298 research outputs found

    Record of Ophiocordyceps unilateralis sensu lato, the zombie-ant fungus, parasitizing Camponotus in an urban fragment of Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil

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    Ophiocordyceps is a fungal pathogen of ants of the tribe Camponotini. It is called zombie fungus, since it changes the host behavior, causing them to die in an exposed position, typically clinging onto and biting into the adaxial surface of shrub leaves. This study aimed to describe the occurrence of parasitic associations between Ophiocordyceps and ants of the genus Camponotus in an urban fragment of Atlantic Rainforest in southeastern Brazil and to measure the rate of hyperparasitism in Ophiocordyceps by other fungi in the same location. We found 57 individuals of four species of ants and three species of fungus. The age categories of fungi were equally distributed, and rate of hyperparasitism was 17.5% (n = 10). The sampled area was recognized as an important site of Ophiocordyceps occurrence


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    Social networks have become relevant in the Internet due to the great variety of Web sites that use the concept. Its users form databases that provide an important way of sharing, organizing, finding content and making contacts. Thus, Scientia.Net is a social networking site that integrates information from various Internet services (forums, article repositories, websites, blogs and other social networks). Besides, the tool provides the user interaction (students, teachers and researchers) for academic purposes, based on their common interests. This paper presents an application developed to automatically group Scientia.Net users, showing the performance of various machine learning algorithms, offering to Scientia.Net a sorting mechanism that presents a list of other researchers to each user of the network, based on their common interests. With this, we intend to contribute to the interaction among users with similar profiles, allowing an improvement in the productivity of their research efforts. Furthermore, this paper proposes a model that uses a combination of supervised and unsupervised learning algorithms to create groups and identify users based on their relevant attributes.Redes sociais tornaram-se especialmente relevantes na Internet devido à grande variedade de sites Web que utilizam o conceito. Seus usuários formam bases de dados que proveem um importante meio de compartilhar, organizar e encontrar conteúdo, estabelecer contatos com base em interesses comuns. Dessa forma, o Scientia.Net é um site de rede social que integra informações contidas em diversos serviços da Internet (fóruns, repositórios de artigos, sites, blogs e demais redes sociais). Além disso, a ferramenta provê a interação de seus usuários (estudantes, professores e pesquisadores) para fins acadêmicos, com base nos seus interesses em comum. Este artigo apresenta uma aplicação desenvolvida para agrupar de forma automática os usuários do Scientia.Net, mostrando o desempenho de vários algoritmos de aprendizagem de máquina, visando a oferecer ao Scientia.Net um mecanismo de classificação que apresente a cada usuário da rede, uma relação de outros pesquisadores com base nos seus interesses em comum. Com isso, pretende-se contribuir para a interação entre usuários de perfis semelhantes e assim possibilitar que estes melhorem a produtividade de suas pesquisas, ao aumentar sua capacidade de troca de conhecimento. Além disso, o presente artigo propõe um modelo que utiliza uma combinação entre algoritmos com aprendizagem supervisionada e não-supervisionada com o objetivo de criar grupos e identificar quais atributos podem defini-los


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    Por sua natureza sócio-cultural específica, a etnobiologia é um veículo do qual o educador faz uso para alcançar comunidades específicas, dotadas de conhecimentos tradicionais que usualmente não são valorizados no ensino formal. O presente trabalho teve por objetivo identificar as percepções ambientais e concepções dos alunos de diferentes realidades sócio-culturais, partindo do aprendizado obtido em seu próprio meio sócio-cultural sobre o tema “tubarões”. Buscou-se fazer um levantamento bibliográfico sucinto da história natural acerca dos tubarões e suas representações simbólicas na percepção de jovens de faixa etária de 12 a 14 anos, estudantes da rede de ensino público municipal do ensino fundamental do município de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. A escolha da faixa etária deu-se em consonância ao conteúdo abordado para o tema “Seres Vivos”. A metodologia de abordagem consistiu da elaboração de questionário formulado com 10 questões fechadas. Os dados coletados representam conceituações negativo-positivas que os alunos apreenderam (não só aprenderam como já tinham conceituações prévias, negativas ou não) do tema supracitado. Por meio deste estudo conclui-se que há uma carência de elaboração de propostas de desenvolvimento de estratégias de educação ambiental e melhor divulgação sobre noções ecológicas para a preservação destes animais

    Determination of the Critical Micelle Concentration of Triton X-100 Using the Compound 3-(benzoxazol-2-yl)-7-(N,N-diethylamino)chromen-2-one as Fluorescent Probe

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    In the present study we estimated the Critical Micelle Concentration (CMC) of Triton X-100 in an aqueous buffered medium (PBS buffer, pH 7.4), using 3-(benzoxazol-2-yl)-7-(N,N-diethylamino)chromen-2-one (BDC), a push-pull compound, as extrinsic fluorescence probe. The CMC value found, 0.33 mmol L-1, shows good agreement with data from literature obtained using the fluorescence probe technique. Additionally, the polarity, in terms of the ET(30) scale, and the viscosity of the micelle microenvironment in which the probe is preferentially allocated, was estimated as being 46.9 kcal mol-1 and 70.3 cP, respectively, confirming that this microdomain is polar and highly viscous, with characteristics of polyethylene glycol groups consisting in the palisade layer at the micelle-water interface. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v0i0.92

    Os riscos da automedicação por hidroxicloroquina frente a Pandemia de COVID-19/ The risks of hydroxychlorochine self-medication in front of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    O surto do novo coronavírus na China decretado como pandemia pela Organização Mundial da Saúde, tem sido um grande problema de saúde pública. A busca de tratamentos alternativos para tratar a doença são vários, dentre eles o uso do medicamento Hidroxicloroquina (HCQ). A HCQ é um fármaco utilizado no tratamento de artrites, doenças autoimune, atualmente vem sendo questionada quanto a atuação no COVID19, no momento existe apenas testes in vitro para esta atuação. Dessa forma a prática da automedicação por essa substância tem crescido. Este trabalho tem como objetivo descrever as reações e interações medicamentosas da HCQ, descrevendo os riscos inerentes a automedicação durante a pandemia, bem como discorrer sobre a atuação da mídia e das autoridades governamentais. A metodologia adotada baseia-se em uma revisão bibliográfica no qual utilizou-se levantamento de artigos dos últimos dez anos dispondo das bases de dados LILACS, Scielo, BVS, FioCruz. Os resultados mostraram que a HCQ apresenta reações adversas graves podendo inclusive levar a óbito, além de não apresentar até este momento eficácia comprovada na cura da COVID-19. Devido a informações veiculadas na mídia e defendida por autoridades a HCQ apresentou um aumento nas vendas durante a pandemia. Isso fez com que a Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária tornasse a HCQ um medicamento controlado através de uma RDC. Infere-se que a busca por um tratamento ou vacina que combata o coronavírus é crucial neste momento para sanar a pandemia

    Phred-Phrap package to analyses tools: a pipeline to facilitate population genetics re-sequencing studies

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    BACKGROUND: Targeted re-sequencing is one of the most powerful and widely used strategies for population genetics studies because it allows an unbiased screening for variation that is suitable for a wide variety of organisms. Examples of studies that require re-sequencing data are evolutionary inferences, epidemiological studies designed to capture rare polymorphisms responsible for complex traits and screenings for mutations in families and small populations with high incidences of specific genetic diseases. Despite the advent of next-generation sequencing technologies, Sanger sequencing is still the most popular approach in population genetics studies because of the widespread availability of automatic sequencers based on capillary electrophoresis and because it is still less prone to sequencing errors, which is critical in population genetics studies. Two popular software applications for re-sequencing studies are Phred-Phrap-Consed-Polyphred, which performs base calling, alignment, graphical edition and genotype calling and DNAsp, which performs a set of population genetics analyses. These independent tools are the start and end points of basic analyses. In between the use of these tools, there is a set of basic but error-prone tasks to be performed with re-sequencing data. RESULTS: In order to assist with these intermediate tasks, we developed a pipeline that facilitates data handling typical of re-sequencing studies. Our pipeline: (1) consolidates different outputs produced by distinct Phred-Phrap-Consed contigs sharing a reference sequence; (2) checks for genotyping inconsistencies; (3) reformats genotyping data produced by Polyphred into a matrix of genotypes with individuals as rows and segregating sites as columns; (4) prepares input files for haplotype inferences using the popular software PHASE; and (5) handles PHASE output files that contain only polymorphic sites to reconstruct the inferred haplotypes including polymorphic and monomorphic sites as required by population genetics software for re-sequencing data such as DNAsp. CONCLUSION: We tested the pipeline in re-sequencing studies of haploid and diploid data in humans, plants, animals and microorganisms and observed that it allowed a substantial decrease in the time required for sequencing analyses, as well as being a more controlled process that eliminates several classes of error that may occur when handling datasets. The pipeline is also useful for investigators using other tools for sequencing and population genetics analyses

    Association between functional EGF+61polymorphism and glioma risk

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    Epidermal growthf actor (EGF) plays a critical role in cancer. A polymorphism in the EGF gene (EGF+61) may influence its expression and contribute to cancer predisposition and aggressiveness. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the role of EGF+61in glioma susceptibility and prognosis. Experimental Design:A case-control study involving197 glioma patients and 570 controlswas done. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to calculate odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CI). False-positive report probability was also assessed.The luciferase reporter gene assay was used to ascertain the functional consequences of this polymorphism. Results: Corroborating the univariate analysis, the multivariate model showed that the G allele conferred higher risks for gliomas (OR,1.32; 95% CI,1.04-1.67), glioblastomas (OR,1.47; 95% CI, 1.02-2.10), and oligodendrogliomas (OR,1.55; 95% CI,1.07-2.23).TheGG genotypeswere associatedwithincreased risk for gliomas (OR,1.71; 95%CI,1.07-2.73), glioblastomas (OR, 2.03; 95% CI, 1.02-4.05), and oligodendrogliomas (OR, 2.72; 95% CI, 1.18-6.28). In addition, the AG+GG genotypes were associated withhigher risk for gliomas (OR,1.52; 95% CI,1.03-2.23) and oligodendrogliomas (OR, 2.80; 95% CI,1.35-5.79). No significant associationwas observed between the EGF+61polymorphism and glioblastoma or oligodendroglioma patients’overall survival. The luciferase reporter gene assay exhibited a significant increased promoter activity for the G variant compared withthe referenceA allele. Conclusions: These findings support the role of the EGF+61polymorphism as a susceptibility factor for development of gliomas and show its implication on EGF promoter activity.Sixth Research Framework Programme of the European Union, Project INCA (LSHC-CT-2005-018704