15 research outputs found

    Gain Saturation in Gain-Guided Slab Waveguides with Large-Index Antiguiding

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    We investigate numerically and analytically the effects of gain saturation on the propagation of the fundamental mode in a gain-guided index-antiguided slab waveguide. The propagating mode adapts to gain saturation by becoming less confined, while at the same time its peak intensity increases more slowly. At steady state, both the mode shape and the power remain constant

    Precise Control of Highly Ordered Arrays of Nested Semiconductor/Metal Nanotubes

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    Lithographically defined microporous templates in conjunction with the atomic layer deposition (ALD) technique enable remarkable control of complex novel nested nanotube structures. So far three-dimensional control of physical process parameters has not been fully realized with high precision resolution, and requires optimization in order to achieve a wider range of potential applications. Furthermore, the combination of composite insulating oxide layers alternating with semiconducting layers and metals can provide various types of novel applications and eventually provide unique and advanced levels of multifunctional nanoscale devices. Semiconducting TiO2 nanotubes have potential applications in photovoltaic devices. The combination of nanostructured semiconducting materials with nested metal nanotubes has the potential to produce novel multifunctional vertically-ordered three-dimensional nanodevices. Platinum growth by ALD has been explored, covering the initial stages of the thin film nucleation process and the synthesis of high aspect ratio nanotube structures. The penetration depth of the Pt into porous templates having various pore sizes and aspect ratios has been investigated. Several multi-walled nested TiO2-Pt nanotubes in series have been successfully fabricated using microporous Si templates. These innovative nested nanostructures have the potential to produce novel multifunctional vertically-ordered three-dimensional nanodevices in photovoltaic and sensing technologies

    Is histogram manipulation always beneficial when trying to improve model performance across devices? Experiments using a Meibomian gland segmentation model

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    Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) is caused by abnormalities of the meibomian glands (MG) and is one of the causes of evaporative dry eye (DED). Precise MG segmentation is crucial for MGD-related DED diagnosis because the morphological parameters of MG are of importance. Deep learning has achieved state-of-the-art performance in medical image segmentation tasks, especially when training and test data come from the same distribution. But in practice, MG images can be acquired from different devices or hospitals. When testing image data from different distributions, deep learning models that have been trained on a specific distribution are prone to poor performance. Histogram specification (HS) has been reported as an effective method for contrast enhancement and improving model performance on images of different modalities. Additionally, contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE) will be used as a preprocessing method to enhance the contrast of MG images. In this study, we developed and evaluated the automatic segmentation method of the eyelid area and the MG area based on CNN and automatically calculated MG loss rate. This method is evaluated in the internal and external testing sets from two meibography devices. In addition, to assess whether HS and CLAHE improve segmentation results, we trained the network model using images from one device (internal testing set) and tested on images from another device (external testing set). High DSC (0.84 for MG region, 0.92 for eyelid region) for the internal test set was obtained, while for the external testing set, lower DSC (0.69–0.71 for MG region, 0.89–0.91 for eyelid region) was obtained. Also, HS and CLAHE were reported to have no statistical improvement in the segmentation results of MG in this experiment

    Gain Guiding in Large-Core Bragg Fibers

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    We theoretically analyze gain guiding in large-core Bragg fibers, to be used for large-mode-area laser amplifiers with single-transverse-mode operation. The signal is gain-guided in a low-index core, whereas the pump is guided by the photonic bandgap of the Bragg cladding to achieve good confinement. The high-index layers in the Bragg cladding are half-wave thick at the signal wavelength in order to eliminate Bragg reflection, reducing the Bragg fiber effectively to a step-index fiber for gain guiding

    Negative group velocity from resonances in two-dimensional phononic crystals

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    We investigate two routes to obtain negative group velocity bands in two-dimensional phononic crystal structures. The negative dispersion originates from the resonances of sub-wavelength building blocks and as such, the system should be regarded as acoustic metamaterials. The first kind of acoustic metamaterial exhibits effectively negative bulk modulus and negative mass density simultaneously. Monopolar and dipolar Mie resonances are combined to achieve an effective medium with negative refractive index. In particular, we present a double negative metamaterial for airborne sonic waves. We then show that we can obtain negative group velocity from quadrupole resonances, and the result is explained using the quasi-static approximation. The negative dispersion in quadrupole bands cannot be described by standard effective medium theories even though the frequency can be very low