45 research outputs found

    La composition et les méthodes secrètes des organes de sécurité soviétiques en Lituanie, 1940-1953.

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    RésuméIl est important d’identifier les activités et les objectifs réels des organes de sécurité des services secrets ainsi que les moyens qu’ils mettent en œuvre dans un État totalitaire. Dans cet article, nous examinons le rôle, les effectifs, la composition et quelques-unes des méthodes secrètes de la police politique (plus connue par la suite sous le nom de KGB) dans le processus de soviétisation de la Lituanie (c’est-à-dire, dans la création d’un terrain favorable à la réorganisation socio-politique de l’ancien État indépendant de Lituanie, à la réforme ou à la destruction de ses institutions) de 1940 à 1941 puis de 1944 à 1953.AbstractThe composition of Soviet security organs in Lithuania and their secret methods, 1940-1953.Defining the activities and real objectives of the secret services’ security organs and the methods they utilize in a totalitarian state is an important task. In the present article we study the role, staffing and composition of the political police and some of the secret methods it used in the Sovietization of Lithuania (that is, in the creation of a terrain propitious to the socio-political restructuring, the reform, or the destruction of the institutions of formerly independent Lithuania) in 1940-1941 and from 1944 to 1953

    Effect of variable rate seeding on winter wheat seedbed and germination parameters using soil apparent electrical conductivity

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    Due to the variability of soil characteristics in the field and the rising prices of high-quality seeds, farmers are increasingly interested in applying a system of precision variable rate seeding (VRS), which makes it easier to manage risks in crop production and allows to ensure the profitability of the farm. Most modern seed drills are equipped with a hydraulic or electric drive and a terminal in the tractor cabin, allowing farmers to apply VRS. The aim of this study was to determine the most appropriate seeding rate of winter wheat according to the measured apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) in the field, to investigate the uniformity of seed placement by layers in the soil and to evaluate the germination dynamics of winter wheat. Precision seeding was performed using a VRS map, generated from soil ECa data obtained by field surface scanning using the ECa device EM-38 MK2. Winter wheat seeding was implemented with a direct seed drill. The research was carried out by measuring the parameters of winter wheat seedbed and germinated plants, including the number and distribution of seeds in soil layers of different depths, germination, tillering. Field research was performed with 3 treatments and 4 repetitions (1 - uniform rate seeding; 2 - VRS; 3 - VRS + variable rate fertilisation (VRF)). The results of the research showed a direct relationship between the soil ECa and the depth of seed placement. Most seeds were inserted at medium depths (15-30 mm), except in the soil management zone, where ECa was highest (28.8 mS center dot m(-1)). In this area, most seeds (50.7%) were inserted shallowly up to 15 mm. The experimental results of seeding studies showed that using the VRS and VRS + VRF methods in all soil zones the germination of winter wheat was similar, while seeding at the uniform rate yielded significant differences between individual soil zones

    Counter-intelligence in a command economy

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    This article provides the first thick description of the counter-intelligence function in a command economy of the Soviet type. Based on documentation from Soviet Lithuania, the article considers the KGB (secret police) as a market regulator, commissioned to prevent the disclosure of secret government business and forestall the disruption of government plans. Where market regulation in open societies is commonly intended to improve market transparency, competition, and fair treatment of consumers and employees, KGB regulation was designed to enforce secrecy, monopoly, and discrimination. One consequence of KGB regulation of the labour market may have been adverse selection for talent. Here it is argued that the Soviet economy was designed to minimize costs

    The Substantiation of Concave Crossbars Design for Corn Ear Shelling

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    Eksperimentiniai tyrimai atlikti 2016–2019 metais Žemės ūkio mašinų technologinių procesų tyrimų laboratorijoje stacionariu tangentiniu stendu, kurio kūlimo būgno skersmuo yra 0,8 m. Pasirengiant tyrimams, buvo nustatytas 32 mm arba 35 mm tarpas tarp kūlimo būgno spragilo ir burbuolės apačios (stalo paviršiaus). Būgno spragilo linijinis greitis (12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17 m s-1) buvo nustatytas įtampos dažnio keitikliu. Tyrimai atlikti su šešiomis skirtingų formų (8; 10 ir 12 mm aukščio) skersinėmis juostomis, kurios montuojamos stende. Tyrimų rezultatai parodė, kad skersinės juostos darbinio paviršiaus forma sąlygoja kukurūzų grūdų sužalojimą. Kuliant sausas kukurūzų burbuoles, grūdų sužalojimą galima sumažinti (nesumažinant grūdų separacijos nuo burbuolės šerdies) javų kombaino pobūgnyje įprastas užapvalinto darbinio paviršiaus skersines juostas pakeitus į tokias, kurių paviršius yra nuožulnus (28°–36° posvyrio kampo).The experimental research was conducted in 2016–2019 at the Laboratory for Analysis of Technological Processes of Agricultural Machinery using a stationary tangential single-cylinder threshing unit with one rasp bar and the cylinder diameter of 0.8 m. The crossbars of six different designs (8; 10; 12 mm height) were manufactured for the research. The clearance between the threshing cylinder rasp bar and bottom of concave crossbar (bottom of corn ear) was from 32 mm and 35 mm. The linear speed of rasp bar (12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17 m s-1) was set by a variable frequency drive. The studies of corn ears threshing have shown that the shape of the concave cross bars surface have a significant influence on the grain damage while grain detachment from the cobs remains similar. For dry corn ear threshing it would be reasonable to use the concave equipped with oblique cross bars (surface angle 28° – 36°).Žemės ūkio inžinerijos fakultetasŽemės ūkio inžinerijos ir saugos instituta

    KGB reakcija į 1972 m. įvykius

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    On 16 June 1969, 50 operative employees in Kaunas had 401 agents with whom they met in 59 apartments. Agents included: 116 engineers and technical workers, 80 servants, 73 workers, 52 teachers, 22 scientists and artists, 18 priests and 30 students. According to KGB, “Kaunas events gave a certain impetus for the growth of Anti-Soviet and nationalist campaigns”. Their number increased by three to four times across Lithuania. A similar level remained in 1973. Only starting with 1974, youth activeness was suppressed. The manifestations of the direct influence of Kaunas events, recorded by KGB, were very diverse. KGB and party structures had been prepared for these cases: every time they repeated conclusions about people who were ill with schizophrenia, alcohol abuse or were simply insane. KGB presented the following conclusions: first, hardly one-sixth of young people, who underwent preventive measures in 1972, had among their relatives former deportees or political prisoners, a large share of them belonged to the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League (thus unreliable youth who underwent ideological measures); second, available data do not show that youth unrest in Kaunas has been inspired from the West. Since then May 14 has become a day of constant tension and keeping watch for Soviet security not only in Kaunas, but also across the entire Lithuania. Every year they anticipated youth protests, yet these did not occur. In subsequent years such drastic forms of protest almost disappeared not only due to the negative attitude to self-immolation, actively formed by KGB, but also due to the ambiguous position of the large share of society concerning suicide, regardless of its causes

    Development and role of the underground and alternative press (1944-1987)

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    Straipsnyje analizuoja 1944-1987 m. Lietuvos pogrindžio spaudos leidyba ir platinimas, išryškinami jos žanrai ir tipologija, įvertinama jos reikšmė visuosmenei. Sovietmečiu siekiant atsispirti nutautinimui, išlaikyti istorinę atmintį, tikėjimą, atmesti valdžios brukamą gyvenseną ir ideologiją, ginti žmogaus teises reikėjo spaudos, kuri atspindėtų realius gyvenimo reiškinius. 1944 metais tokių uždavinių įgyvendinimo ėmėsi ginkluoto pasipriešinimo dalyviai. Partizanų apygardos ir rinktinės leido laikraščius, įvairius proginius atsišaukimus, kuriuos platino tarp gyventojų. Spaudoje buvo aprašomi svarbesni vietos įvykiai, baudėjų įvykdytos egzekucijos, partizanų kovos, paminimos valstybinės ir religinės šventės. Daugelis partizanų kūrė eilėraščius ir dainas, rašė dienoraščius. Nuo partizaninio karo pabaigos iki 1972 m. labiausiai paplitusi pasipriešinimo forma buvo lokalios pogrindžio organizacijos ir grupės, kurios dažniausiai buvo K G B atskleidžiamos joms išleidus pirmąjį laikraščio numerį ar vos vieną kartą išplatinus atsišaukimus. Sektinu pavyzdžiu pasirodė rusų disidentų Maskvoje nuo 1965 m. leidžiamas savilaidos informacinis leidinys „Chronika tekuščich sobytij“ (Einamųjų įvykių kronika), kuris spausdindavo informaciją ir apie įvykius Lietuvoje bei kitose respublikose. 1972-ųjų kovo 19 d. pasirodęs pirmasis Lietuvos Katalikų bažnyčios kronikos (toliau tekste - „Kronika") numeris buvo naujo pasipriešinimo sovietinei totalitarinei sistemai etapo pradžia. Lietuvos pogrindžio spauda gausumu, ypač 1975-1980 metų laikotarpiu, išsiskyrė visoje Rytų Europoje.The Lithuania underground press printing and distribution in the period of 1944-87 are analysed in the article, with its genres and typology highlighted, its social importance assessed. During the soviet times, press reflecting actual life was highly needed in order to resist denationalisation, to preserve historical memory, faith, to reject the style of living forced by the authorities, to protect human rights. In 1944, the fighters of the armed resistance committed themselves to fulfil this task. Partisans' counties and units published newspapers, various occasional proclamations, which were distribution among the population. Major local events, executions committed by the authorities, partisans' fights were described, national and religious celebrations were mentioned in the press. Majority of partisans were writing poems and songs, diaries. From the end of the partisan war till 1972, the most popular form of resistance was local underground organisations and groups, which usually were exposed by the KGB once the first issue of their newspaper was published or once their proclamations were distributed for the first time. The example to be followed was independent information publication called "Chronika Tekuschtschich Sobytij" (Chronicles of the Current Events) issued by the Russian dissidents in Moscow since 1965, where information also about the events taking place in Lithuania and other republics was published. The first issue of the Lithuanian Chronicle of the Catholic Church published on 19 March 1972 (hereinafter referred to as the Chronicle) marked the beginning of the new stage of the resistance to the soviet totalitarian regime. The Lithuanian underground press stood out from the whole Eastern Europe by its abundance, in particular, in the period 1975-1980

    Tiesos sakymas

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    Does the telling of Truth affects the public? Undoubtedly, the answer is yes, and as an example Reform Movement of Lithuania could be provided. On the one hand, the statement of truth met the expectations of the late Soviet-era Lithuanian society, which supported the Reform Movement of Lithuania. On the other hand, the Reform Movement of Lithuania was noticed by the KGB, and it is a pleasure to see that such operations as the secret plan "Metel" ("Snowstorm") at the end of 1989 were not realised. The events of March 11 saved us from plans that could have claimed more sacrifices than January 13th. However, at the end of March 1990, the KGB tone has changed. Only the statement of truth broke the pillars of the Soviet government in Lithuania - the LKP, the KGB and the Soviet Army. Whatever would be told about the thing that Lithuania did not succeed in gaining real independence after the March 11th, but only after the Moscow putsch - facts show something else. The restored independent state of Lithuania overcame repressive Soviet structures, but the plans drawn up by both institutions need to be discussed openly. After the restoration of the independence of the Republic of Lithuania, the KGB has been evaluated as a repressive institution of the occupational power in the legal acts of Lithuania. Again, the weapon tested by the Reform Movement of Lithuania could serve itself - the telling of truth, but it was turned to another path. The lack of publicity in the allocation of persons with undisclosed and not publicly evaluated non-representative biographical facts to the authorities responsible for national security has turned the KGB reserve into a public scandal. Unrecognisable destructive consequences, the past is separated from today, by abandoning the only criterion and the most important defeat of the Reform Movement of Lithuania — the statement of Truth

    Investigation of energy potential for small scale farm biogas plant

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    Šiame darbe atliktas smulkaus ūkio biodujų jėgainės, dirbančios kintančiu apkrovos režimu, energinio potencialo tyrimas, kurio metu nustatytas ūkininko sodybos šiluminės energijos ir gamybai tinkamų žaliavų poreikis bei potencialas. Nustatyta, kad smulkaus ūkio metinis šiluminės energijos poreikis siekia 52 tūkst. kWh, o metinis biodujų gamybos potencialas yra apie 10100 m3. Prognozuojami biodujų gamybos pokyčiai yra 5-70 m3/parą ribose, kai didžiausią biodujų kiekį prognozuojama pagaminti iš galvijų mėšlo – 71%, iš bulvių – 27,9% ir 0,1% iš pašarinių runkelių. Eksperimentiniai tyrimai atlikti Vytauto Didžiojo Universitete Žemės Ūkio Akademijoje, biodujų laboratorijoje horizontaliame biodujų reaktoriuje. Žaliavai naudotas galvijų mėšlas. Eksperimentas vykdytas mezofilinėje aplinkoje, palaikant 38±0,5 oC temperatūrą ir esant 1 ir 2 kg/m3 reaktoriaus organinėms apkrovoms. Nustatyta, kad keičiant reaktoriaus organinę apkrovą biodujų išeiga skiriasi ir mažinant įkrovos masę biodujų gamyba proporcingai nemažėja. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad iš 1 tonos galvijų mėšlo galima pagaminti 228 kWh šiluminės energijos.This paper presents an energy potential study for small scale biogas plant working under a changing load mode. Demand for the thermal energy of the farmstead and the potential and need of raw materials suitable for production while working under the changing load mode were estimate. It has been established that the annual heat demand of a small scale farm is 52 thousand kWh, and the annual biogas production potential is about 10100 m3. Estimated changes in biogas production are in the range from 5 to 70 m3 / day, with the highest biogas quantity projected from cattle manure – 71%, potatoes – 27,9% and 0,1% for fodder beet. The experimental research was carried out in the Biogas laboratory at Agriculture Academy of Vytautas Magnus University on a horizontal biogas reactor. Cattle manure was used as raw material for experiments. The experiments were performed in mesophilic conditions, maintaining a temperature of 38 ± 0.5 ° C and an organic load of 1 and 2 kg / m3 of reactor volume. It has been found that changing the organic load of the reactor results in different biogas yields and the proportion of biogas production is not reduced by decreasing the load mass. The results of the study showed that from 1 tonne of livestock manure converted to biogas can generate 228 kWh of thermal energy.Žemės ūkio inžinerijos fakultetasEnergetikos ir biotechnologijų inžinerijos instituta