162 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of combustion noise and NOx and soot emissions to pilot injection in PCCI Diesel engines

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    Diesel engines are the most commonly used internal combustion engines nowadays, especially in European transportation. This preference is due to their low consumption and acceptable driveability and comfort. However, the main disadvantages of traditional direct injection Diesel engines are their high levels of noise, nitrogen oxides (NO x) and soot emissions, and the usage of fossil fuels. In order to tackle the problem of high emission levels, new combustion concepts have been recently developed. A good example is the premixed charge compression ignition (PCCI) combustion, a strategy in which early injections are used, causing a burning process in which more fuel is burned in premixed conditions, which affects combustion noise. The use of a pilot injection has become an effective tool for reducing combustion noise. The main objective of this paper is to analyze experimentally the pollutant emissions, combustion noise, and performance of a Diesel engine operating under PCCI combustion with the use of a pilot injection. In addition, a novel methodology, based on the decomposition of the in-cylinder pressure signal, was used for combustion noise analysis. The results show that while the PCCI combustion has potential to reduce significantly the NO x and soot emission levels, compared to conventional Diesel combustion strategy, combustion noise continues to be a critical issue for the implementation of this new combustion concept in passenger cars.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Educacin y Ciencia through Grant No. TRA2006-13782. L.F. Monico holds the Grant 2009/003 from Santiago Grisolia Program of Generalitat Valenciana.Torregrosa, AJ.; Broatch Jacobi, JA.; García Martínez, A.; Mónico Muñoz, LF. (2013). Sensitivity of combustion noise and NOx and soot emissions to pilot injection in PCCI Diesel engines. Applied Energy. 104:149-157. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.11.040S14915710

    Pomegranate Extract Improves Maximal Performance of Trained Cyclists after an Exhausting Endurance Trial: A Randomised Controlled Trial

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    The efficacy of pomegranate (Punica granatum) extract (PE) for improving performance and post-exercise recovery in an active population was equivocal in previous studies. In this study, a randomised, double-blinded, placebo-controlled, balanced, cross-over trial with two arms was conducted. Eligibility criteria for participants were as follows: male, amateur cyclist, with a training routine of 2 to 4 sessions per week (at least one hour per session). The cyclists (n = 26) were divided into treatment (PE) and placebo (PLA) groups for a period of 15 days. After physical tests, the groups were exchanged after a 14-day washout period. Exercise tests consisted of endurance bouts (square-wave endurance exercise test followed by an incremental exercise test to exhaustion) and an eccentric exercise drill. The objective was to assess the efficacy of PE in performance outcomes and post-exercise muscular recovery and force restoration after a prolonged submaximal effort. Twenty-six participants were included for statistical analysis. There was a statistically significant difference in total time to exhaustion (TTE)(17.66–170.94 s, p < 0.02) and the time to reach ventilatory threshold 2 (VT2)(26.98–82.55 s, p < 0.001), with greater values for the PE compared to the PLA group. No significant results were obtained for force restoration in the isokinetic unilateral low limb test. PE, after a prolonged submaximal effort, may be effective in improving performance outcomes at maximal effort and might help to restore force in the damaged muscles.Actividad Física y Deport

    A tool for predicting the thermal performance of a diesel engine

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    This paper presents a thermal network model for the simulation of the transient response of diesel engines. The model was adjusted by using experimental data from a completely instrumented engine run under steady-state and transient conditions. Comparisons between measured and predicted material temperatures over a wide range of engine running conditions show a mean error of 7◦C. The model was then used to predict the thermal behavior of a different engine. Model results were checked against oil and coolant temperatures measured during engine warm-up at constant speed and load, and on a New European Driving Cycle. Results show that the model predicts these temperatures with a maximum error of 3◦C.Torregrosa, AJ.; Olmeda González, PC.; Martín Díaz, J.; Romero Piedrahita, CA. (2011). A tool for predicting the thermal performance of a diesel engine. Heat Transfer Engineering. 32(10):891-904. doi:10.1080/01457632.2011.548639S891904321

    Development of non-reflecting boundary condition for application in 3D computational fluid dynamics codes

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    This is an Author's Accepted Manuscript of an article published in [include the complete citation information for the final version of the article as published in the Engineering applications of computational fluid mechanics, 2012 © Taylor & Francis, available online at: http://doi.org/ 10.1080/19942060.2012.11015434[EN] Numerical computations are commonly used for better understanding the unsteady processes in internal combustion engine components and their acoustic behavior. The acoustic characterization of a system requires that reflections from duct terminations are avoided, which is achieved either by using highly dissipative terminations or, when an impulsive excitation is used, by placing long ducts between the system under study and the duct ends. In the latter case, the simulation of such a procedure would require a large computational domain with the associated high computational cost, unless non-reflecting boundary conditions are used. In this paper, first the different non-reflecting boundary conditions available in ANSYS-FLUENT are evaluated. Then, the development and implementation of an anechoic termination in a 3D-CFD code is presented. The performance of the new implementation is first validated in the classic Sod's shock tube problem, and then checked against numerical and experimental results of the flow and acoustic fields in automotive exhaust mufflers. The results obtained compare favorably with those from the conventional CFD approach and experiments, while the computational cost is significantly reduced.This work has been partially supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion through grant No. DPI2009-14290. The authors wish to thank Dr. David R. Perry for his kind assistance in manuscript editing.Torregrosa, AJ.; Fajardo, P.; Gil Megías, A.; Navarro García, R. (2012). Development of non-reflecting boundary condition for application in 3D computational fluid dynamics codes. Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics. 6(3):447-460. https://doi.org/10.1080/19942060.2012.11015434S44746063ANSYS Inc. (2009). Ansys Fluent 12.0 User’s Guide. Canonsburg, PA: ANSYS Inc.Benson RS (1982).The Thermodynamics and Gas Dynamics of Internal Combustion Engines. Volume 1, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Luján JM, Bermúdez V, Serrano JR, Cervelló C (2002). Test bench for turbocharger groups characterization.SAE Paper2002–01-0163.Munjal ML (1987).Acoustics of Ducts and Mufflers. New York: Willey.Onorati A, Montenegro G, D’Errico G (2006). Prediction of the attenuation characteristics of IC engine silencers by 1-D and multi-D simulation models.SAE Paper2006–01-1541.Patil AR, Sajanpawar PR, Masurekar VV (1996) Acoustic three dimensional finite element analysis of a muffler.SAE Paper960189

    Understanding the unsteady pressure field inside combustion chambers of compression-ignited engines using a computational fluid dynamics approach

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    [EN] In this article, a numerical methodology for assessing combustion noise in compression ignition engines is described with the specific purpose of analysing the unsteady pressure field inside the combustion chamber. The numerical results show consistent agreement with experimental measurements in both the time and frequency domains. Nonetheless, an exhaustive analysis of the calculation convergence is needed to guarantee an independent solution. These results contribute to the understanding of in-cylinder unsteady processes, especially of those related to combustion chamber resonances, and their effects on the radiated noise levels. The method was applied to different combustion system configurations by modifying the spray angle of the injector, evidencing that controlling the ignition location through this design parameter, it is possible to decrease the combustion noise by minimizing the resonance contribution. Important efficiency losses were, however, observed due to the injector/bowl matching worsening which compromises the performance and emissions levels.The authors want to express their gratitude to CONVERGENT SCIENCE Inc. and Convergent Science GmbH for their kind support for performing the CFD calculations using CONVERGE software.Torregrosa, AJ.; Broatch, A.; Margot, X.; Gómez-Soriano, J. (2018). Understanding the unsteady pressure field inside combustion chambers of compression-ignited engines using a computational fluid dynamics approach. International Journal of Engine Research. 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/1468087418803030S113Benajes, J., Novella, R., De Lima, D., & Tribotté, P. (2014). Analysis of combustion concepts in a newly designed two-stroke high-speed direct injection compression ignition engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(1), 52-67. doi:10.1177/1468087414562867Costa, M., Bianchi, G. M., Forte, C., & Cazzoli, G. (2014). A Numerical Methodology for the Multi-objective Optimization of the DI Diesel Engine Combustion. Energy Procedia, 45, 711-720. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2014.01.076Navid, A., Khalilarya, S., & Taghavifar, H. (2016). Comparing multi-objective non-evolutionary NLPQL and evolutionary genetic algorithm optimization of a DI diesel engine: DoE estimation and creating surrogate model. Energy Conversion and Management, 126, 385-399. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.014Benajes, J., García, A., Pastor, J. M., & Monsalve-Serrano, J. (2016). Effects of piston bowl geometry on Reactivity Controlled Compression Ignition heat transfer and combustion losses at different engine loads. Energy, 98, 64-77. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2016.01.014Masterton, B., Heffner, H., & Ravizza, R. (1969). The Evolution of Human Hearing. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 45(4), 966-985. doi:10.1121/1.1911574Strahle, W. C. (1978). Combustion noise. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 4(3), 157-176. doi:10.1016/0360-1285(78)90002-3Flemming, F., Sadiki, A., & Janicka, J. (2007). Investigation of combustion noise using a LES/CAA hybrid approach. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 31(2), 3189-3196. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2006.07.060Klos, D., & Kokjohn, S. L. (2014). Investigation of the sources of combustion instability in low-temperature combustion engines using response surface models. International Journal of Engine Research, 16(3), 419-440. doi:10.1177/1468087414556135Cyclic dispersion in engine combustion—Introduction by the special issue editors. (2015). International Journal of Engine Research, 16(3), 255-259. doi:10.1177/1468087415572740Hickling, R., Feldmaier, D. A., & Sung, S. H. (1979). Knock‐induced cavity resonances in open chamber diesel engines. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 65(6), 1474-1479. doi:10.1121/1.382910Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., Margot, X., Marant, V., & Beauge, Y. (2004). Combustion chamber resonances in direct injection automotive diesel engines: A numerical approach. International Journal of Engine Research, 5(1), 83-91. doi:10.1243/146808704772914264Broatch, A., Margot, X., Gil, A., & Christian Donayre, (José). (2007). Computational study of the sensitivity to ignition characteristics of the resonance in DI diesel engine combustion chambers. Engineering Computations, 24(1), 77-96. doi:10.1108/02644400710718583Eriksson, L. J. (1980). Higher order mode effects in circular ducts and expansion chambers. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 68(2), 545-550. doi:10.1121/1.384768Broatch, A., Margot, X., Novella, R., & Gomez-Soriano, J. (2017). Impact of the injector design on the combustion noise of gasoline partially premixed combustion in a 2-stroke engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 119, 530-540. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.03.081Tutak, W., & Jamrozik, A. (2016). Validation and optimization of the thermal cycle for a diesel engine by computational fluid dynamics modeling. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 40(13-14), 6293-6309. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2016.02.021Payri, F., Benajes, J., Margot, X., & Gil, A. (2004). CFD modeling of the in-cylinder flow in direct-injection Diesel engines. Computers & Fluids, 33(8), 995-1021. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2003.09.003Benajes, J., Novella, R., De Lima, D., & Thein, K. (2017). Impact of injection settings operating with the gasoline Partially Premixed Combustion concept in a 2-stroke HSDI compression ignition engine. Applied Energy, 193, 515-530. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.02.044Lesieur, M., Métais, O., & Comte, P. (2005). Large-Eddy Simulations of Turbulence. doi:10.1017/cbo9780511755507Pope, S. B. (2004). Ten questions concerning the large-eddy simulation of turbulent flows. New Journal of Physics, 6, 35-35. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/6/1/035Silva, C. F., Leyko, M., Nicoud, F., & Moreau, S. (2013). Assessment of combustion noise in a premixed swirled combustor via Large-Eddy Simulation. Computers & Fluids, 78, 1-9. doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2010.09.034Jamrozik, A., Tutak, W., Kociszewski, A., & Sosnowski, M. (2013). Numerical simulation of two-stage combustion in SI engine with prechamber. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 37(5), 2961-2982. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2012.07.040Qin, W., Xie, M., Jia, M., Wang, T., & Liu, D. (2014). Large eddy simulation of in-cylinder turbulent flows in a DISI gasoline engine. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 38(24), 5967-5985. doi:10.1016/j.apm.2014.05.004Broatch, A., Margot, X., Novella, R., & Gomez-Soriano, J. (2016). Combustion noise analysis of partially premixed combustion concept using gasoline fuel in a 2-stroke engine. Energy, 107, 612-624. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2016.04.045Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., Martín, J., & Monelletta, L. (2007). Combustion noise level assessment in direct injection Diesel engines by means of in-cylinder pressure components. Measurement Science and Technology, 18(7), 2131-2142. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/18/7/045Payri, F., Broatch, A., Margot, X., & Monelletta, L. (2008). Sound quality assessment of Diesel combustion noise using in-cylinder pressure components. Measurement Science and Technology, 20(1), 015107. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/20/1/015107Ihlenburg, F. (2003). The Medium-Frequency Range in Computational Acoustics: Practical and Numerical Aspects. Journal of Computational Acoustics, 11(02), 175-193. doi:10.1142/s0218396x03001900Lapuerta, M., Armas, O., & Hernández, J. J. (1999). Diagnosis of DI Diesel combustion from in-cylinder pressure signal by estimation of mean thermodynamic properties of the gas. Applied Thermal Engineering, 19(5), 513-529. doi:10.1016/s1359-4311(98)00075-1Payri, F., Olmeda, P., Martín, J., & García, A. (2011). A complete 0D thermodynamic predictive model for direct injection diesel engines. Applied Energy, 88(12), 4632-4641. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2011.06.005Payri, F., Broatch, A., Tormos, B., & Marant, V. (2005). New methodology for in-cylinder pressure analysis in direct injection diesel engines—application to combustion noise. Measurement Science and Technology, 16(2), 540-547. doi:10.1088/0957-0233/16/2/029Shahlari, A. J., Hocking, C., Kurtz, E., & Ghandhi, J. (2013). Comparison of Compression Ignition Engine Noise Metrics in Low-Temperature Combustion Regimes. SAE International Journal of Engines, 6(1), 541-552. doi:10.4271/2013-01-1659Yakhot, V., & Orszag, S. A. (1986). Renormalization group analysis of turbulence. I. Basic theory. Journal of Scientific Computing, 1(1), 3-51. doi:10.1007/bf01061452Redlich, O., & Kwong, J. N. S. (1949). On the Thermodynamics of Solutions. V. An Equation of State. Fugacities of Gaseous Solutions. 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Assessment of flamelet versus multi-zone combustion modeling approaches for stratified-charge compression ignition engines. International Journal of Engine Research, 17(3), 280-290. doi:10.1177/1468087415571006Torregrosa, A. J., Broatch, A., Gil, A., & Gomez-Soriano, J. (2018). Numerical approach for assessing combustion noise in compression-ignited Diesel engines. Applied Acoustics, 135, 91-100. doi:10.1016/j.apacoust.2018.02.006Torregrosa, A., Olmeda, P., Degraeuwe, B., & Reyes, M. (2006). A concise wall temperature model for DI Diesel engines. Applied Thermal Engineering, 26(11-12), 1320-1327. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2005.10.021Broatch, A., Javier Lopez, J., García-Tíscar, J., & Gomez-Soriano, J. (2018). Experimental Analysis of Cyclical Dispersion in Compression-Ignited Versus Spark-Ignited Engines and Its Significance for Combustion Noise Numerical Modeling. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140(10). doi:10.1115/1.4040287Molina, S., García, A., Pastor, J. 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    IgA-Dominant Infection-Associated Glomerulonephritis Following SARS-CoV-2 Infection

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    The renal involvement of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) has been reported. The etiology of kidney injury appears to be tubular, mainly due to the expression of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2, the key joint receptor for SARS-CoV-2; however, cases with glomerular implication have also been documented. The multifactorial origin of this renal involvement could include virus-mediated injury, cytokine storm, angiotensin II pathway activation, complement dysregulation, hyper-coagulation, and microangiopathy. We present the renal histological findings from a patient who developed acute kidney injury and de novo nephrotic syndrome, highly suggestive of acute IgA-dominant infection-associated glomerulonephritis (IgADIAGN) after SARS-CoV-2 infection, as evidenced by the presence of this virus detected in the renal tissue of the patient via immunohistochemistry assay. In summary, we document the first case of IgA-DIAGN associated to SARS-CoV-2. Thus, SARS-CoV-2 S may act as a super antigen driving the development of multisystem inflammatory syndrome as well as cytokine storm in patients affected by COVID-19, reaching the glomerulus and leading to the development of this novel IgA-DIAGN

    Modal decomposition of the unsteady flow field in compression-ignited combustion chambers

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    [EN] In this paper, the unsteady behaviour of a compression-ignited (CI) engine combustion chamber is studied by analysing the results of a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model through the application of different flow decomposition techniques, aiming to resolve the underlying modal structure of the process. Experimental validation for the combustion simulation is provided, and a methodology for extracting coherent pressure information is proposed in order to provide a suitable input for different analysis methods. These range from straightforward Fourier transform techniques to more sophisticated modal decomposition approaches. In particular Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is shown to provide valuable insight into the time-spatial structure of the combustion flow field, allowing the establishment of correlations between pressure modes and physical parameters of the combustion, such as the injection timing or the chamber geometry. Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD) on the other hand is proven to successfully highlight the link between the frequency of the unsteady energy components and their spatial distribution within the chamber. Advantage is then taken of the modal characterization of the unsteady behaviour in the chamber to showcase how physical parameters such as the spray angle can be modified to optimize the acoustic signature of the combustion process, helping CI internal combustion engines reduce their acoustic environmental impact (C) 2017 The Combustion Institute. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.The equipment used in this work has been partially supported by FEDER project funds "Dotacidn de infraestructuras cientifico tecnicas para el Centro Integral de Mejora Energetica y Medioambiental de Sistemas de Transporte (CiMeT)" [grant number FEDER-ICTS-2012-06], framed in the operational program of unique scientific and technical infrastructure of the Spanish Government.Torregrosa, AJ.; Broatch, A.; Garcia Tiscar, J.; Gómez-Soriano, J. (2018). Modal decomposition of the unsteady flow field in compression-ignited combustion chambers. Combustion and Flame. 188:469-482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.10.007S46948218

    Codimension-three bifurcations in a Bénard-Marangoni problem

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    [EN] This Brief Report studies the linear stability of a thermoconvective problem in an annular domain for relatively low (∼1) Prandtl (viscosity effects) and Biot (heat transfer) numbers. The four possible patterns for the instabilities, namely, hydrothermal waves of first and second class, longitudinal rolls, and corotating rolls, are present in a small region of the Biot-Prandtl plane. This region can be split in four zones, depending on the sort of instability found. The boundary of these four zones is composed of codimension-two points. Authors have also found two codimension-three points, where some of the former curves intersect. Results shown in this Brief Report clarify some reported experiments, predict new instabilities, and, by giving a deeper insight into how physical parameters affect bifurcations, open a gateway to control those instabilities.Hoyas, S.; Gil, A.; Fajardo, P.; Pérez Quiles, MJ. (2013). Codimension-three bifurcations in a Bénard-Marangoni problem. Physical Review E. 88(015001). doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.88.015001S88015001Smith, M. K., & Davis, S. H. (1983). Instabilities of dynamic thermocapillary liquid layers. Part 1. Convective instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 132, 119-144. doi:10.1017/s0022112083001512Herrero, H., & Mancho, A. M. (1998). Influence of aspect ratio in convection due to nonuniform heating. Physical Review E, 57(6), 7336-7339. doi:10.1103/physreve.57.7336RILEY, R. J., & NEITZEL, G. P. (1998). Instability of thermocapillary–buoyancy convection in shallow layers. Part 1. Characterization of steady and oscillatory instabilities. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 359, 143-164. doi:10.1017/s0022112097008343Hoyas, S., Herrero, H., & Mancho, A. M. (2002). Thermal convection in a cylindrical annulus heated laterally. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General, 35(18), 4067-4083. doi:10.1088/0305-4470/35/18/306Hoyas, S., Herrero, H., & Mancho, A. M. (2002). Bifurcation diversity of dynamic thermocapillary liquid layers. Physical Review E, 66(5). doi:10.1103/physreve.66.057301Garnier, N., & Chiffaudel, A. (2001). Two dimensional hydrothermal waves in an extended cylindrical vessel. The European Physical Journal B, 19(1), 87-95. doi:10.1007/s100510170352Hoyas, S., Mancho, A. M., Herrero, H., Garnier, N., & Chiffaudel, A. (2005). Bénard–Marangoni convection in a differentially heated cylindrical cavity. Physics of Fluids, 17(5), 054104. doi:10.1063/1.1876892SCHWABE, D., ZEBIB, A., & SIM, B.-C. (2003). Oscillatory thermocapillary convection in open cylindrical annuli. Part 1. Experiments under microgravity. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 491, 239-258. doi:10.1017/s002211200300541xChandrasekhar, S., & Gillis, J. (1962). Hydrodynamic and Hydromagnetic Stability. Physics Today, 15(3), 58-58. doi:10.1063/1.3058072Torregrosa, A. J., Hoyas, S., Pérez-Quiles, M. J., & Mompó-Laborda, J. M. (2013). Bifurcation Diversity in an Annular Pool Heated from Below: Prandtl and Biot Numbers Effects. Communications in Computational Physics, 13(2), 428-441. doi:10.4208/cicp.090611.170212aOrszag, S. A. (1972). Comparison of Pseudospectral and Spectral Approximation. Studies in Applied Mathematics, 51(3), 253-259. doi:10.1002/sapm1972513253JIMÉNEZ, J., & HOYAS, S. (2008). Turbulent fluctuations above the buffer layer of wall-bounded flows. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 611, 215-236. doi:10.1017/s0022112008002747Theofilis, V. (2011). Global Linear Instability. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 43(1), 319-352. doi:10.1146/annurev-fluid-122109-160705Burguete, J., Mukolobwiez, N., Daviaud, F., Garnier, N., & Chiffaudel, A. (2001). Buoyant-thermocapillary instabilities in extended liquid layers subjected to a horizontal temperature gradient. Physics of Fluids, 13(10), 2773-2787. doi:10.1063/1.1398536Favre, E., Blumenfeld, L., & Daviaud, F. (1997). Instabilities of a liquid layer locally heated on its free surface. Physics of Fluids, 9(5), 1473-1475. doi:10.1063/1.869470BENZ, S., HINTZ, P., RILEY, R. J., & NEITZEL, G. P. (1998). Instability of thermocapillary–buoyancy convection in shallow layers. Part 2. Suppression of hydrothermal waves. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 359, 165-180. doi:10.1017/s002211209700835

    Altruismo y exclusión social

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    [ES]Este proyecto va dirigido al estudio de los conceptos y los patrones de la exclusión social desde una perspectiva económica. Desde el punto de vista teórico, se pretende plantear modelos que analicen las implicaciones del altruismo en relación a la lucha contra situaciones de pobreza y exclusión social, profundizando en el estudio con las herramientas que proporciona la economía experimental. Desde el punto de vista empírico, se analizan los factores que han llevado a retrocesos en la dimensión de pobreza y exclusión social de la estrategia Europa 2020. Los indicadores AROPE se basan únicamente en el recuento de excluidos y, en consecuencia, no incorporan el grado de intensidad de la exclusión que es la base de los indicadores multidimensionales de la pobreza como el IPM. Por ello, se plantea dar definiciones alternativas de medidas que permitan caracterizar la sensibilidad de los indicadores de pobreza y exclusión social, integrando en la medición la proporción de excluidos con la intensidad de la exclusión. Se pretende identificar patrones de exclusión y grupos de especial riesgo, estudiando la contribución de los posibles factores causales