615 research outputs found

    Family Climate and Adolescent Aggression: An Analysis of their Relationships

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    The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between family functioning (problem solving, communication, roles, affective responsiveness, affective involvement, behaviour control and general functioning) and the development of different expressions of aggressive behaviour in adolescents. Data were collected from a sample of 722 Spanish adolescents who completed the Family Assessment Device and the self-report form of the Children’s Social Behavior Scale. Regression analyses confirmed the specific influence of different dimensions of family functioning on specific types of aggressive behaviour in adolescents. These findings pointed out that a better understanding of family functioning dimensions is necessary in order to design specific interventions for aggressive adolescents

    The McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) dimensions involved in the prediction of adolescent depressive symptoms and their mediating role in regard to socioeconomic status

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    Family functioning plays an important role in explaining the high prevalence of depressive symptoms in adolescents and it is necessary to identify the family functioning characteristics responsible for this relationship. In turn, while socioeconomic status (SES) is associated with adolescent depressive symptoms, the mechanisms that explain this relationship are largely unknown. In this study, we used the McMaster Family Assessment Device (FAD) to obtain a picture of the family functioning dimensions that genuinely contribute to explaining the relationship between family functioning and adolescent depressive symptoms and analyzed the mediating effect of family functioning on the impact of SES on depressive symptoms. Regression-based conditional process analysis was used with a sample of 636 adolescents aged 12–17 years. Pratt's measures in regression analyses showed that 95% of the variance in depressive symptoms was accounted for by three of the six FAD dimensions: the ability to experience and express emotions appropriately—Affective Responsiveness— the ability to maintain adequate involvement among family members—Affective Involvement—and the ability to set and abide by rules and standards of behavior— Behavioral Control. Results also showed that the impact of SES on depressive symptoms was mediated by the existence of clear expectations about standards of behavior and behavioral patterns for handling family tasks—Behavioral Control and Roles—and, for the boys, by experiencing and expressing emotions appropriately. The results emphasize the importance of affect and clear-cut family rules to prevent adolescent depressive symptoms and suggest that the existence of family rules and roles buffer the impact of SES on adolescent wellbeingFunding for open access charge: University of Malaga/CBU

    Red Internacional de Centros Universitarios para la investigación y el desarrollo de la enseñanza de las Ciencias y las Tecnologías

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    Entendemos que la gestión excede al propio gobierno institucional y a sus mecanismos de diálogo con sus actores internos. Implica y subsume a la gestión del conocimiento y ésta fortalece el desarrollo de las competencias propias de las carreras que se imparten en las unidades académicas. La integración cooperativa de Instituciones universitarias de América Latina y de otras regiones, debe promover mejoras en la producción, gestión y difusión del conocimiento. La Red Internacional pone el foco en el intercambio y el trabajo colaborativo entre gobiernos y docentes universitarios, para atender problemáticas vinculadas con la calidad de los procesos que potencian una mejor formación de los futuros egresados en carreras afines. Se asienta sobre las bases de un excelente saber disciplinar y una mejora de las mediaciones del conocimiento, para avanzar hacia un modelo educativo basado en competencias. Atiende a la propia cultura universitaria, a los docentes que en ella se desempeñan, al currículo y sus concreciones y a los estudiantes y su formación integral. Tiene como meta la participación de Universidades de la región que se comprometan a canalizar a través de la Red, las problemáticas centrales del quehacer universitario, a compartir logros y desajustes y a diseñar en conjunto líneas de investigación, proyectos de innovación y mecanismos de difusión. Son pilares de este trabajo: la investigación comparativa, la transferencia social, el desarrollo estratégico de acciones remediales y la innovación educativa

    Homeostasis en la ciencia escolar: análisis del tema y resultados de una propuesta para su trabajo en el aula

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    El trabajo presenta un breve repaso del nacimiento del concepto de homeostasis en la historia de la fisiología. Se ha realizado un estudio de aula con estudiantes de tercer curso de secundaria apreciando las dificultades que estos presentan para construir una visión holista del concepto de homeostasis. La ciencia escolar porta una iconicidad múltiple, derivada del lenguaje experto,  que en muchos casos se revela como un obstáculo para el aprendizaje de los estudiantes novatos. Siendo la homeostasis un concepto básico en la estructura del curriculum nacional se hace una llamada para ahondar en su investigación didáctica.The paper shows a brief overview of the origin of the concept of homeostasis in Physiology. We have conducted a study of classroom with high school students appreciating the difficulties that these presented to build a vision of the concept of homeostasis holistic. School science has multiple iconicity, derived from the expert language, which in many cases is revealed to be an obstacle for the novice student learning. Being the homeostasis a basic concept in the structure of the national curriculum, we made a call for research in this topic

    Upgrading edges in the maximal covering location problem

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    We study the upgrading version of the maximal covering location problem with edge length modifications on networks. This problem aims at locating p facilities on the vertices (of the network) so as to maximise coverage, considering that the length of the edges can be reduced at a cost, subject to a given budget. Hence, we have to decide on: the optimal location of p facilities and the optimal edge length reductions. This problem is NP-hard on general graphs. To solve it, we propose three different mixed-integer formulations and a preprocessing phase for fixing variables and removing some of the constraints. Moreover, we strengthen the proposed formulations including valid inequalities. Finally, we compare the three formulations and their corresponding improvements by testing their performance over different datasets. © 2022 The Author(s

    Case study about behaviour and eating habits in children of preschool education

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    Monográfico: Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de las Ciencias Experimentales y las Matemáticas. Coordinación: Alicia Fernández Oliveras y María Luisa Oliveras Contreras. Universidad de GranadaRecepción: 12 de abril de 2015 | Revisión: 30 de mayo de 2015 | Aceptación/Publicación: 24 de julio de 2015Correspondencia: [email protected] | [email protected] finalidad, de este estudio de casos, es intentar conocer si el comportamiento de los niños influye en las conductas en la alimentación, en la etapa de Educación Infantil, tanto en casa como en el colegio. Para ello hemos observado 4 casos distintos, niños de entre 3 y 4 años de Educación Infantil. Los métodos utilizados para poder llevarlo a cabo son: Observación directa de los sujetos; Realización de cuestionarios para los padres y análisis de los datos reflejados en los mismos; Análisis de los cuestionarios realizados por la profesora, a los padres, al inicio del curso escolar; Información obtenida de la profesora; Información facilitada por los padres. Este estudio nos lleva a comprobar que sí influye el comportamiento de los niños en las conductas de alimentación, en la etapa de Educación Infantil.The objective of this case study is to try to know if the behavior of children influences feeding behavior, in the period of preschool education, at home and at school. For this we have looked at 4 different cases, children between 3 and 4 years of preschool education. The methods used to carry it out were: Direct observation of subjects; Realization of questionnaires produced by the teacher, the parents, the beginning of the school year; Information from teacher; Information provided by parents. This study brings us to confirm that the behavior of children influences feeding behavior in preschool education.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Psicología Social. Proyecto de Innovación Docente ReiDoCre

    Teaching differently: The digital signal processing of multimedia content through the use of liberal arts

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    Generally, the curriculum design for undergraduate students enrolled in digital signal processing (DSP)-related engineering programs covers hard topics from specific disciplines, namely, mathematics, digital electronics, or programming. Typically, these topics are very demanding from the point of view of both students and teachers due to the inherent complexity of the mathematical formulations. However, improvements to the effectiveness of teaching can be achieved through a multisensorial approach supported by the liberal arts. By including the development of art and literacy skills in the curriculum design, the fundamentals of DSP topics may be taught from a qualitative perspective, compared to the solely analytical standpoint taken by traditional curricula. We postulate that this approach increases both the comprehension and memorization of abstract concepts by stimulating students' creativity and curiosity. In this article, we elaborate upon a methodology that incorporates liberal arts concepts into the teaching of signal processing techniques. We also illustrate the application of this methodology through specific classroom activities related to the digital processing of multimedia contents in undergraduate academic programmes. With this proposal, we also aim to lessen the perceived difficulty of the topic, stimulate critical thinking, and establish a framework within which nonengineering departments may contribute to the teaching of engineering subjects.This research is part of the 17th Call to Support Experiences on Innovative Teaching at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M), Spain, in 2019-2020 and partially funded by the Spanish Government-MinECo project TEC2017-84395-P. This project gathered members from UC3M, the Havana University of Technology, José Antonio Echeverría, Cuba, and Technische Universität Berlin, Germany

    Del sistema educativo tradicional hacia la formación por competencias: Una mirada a los procesos de enseñanza aprendizaje de las ciencias en la educación secundaria de Mendoza Argentina y San José de Costa Rica

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    The study presents a reflection on the formation of scientific competence in the high school students from two countries of Latin America, Argentina and Costa Rica. It also assesses the degree of relevance and rapprochement, which have the curricular designs of Natural Sciences implemented in these countries with the achievement of scientific skills for life. To assess the level of development of scientific competence achieved by the students, was spun off and examined the scientific competence in each of its dimensions: skills, knowledge, attitudes, and contexts.El estudio presenta una reflexión sobre la formación de competencias científicas en los estudiantes de secundaria de dos países de América Latina, Argentina y Costa Rica. Asimismo valora el grado de pertinencia y acercamiento que tienen los diseños curriculares de Ciencias Naturales implementados en estos países con el logro de competencias científicas para la vida. Para valorar el nivel de desarrollo de las competencias científicas alcanzado por los estudiantes, se disgregó y examinó la competencia científica en cada una de sus dimensiones: capacidades, conocimientos, actitudes y contextos.Palabras clave: competencias; educación por competencias; competencias científicas; capacidades.The traditional education system toward competency training: a look at the processes of teaching and learning of science in secondary education of Mendoza Argentina and San Jose, Costa RicaThe study presents a reflection on the formation of scientific competence in the high school students from two countries of Latin America, Argentina and Costa Rica. It also assesses the degree of relevance and rapprochement, which have the curricular designs of Natural Sciences implemented in these countries with the achievement of scientific skills for life. To assess the level of development of scientific competence achieved by the students, was spun off and examined the scientific competence in each of its dimensions: skills, knowledge, attitudes, and contexts.Keywords: competitions; education for competitions; scientific competitions; capacities

    The traditional education system toward competency training: a look at the processes of teaching and learning of science in secondary education of Mendoza Argentina and San Jose, Costa Rica

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    El estudio presenta una reflexión sobre la formación de competencias científicas en los estudiantes de secundaria de dos países de América Latina, Argentina y Costa Rica. Asimismo valora el grado de pertinencia y acercamiento que tienen los diseños curriculares de Ciencias Naturales implementados en estos países con el logro de competencias científicas para la vida. Para valorar el nivel de desarrollo de las competencias científicas alcanzado por los estudiantes, se disgregó y examinó estas en cada una de sus dimensiones: capacidades, conocimientos, actitudes y contextos.The study presents a reflection on the formation of scientific competence in the high school students from two countries of Latin America, Argentina and Costa Rica. It also assesses the degree of relevance and rapprochement, which have the curricular designs of Natural Sciences implemented in these countries with the achievement of scientific skills for life. To assess the level of development of scientific competence achieved by the students, was spun off and examined the scientific competence in each of its dimensions: skills, knowledge, attitudes, and contexts
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