3,814 research outputs found


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    Nuclear as a weapon of mass destruction cannot be separated from the world political agenda. Various international agreements as a control mechanism on this issue are followed by the establishment of some security regimes for nuclear weapons-free areas. One of them is South East Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone (SEANWFZ) in Southeast Asia. Established in 1995, the treaty was finally ratified by ten ASEAN member states. This paper examines the political history of why ASEAN member states were willing to ratify SEANWFZ. By using the constructivism approach, the study underlines that the aspects of ideas and shared concerns on regional security have become vision in encouraging the ratification of the treaty. Moreover, understanding the political history could give the explanation of contemporary significance of the treaty, mainly it is in line with the idea to prevent military exercise by great powers in the region

    Gravity Model to Understand China International Trade: A Review Literature

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    Since its development, the gravity model of international trade has received some critics. However, there have been continuously studies using the model. This paper is a literature review by evaluating some scholarly works that analyse China's trajectory in doing its international trades. China is taken as a case study for the empirical course since the country has been maintaining its international trade with many countries. By doing so, this paper maintains that the gravity model still meets its relevance to understanding international trade patterns. It should also be noted that most studies use an augmented gravity model instead of the traditional one


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    This paper identifies the impact of foreign direct investment (FDI), the real effective exchange rate and the total labor force on the exports of Pakistan. A Double lag equation model for this investigation was developed in which FDI, exchange rate and labor force play a central role. The underlying conceptual framework of this paper reveals the positive impact of FDI and Labor force on exports of Pakistan while exchange rate shows negative impact. The distinguishing feature of this analysis is to encourage FDI and Effective Labor force which contribute to export development strategies of Pakistan.  To estimate the long run and short run connection among the variables, yearly data for the period ranging from 1990-2016 have been analyzed by using Johanson Co-integration and Vector Error Correction model have been applied to determine the response of variables on each other. The  result of this study shows that in the long run, FDI and Effective labor force play a vital role in the growth of Pakistan’s exports while in the short run, the influence of exchange rate are very effective for the promotion of exports.  It is recommended based on the study that Government should encourage FDI & TLF when developing the policy of trade

    Pengembangan Media Sosial Dalam Pelayanan Library 2.0 Di Perpustakaan Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo YOGYAKARTA

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    This study explains about social media development in the library 2.0 service based on Akademi Keperawatan Notokusumo Yogyakarta Library experience. The development of library 2.0 service aims to resolve the distance problem of library service. This study uses qualitative method with action research approach. From the research strategy, it shows that people are easier to be connected with social media Instagram rather than the others. However, the obstacle of this development comes from the librarians who are less experience to deal with social media owned by the library. The best solution is by holding some training in advance of social media management and social media communication

    Comparative analysis of conventional versus modern appraisal systems: an empirical evidence from telecom sector of Pakistan

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    Current study aims at investigating the comparison of online performance appraisal system in relation with Traditional paper and pencil based performance appraisal system on employees’ work outcome and behavior. In this way, the contemporary study will focus on major areas of online performance appraisal system and paper and pencil based performance appraisal system. The universe selected for this study is telecommunication industry of Pakistan and two stage sampling is used to conduct the study. First all the telecommunication and cellular companies were the population and then PTCL was finally selected for study purpose. The results showed that there is a significance difference between the responses of the manual and online respondents and it is very clear that the employees consider online based performance appraisal system to be more beneficial and accurate with respect to the above mentioned six constructs


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    This research investigates how serious Corporate Governance is taken by listed companies in Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX), as well as determining the reasons of why is not taken seriously by the ISX and listed companies. This study is conducted on Iraqi Stock Exchange with taking samples from each sectors of the Iraqi Stock Exchange. Secondary and primary data have been used in this study in order to collect quality information. The research has used a combination of questionnaire and interview to get an in-depth understanding of the study area. The theoretical sides of a serious Corporate Governance or its codes have been discussed by providing a frame work of Corporate Governance in Iraq and the authorities that have influence on listed companies by their regulations, laws and standards. Also, practical side of a serious Corporate Governance has been identified by analyzing the data. The results of this study showed that, Corporate Governance is taken serious in the Bank sector of the Iraqi Stock Exchange and is not taken serious in other sectors such as Insurance, Agricultural and Tourism. However, these results are based on the current available data and investigating, which leads the Iraqi Stock Exchange and companies to be questioned about their authentication

    Kebijkan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja di Masa Pandemi Covid 19 Prespektif Hukum Ketenagakerjaan

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    Pandemic Covid-19 yang telah terjadi membawa dampak nyata bagi aktivitas ekonomi yang mengarah kepada kebijakan hukum, hal tersebut adalah Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha karena mengalami kerugian sebagai akibat langsung atas adanya dampak dari pandemic Covid-19. Alasan yang digunakan dalam melakukan pemutusan hubungan kerja pada pandemic covid-19 adalah asas force majeur, bagaimana pemutusan hubungan kerja  menurut peraturan perundang-undangan, serta langkah apa yang telah dilakukan oleh pemerintah. Penelitian ini termasuk tipologi penelitian normative, yang mengacu kepada Peraturan Perundangan. Dan hasil dari penelitian ini adalah merujuk pada pasal 164 ayat (1) Undang-Undang No 13 Tahun 2003 pengusaha dapat mengunakan asas force majeur dalam pemutusan hubungan kerja, pengaturan Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja diatur dalam Undang-Undang No 13 Tahun 2003 pasal 164 dan  pasal 156 ayat 2, 3 dan 4. Kebijakan yang dilakukan pemerintah diantaranya; mengeluarkan surat edaran menteri ketenagakerjaan No M/3/HK.04/III/2020 tentang perlindungan pekerja/buruh dan kelangsungan usaha dalam rangka pencegahan dan penanggulangan Covid-19, adanya program kartu pra kerja serta dialog sosial.Kata kunci; Hukum Ketenagakerjaan. PHK, dan Covid-1

    Micropropagation of Calabrian pine (Pinus brutia Ten.)

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