1,503 research outputs found

    Patriotic sociability and defence of the constitutional cause

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    The philosophical modernity of the Enlightenment contributed to change cultural agents and international knowledge networks. The European agents and values of eighteenth-century intellectual communication were expanded and secularized. New forms of intellectual and patriotic sociability emerged in the public sphere. In this context, sociability was marked by the establishment of philanthropic, economic and patriotic associations. This study highlights the importance of three associations created and imagined in the late 18th and early 19th centuries: the Sociedade dos Mancebos Patriotas of Coimbra (1780); the Montepio Literário (1813); and the Sociedade Patriótica Literária de Lisboa (1822)

    Changing the perspective, adapting the scale: macro- and microlithic technologies of the Early Mesolithic in the SW Iberian Peninsula

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    What determines the choice of a particular lithic solution from among the set of knowledge and skills that are part of the cultural background of a group? The Early Mesolithic of the SW Iberian Peninsula shows a high diversity of lithic solutions considering the various aspects of the manufacturing process. At each site, the group selects the most adequate solution to respond efficiently to the needs. Contemporary sites may document quite different lithic components; there are no recurring patterns. Macrolithic and microlithic technologies were adopted, depending on the site, but the selection of one rather than another seems to be independent of the function of the site. Then, what does dictate the choice? A number of factors come to mind such as environmental contingencies, purpose, ability, and ethnicity. This Early Mesolithic defining trait diverges from the pattern observed for the final Upper Palaeolithic, where the same constellation of tools is systematically represented in the archaeological record, as well as flint, even in regions where flint as a natural resource is absent. Macrolithic technologies directed towards the massive production of cutting edges and heavy-duty tools produced from medium coarse-grained rocks co-exist, in SW Iberian Early Mesolithic, with microlithic technologies focused on the production of small bladelets made from good quality chert types and transformed into tiny armatures. Although contemporaneous, each lithic solution has its own geographical identity. How should we study these distinctive productions while at the same time respecting their diversity? No analytical template is sufficiently comprehensible to enable us to understand the multitude of “memories” that lithics carry. However, some approaches can help us to overcome the impasse by letting us read the hidden histories that lie behind lithic artefacts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sistematização das artérias da base do encéfalo e suas fontes de suprimento sangüíneo em chinchila (Chinchilla lanigera)

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    Neste trabalho estudou-se as artérias da base do encéfalo, bem como as suas fontes de suprimento sangüíneo na chinchila ( Chinchilla lanigera), sendo utilizados 30 animais, 17 fêmeas e 13 machos, adultos. O sistema arterial foi preenchido com látex 603 corado em vermelho através do tronco braquiocefálico e da artéria subclávia esquerda. Sistematizouse a origem das fontes de suprimento sanguíneo para o encéfalo e as artérias (Aa) da face ventral do cérebro, tanto à direita (D) como à esquerda (E), com suas respectivas percentagens de aparecimento: o arco aórtico emitiu tronco braquiocefálico e artéria (A.) subclávia E (93,3%), ou tronco braquiocefálico, A. carótida comum E e A. subclávia E (6,7%). O tronco braquiocefálico lançou A. carótida comum D e E e A. subclávia D (93,3%), ou A. carótida comum D e A. subclávia D (6,7%). A. carótida comum D e E dividiu-se em Aa carótidas externa e interna (100%). A. carótida interna D (100%) e A. carótida interna E (93,3%) não cooperaram na irrigação encefálica. Ramos terminais das Aa. vertebrais D e E presentes (100%) formaram a A. basilar (96,7%). A. espinhal ventral presente (100%). A. cerebelar caudal D, ímpar (80%) e dupla (20%), à E, ímpar (70%) e dupla (30%). A. trigeminal D e E ímpar (100%). A. cerebelar rostral vaso caudal D, presente (73,3%) e ausente (26,7%), à E, presente (70%) e ausente (30%). A. cerebelar rostral vaso rostral D e E presente (100%). A. tectal rostral D e E ímpar (100%). A. cerebral caudal D, ímpar (53,3%), duplo (36,7%) e triplo (10%), à E, ímpar (46,7%), duplo (46,7%) e triplo (6,7%). A. hipofisária D e E presente (100%). A. oftálmica interna D, ausente (73,3%) e presente (26,7%), à E, ausente (76,7%) e presente (23,3%). A. cerebral média D e E ímpar (100%). A. cerebral rostral D e E desenvolvida (96,7%) e vaso vestigial (3,3%). A. inter-hemisférica rostral mediana ímpar originada da A. cerebral rostral D (20%) e E (50%), e da união dos ramos das Aa cerebrais rostrais D e E (23,3%). A. lateral do bulbo olfatório à D, individual (76,7%) e tronco comum (23,3%), à E, individual (73,3%) e tronco comum (26,7%). A. medial do bulbo olfatório à D, individual (76,7%) e tronco comum (23,3%), à E, individual (73,3%) e tronco comum (26,7%). A. etmoidal interna D e E presente (100%). Observou-se que o círculo arterial cerebral da chinchila foi fechado caudalmente (100%), rostralmente aberto (70%) e fechado (30%). O encéfalo foi suprido quase que exclusivamente pelo sistema vértebro-basilar

    Translating pronominal causative constructions: Se faire vs. hacerse/fazer-se + Inf

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    This paper presents a corpus-based study of pronominal causative constructions in a French-Spanish-Portuguese perspective. The combination of monolingual and multilingual corpus searches will help determine, at an initial phase, the conditions that underlie the functioning of se faire/hacerse/fazer-se in each language and, subsequently, the linguistic obstacles that hinder the literal translation of se faire into Spanish and Portuguese. Finally, a categorisation of the different translations of se faire will be offered. With this kind of study we aim to demonstrate the relevance of corpora as solid foundations for the creation of resources and methods for translation teaching and the training of translators

    Brucellosis: an emerging disease in Portugal

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    Human brucellosis is one of the most common zoonosis worldwide. In Portugal, brucellosis is a notifiable disease in humans and the casuistic puts it among the three zoonosis with the highest incidence. Despite this, studies on prevalence of brucellosis in Portugal are scarce. The present study intends to evaluate the epidemiological situation of human brucellosis in Portugal and to identify the species associated with human cases. It also intend to investigate the origin of infection in humans using molecular typing studies and whole genome sequencing approaches. In this work, we propose study the genetic polymorphism of several virulence factors in Brucella spp. Our results showed that Brucella melitensis is the main species associated to human brucellosis and that there is a strong epidemiological link between many cases studies, whose originated small clusters and may even correspond to small outbreaks. In this study, it was possible to verify a strong phylogenetic proximity between isolated strains in the Mediterranean area (Spain, Greece and Italy) probably due to geographical, cultural and type of food proximity. In this work, using an advanced approach, new generation sequencing methodologies, we were able to validate the use of MLVA - 16, the gold standard for typing Brucella spp., using in silico extraction. Globally, the findings presented in this PhD thesis contribute for better understanding of the brucellosis situation in Portugal. The results may contribute to the implementation of a new laboratory tool to improve the epidemiological surveillance of brucellosis. Furthermore, is providing more accurate and quick information to the decision makers with responsibilities in the area of the implementation of measures of prevention and control of this disease in our Country, both in human and veterinary health, in line with the One Health approach

    Condições de saúde e funcionalidade dos idosos do Vale Paraíba, São Paulo, Brasil

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    The principles of aging and quality of life describe the elderly as proactive, setting goals and striving to achieve them, gathering resources that are useful in adapting to change and actively involved in maintaining wellness.The goal of this research is to characterize the profile of the elderly participating in the Elderly Community Centre regarding gender, age, marital status, self-reported ethnicity, education, occupation, individual income, number of children, nationality, living conditions , means of transportation you use to go to the Elderly Community Centre and preferred physical activity and describe the health and performance in activities of daily living of the elderly participants from JRC, according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and health (CIF).Method: The research was exploratory, descriptive, cross-sectional quantitative approach carried out in Elderly Community Centre Paraíba Valley, São Paulo, Brazil. The study included those who met the inclusion criteria of age or over 60 years, participating for at least three months and complete within one year of the Elderly Community Centre, which were the search field. The study was characterized by the predominance of women, mean age 72 years, married, self-reported ethnicity white, with 5-10 years of education, retired, with an average monthly income of a minimum wage.Conclusions: Through the collection instrument was observed that most of Elderly Community Centre categories selected was somewhat compromised with slight difficulty or no difficulty.Los principios del envejecimiento con calidad de vida describen al anciano como proactivo, definiendo sus objetivos y esforzándose por alcanzarlos, reuniendo recursos que son útiles en la adaptación a los cambios y participar activamente en el mantenimiento de la salud.El objetivo de esta investigación es caracterizar el perfil de las personas mayores que participan en el Centro Comunitario de Personas Mayores con respecto a sexo, edad, estado civil, origen étnico declarado, educación, ocupación, ingresos personales, número de hijos, nacionalidad, condiciones de vida, medios de transporte que utilizan para ir a la Corte Penal Internacional y actividad física preferida y describir las condiciones de salud y el rendimiento en actividades de la vida diaria de los participantes de mayor edad del Centro Comunitario de Personas Mayores, de acuerdo con la ClasificaciónInternacional del Funcionamiento, de la Discapacidad y la Salud (CIF).Método: La investigación fue de tipo exploratorio, descriptivo, transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo,llevado a cabo en los Centros Comunitarios de Personas Mayores Paraíba Valley, São Paulo, Brasil.El estudio incluyó a aquellos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión de edad o mayores de 60 años, participando durante al menos tres meses y un máximo de un año de los Centros Comunitarios de Personas Mayores, que eran el campo de búsqueda. El estudio se caracteriza por el predominio de las mujeres, con una edad media de 72 años, casada, de etnia blanca declarada, con 5-10 años de educación, jubilada, con un ingreso promedio mensual de un salario mínimo.Conclusiones. A través del instrumento de recolección se observó que la mayoría de las categorías de CIF seleccionadas se vio comprometida tanto con ligera dificultad o ninguna dificultadOs princípios do envelhecimento com qualidade de vida descrevem o idoso como pró-ativo, definindo seus objetivos e lutando para alcançá-los, reunindo recursos que são úteis na adaptação à mudança e ativamente envolvidos na manutenção do bem-estar.O objetivo desta pesquisa é a caracterização do perfil dos idosos que participam do Centro de Convivência do Idoso (CCI) quanto ao sexo, idade, estado civil, etnia autodeclarada, escolaridade, ocupação, renda individual, número de filhos, naturalidade, condições de moradia, meio de locomoção que utiliza para ir ao CCI e atividade física preferida e descrever as condições de saúde e desempenho nas atividades de vida diária dos idosos participantes de CCI, segundo a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde(CIF).Método: Pesquisa do tipo exploratória, descritiva, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, realizado em CCIs do Vale Paraíba, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram incluídos no estudo aqueles que atendiam aos critérios de inclusão com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos, participantes, há pelo menos três meses completos e no máximo um ano dos CCIs, que constituíram o campo de pesquisa. O estudo caracterizou-se pelo predomínio de mulheres, idade média de 72 anos, casadas, etnia autodeclarada branca, com 5-10 anos de educação escolar, aposentadas, com média de renda mensal de um salário mínimo.Conclusôes. Por meio do instrumento de coleta foi possível observar que a maior parte das categorias da CIF selecionadas era pouco comprometida com dificuldade leve ou sem dificuldade

    Lithics in a Mesolithic Shell Midden: New Data from Poças de São Bento (Portugal).

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    The development, since 2010, of a research project on the Mesolithic of the Sado valley has provided new insights into the study of the lithic technology of the last hunter-gatherer societies. The new excavations carried out at Poças de São Bento shell midden, one of the largest and richest sites identified in the Sado valley, include a protocol for the systematic recovery and recording of archaeological remains, including the water sieving of all the excavated sediments. Therefore, as the new lithic materials do not suffer from any excavation or previous selection bias, it is possible to characterize raw material resources, lithic reduction strategies, tool production and functional areas in a more reliable approach. Selecting a specific excavation area and two different stratigraphic units for analyses allowed us to evaluate site integrity and to test some conventional interpretations concerning tool production and discard. Besides the common lithic blanks (flakes and bladelets) and tools (geometric armatures) already known from previous archaeological works, the analysed sample showed an unsuspected amount of non-characteristic debris, which was underrepresented in the collections of the 1950s, 1960s and even the 1980s. This fact is not exclusively related to the applied recovery methods; it also relates to the existence of intra-site variability (different functional areas) as recent investigations at the shell midden seem to indicate.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio