95 research outputs found

    A novel prokaryotic vector for identification and selection of recombinants: Direct use of the vector for expression studies in E. coli

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The selection of bacterial recombinants that harbour a desired insert, has been a key factor in molecular cloning and a series of screening procedures need to be performed for selection of clones carrying the genes of interest. The conventional cloning techniques are reported to have problems such as screening high number of colonies, generation of false positives, setting up of control ligation mix with vector alone etc.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe the development of a novel dual cloning/expression vector, which enables to screen the recombinants directly and expression of the gene of interest. The vector contains Green fluorescence protein (GFP) as the reporter gene and is constructed in such a way that the <it>E. coli </it>cells upon transformation with this vector does not show any fluorescence, but readily fluoresce upon insertion of a foreign gene of interest. The same construct could be easily used for screening of the clones and expression studies by mere switching to specific hosts.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This is the first vector reported that takes the property of colour or fluorescence to be achieved only upon cloning while all the other vectors available commercially show loss of colour or loss of fluorescence upon cloning. As the fluorescence of GFP depends on the solubility of the protein, the intensity of the fluorescence would also indicate the extent of solubility of the expressed target protein.</p

    Molecular characterization of typing and subtyping of Staphylococcal cassette chromosome SCCmec types I to V in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus from clinical isolates from COVID-19 patients

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    Background and Objectives: Methicillin resistance is acquired by the bacterium due to mecA gene which codes for penicillin-binding protein (PBP2a) having low affinity for β-lactam antibiotics. mecA gene is located on a mobile genetic element called staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec). SCCmec genomic island comprises two site-specific recombinase genes namely ccrA and ccrB [cassette chromosome recombinase] accountable for mobility. Currently, SCCmec elements are classified into types I, II, III, IV and V based on the nature of the mec and ccr gene complexes and are further classified into subtypes according to variances in their J region DNA. SSCmec type IV has been found in community-acquired isolates with various genetic backgrounds. The present study was undertaken to categorize the types of SCCmec types and subtypes I, II, III, IVa, b, c, d, and V and PVL genes among clinical MRSA isolates from COVID-19 confirmed cases. Materials and Methods: Based on the Microbiological and Molecular (mecA gene PCR amplification) confirmation of MRSA isolated from 500 MRSA SCCmec clinical samples, 144 cultures were selected for multiplex analysis. The multiplex PCR method developed by Zhang et al. was adapted with some experimental alterations to determine the specific type of these isolates. Results: Of the total 500 MRSA, 144 MRSA (60 were CA-MRSA and 84 were HA-MRSA) were selected for characterization of novel multiplex PCR assay for SSCmec Types I to V in MRSA. Molecular characterization of multiplex PCR analysis revealed results compare to the phenotypic results. Of the 60 CA-MRSA; in 56 MRSA strains type IVa was found and significantly defined as CA-MRSA while 4 strains showed mixed gens subtypes. Type II, III, IA, and V were present in overall 84 HA-MRSA. Molecular subtyping was significantly correlated to define molecularly as CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA however 15 (10%) strains showed mixed genes which indicates the alarming finding of changing epidemiology of CA-MRSA and HA-MRSA as well. Conclusion: We have all witnessed of COVID-19 pandemic, and its mortality was mostly associated with co-morbid conditions and secondary infections of MDR pathogens. Rapid detections of causative agents of these superbugs with their changing epidemiology by investing in typing and subtyping clones are obligatory. We have described an assay designed for targeting SSCmec types and subtypes I, II, III, IVa,V according to the current updated SCCmec typing system. Changing patterns of molecular epidemiology has been observed by this newly described assay

    Transcriptional Profiling of Chondrodysplasia Growth Plate Cartilage Reveals Adaptive ER-Stress Networks That Allow Survival but Disrupt Hypertrophy

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    Metaphyseal chondrodysplasia, Schmid type (MCDS) is characterized by mild short stature and growth plate hypertrophic zone expansion, and caused by collagen X mutations. We recently demonstrated the central importance of ER stress in the pathology of MCDS by recapitulating the disease phenotype by expressing misfolding forms of collagen X (Schmid) or thyroglobulin (Cog) in the hypertrophic zone. Here we characterize the Schmid and Cog ER stress signaling networks by transcriptional profiling of microdissected mutant and wildtype hypertrophic zones. Both models displayed similar unfolded protein responses (UPRs), involving activation of canonical ER stress sensors and upregulation of their downstream targets, including molecular chaperones, foldases, and ER-associated degradation machinery. Also upregulated were the emerging UPR regulators Wfs1 and Syvn1, recently identified UPR components including Armet and Creld2, and genes not previously implicated in ER stress such as Steap1 and Fgf21. Despite upregulation of the Chop/Cebpb pathway, apoptosis was not increased in mutant hypertrophic zones. Ultrastructural analysis of mutant growth plates revealed ER stress and disrupted chondrocyte maturation throughout mutant hypertrophic zones. This disruption was defined by profiling the expression of wildtype growth plate zone gene signatures in the mutant hypertrophic zones. Hypertrophic zone gene upregulation and proliferative zone gene downregulation were both inhibited in Schmid hypertrophic zones, resulting in the persistence of a proliferative chondrocyte-like expression profile in ER-stressed Schmid chondrocytes. Our findings provide a transcriptional map of two chondrocyte UPR gene networks in vivo, and define the consequences of UPR activation for the adaptation, differentiation, and survival of chondrocytes experiencing ER stress during hypertrophy. Thus they provide important insights into ER stress signaling and its impact on cartilage pathophysiology

    Mutant IDH inhibits HNF-4α to block hepatocyte differentiation and promote biliary cancer

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    Mutations in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (IDH1) and IDH2 are among the most common genetic alterations in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (IHCC), a deadly liver cancer1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Mutant IDH proteins in IHCC and other malignancies acquire an abnormal enzymatic activity allowing them to convert α-ketoglutarate (αKG) to 2-hydroxyglutarate (2HG), which inhibits the activity of multiple αKG-dependent dioxygenases, and results in alterations in cell differentiation, survival, and extracellular matrix maturation6, 7, 8, 9, 10. However, the molecular pathways by which IDH mutations lead to tumour formation remain unclear. Here we show that mutant IDH blocks liver progenitor cells from undergoing hepatocyte differentiation through the production of 2HG and suppression of HNF-4α, a master regulator of hepatocyte identity and quiescence. Correspondingly, genetically engineered mouse models expressing mutant IDH in the adult liver show an aberrant response to hepatic injury, characterized by HNF-4α silencing, impaired hepatocyte differentiation, and markedly elevated levels of cell proliferation. Moreover, IDH and Kras mutations, genetic alterations that co-exist in a subset of human IHCCs4, 5, cooperate to drive the expansion of liver progenitor cells, development of premalignant biliary lesions, and progression to metastatic IHCC. These studies provide a functional link between IDH mutations, hepatic cell fate, and IHCC pathogenesis, and present a novel genetically engineered mouse model of IDH-driven malignancy

    Serratia odorifera a midgut inhabitant of Aedes aegypti mosquito enhances its susceptibility to dengue-2 virus.

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    Mosquito midgut plays a crucial role in its vector susceptibility and pathogen interaction. Identification of the sustainable microflora of the midgut environment can therefore help in evaluating its contribution in mosquito-pathogen interaction and in turn vector competence. To understand the bacterial diversity in the midgut of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, we conducted a screening study of the gut microbes of these mosquitoes which were either collected from fields or reared in the laboratory "culture-dependent" approach. This work demonstrated that the microbial flora of larvae and adult Ae. aegypti midgut is complex and is dominated by gram negative proteobacteria. Serratia odorifera was found to be stably associated in the midguts of field collected and laboratory reared larvae and adult females. The potential influence of this sustainable gut microbe on DENV-2 susceptibility of this vector was evaluated by co-feeding S. odorifera with DENV-2 to adult Ae. aegypti females (free of gut flora). The observations revealed that the viral susceptibility of these Aedes females enhanced significantly as compared to solely dengue-2 fed and another gut inhabitant, Microbacterium oxydans co-fed females. Based on the results of this study we proposed that the enhancement in the DENV-2 susceptibility of Ae. aegypti females was due to blocking of prohibitin molecule present on the midgut surface of these females by the polypeptide of gut inhabitant S. odorifera