in patients with COVID-19. A systematic bibliographic search was conducted on July 26, 2020, in the Scopus database. Of the total of 669 publications purchased, only 40 articles were eligible for this review. From the content of these publications, 16 systemic cardiac and inflammatory biomarkers that are part of the clinical findings of critically ill patients with COVID-19 were identified. Most of these patients were male, had a mean age of 63 years, and pre-existing comorbidities, such as were hypertension, diabetes mellitus, coronary artery disease, cerebrovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cardiac injuries in patients infected with COVID-19 are related to the increase in cardiac and systemic biomarkers observed in most of these individuals. Finally, it is expected to increase physicians' awareness of biochemical markers of non-invasive cardiac injury, for diagnosis and prognosis, of unusual extrapulmonary pathophysiological presentations during infection by COVID-19

    The influence of the maturation status of components on their approval in new product design

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    Ferreira, Ana Cristina, e outros (2023) - International conference on technology management and operations. - Lisboa : Universidade Lusíada Editora. - ISBN 978-898-640-273-0.Nowadays, companies aiming to survive in the automotive industry must reinvent themselves by investing in technological innovation and addressing the all-important product quality. This work focuses on the industrialization phase of externally purchased parts, more specifically on the development and construction of manufacturing methods and associated controls. Most methodologies on the market today do not focus on the negative points resulting from both feasibility analyses and simulation studies, such as delays and lack of proper maturation for start of series production, highlighting the need to further advance process efficiency by using continuous quality improvement tools. A simulation of a manufacturing process in an automotive environment using a Petri netbased simulation model was used. Results show that for a generic Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) model there is a delay of 47-77 weeks in project maturation that can compromise a robust start of series production on the client. The main objective of this work is to show that is possible to increase both the feasibility and robustness of the manufacturing process without delays when the project management considers a stronger supplier’s involvement in the design development phase and by applying more focused Advanced Product Quality Planning (APQP) and Quality Gates (QG) on monitoring the project evolution at suppliers and organizations. Further studies should be carried out to evaluate the impact of other variables such as introducing a wider variability to the maturation phase as well as other impacting variables

    Effects of formative and production pruning on fig growth, phenology, and production

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    Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí.Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí