37 research outputs found

    Recognition Pencitraan Pada Uang Kertas Untuk Mengetahui Keaslian Uang

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    ABSTRAKUang merupakan suatu alat tukar yang dapat diterima secara umum sebagai alat pembayaran bagi pembelian barang-barang dan jasa-jasa  serta kekayan berharga lainnya  serta untuk pembayaran utang.  Dengan dibutuhkannya uang dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, meningkat pula tindak kejahatan pemalsuan uang.Peredaran uang palsu (upal) dari tahun ke tahun terus mengalami peningkatan, untuk itu, diperlukan adanya suatu teknologi aplikasi yang dapat memb edakan dan mengetahui keaslian uang  tersebut.  Penelitian menggunakan pemrograman  java  dengan metode  k-means cluster ini dapat membantu orang dalam mengetahui keaslian uang.Kata Kunci : Uang, Citra Digital, K-Means ClusterMoney is a medium of exchange that is generally accepted as payment for the purchase of goods and services as well as other valuable wealth as well as for payment of debts. With the money needed in everyday life, so did the crime of counterfeiting money.Circulation of counterfeit money (upal) from year to year continues to increase, for it requires the existence of an application technology that can distinguish and determine the authenticity of the money. Research using java programming with k-means cluster method can help people in knowing the authenticity of money.Keywords: Money, Digital Image, K-Means Cluste


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    Syaiful Anwar, 2023 “Pemilihan Mobil Pick Up Bekas Untuk Pembuatan Food Truck Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)”. Laporan Skripsi Teknik Industri Fakultas Teknik Dan Ilmu Komputer Universitas Pancasakti Tegal. Banyaknya mobil pick up dengan merek dan keunggulannya masingmasing, mengakibatkan banyaknya persaingan antara merek dari setiap produk yang semakin tajam. setiap konsumen dapat memilih sesuai dengan selera daya belinya dan kualitas produk dengan harga jual yang lebih murah serta mesin yang bagus. Dalam menunjang pengambilan keputusan, maka dari itu penulis meneliti dan membandingkan beberapa kriteria mobil pick up bekas untuk pembuatan food truck. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Terdapat kriteria Harga dan Kualitas adalah kriteria yang paling berpengaruh dalam penelitian ini dengan bobot 0,633 dan kriteria Mesin dengan bobot 0,096. Kemudian pemilihan prioritas, Mobil Hijet adalah prioritas utama sebesar 0,3843, kedua ditempati oleh Mobil L300 sebesar 0,3353, ketiga ditempati oleh Mobil Kijang sebesar 0,1880 dan prioritas terakhir ditempati oleh Zebra sebesar 0,0924. Kata kunci: Pemilihan Merek Mobil Pick Up, Food Truck, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP

    Kurikulum dan Pendidikan (Merdeka Belajar Menurut Perspektif Humanism Arthur W Combs)

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    The Republic of Indonesia aims to educate the nation's life, one example is by continuing to develop an educational curriculum, because a good curriculum is believed to have a great influence on improving the quality of education. Today, independent learning is the latest development of the curriculum used by Indonesia based on the idea of ​​the Ministry of Education and Culture. Seeing how independent learning is formed as a new curriculum, giving rise to different perspectives, this study uses the Literature study method. In the previous study regarding the view of freedom of learning in the perspective of processivism according to John Dewey, in this study we will discuss the freedom of learning in the perspective of humanism according to Arthur W. Combs, which basically has similarities in democratic education, these two views also give freedom to students. to think, but in progressivism tends to see students as part of the social, while humanism sees students as whole human beings who are individualists

    Kontaminasi Logam Berat Merkuri (Hg) Dan Timbal (Pb) Pada Air, Sedimen Dan Ikan Selar Tetengkek (Megalaspis Cordyla L) Di Teluk Palu, Sulawesi Tengah

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    Palu bay waters is susceptible to heavy metal pollution due to the inclusion of the waste product of Palu city, and such as agriculture, and traditional mining. The objective of this research was to determine the contamination of heavy metals mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) in water, sediment, and torpedo scad fish (Megalaspis cordyla). Sampling was done purposively at 10 sampling points. Parameters of water quality measurements were done in the field for temperature, pH, brightness, turbidity, and dissolved oxygen (DO), and at laboratory analysis for salinity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), ammonia, and nitrates. Heavy metals were analized by following APHA, and Indonesian National Standard (SNI) methods. The results showed that Hg consentrations in water, sediment, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0008-0.0042 mg/l, 0.017-0.287 mg/kg, 0.007-0.145 mg/kg, 0.014-0.046 mg/kg, 0.052-0.106 mg/kg, and 0.043-0.414 mg/kg, respectively. Pb concentrations in water, sediments, gill, meat, liver, and spleen were 0.0130-0.0392 mg/l, 2.647-8.987 mg/kg, 0.132-0.775 mg/kg, 0.005-0.734 mg/kg, 0.295-1.871 mg/kg, and 1.654-12.92 mg/kg, respectively. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in the water had exceeded the specified quality standards, while in the sediment were still below the quality standards. The average of Hg and Pb concentrations in all observed fish organs were below the quality standards, except for Pb concentrations in gill, liver, and spleen

    Peningkatan Aktivitas Belajar Siswa dengan Metode Eksperimen pada Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam di SD

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    Ion : This Research aim to to increase activity learn educative by participant at study of IPA with experiment method in class of V SDN 05 Foreland of Ru. Method Research the used is descriptive. Pursuant to result of research can be concluded by Planning of Study of IPA object items and in character with experiment method at educative by participant at cycle of I obtained by mean score 2,72. At cycle of II obtained by mean score 3,18. From cycle of I and cycle of II natural of improvement 0,48. Execution of study at cycle of I obtained by mean score 2,7. At cycle of II obtained by mean score 3,6. From cycle of I and cycle of II natural of improvement 0,90. educative Physical participant activity, that is cycle of I 39,59 %, cycle of II 52,08 %. Make-Up of educative participant physical activity equal to 12,49 %. Activity bounce, that is cycle of I 33,33 %, cycle of II 58,33 %. Make-Up of activity bounce equal to 25 %. Emotional activity, that is cycle of I equal to 38,46 %, cycle of II 55,21 %. emotional Activity Improvement. equal to 16,75

    Evaluation of Microstructure High Chrome Austenitic Stainless-Steel grade 253MA after Creep Test at Temperature of 700°C

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    High Chrome Austenitic Stainless-Steel grade 253 MA is a material that widely used for high temperature. This is due the fact this material has excellent mechanical properties and creep resistance. However, changes in microstructure can occur in long-term use, which will affect the creep resistance (shortened service life of the material). The microstructure of High Chrome Austenitic Stainless-Steel 253 MA creep test specimens was investigated. Creep testing at a temperature of 700 °C with a loading of 150 MPa was carried out. The cold rolling process with 53% reduction in thickness was applied followed by annealing at 900°C, 1000°C, and 1100°C for 3600s to obtain different grain size. Grain size after annealing and after creep test was measured to see the effect of annealing temperature on the grain size of tested steel and to see its effect on creep resistance based on the creep test conducted. Grain size and morphology of the phase after creep test were observed by scanning electron microscope and optical microscop

    Development of X Ray Simulator Learning Media in Junior Aviation Security Course Based on MOOCS

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    The Aviation Security course is a course that must be followed by cadets of the Diploma 3 Airport Management study program. One of the materials in the Aviation security course is Operation of security equipment which contains aviation security equipment, namely X Ray machines. An X Ray machine is a tool used by aviation security personnel to check passengers' belongings. To achieve learning objectives, varied and independent learning resources are needed that are not limited in time and place. This research is motivated by the difficulty of cadets in understanding the material in the package book and the electronic media used is still limited to power point slides. Then to be able to find out the feasibility, response of cadets, educators and lecturers, as well as the effectiveness of MOOCS learning media will be carried out in this study. This research method uses a research and development (R&D) approach which is then adjusted to the needs of researchers, research methods used to produce certain products, and tests the effectiveness of these products. Researchers conduct research first to collect the required amount of data then develop the system and conduct testing and evaluation of the system created. This research was conducted at the Politeknik Penerbangan Palembang from April 2022 to October 2022

    Serapan Nitrogen dan Fosfor Tanaman Eceng Gondok sebagai Sumber Daya Pakan pada “Perairan“ yang Mendapatkan Kotoran Itik

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    The study aims to examine nitrogen and phosphor uptake of water hyacinth as forage resources in “water” by addition of duck manure. Experimental design used was Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with 5 treatments and 4 replications. Treatment applied were T0 = control, no duck manure addition; T1 = addition of 5 g/l of duck manure; T2 = addition of 10 g/l of duck manure; T3 = addition of 15 g/l of duck manure; T4 = addition of 20 g/l duck manure. Parameters observed are nitrogen uptake and phosphor uptake. Data were analyzed with Analysis of Variance and if there was a significant treatment effect data were continue analyzed by Tukey\u27s Honestly Significance Difference Test and Orthogonal Polynomial test. The results showed that the addition of duck manure affect uptake of nitrogen and phosphor (P <0.05). The uptake of N and P of water hyacinth with maximum levels occurred in 319,8159 mg the treatment of 20.00 g / l for the uptake of N and 607,9949 mg the treatment 20.00 g / l for the uptake of P