50 research outputs found

    Hydropeaking effects on movement patterns of brown trout (Salmo trutta L.)

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    Radiotelemetry was used to investigate seasonal movement and home range of brown trout Salmo trutta (size range 188–420 mm fork length, N = 30) in two reaches of the Noguera Pallaresa River (Ebro Basin, north‐east Spain) subjected to different flow regulation schemes. NP‐1 reach is a bypassed section with near natural flow conditions, whereas the downstream reach NP‐2 is subjected to daily pulsed flow discharge (i.e., hydropeaking) from an upstream hydropower station. Significant differences in home range size (95% kernel estimates) and seasonal movement pattern between study reaches were found. Mean home range size was (μ ± SE) 112.1 ± 11.5 m in the bypassed reach NP‐1 and increased significantly in the hydropeaking reach NP‐2 up to 237.9 ± 37.2 m. There was a large individual variability in fish home range size within reaches. Most of the seasonal differences in fish movement among reaches were associated with the spawning season. Pulsed discharge events in NP‐2 during daytime in summer (lasting about 3 hr and increasing water flow from 1 to 20 m3/s) did not cause significant displacements in either upstream or downstream direction during the duration of the event. Our results highlight the importance of habitat connectivity in hydropeaking streams due to the need of brown trout to move large distances among complementary habitats, necessary to complete their life cycle, compared with unregulated or more stable streams.Financial support was provided by the Biodiversity Conservation Plan of ENDESA, S.A. (ENEL Group). Carles Alcaraz acknowledges support from CERCA Programme (Generalitat de Catalunya)

    Composition and distribution of the larval decapod community in the deep sea of the Western Mediterranean Sea Balearic Sub-basin

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    Mechanisms facilitating larvae transport from continental to more oceanic areas were investigated in the Balearic sub-basin (BSB), Western Mediterranean Sea. The abundance, distribution, and development stages of decapod larvae were recorded for a transect of 28 stations crossing the central eddy of the BSB. Zooplankton samples were taken to 1,800 m depth by horizontal and oblique 500-μm mesh size nets hauls towed near the benthic boundary (BBL) and in deep scattering layers (DSL). In total, 67 taxa belonging to Decapoda and one Stomatopoda were identified. Advanced development represented 75% of the individuals recorded. 75% of the species corresponded to adults of deep-sea species, 9% were sergestids (mesopelagic species), and the remaining 16% corresponded to shelf and coastal species. Cluster assemblages formed were related to the hydrological conditions, water masses dynamics, and geomorphologic structures mainly associated with nepheloid layers. Advanced and juvenile specimens of commercial species such as Parapenaeus longirostris, Geryon longipes, and Aristeus antennatus were found close to seafloor BBL. The influence of trophic ecology should be considered as the priority factor of larvae concentrations in deep.En prens

    Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors

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    Dispersal is a critical determinant of animal distribution and population dynamics, and is essential information for management planning. We studied the movement patterns and the influence of habitat and biotic factors on Mediterranean brown trout (Salmo trutta) by mark-recapture methods in three headwater streams of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Fish were sampled by electrofishing on five occasions over 18–24 months and movements of over 3,000 individually tagged trout (age 1+ onwards) were recorded. Most of the tagged fish exhibited limited movement and were recaptured within 100 m from the initial capture section. Small seasonal differences in the movement pattern were observed, but in two of the streams, displacement distances increased prior the spawning period in autumn. The frequency distributions of dispersal distances were highly leptokurtic and skewed to the right and fitted well to a two-group exponential model, thus trout populations were composed of mobile and stationary individuals, the latter being the predominant component in the populations (71.1–87.5% of individuals). The mean dispersal distances, for fish captured at least in three sampling events, ranged 20.7–45.4 m for the stationary group and 229.4–540.5 m for the mobile group. Moving brown trout were larger than non-moving individuals and exhibited higher growth rates in two of the streams. Habitat features were not consistently linked to movement rates, but there were some interaction effects between stream and habitat characteristics such as depth, cover and water velocity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Movements and dispersal of brown trout (Salmo trutta Linnaeus, 1758) in Mediterranean streams: influence of habitat and biotic factors

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    Dispersal is a critical determinant of animal distribution and population dynamics, and is essential information for management planning. We studied the movement patterns and the influence of habitat and biotic factors on Mediterranean brown trout (Salmo trutta) by mark-recapture methods in three headwater streams of the Ebro Basin (NE Iberian Peninsula). Fish were sampled by electrofishing on five occasions over 18–24 months and movements of over 3,000 individually tagged trout (age 1+ onwards) were recorded. Most of the tagged fish exhibited limited movement and were recaptured within 100 m from the initial capture section. Small seasonal differences in the movement pattern were observed, but in two of the streams, displacement distances increased prior the spawning period in autumn. The frequency distributions of dispersal distances were highly leptokurtic and skewed to the right and fitted well to a two-group exponential model, thus trout populations were composed of mobile and stationary individuals, the latter being the predominant component in the populations (71.1–87.5% of individuals). The mean dispersal distances, for fish captured at least in three sampling events, ranged 20.7–45.4 m for the stationary group and 229.4–540.5 m for the mobile group. Moving brown trout were larger than non-moving individuals and exhibited higher growth rates in two of the streams. Habitat features were not consistently linked to movement rates, but there were some interaction effects between stream and habitat characteristics such as depth, cover and water velocity

    Experiencia piloto de uso de redes sociales como herramientas de blended learning en asignaturas de medios audiovisuales

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    El objetivo principal de esta investigación es explorar las posibilidades de las redes sociales como herramientas de blended learning en las asignaturas “Técnicas de Comunicación Audiovisual”, “Narrativa Audiovisual Aplicada a la Publicidad” y “Producción y Realización en Medios Audiovisuales” que se imparten en el Grado de Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas de la Universidad de Alicante. Por las posibilidades que ofrecen a nuestras asignaturas, hemos seleccionado Facebook, YouTube y Flickr. Flickr se ha utilizado como plataforma para entregar las fotografías realizados en la asignatura “Técnicas de Comunicación Audiovisual” durante el curso 2015-1016. Para “Narrativa Audiovisual Aplicada a la Publicidad” y “Producción y Realización en Medios Audiovisuales” se ha creado una página de Facebook y un canal de YouTube con el nombre de “Medios Audiovisuales UA”. Los enlaces para ambos recursos se encuentran publicados en Moodle, la plataforma utilizada para el trabajo online de las asignaturas. La finalidad de la página de Facebook es la de establecer un entorno informal de aprendizaje mientras que la de YouTube es la de ser un repositorio de los mejores trabajos realizados durante el transcurso de las asignaturas, que pueda servir de referencia para futuros estudiantes cuando deban enfrentarse a la realización de sus trabajos

    Differential metabolic profiles associated to movement behaviour of stream-resident brown trout (Salmo trutta)

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    The mechanisms that can contribute in the fish movement strategies and the associated behaviour can be complex and related to the physiology, genetic and ecology of each species. In the case of the brown trout (Salmo trutta), in recent research works, individual differences in mobility have been observed in a population living in a high mountain river reach (Pyrenees, NE Spain). The population is mostly sedentary but a small percentage of individuals exhibit a mobile behavior, mainly upstream movements. Metabolomics can reflect changes in the physiological process and can determine different profiles depending on behaviour. Here, a non-targeted metabolomics approach was used to find possible changes in the blood metabolomic profile of S. trutta related to its movement behaviour, using a minimally invasive sampling. Results showed a differentiation in the metabolomic profiles of the trouts and different level concentrations of some metabolites (e.g. cortisol) according to the home range classification (pattern of movements: sedentary or mobile). The change in metabolomic profiles can generally occur during the upstream movement and probably reflects the changes in metabolite profile from the non-mobile season to mobile season. This study reveals the contribution of the metabolomic analyses to better understand the behaviour of organisms.This study has been supported and financed by the Biodiversity Conservation Plan of ENDESA, S.A. (ENEL Group)

    Análisis de cuatro variables del profesor universitario, en la Politécnica de Alicante. CUED_MISE_Aparicio (2012)

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    El grupo de redes LinDU_2013, se propone analizar e interpretar cuatro variables de un cuestionario realizado en la Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Alicante, denominado CUED_MISE_Aparicio (2012), desde las dimensiones del profesorado. Las variables estudiadas, corresponden a los siguientes ítems del cuestionario mencionado: (1) ¿El profesorado transmite los objetivos de la asignatura?, (2) ¿El profesorado demuestra conocimientos en su materia?, (3) ¿El profesorado tiene un trato igualitario con todos sus alumnos? (4) ¿El profesorado capta la diversidad del alumnado? Para realizar este estudio, se ha seguido un proceso metodológico consistente en: analizar el comportamiento de sus variables, obtenidas a través del programa SPSS del cuestionario universitario de la Politécnica de evaluación docente denominado CUED_MISE_Aparicio (2012). Se han estudiado los resultados de los descriptivos generales y específicos, respecto a las medidas de: centralización, dispersión y distribución. Finalmente se discuten las dimensiones a las que pertenecen dichas variables según el contexto de la matriz rotada obtenida, finalizando con unas conclusiones

    El clima/ambiente en el aula Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante

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    El grupo de redes LinDU_2013, propone analizar la dimensión del ambiente en el aula. Para ello, utilizará el cuestionario realizado en la Escuela Politécnica de la Universidad de Alicante, denominado CUED_MISE_Aparicio (2012), sirviendo de soporte el modelo instruccional de (Rivas 2003), donde la relación profesor – estudiante, radica en la edad y madurez del estudiante, dentro del contexto sociocultural de la comunidad universitaria. Los ítems a estudiar son ¿En general, puedo afirmar que en las clases de esta asignatura hay buen ambiente de colaboración entre los compañeros? ¿El profesor/a valora y estimula la participación de los estudiantes en la clase? ¿El profesor/a conoce el nombre del estudiante? ¿El profesor/a ha captado la diversidad del alumnado y ha respondido adecuadamente? ¿La relación entre los profesores y los alumnos/as ha sido adecuada, estando siempre accesible para aclaraciones, tutorías, reclamaciones, etc.? ¿El alumno/a ha aprovechado la asignatura? A continuación se realiza el proceso metodológico con el tratamiento estadístico SPSS con sus descriptivos de centralización, dispersión y distribución, para pasar posteriormente, a la discusión y sus conclusiones

    Impacts of Use and Abuse of Nature in Catalonia with Proposals for Sustainable Management

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    This paper provides an overview of the last 40 years of use, and in many cases abuse, of the natural resources in Catalonia, a country that is representative of European countries in general, and especially those in the Mediterranean region. It analyses the use of natural resources made by mining, agriculture, livestock, logging, fishing, nature tourism, and energy production and consumption. This use results in an ecological footprint, i.e., the productive land and sea surface required to generate the consumed resources and absorb the resulting waste, which is about seven times the amount available, a very high number but very similar to other European countries. This overexploitation of natural resources has a huge impact on land and its different forms of cover, air, and water. For the last 25 years, forests and urban areas have each gained almost 3% more of the territory at the expense of agricultural land; those municipalities bordering the sea have increased their number of inhabitants and activity, and although they only occupy 6.7% of the total surface area, they account for 43.3% of the population; air quality has stabilized since the turn of the century, and there has been some improvement in the state of aquatic ecosystems, but still only 36% are in good condition, while the remainder have suffered morphological changes and different forms of nonpoint source pollution; meanwhile the biodiversity of flora and fauna remains still under threat. Environmental policies do not go far enough so there is a need for revision of the legislation related to environmental impact and the protection of natural areas, flora, and fauna. The promotion of environmental research must be accompanied by environmental education to foster a society which is more knowledgeable, has more control and influence over the decisions that deeply affect it. Indeed, nature conservation goes hand in hand with other social and economic challenges that require a more sustainable vision. Today's problems with nature derive from the current economic model, which is environmentally unsustainable in that it does not take into account environmental impacts. Lastly, we propose a series of reasonable and feasible priority measures and actions related to each use made of the country's natural resources, to the impacts they have had, and to their management, in the hope that these can contribute to improving the conservation and management of the environment and biodiversity and move towards sustainability