503 research outputs found

    Achievements and Challenges of the Regulatory Compliance Program in a Large Philanthropical Hospital Institution

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    Objective: The objective of this work was to do a self-assessment of the Regulatory Compliance (RC) program of Santa Casa de Belo Horizonte Group (SCBH) using the methodology validated nationally by the Comptroller General of the Union (CGU) for detailing the achievements and challenges in six primary areas of RC.   Theoretical framework: The RC program was established at the end of 2018 in the SCBH to ensure the compliance and ethics of the processes performed by all people who participate or perform their professional activities in any of the units that make up the institution. Different methodologies for evaluating RC programs are available in the non-academic literature; to our knowledge, they have not been applied in a structured empirical way in philanthropical hospitals.   Design/methodology/approach: The present work used a methodology validated nationally by the CGU within an exploratory and documentary approach. SCBH's profile was evaluated by verifying the company's degree of exposure to compliance and integrity risks (acts of corruption or misconduct). Evidence documents demonstrating SCBH's performance in six significant themes were also evaluated. Finally, the achievements and challenges of the RC were discussed based on the SCBH performance in all estimated items.   Findings: The RC program was created in 2018 and is in a consolidated stage of maturity in the primary criteria evaluated by the CGU: a score greater than 70 points and at least 40% of the score in each area assessed.   Research, Practical & Social implications: This research brings practical and managerial contributions. From a practical perspective, this work shows the consolidation of the RC area as a strategic part of the business environment, seeking coherence between thought, speech, and action. From a managerial perspective, this work confirms the importance of shared responsibility among the entire institution in building a culture of ethical and legal compliance.   Originality/value: This is the first RC self-assessment work carried out by a philanthropic institution. The healthcare market has driven the establishment of an RC area in Brazilian institutions. Regardless of regulation and external audit processes, healthcare institutions have sought to improve business relations and create a critical organizational mass

    Propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings treated with indolebutyric acid

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    Yellow mombin is a fruit species of growing interest in the agro-industrial sector, mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, although its commercial exploitation is still limited due to the lack of information regarding its propagation, among other factors. In this perspective, this work aimed to study the effect of the application of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in the vegetative propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings. The experiments were conducted in a plant nursery, under a completely randomized experimental design consisting of six concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg.kg-1 in industrial talc), four replications, and ten cuttings per plot. The stem cutting experiment also evaluated the effect of the types of cuttings (tanchan, basal, stratified basal, medial, and apical), with the material being collected from a yellow mombin tree in full vegetative growth. The root cuttings were collected from a matrix plant in the stage of vegetative rest and cut into 15 cm length segments. After 120 days, the following variables were evaluated: percentage of living, sprouted, rooted, and calloused cuttings, and dry mass of roots and sprouts. The cuttings of the tanchan type showed higher survival and sprouting percentages, regardless of the concentration of IBA applied, whereas the rooting rate was low. The application of IBA increased the rooting percentage of the root cuttings until the maximum concentration of 5000 mg.kg-1, reaching 77.5%, although it did not influence the other variables analyzed. The root cuttings of yellow mombin exhibit good regeneration capacity.Yellow mombin is a fruit species of growing interest in the agro-industrial sector, mainly in the North and Northeast regions of Brazil, although its commercial exploitation is still limited due to the lack of information regarding its propagation, among other factors. In this perspective, this work aimed to study the effect of the application of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in the vegetative propagation of yellow mombin by stem and root cuttings. The experiments were conducted in a plant nursery, under a completely randomized experimental design consisting of six concentrations of IBA (0, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 and 5000 mg.kg-1 in industrial talc), four replications, and ten cuttings per plot. The stem cutting experiment also evaluated the effect of the types of cuttings (tanchan, basal, stratified basal, medial, and apical), with the material being collected from a yellow mombin tree in full vegetative growth. The root cuttings were collected from a matrix plant in the stage of vegetative rest and cut into 15 cm length segments. After 120 days, the following variables were evaluated: percentage of living, sprouted, rooted, and calloused cuttings, and dry mass of roots and sprouts. The cuttings of the tanchan type showed higher survival and sprouting percentages, regardless of the concentration of IBA applied, whereas the rooting rate was low. The application of IBA increased the rooting percentage of the root cuttings until the maximum concentration of 5000 mg.kg-1, reaching 77.5%, although it did not influence the other variables analyzed. The root cuttings of yellow mombin exhibit good regeneration capacity


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    Com a pandemia de COVID-19, declarada oficialmente em março de 2020, a população mundial precisou se reinventar diante de uma das maiores crises sanitárias para prevenir o contágio e evitar transmissão do vírus. Dessa forma, visando reduzir a disseminação do vírus, foi determinado o isolamento social e consequentemente ocorreram mudanças significativas no âmbito social, cultural e econômico. No que se refere as atividades realizadas no Judiciário cearense, foi estabelecido o plantão extraordinário, alterando a forma de trabalho e adaptando aos atendimentos, audiências e outros atos para o meio remoto. A internet mostrou-se dessa forma, uma ferramenta fundamental para garantir a continuidade da prestação jurisdicional no cenário de pandemia, uma vez que todas as atividades tipicamente realizadas de forma presencial foram adaptadas para canais e plataformas virtuais. Ocorre que uma parcela dos jurisdicionados sem condições plenas de acesso à rede sofreu grave prejuízo no que se refere ao direito de acesso à justiça. Assim, em razão da nova forma de trabalho remoto adotada pelo judiciário, houve um distanciamento entre a população vulnerável e a efetiva prestação jurisdicional. Dessa forma, torna-se necessário refletir acerca do acesso as novas ferramentas digitais como forma de acesso a justiça. Sendo assim o presente trabalho tem como objetivo a análise do impacto da pandemia no que tange ao acesso à justiça no Estado do Ceará quanto aos excluídos digitais. Para alcançar perspectivas acerca da exclusão digital e o acesso a justiça, metodologia utilizada foi de natureza bibliográfica e qualitativa, analisando obras, artigos científicos, atos normativos e pesquisas


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    The acoustic characteristics of hermetic compressors are critical parameters for the adequacy and acceptance of this product on the market. It is essential to predict the radiated noise by such equipment in the design phase aimed the noise mitigation. In this context, numerical modeling becomes feasible to reduce the cost associated with the manufacture of prototypes and design time. This work describes a methodology of analysis of the vibroacoustic energy trajectory (Transfer Path Analysis -TPA) between the sound source and the receiver, in order to assess the contribution of different paths of propagation. Thus new design changes in order to minimize acoustic noise can be effectively proposed on the basis of the most significant contribution to the receiver. Results are presented using a hermetic compressor modeled by coupling FEM / BEM demonstrating the viability and potential of the proposed methodology.As características acústicas de compressores herméticos são parâmetros críticos para a adequação e aceitação deste produto no mercado. Torna-se fundamental a predição do ruído irradiado por estes equipamentos ainda na fase de projeto visando sua mitigação. Nesse contexto, a modelagem numérica se torna viável para redução do custo relacionado com fabricação de protótipos e tempo de projeto. Neste trabalho é descrita uma metodologia de análise da trajetória da energia vibroacústica (Transfer Path Analysis -TPA) entre a fonte sonora e o receptor, com o objetivo de avaliar a contribuição de diferentes caminhos de propagação. Desta forma novas alterações no projeto acústico visando a minimização do ruído poderão ser propostas de maneira eficiente em função da contribuição mais significativa para o receptor. Resultados são apresentados utilizando um compressor hermético modelado através de acoplamento MEF/MEC demonstrando a viabilidade e potencialidade da metodologia proposta

    Validade de peso, estatura e IMC referidos por puérperas do estudo Nascer no Brasil

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    OBJETIVO: Avaliar a acurácia das informações de peso pré-gestacional, estatura, índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional e peso na última consulta de pré-natal, segundo características maternas, variáveis sociodemográficas e de pré-natal. MÉTODOS: O estudo foi desenvolvido com dados do questionário face a face e do cartão da gestante (padrão-ouro) do estudo “Nascer no Brasil, 2011–2012”. Para avaliar as diferenças entre as variáveis antropométricas medidas e referidas, utilizou-se o teste de Kruskal-Wallis para as variáveis dividas em quartis. Para as variáveis contínuas, adotou-se o teste de Wilcoxon, gráficos de Bland e Altman, diferença média entre as informações medidas e referidas pelas mulheres. Estimou-se a sensibilidade e o coeficiente de correlação intraclasse. RESULTADOS: No estudo, 17.093 mulheres possuíam cartão de gestante. Observou-se uma subestimação do peso pré-gestacional em 1,51 kg (DP = 3,44) e do índice de massa corporal em 0,79 kg/m2 (DP = 1,72), e superestimação da estatura em 0,75 cm (DP = 3,03) e do peso na última consulta em 0,22 kg (DP = 2,09). Os coeficientes de correlação intraclasse (CCIC) obtidos para as variáveis antropométricas foram: estatura (CCIC = 0,89), peso pré-gestacional (CCIC = 0,96), índice de massa corporal pré-gestacional (CCIC = 0,92) e peso na última consulta (CCIC = 0,98). CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados sugerem que as variáveis antropométricas referidas foram válidas para a população de estudo, e podem ser utilizadas em estudos com populações que tenham características semelhantes.OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the accuracy of information on pre-gestational weight, height, pre-gestational body mass index, and weight at the last prenatal appointment, according to maternal characteristics and sociodemographic and prenatal variables. METHODS: The study was developed using data from the face-to-face questionnaire and prenatal card (gold standard) of the study “Birth in Brazil, 2011–2012”. To evaluate the differences between the measured and self-reported anthropometric variables, we used the the Kruskal-Wallis test for the variables divided into quartiles. For the continuous variables, we used the Wilcoxon test, Bland-Altman plot, and average difference between the information measured and reported by the women. We estimated sensitivity and the intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS: In the study, 17,093 women had the prenatal card. There was an underestimation of pre-gestational weight of 1.51 kg (SD = 3.44) and body mass index of 0.79 kg/m2 (SD = 1.72) andoverestimation of height of 0.75 cm (SD = 3.03) and weight at the last appointment of 0.22 kg (SD = 2.09). The intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) obtained for the anthropometric variables were: height (ICC = 0.89), pre-gestational weight (ICC = 0.96), pre-gestational body mass index (ICC = 0.92), and weight at the last appointment (ICC = 0.98). CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that the mentioned anthropometric variables were valid for the study population, and they may be used in studies of populations with similar characteristics

    In vitro bioaccessibility and identification of antioxidant compounds in clarified cashew apple juice ‘cajuína’ / Bioacessibilidade e identificação in vitro de compostos antioxidantes no suco de caju clarificado ‘cajuína’

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    The objective of this study was to determine the in vitro bioaccessibility and identity of the phenolic compounds, and total antioxidant activity of two commercial brands of cajuína. The simulated gastrointestinal digestion caused a reduction in the total phenolic content, total flavonoids, and antioxidant activity in both cajuína brands. However, the content of all compounds identified by High performance liquid chromatography after the simulated digestion process increased, in particular ellagic and gallic acids in brand A. Such compounds may be involved in processes of transformation and release of the food matrix, a fact that generated an increase in the bioaccessible fraction. However, there is a reduction in the total bioaccessible fraction and antioxidant activity, indicating that most of the present compounds are unstable, and they underwent degradation after the simulated digestion process. Simulated gastrointestinal digestion affected the profile and content of phenolic compounds, and, as expected, antioxidant activity. It is worth mentioning the increase in the bioaccessible fraction of acids ellagic, gallic, p-coumaric and the epicatechin flavonoid

    Controladoria na gestão pública: um estudo na unidade de controle interno (UCI) do município de Castanhal sob a ótica da Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal (LRF) / Controllership in public management: a study in the internal control unit (ICU) of the municipality of Castanhal from the perspective of the Fiscal Responsibility Law (LRF)

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    Este estudo aborda a temática da controladoria na Administração Pública no âmbito municipal, tendo como base a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. Trata-se de uma pesquisa na controladoria da Unidade de Controle Interno no município de Castanhal-Pará, (UCI) com o propósito de identificar a contribuição desse controle interno diante da LRF. Para tal, fez-se uma abordagem sobre a LRF contextualizando a Administração Pública, e apontando aspectos fundamentais dessa lei (transparência, controle e fiscalização), adentrando, na sequencia, a controladoria e a fiscalização na Administração Pública. A partir de uma abordagem qualitativa, por meio da análise técnica de conteúdo aplicado nas respostas dos servidores da UCI desse município, buscou-se confrontar os olhares sobre as práticas e conhecimento do referido controle e identificar de que forma a controladoria contribui na Administração Pública conforme a LRF.Das análises realizadas, inferiu-se que a controladoria auxilia no processo de controle e fiscalização da gestão municipal, constituindo-se um instrumento de apoio aos gestores para se buscar a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados e contribuir para uma gestão pública mais ordeira e eficiência

    Diclofenac in hyaluronic acid gel: an alternative treatment for actinic cheilitis

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    OBJECTIVE: Actinic cheilitis (AC) is a precancerous lesion of the lip vermillion caused by prolonged exposure to ultraviolet light. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of 3% diclofenac in 2.5% hyaluronic acid gel in the treatment of AC. METHODS: Thirty-four patients with chronic AC were treated twice a day with topical diclofenac during a period of 30 to 180 days. The individuals were followed up every 15 days by means of clinical examination and digital photographic documentation. RESULTS: Of the 27 patients that completed the study, 12 (44%) showed complete remission of the whitish plaques and exfoliative areas, and 15 (56%) had partial remission of the clinical picture of cheilitis. The latter group was submitted to excision of the leukoplakic areas which diagnosis varied from mild to moderate epithelial dysplasia. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest a promising role for diclofenac in hyaluronic acid gel in the treatment of AC. This treatment has the advantages of not being invasive and showing few side effects

    Incongruências entre moradia e mobilidade: conjuntos de habitação popular e o sistema BRT em Curitiba

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    O artigo analisa a desconexão entre localização de moradia popular e acessibilidade aos sistemas de mobilidade, focalizando o sistema BRT de transporte coletivo de Curitiba, para compreender as desigualdades socioespaciais. Questionam-se as condições de acesso ao sistema de transporte para os usuários que residem nos conjuntos habitacionais populares produzidos pela Companhia de Habitação Popular de Curitiba –COHAB CT. Os procedimentos metodológicos incluem revisão do marco teórico; definição de categorias de análise e recorte empírico; fase exploratória em campo e análises qualitativo-quantitativas dos resultados com uso de programas de desenho computadorizado, geoprocessamento e planilhas quantitativas, segundo método hipotético-dedutivo. Analisou-se características socioespaciais da distribuição dos conjuntos habitacionais entre 1965 e 2015 e a disponibilidade de infraestrutura relativa à mobilidade e condições sociais. As conclusões explicitam um quadro de exclusão relativa ao sistema de transporte, evidenciada pela distância às centralidades dos terminais, e por um conjunto de precariedades do espaço físico e socioambiental.The article focuses on disconnected conditions between popular housing location and accessibility to mobility systems, focusing on the BRT system of mass transit in Curitiba, in order to understand social and spatial inequalities. Accessibility to the transportation system is questioned for those living in housing complexes produced by the Popular Housing Company of Curitiba -COHAB CT. The methodological procedures include revision of the theoretical framework; definition of categories of analysis and empirical clipping; exploratory field work and qualitative-quantitative analysis about the results of computerized drawing programs using, geoprocessing and quantitative worksheets, according to the hypothetical-deductive method. It has beenanalyzed socio-spatial characteristics of the distribution of COHAB CT settlements between 1965 and 2015 and the availability of infrastructure related to mobility and social conditions. The conclusions point to an exclusion situation regarding the transportation system, showed by the distance to terminals centrality, and by a set of physical and socio-environmental precariousness of space

    Cucumber production under organic cultivation in response to biofertilizer application

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    Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield.Cucumber is a vegetable species of high socioeconomic importance, whose fruits are consumed in all Brazilian regions. However, the knowledge of its organic production is still incipient. In this perspective, this study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of the Aodai cucumber under organic cultivation in response to the application of biofertilizer via soil and leaves. The experiment was conducted in the Seridó Ecological Site, Rio Branco, AC, by adopting a randomized block design in a 6x2 factorial arrangement, with four replications and eight plants per experimental unit. The treatments consisted of six concentrations of biofertilizer (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5%) diluted in water, applied via foliar spraying, combined with the presence or absence of its pure application in the soil, with both methods applied at 7, 14, 21, and 28 days after sowing. The fertilizer was also applied in the soil at sowing. At the end of each harvest, the fruits were divided into two quality categories (classes 1 and 2), and then the following variables were evaluated: number of fruits per plant, mean fruit mass, yield, fruit diameter, and fruit length. There was no significant interaction of the biofertilizer application via foliar spraying or soil for any of the variables. The biofertilizer application via foliar spraying promoted a significant increase in the number of marketable fruits per plant, mean mass of total fruits, and marketable and total yields. The 3% concentration of biofertilizer diluted in water and applied on the leaves is the most efficient method to increment the cucumber yield