9,054 research outputs found

    Perturbations created from the baseline in tennis: a test of barker’s behaviour setting theory

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    The purpose of this study was to characterise perturbations created from the baseline in men's tennis following Barker's ecological psychology approach. In selected rallies of expert level tennis matches we identified the shot responsible for this perturbation and characterised it using a sequential approach based on the positioning of the players in the court, the technical actions used by both players, and the displacements that each player forced on the opponent. Results reveal specific patterns of player behaviour and types of displacement in response to the opponent. Moreover, we found significant variability of the technical actions and action zones expressed during the perturbation processes. These results suggest that perturbation behaviours are constrained by the 'behaviour setting', which allows individuality during the search for effective solutions to achieve a specific goal. This test of Barker's behaviour setting theory in sport offers a principled guidance for coaches embed psychology into task design for practice sessions.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Elementos de lo posmoderno en la representación del deporte en el cine contemporáneo

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    La tesis que aquí se presenta pretende apuntar un desplazamiento de la comprensión del deporte en lo contemporáneo. Anclada en algunas fracturas en la idea de deporte cuando observada la expresión de esa práctica a finales del siglo XX e inicio del siglo XXI, el trabajo dialoga con el concepto de posmodernidad, dando espacio a algunos temas que vienen siendo recurrentes al discutir este concepto, a saber: género, sexualidad, consumo y cultura pop. Tenemos como hipótesis que el deporte contemporáneo, ampliamente mediado por las imágenes, rompe la comprensión instaurada en la modernidad, ampliando tanto su posibilidad de representación en el cine como su concepto

    Elements de la postmodernitat en la representació de l’esport al cinema contemporani

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    La tesi que es presenta pretén apuntar un desplaçament de la comprensió de l’esport en la contemporaneï­tat. Ancorada en algunes fractures en la idea d’esport com a expressió d’aquesta pràctica a la fi del segle XX i inici del segle XXI, el treball dialoga amb el concepte de postmodernitat, i dóna espai a alguns temes que són recurrents en discutir aquest concepte, com són: gènere, sexualitat, consum i cultura pop. Tenim com a hipòtesi que l’esport contemporani, àmpliament difós per les imatges, trenca la comprensió instaurada en la modernitat, i amplia tant la seva possibilitat de representació en el cinema com el seu concepte

    SPICE implementation of a finite element method based model for bipolar power semiconductors

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    This paper describes the methodology associated with the practical implementation, in SPICE circuit simulator, of a Finite Element Method (FEM) based model developed for Bipolar Power Semiconductor (BPS) simulation. The methodology is based on a modular approach that associates each zone of the semiconductor to a subcircuit implemented into SPICE simulator. Modeling a semiconductor is based in the union of the set of subcircuit modules necessary to the different zones. Calculus of instantaneous distribution of lightly doped zones carriers (ambipolar diffusion equation (ADE) solution in space/time) is made with a group of subcircuit modules, analogue to FEM elements. The paper shows how each module is implemented and how easily elements with different sizes, topologies or physical properties are made. Remaining semiconductor zones (highly doped emitters narrow base and MOS zones) are modeled with subcircuits using classical approaches. Voltage drops are modeled with subcircuits implementing a Boltzmann approach for junctions and a Poisson approach for depletion zones. Description for obtaining each associated SPICE subcircuit is made. Global solution is approached by serial addition of these modules (each one directly related to one element of the domain). The paper concludes with simulations showing hole/electron distribution, in time/space, in low-doped zones of PIN Diodes, BJTs and IGBTs, as well as, corresponding dynamic commutation waveforms for current and voltage

    SOMAESTHETICS: a plea for the acknowledgement of contingency and body in the humanistic education

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    This article outlines the discussion about the importance of the principle of contingency and the role of the body for education in the humanities, according to Richard Shusterman’s neopragmatist philosophy. The background assumption is that it is not possible, for good or ill, to develop any serious approach or inclusive proposal for an enlightened and critical education – especially for philosophy and the humanities – without a mandatory reference to contingency and to the body, one of the most explicit signals of contingency, under the risk of being rendered sterile and useless when confronted with the dynamics brought about by reality. My perspective on Shusterman’s work is sympathetic to his change – both in method and academic bias – from a pure analytical point of view to a much more existential approach, which resulted in a new, revolutionary and interdisciplinary field: “Somaesthetics”. I sustain that amongst contemporary tendencies Shusterman’s ideas represent some of the richest and most exciting contributions regarding the educational possibilities for an integrated human development.Keywords: Somaesthetics. Humanities. Education. Contingency. Body. Richard Shusterman. SOMAESTÉTICA: um apelo pelo reconhecimento da contingência e do corpo na educação humanística Resumo: Este artigo esboça a discussão sobre a importância do princípio da contingência e o papel do corpo para a educação humanística, de acordo com a filosofia neopragmatista de Richard Shusterman. A hipótese de fundo é que não é possível, para bem ou mal, desenvolver qualquer abordagem séria ou proposta inclusiva para uma educação esclarecida e crítica – especialmente para a filosofia e as ciências humanas – sem uma referência obrigatória à contingência e ao corpo, um dos sinais mais explícitos da contingência, sob o risco de ser tornada estéril e inútil quando em confronto com a dinâmica trazida pelo real. Minha perspectiva sobre o trabalho de Shusterman é simpática à sua mudança – tanto no método quanto no viés acadêmico – de um ponto de vista analítico puro para uma abordagem muito mais existencial, que resultou em um campo novo, revolucionário e interdisciplinar: a “Somaestética”. Sustento que, entre as tendências contemporâneas, as ideias de Shusterman representam algumas das contribuições mais ricas e interessantes a respeito das possibilidades educacionais para um desenvolvimento humano integrado.Palavras-chave: Somaestética. Humanidades. Educação. Contingência. Corpo. Richard Shusterman. SOMAESTETICA: un apelo por lo reconocimiento de la contingencia y del cuerpo en la educación humanísticaResumen: En este artículo se describe el debate sobre la importancia del principio de la contingencia y el papel del cuerpo en la educación para las humanidades, de acuerdo con la filosofía neopragmatista de Richard Shusterman. La hipótesis de fondo es que no es posible, para bien o mal, desarrollar cualquier abordaje sería o propuesta inclusiva para una educación ilustrada y crítica – especialmente para la filosofía y las ciencias de las humanidades – sin una referencia obligatoria a la contingencia y al cuerpo, uno de los señales más explícitos de la contingencia, con el riesgo de ser estéril y inútil cuando enfrentada con la dinámica provocada por el real. Mi punto de vista sobre el trabajo de Shusterman simpatiza con su cambio – tanto en el método y el sesgo académico – desde un punto de vista analítico puro para un enfoque mucho más existencial, que resultó en un campo nuevo, revolucionario y interdisciplinario: la “Somaestetica”. Sostengo que, entre las tendencias contemporáneas, las ideas de Shusterman representan algunas de las más ricas y más interesantes contribuciones respectivamente a las posibilidades educativas para un desarrollo humano integrado.Palabras clave: Somaestetica. Humanidades. Educación. Contingencia. Cuerpo. Richard Shusterman

    Temporal control principles in cell cycle regulation

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    Cell division is characterized by a sequence of events by which a cell gives rise to two daughter cells. In order to maintain the integrity of the genome, cell growth, chromosome duplication and chromosome segregation must be coordinated in a manner that ensures the faithful transmission of hereditary information from one generation to the next. Mis- segregation of chromosomes, chromosomal abnormalities and de-regulation of cell division timing are well known hallmarks of cancer. Even though the molecular machinery that drives cell division is the same in all tissues cell cycle duration in mammalian cells varies for different cell types: embryonic cells divide faster than differentiated cells, for example. In addition, classical experiments have highlighted a high level of variability in cell cycle duration even within the same cell type. Understanding temporal control of cell division and, in particular, how the same cell cycle regulators control differences in cell cycle length is a fundamental question in cell and developmental biology. To address this question, a multidisciplinary approach combining live cell imaging of human cells and mathematical modelling was used. It was found that duration of mitosis is strictly dependent on feedback regulation networks that control mitotic entry. Positive feedback within these networks ensures that mitosis is short and temporally insulated from upstream cell cycle events. Modulation of regulatory feedbacks was also found to allow fine-tuning of cell division frequency, showing once more the importance of feedback control in temporal regulation of cell division. The work presented in this thesis suggests that understanding cell cycle dynamics at a single cell level provides a powerful way to derive control principles in cell cycle regulation. Moreover, combining experimental approaches with computational analysis allows a quantitative understanding of temporal control in cell division at a single cell level. This is likely to lead to transformative insights into cell cycle in health and disease states.Open Acces

    Ergonomic and anthropometric modeling: valuing the designof sports wear of PCNEMs

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    Este artigo resultado da pesquisa realizada com uma equipa de jogadores de basquetebol em cadeira de rodas da Associação Portuguesa de Deficientes – APD – Delegação Distrital de Braga- Portugal, investigou o design ideal de vestuário para desportistas cadeirantes. O trabalho apresenta a importância da utilização da ergonomia e antropometria no design da modelagem do vestuário para pessoas com necessidades especiais motoras - PCNEMs.This article is a result of a research that involves a team of basketball players who use wheelchairs. They belong to the Portuguese Association of Disabled – PAD – Delegation of the District of Braga- Portugal. The Association investigated the optimal design of clothing for wheelchair athletes. The paper present the importance of the use of ergonomics and anthropometry in design, modeling clothing for people with special needsin driving PCNEMs.ALBA

    Saint Jérôme de Júlio Bressane : la traduction comme chemin critique

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    En 1999, le cinéaste brésilien Júlio Bressane fait le lancement de Saint Jérôme qui a été tourné dans le sertão de Paraíba. Ce film sera analysé ici à partir des séries culturelles, en pensant leprocessus de « transcréation » (CAMPOS 1992) au cinéma. L'article poursuit le débat à travers deux éléments : les textures picturales en rapport avec la photographie et les gestes du protagoniste. Peinture, littérature et musique contribuent à étayer la discussion sur la traduction au cinéma, dans une quête « de propriétés sonores et visuelles » (Ibidem, p. 35), et ce, pour renvoyer au « signe Jérôme » (BRESSANE 2001: 19). Les mouvements de caméra sur le corps de l'acteur et la profondeur de champ traduisent cette personnification de la culture qui se confond avec le paysage.In 1999, Brazilian movie director Júlio Bressane launched Saint Jerome which was shot in Paraíba's sertão, at the North-East of Brazil. The film is examined here in its pictorial series as a "transcreation" process (CAMPOS 1992) to cinema. The discussion brings up two elements: pictorial textures placed by photography, and gestures of the protagonist. Paintings, literature and cinema interact to provide "sound and image properties" (Ibidem, p. 35) related to the "Jerome sign" (BRESSANE 2001: 19). Camera movements slide over the actor's body, alternating with depth of field to translate this great character of culture which blends with the landscape