60 research outputs found

    Prevalência e fatores associados à violência no namoro entre adolescentes de escola pública

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    Objetivo: identificar a prevalência e fatores associados à violência no namoro entre adolescentes escolares.Método: estudo quantitativo, descritivo, transversal, realizado em uma escola pública estadual, no Recife, Pernambuco, em agosto de 2018, com 270 adolescentes, entre 12 e 9 anos, do ensino fundamental e médio. Aplicou-se formulário com questões sobre a caracterização dos adolescentes e vivência de relações no namoro, como também o Inventário de Conflitos nos Relacionamentos Íntimos de Adolescentes. Utilizou-se o teste Qui-quadrado de Pearson ou o teste exato de Fisher para análise estatística.Resultados: as prevalências de vitimização física, sexual e psicológica foram 31,9%, 36,4% e 81,8%, respectivamente. Identificou-se associação entre a filiação religiosa (p=0,002), orientação sexual dos participantes (p=0,027), escolaridade dos pais (p=0,015) e a vitimização física no namoro.Conclusão: aspectos individuais e contextuais relacionados à violência no namoro entre adolescentes implicam na necessidade do envolvimento da enfermeira escolar em intervenções intersetoriais e interdisciplinares em saúde. Palavras-chave: Adolescente. Violência por parceiro íntimo. Serviços de enfermagem escolar

    ECOWASH PET, el cuidado que tu mascota necesita y el planeta también

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    Nuestra idea de negocio nace ante la necesidad de los dueños de mascotas como perros, gatos o conejos con problemas de piel sensible, por encontrar productos naturales y eco amigables que contribuyan a la buena salud de la piel y sean libres de químicos. Actualmente, es difícil encontrar productos naturales para mascotas y si existen, son costosos. Por ello, algunos optan por pagar en veterinarias para baños medicados, que resultan un gasto alto en el presupuesto familiar. Más allá de ello, esas soluciones momentáneas, generan contaminación al planeta, pues la mayoría de productos aplicados, tienen envases de plástico que tardan muchos años en biodegradarse. Como solución a esos problemas, buscamos atenderlos con esta opción orgánica Ecowash Pet, shampoo en barra que facilita el baño de la mascota con piel sensible, asegura su buen mantenimiento y además previene las irritaciones, porque contiene ingredientes 100% naturales. Asimismo, como otro valor agregado tiene un diseño muy llamativo y funcional, porque dura tres veces más que uno de botella. A la vez, el producto viene en una caja hecha a base de bagazo de caña, que se biodegrada en un máximo de 180 días, con lo cual reafirmamos nuestro compromiso con la responsabilidad social y sostenibilidad de este emprendimiento. Finalmente, ante el contexto de la pandemia, deseamos poder cumplir satisfactoriamente con los clientes a través de una página web en los cuales realizarán los pedidos de manera práctica y segura. También podrán encontrarnos en Facebook, e Instagram.Our business idea was born to the need of the owners of pets such as dogs, cats, or rabbits with sensitive skin problems, to find natural and eco-friendly products that contribute to the good health of the skin and are free of chemicals. Currently, it is difficult to find natural pet products and if they exist, they are expensive. Therefore, some choose to pay in veterinaries for medicated baths, which are a high expense in the family budget. Beyond that, these momentary solutions generate pollution to the planet, since most products applied have plastic packaging that takes many years to biodegrade. As a solution to these problems, we seek to address them with this organic option Ecowash Pet, shampoo in a bar that facilitates the bath of the pet with sensitive skin, ensures its good maintenance and also prevents irritations, because it contains 100% natural ingredients. Also, as another added value it has a very striking and functional design, because it lasts three times longer than a bottle. At the same time, the product comes in a box made from cane bagasse, which biodegrades in a maximum of 180 days, with which we reaffirm our commitment to the social responsibility and sustainability of this venture. Finally, in the context of the pandemic, we want to be able to successfully meet customers through a web page in which they will place orders in a practical and safe way. You can also find us on Facebook, and Instagram.Trabajo de investigació

    Efecto de la pandemia en las actividades laborales de nuestros asociados desde el inicio (marzo 2020) hasta la etapa posvacunación (julio 2021)

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    Introducción: El 11 de marzo de 2020, la OMS declaró la pandemia global por COVID-19 que afectó la práctica ortopédica en el mundo. Para analizar la influencia de la COVID-19 sobre la situación laboral de los socios de la Asociación Argentina de Ortopedia y Traumatología, hemos realizado tres encuestas desde el inicio (marzo 2020) hasta la etapa posvacunación (julio 2021). Los objetivos fueron determinar diferencias en la reducción relativa del trabajo (consultorios, cirugías) durante las tres fases de la pandemia: prepico, pico y etapa de vacunación, y diferenciar entre la población estudiada, cuidados de protección, actividad, testeos, infección, aislamientos, vacunación. Materiales y Métodos: Encuesta prospectiva, en tres etapas, a los socios en general, autorizada por la Comisión Directiva, desde el inicio del aislamiento social obligatorio (Ro de 2,8), en el pico y posvacunación. Resultados: Se observó un bajo grado de adherencia que fue disminuyendo progresivamente entre las fases. El 6,99% había sido testeado en la primera encuesta; el 25,29%, en la segunda, y el 88,2%, luego de 6 meses. La reducción de las actividades habituales y la incorporación de la telemedicina, como una nueva forma de intercambio médico-paciente, fue la novedad en la segunda parte de la encuesta. Conclusiones: Los sistemas de protección han dado un porcentaje aceptable de confiabilidad con un alto índice de vacunación dentro de los especialistas. A pesar del riesgo y los miedos al contagio, la telemedicina no ha logrado ser una alternativa aceptaba tanto por los profesionales como por los pacientes

    Polydatin (3,4’,5-trihydroxystilbene-3-β-d-glucoside) is a new inhibitor of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase affecting cancer metabolism and producing a strong cytotoxic and antimetastatic effect

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    Polydatin (3,4’,5-trihydroxystilbene-3-β-d-glucoside) is a natural precursor of resveratrol already approved for commercialization as food supplement. It is present in many types of plants, including grape, peanut, and cassia seed where it acts as antimycotic agent. Polydatin has been proposed to have effect on cancer, including HNSCC and breast cancer, with promising results, but its mechanism of action seems to be different from resveratrol and is poorly understood. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) is the limiting enzyme of the pentose phosphate pathway which have been widely shown to be fundamental for tumor growth and metastasis formation. In this work our results show that polydatin inhibit G6PD in a dose dependent manner affecting cancer cell viability, causing a dose-dependent apoptosis and cell cycle arrest. Moreover, treated cells showed a strong increase of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR), activated by a stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), autophagy, reduced migration and invasion ability. Moreover, we developed a metastatic orthotopic HNSCC model in immunocompromised mice and showed that treated group had reduced tumor growth and reduce lymph nodes metastases. In conclusion here we show that Polydatin exerts a significant inhibitory effect on pentose phosphate pathway inhibiting HNSCC growth and metastases, pointing out that polydatin may be a reliable anticancer drug

    Open Education as a game changer – stories from the pandemic

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    El estudio presenta ejemplos de iniciativas positivas y cambios en la educación que se originaron como reacción al cierre de escuelas durante la pandemia de 2020 y son parte de lo que se conoce como prácticas educativas abiertas y recursos educativos abiertos.This document presents examples of positive initiatives and changes in education originated as a reaction to the closure of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and which are part of what is known as Open Educational Practices and Open Educational Resources. The aim of analysis is to gather information about the most interesting and influential Open Education initiatives which could inspire and hopefully permanently revolutionize remote education systems around the world. An important objective is to initiate a discussion on the role played by Open Education during the pandemic and to provide arguments to support public policy making. We describe initiatives from five countries – Greece, Italy, Poland, Uruguay and Brazil. For each country we provide: a) specific stories about the broadly understood Open Education in the pandemic to encourage discussion and inspiration. Each initiative is connected with a corresponding UNESCO Recommendation on OER Objective. b) the reactions by the governments to the pandemic and the actions taken, also from the point of view of using Open Education in remote learning. c) a brief description of the education systems in the days before the pandemic. Story from Greece: - Cooperation changes everything - the community of practice in Greece Stories from Italy: - How to open what is closed – the MOOC “E-collaboration at school and beyond” from Politecnico di Milano - The Didactics of Proximity - the municipality of Turin for parents and educators Stories from Poland: - Invite me to your lesson – a grassroots initiative for the exchange and cooperation of teachers from thousands of Polish schools - Wolne Lektury – a grassroots digital library visited by 1,500,000 readers per month in the pandemic - Pistacja.tv – how to teach millions of maths students during the pandemic - Remote Lessons and Open Educational Network - Polish government initiatives Stories from Uruguay:- Plan Ceibal and Portal Uruguay Educa - how systematic building of national OER repositories can help as a response to emergency remote education - RedREA (OER Network) - how to ensure the continued creation of open resources that feed national repositories Story from Brazil: - Mobile Apps in Education – teachers widely open to mobile communication with students Key conclusions from the study drawn on the basis of the records of discussions between the authors of the report and the activists of Open Education during a two-day workshop in October 2020: a) Resources, institutions and infrastructure built on the Open Education model provide resilience to educational systems. b) Teachers were the first responders during the educational crisis. Networks of teachers were quickly formed, using communication technologies available to them. These networks created and shared teaching resources, and provided teachers with mutual support. c) Grassroots initiatives require support to function for a longer time. Public institutions need to partner with informal initiatives, in order to make them sustainable and help them scale up. d) Actors of many types took action and supported remote education: non-governmental organisations, universities, city governments. Ministries of Education need to adopt a multi-stakeholder model to manage remote education which acknowledges this support. e) Open Education does not solely rely on sharing openly licensed educational resources. It also harnesses practices of collaboration, content creation, networking and mutual support based on values of openness, solidarity and equality. f) At the time of crisis, educators and learners used any technologies and resources available. Over time, remote education requires the provision of necessary public infrastructure, educational services and resources. g) The digital divide – lack of access to equipment and the internet as well as insufficient conditions for teaching and learning – became even more prominent during the pandemicExecutive summary Introduction Context and form Analysis methodology How do we understand Open Education? Key conclusions Story from Greece Cooperation changes everything – the community of practice in Greece Decisions on education in early lockdown – Greece Stories from Italy How to open what is closed – the MOOC ‘E-collaboration at school and beyond’ from Politecnico di Milano The Didactics of Proximity – the municipality of Turin for parents and educators Decisions on education in early lockdown – Italy The day before the pandemic – brief description of Italian educational system Basic information about the educational system Open education in documents, strategies and regulations Infrastructure and digital repositories Stories from Poland Invite me to your lesson – a grassroots initiative for the exchange and cooperation of teachers from thousands of Polish schools Wolne Lektury – a grassroots digital library visited by 1,500,000 readers per month in the pandemic Pistacja.tv – how to teach millions of maths students during the pandemic Remote Lessons and Open Educational Network - Polish government initiatives Decisions on education in early lockdown - Poland The day before pandemic – brief description of Polish educational system Key assumptions of the education systems Open education in documents, strategies and regulations Infrastructure and digital repositories Stories from Uruguay Plan Ceibal and Portal Uruguay Educa – how systematic building of national OER repositories can help as a response to emergency remote education RedREA (OER Network) – how to ensure the continued creation of open resources that feed national repositories Decisions on education in early lockdown – Uruguay The day before the pandemic – brief description of Uruguayan educational system Basic information about the educational system Infrastructure and digital repositories Story from Brazil Mobile Apps in Education – teachers widely open to mobile communication with students 50 Decisions on education in early lockdown – Brazil The day before the pandemic – brief description of Brazilian educational system Basic information about the educational system Open education in documents, strategies and regulations Infrastructure and digital repositorie

    CSVS, a crowdsourcing database of the Spanish population genetic variability

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    The knowledge of the genetic variability of the local population is of utmost importance in personalized medicine and has been revealed as a critical factor for the discovery of new disease variants. Here, we present the Collaborative Spanish Variability Server (CSVS), which currently contains more than 2000 genomes and exomes of unrelated Spanish individuals. This database has been generated in a collaborative crowdsourcing effort collecting sequencing data produced by local genomic projects and for other purposes. Sequences have been grouped by ICD10 upper categories. A web interface allows querying the database removing one or more ICD10 categories. In this way, aggregated counts of allele frequencies of the pseudo-control Spanish population can be obtained for diseases belonging to the category removed. Interestingly, in addition to pseudo-control studies, some population studies can be made, as, for example, prevalence of pharmacogenomic variants, etc. In addition, this genomic data has been used to define the first Spanish Genome Reference Panel (SGRP1.0) for imputation. This is the first local repository of variability entirely produced by a crowdsourcing effort and constitutes an example for future initiatives to characterize local variabilityworldwide. CSVS is also part of the GA4GH Beacon network.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness SAF2017-88908-R PT17/0009/0006 PI19/00321 CIBERER ACCI-06/07/0036 PI14-948 PI171659Regional Government of Madrid, RAREGenomicsCM B2017/BMD3721 B2017/BMD-3721European Union (EU)European Union (EU) 676559University Chair UAM-IIS-FJD of Genomic MedicineRamon Areces Foundatio

    A crowdsourcing database for the copy-number variation of the Spanish population

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    Background: Despite being a very common type of genetic variation, the distribution of copy-number variations (CNVs) in the population is still poorly understood. The knowledge of the genetic variability, especially at the level of the local population, is a critical factor for distinguishing pathogenic from non-pathogenic variation in the discovery of new disease variants. Results: Here, we present the SPAnish Copy Number Alterations Collaborative Server (SPACNACS), which currently contains copy number variation profiles obtained from more than 400 genomes and exomes of unrelated Spanish individuals. By means of a collaborative crowdsourcing effort whole genome and whole exome sequencing data, produced by local genomic projects and for other purposes, is continuously collected. Once checked both, the Spanish ancestry and the lack of kinship with other individuals in the SPACNACS, the CNVs are inferred for these sequences and they are used to populate the database. A web interface allows querying the database with different filters that include ICD10 upper categories. This allows discarding samples from the disease under study and obtaining pseudo-control CNV profiles from the local population. We also show here additional studies on the local impact of CNVs in some phenotypes and on pharmacogenomic variants. SPACNACS can be accessed at: http://csvs.clinbioinfosspa.es/spacnacs/. Conclusion: SPACNACS facilitates disease gene discovery by providing detailed information of the local variability of the population and exemplifies how to reuse genomic data produced for other purposes to build a local reference database

    A crowdsourcing database for the copy-number variation of the spanish population

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    Background: Despite being a very common type of genetic variation, the distribution of copy-number variations (CNVs) in the population is still poorly understood. The knowledge of the genetic variability, especially at the level of the local population, is a critical factor for distinguishing pathogenic from non-pathogenic variation in the discovery of new disease variants. Results: Here, we present the SPAnish Copy Number Alterations Collaborative Server (SPACNACS), which currently contains copy number variation profiles obtained from more than 400 genomes and exomes of unrelated Spanish individuals. By means of a collaborative crowdsourcing effort whole genome and whole exome sequencing data, produced by local genomic projects and for other purposes, is continuously collected. Once checked both, the Spanish ancestry and the lack of kinship with other individuals in the SPACNACS, the CNVs are inferred for these sequences and they are used to populate the database. A web interface allows querying the database with different filters that include ICD10 upper categories. This allows discarding samples from the disease under study and obtaining pseudo-control CNV profiles from the local population. We also show here additional studies on the local impact of CNVs in some phenotypes and on pharmacogenomic variants. SPACNACS can be accessed at: http://csvs.clinbioinfosspa.es/spacnacs/. Conclusion: SPACNACS facilitates disease gene discovery by providing detailed information of the local variability of the population and exemplifies how to reuse genomic data produced for other purposes to build a local reference database.This work is supported by Grants PID2020-117979RB-I00 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation; by the Institute of Health Carlos III (project IMPaCT-Data, exp. IMP/00019, IMP/00009 and PI20/01305), co-funded by the European Union, European Regional Development Fund (ERDF, “A way to make Europe”)