282 research outputs found


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    Os conceitos de responsabilidade socioambiental, desenvolvimento econômico, desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade são muito abrangentes. O principal objetivo desse artigo é apresentar os temas responsabilidade socioambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável e sustentabilidade. Os conceitos de desenvolvimento sustentável são apresentados juntamente com o desenvolvimento econômico devido à constatação que a manutenção do modelo de desenvolvimento atual é depreciativa, tanto em termos ambientais como em termos econômicos e socioambientais. O desenvolvimento sustentável, nesse sentido apresenta uma nova forma de se promover o desenvolvimento mundial, equilibrando as necessidades de resultados financeiros com a preservação do ecossistema terrestre e a melhoria da qualidade de vida das populações atuais e futuras. Embora na teoria do poluidor pagador, o desenvolvimento sustentável se apresente de forma viável, a sua execução é complexa, exigindo a coordenação e a colaboração de diversos agentes econômicos

    Intra-luminal fibrosarcoma in the cranial vena cava of a dog

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    The present study refers to a male animal from the canine species, of indefinite breed, about 12 years old, that for several days had been presenting edema of the head and cervical region, including the former limbs and sternum region. Clinical examination showed high temperature (39,5 °C ) bilateral purulent nasal discharge, mixed dyspnea, besides inappetence and prostration. Radiographic examination was impaired by the animal's condition at the time; other tests performed gave no Information suggesting a circulatory obstruction near the cranial cava. Necropsy revealed a tumor of about 4x2x2 cm located in the luminal cranial cava vein. Histological examination showed it to be a fibrosarcoma.O relato refere-se a animal da espécie canina, sem raça definida, com aproximadamente 12 anos de idade, que há dias apresentava edema de cabeça, região cervical, atingindo inclusive os membros anteriores e região do esterno. O exame físico mostrava ainda temperatura retal 39,5°C, corrimento nasal bilateral purulento, dispneia mista, além de inapetência e prostração. O quadro radiográfico foi prejudicado pelo estado em que o animal se apresentava e os demais exames não forneceram informações que auxiliassem a elucidar o quadro clínico, sugerindo tratar-se de obstrução circulatória na altura da cava cranial. O exame necroscópico mostrou tumoração de aproximadamente 4 x2 x2 cm localizada no lúmen da veia cava cranial que, ao exame histológico, demonstrou tratar-se de fibrossarcoma

    Root system of ‘BRS Platina’ banana under irrigation levels and planting densities

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    Banana production stands out in Brazilian semiarid agriculture; however, due to little availability of water resources, associating water-saving technologies with knowledge on parameters involved in the interplay between plants and soil is critical to improving banana production systems. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of planting densities and irrigation levels on root length density of ‘BRS Platina’ banana and to correlate root parameters to crop yield and leaf area. A randomized block design was used, with factors arranged in split plots and treatments replicated three times: four irrigation levels (55%, 70%, 85% and 100% ETc) were assigned to plots and four planting densities (1,600; 2,000; 2,666; and 3,333 plants ha-1) to subplots. Root length density (RLD) was measured at five distances from the pseudostem, longitudinally to a row of plants: 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 and 1.10 m; and at three depths for each distance: 0 to 0.20 m, 0.20 to 0.40 m and 0.40 to 0.60 m from surface level. Root length densities were highest at 100% ETc irrigation level and at 2,666 plants ha-1 and 3,333 plants ha-1, within 0.31 m deep and within 0.78 m of the pseudostem. Irrigation interacts with root system, and coupled with higher planting densities, contributes to increasing crop yields of ‘BRS Platina’ banana plants.A bananicultura se destaca no setor agrícola do semiárido brasileiro, no entanto, com a baixa disponibilidade de água, torna-se necessário a associação de tecnologias que proporcionem alta eficiência de uso da água, e o conhecimento de parâmetros que inter-relacionam o sistema planta-solo é relevante para indicação de um sistema de produção. Assim, objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a densidade de comprimento de raízes de bananeira ‘BRS Platina’ sob diferentes densidades de plantio e lâminas de irrigação e as correlações com produtividade e área foliar. O delineamento experimental foi em blocos casualizados, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas, com três repetições, sendo quatro lâminas de irrigação (55%, 70%, 85% e 100% da ETc) na parcela e quatro densidades de plantio diferentes (1.600, 2.000, 2.666 e 3.333 plantas por hectare) na subparcela. A densidade de comprimento de raízes (DCR) foi analisada em cinco distâncias do pseudocaule, longitudinalmente à linha de plantas: 0,10 m, 0,25 m, 0,50 m, 0,75 m e 1,10 m e em três profundidades para cada distância: de 0 a 0,20 m, de 0,20 a 0,40 m e de 0,40 a 0,60 m da superfície do solo. Os maiores valores de DCR foram encontrados sob lâmina de irrigação de 100% da ETc, nas densidade de plantio de 2.666 plantas ha-1 e 3.333 plantas ha-1, em até 0,31 m de profundidade e até 0,78 m de distância do pseudocaule. A irrigação apresenta interação com sistema radicular que juntamente com a densidade de plantio contribuem para aumento da produtividade da ‘BRS Platina’

    Sexual function after anterior vaginal wall prolapse surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to compare female sexual function after surgical treatment of anterior vaginal prolapse with either small intestine submucosa grafting or traditional colporrhaphy. METHODS: Subjects were randomly assigned, preoperatively, to the small intestine submucosa graft (n = 29) or traditional colporrhaphy (n = 27) treatment group. Postoperative outcomes were analyzed at 12 months. The Female Sexual Function Index questionnaire was used to assess sexual function. Data were compared with independent samples or a paired Student's t-test. RESULTS: In the small intestine submucosa group, the total mean Female Sexual Function Index score increased from 15.5±7.2 to 24.4±7.5 (p<0.001). In the traditional colporrhaphy group, the total mean Female Sexual Function Index score increased from 15.3±6.8 to 24.2±7.0 (p<0.001). Improvements were noted in the domains of desire, arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction, and pain. There were no differences between the two groups at the 12-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Small intestine submucosa repair and traditional colporrhaphy both improved sexual function postoperatively. However, no differences were observed between the two techniques.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Gynecology Section of Urogynecology and Pelvic SurgeryUNIFESP, Department of Gynecology Section of Urogynecology and Pelvic SurgerySciEL

    Futebol feminino de competição: uma análise das tendências do comportamento das mulheres/atletas em competir, vencer e estabelecer metas

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    Soccer has transcended the barrier of genders, increasing women's interest in practicing such sport. The main objective of this study is to analyze, in the environment of female soccer teams, the athletes' perception on the individual tendencies of competitive behavior to win, compete and establish goals, as well as to identify the existing relation between age groups and practice time. The sample consisted of 113 female athletes (21.27 ± 3.69 years) of 10 soccer teams who were evaluated by means of the Exploratory Descriptive Method using the tool Behavioral Inventory for the Evaluation of Competitive Tendencies known as ACS2, on the domains Competing (TQ1), Winning (TQ2) and Establishing Goals (TQ3), which are parts of the ACS System. Spearman's correlation coefficient was used for the statistical analyses with a significance level of p < 0.05. The results show that athletes older than 26 with 13 years of practice and over obtained the highest values for the correlations, being respectively, rs = 0.53 and rs = 0.35 for TQ1, and rs = 0.50 and rs = 0.36 for TQ3. The TQ2 domain presented values which were the closest to those among the age groups. It has been observed that age and practice times appear to be predictors of the possible increase in the behavioral tendencies when it comes to winning. The athletes' attributions, which guide them to the competition aimed at winning before they are committed to the goals they intend to reach, may change the context of the individual values inherent to the sport. The results suggest that, in order to the athletes achieve a stance of highlight in terms of performance, they should undergo a continuous and prolonged practice, which in turn means a longer practice time and older age.O Futebol transcendeu a barreira dos gêneros aumentando o interesse das mulheres em praticá-lo. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar, no ambiente de equipes de futebol de campo feminino, a percepção das atletas sobre as tendências individuais de comportamento competitivo em vencer, competir e estabelecer metas, e ainda identificar o nível de associação existente entre a faixa etária e o tempo de prática. Para tanto 113 atletas (faixa etária 21,27 ± 3,69) pertencentes a 10 equipes de futebol de campo foram avaliadas por meio do método Exploratório Descritivo utilizando o instrumento "ACS2" - Inventário Comportamental para Avaliação de Tendências Competitivas em: Competir (TQ1), Vencer (TQ2) e Estabelecer Metas (TQ3) - pertencente ao "Sistema ACS". Os recursos da estatística não-paramétrica (Correlação de Spearman e Teste Kruskal-Wallis) foram empregados na análise de dados. Os resultados apontaram que as atletas com idade superior a 26 anos e com 13 anos ou mais de tempo de prática obtiveram os maiores valores para as correlações, sendo respectivamente rs = 0,53 e rs = 0,35 para o TQ1, e rs = 0,50 e rs = 0,36 para TQ3. O TQ2 foi a que apresentou os valores mais próximos entre os grupos etários. Observa-se que a idade e tempo de prática parecem ser preditoras para o possível aumento nas tendências comportamentais em vencer. As atribuições das atletas direcionando-as para o ato de competir voltado para vitória, antes de estarem determinadas para as metas que querem alcançar, podem alterar a contextualização dos valores individuais inerentes ao esporte. Os indicativos finais sugerem que para uma atleta atingir um nível de destaque no rendimento, a sua prática deve ser contínua e prolongada, o que por sua vez significa maior Tempo na Prática e uma maior Idade

    Perfil psicológico e comportamental de agressores sexuais de crianças

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    CONTEXTO: A prática de abuso sexual contra crianças é um fenômeno universal. Ela ocorre em todos os tempos e lugares e atinge todas as classes socioeconômicas. Enquanto a maioria dos estudos investiga as vítimas, os poucos estudos sobre agressores se concentram principalmente em dados demográficos. OBJETIVO: Apresentar revisão da literatura quanto à classificação de molestadores sexuais de crianças, de acordo com o perfil psicológico e comportamental. MÉTODOS: Revisão da literatura e discussão do material utilizado. RESULTADOS: Apresentação das principais classificações dos criminosos sexuais contra crianças, identificando as tipologias mais utilizadas com suas possíveis contribuições à psiquiatria e à psicologia forense. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização do perfil psicológico em crimes sexuais é de fundamental relevância no contexto médico-legal, mas ainda carece de bases científicas mais sólidas.BACKGROUND: Sexual violence against children is a universal problem, occurring since ever, everywhere and regardless the socio-economic status. Whist most studies have been dedicated to the victim of such crime, there is little information regarding their perpetrators, which is largely limited to the description of demographic data. OBJECTIVE: Review the literature regarding children sexual aggressors according to psychological and behavioral profile. METHODS: Literature review and discussion. RESULTS: Presentation of the major classifications of offenders, pointing out the most widely used ones and the implications to forensic psychiatry and psychology. CONCLUSION: The psychological and behavioral profile use is very important for medico-legal practice, but still needs better scientific validation

    Efficiency of entomopathogenic nematodes and chemical insecticides against Sphenophorus levis and Leucothyreus sp. on sugarcane

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    The sugarcane billbug, Sphenophorus levis (Coleoptera: Dryophthoridae), is an important pest of sugarcane crops in the São Paulo State, Brazil. Their larvae damage plants rhizome, causing losses of up to 30 t ha-1 year-1 of sugarcane. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of entomopathogenic nematodes and chemical insecticides against the sugarcane billbug and the scarab beetle Leucothyreus sp., three field trials were carried out in Brazil. For the first one, 10 treatments were considered: 1) thiametoxan (Actara 250WG) 500 g ha-1 of commercial product (c.p.); 2) thiametoxan 1.0 kg ha-1 c.p.; 3) thiametoxan 1.5 kg ha-1 c.p.; 4) Steinernema brazilense 108 infective juveniles (IJ) ha-1 + thiametoxan 250 g ha-1 c.p.; 5) S. brazilense (108 IJ ha-1) + thiametoxan 500 g ha-1 c.p.; 6) Heterorhabditis indica (108 IJ ha-1) + thiametoxan 250 g ha-1 c.p; 7) H. indica (108 IJ ha-1) + thiametoxan 500 g ha-1 c.p.; 8) S. brazilense (108 IJ ha-1); 9) H. indica (108 IJ ha-1); and 10) Control. The second one consisted of five treatments: 1) thiametoxan (Actara 250WG) 800 g ha-1 c.p.; 2) fipronil (Regente 800WG) 250 g ha-1 c.p.; 3) S. brazilense (108 IJ ha-1); 4) S. brazilense (108 IJ ha-1) + thiametoxan 200 g ha-1 c.p.; and 5) Control. In the third one, all treatments already mentioned for the second trial plus the mixture S. brazilense (108 IJ ha-1) + fipronil (Regente 800WG) 62.5 g ha-1 c.p. were considered. All treatments with the insecticides and nematodes provided higher sugarcane yield, when compared to their respective controls, which were most damaged by S. levis, but without statistical significance. S. brazilense was more efficient on controlling this pest, if compared to H. indica, but without statistical significance. S. brazilense provided a 50% control of Leucothyreus sp. larvae, meanwhile the best treatments against this scarab were the mixtures of this nematode with fipronil (78%) and thiametoxan (83%)

    Study of the best condition for the use of combined drying technologies in artisanal noodle pasta, to improve the technological characteristic and consequent retention of nutrientes

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    Pasta is a popular food item that is produced in several shapes and dimensions. Therefore, the industry and research need updates regarding novel technologies applicable to the processing of new products. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of drying pasta arranged in nests using a convective dryer combined with a microwave oven and that influence the offer of a more nutritious product for the consumer. An experimental design was carried out in five assays with varying conditions of drying temperature and microwave oven power. After drying, moisture analyses were performed to assess whether or not the samples were in accordance with the legislation (moisture content not higher than 13%). Technological quality analyses were also carried out. Assay 5 (60°C / 107 W) led to the best drying condition, as indicated by the lowest loss of soluble solids and the shortest cooking time. Thus, this condition is considered ideal for conducting further research on the development and shelf life evaluations of pasta

    Alternative extraction of alkaloid anticarcinogens from Brazilian "vinca rosea" using Ion exchange chromatography

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    Extracts in ethanol and ethanol-ammonia of dried leaves from Catharanthus roseus, gathered at Rio de Janeiro state, were adsorbed in a strongly acidic cation exchange resin with sulfonic acid group, using the finite bath method, resulting in an alkaloid retained fraction and an acidic and neutral unretained fraction. High Performance Liquid Chromatography showed the isolation of the alkaloid fraction to be highly selective and with good performance, with an absence of alkaloids in the unretained fraction, while the retained fraction presented 1,54-6,35 mg/g of vindoline and 0,12-0,91 mg/g of vinblastine, common for an alkaloid-rich concentrate, usually obtained by classic extraction with several steps using solvents