1,178 research outputs found

    Identifying Polarity in Financial Texts for Sentiment Analysis: A Corpus-based Approach

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    AbstractIn this paper we describe our methodology to integrate domain-specific sentiment analysis in a lexicon-based system initially designed for general language texts. Our approach to dealing with specialized domains is based on the idea of “plug-in” lexical resources which can be applied on demand. A simple 3-step model based on the weirdness ratio measure is proposed to extract candidate terms from specialized corpora, which are then matched against our existing general-language polarity database to obtain sentiment-bearing words whose polarity is domain-specific

    Mapping of political events related to the COVID-19 pandemic on Twitter using topic modelling and keywords over time.

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    This research aims to study the relationship between actual, real-world events related to the COVID-19 pandemic and the impact these events produced on social media. To achieve this objective, we employ topic modelling and keyword extraction techniques. Topic modelling is a Natural Language Processing technique that attempts to identify topics automatically from a collection of documents (Vayansky and Kumar, 2020). This is similar to keyword extraction but, unlike this, topic modelling algorithms return clusters of words that make up the topic. Thus, a second objective is to compare the results of these two methods when it comes to identifying the salient topics in a corpus. We have used the publicly available and multilingual COVID-19 Twitter dataset collected from January 21, 2020 (and still ongoing) available via the COVID-19-TweetsIDs GitHub repository (Chen, Lerman & Ferrara, 2020). For this study, we will focus on tweets written in English from 2020 and 2021. We limited our study to the years 2020 to 2021, which contains 1 billion tweets (31 billion tokens), and extracted a random, time-stratified sample of 0,1%, which resulted in a total of approximately 1 million tweets (31 million tokens). In terms of methods, we employed unsupervised machine learning methods for both tasks. For topic modelling we used BERT embeddings and the BERTopic library (Grootendorst, 2022). Our script generates a full list of topics and assigned terms, a coherence score, and several data visualisations, such as topics-over-time graphs, heatmaps, and topic hierarchies. For keyword extraction, we used TextRank (Mihalcea & Tarau, 2004), a language-independent, graph-based ranking model. We then compare results returned by both methods in terms of usefulness and, finally, provide an interpretation of results by relating the extracted topics to the situation of the global pandemic at different stages of the crisis.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Priego de Córdoba: Itinerario didáctico por su patrimonio

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    En este Trabajo Fin de Grado se desarrolla un itinerario didáctico a través del patrimonio de Priego de Córdoba, enclavado en el centro de Andalucía, en la provincia de Córdoba. La tipología elegida está en consonancia con las normativas aprobadas recientemente encaminadas a una correcta educación patrimonial. Este itinerario tiene como objetivo introducir aspectos del patrimonio histórico y cultural andaluz en las edades de la etapa de educación primaria.In this Final Project develops an educational journey through the heritage of Priego de Córdoba, located in the heart of Andalusia, in the province of Córdoba. The typology chosen is in line with the recently adopted regulations aimed at proper heritage education. This itinerary aims to introduce aspects of Andalusia like historical and cultural heritage in the age of primary educationUniversidad de Granada. Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación. Grado en Educación Primaria no Bilingü

    Octubre, imperialismo y la revolución mundial de los otros

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    Este artículo aborda la Revolución de Octubre como una revolución de nuevo tipo a partir de la evolución del capitalismo en su fase imperialista según las aportaciones teóricas de Lenin y a partir de la evolución de la revolución rusa como un proceso de larga duración en el que se entremezclan la penetración de capitalismo, la búsqueda de un camino de modernización y las necesidades de justicia social a través del prisma de la cultura rusa. La comprensión del papel determinante del campesinado como clase “revolucionaria” hizo posible la revolución socialista en un país prácticamente sin clase obrera. Una revolución en lo fundamental anticapitalista y antiimperialista que evitó que Rusia se convirtiera en país dependiente y periférico del capitalismo. Este modelo de revolución y este camino al socialismo y a la justicia social tuvo una gran influencia en el mundo entero, condicionando el proceso de descolonización y de liberación nacional de los países de la periferia capitalista durante todo el siglo XX. Al mismo tiempo, al convertirse en un modelo susceptible de ser imitado, Rusia, ya en forma de Unión Soviética, se convirtió en el enemigo del capitalismo y en el objetivo que debía ser derrotado.

    La raza bovina Terreña

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    La raza Terreña no había sido objeto de estudio hasta 1.988, año en que Francisco Javier González Ángulo realiza la primera descripción. En este trabajo se recogen los aspectos más relevantes de dicha descripción, se analiza la actual situación de la raza y se reflejan las diferentes actuaciones llevadas a cabo a partir de dicho estudio para promover su conservación.Terreña izeneko arraza inoiz ez da aztergai izan 1988 arte. Urte horretan haren lehen deskripzioa eman zigun Francisco Javier González Angulok. Lan honetan, deskripzio horren alderdi nabarmenenak biltzen dira, arrazaren egungo egoera aztertzen da eta, aipaturiko azterketa haren ondoren, arrazaren kontserbazioa sustatzearren buruturiko ekimenak islatzen dira.La race Terreña n'avait pas été l'objet une étude avant 1988, année durant laquelle Francisco Javier González Angulo en réalisa la première description. On recueille dans ce travail les aspects les plus significatifs de cette description, on analyse la situation actuelle de la race et l'on rend compte de ce qui a été fait à partir de cette étude pour promouvoir sa conservation.The Terreña race had not been studied until 1988, the year in which Francisco Javier González Angle makes the first description. This work collects the most relevant aspects of that description, analyzing the current situation of the race and informing of the various actions carried out as from that study to promote its conservation

    Devices for Prevention of Atrial Tachyarrhythmias

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    Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most frequent sustained cardiac arrhythmia in clinical practice and, although its importance has been underestimated even in recent years, we are now becoming aware of its clinical transcendence1,2,3. The classical treatment is pharmacological, but its efficacy is limited and it does have side effects4,5. Therefore, in recent years, there has been an increasing interest in other types of non-pharmacological treatments6,7. Physiologic cardiac pacing has proven to be more effective than VVI mode pacing to prevent the occurrence of AF during the follow-up of patients who have had a permanent pacemaker implanted 8,9,10. There are currently different lines of research that use different atrial pacing techniques to prevent and treat episodes of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation11,12. Techniques of multi-site pacing in the right atrium or both atria, new atrial pacing sites, prevention algorithms for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation episodes, and even high-frequency atrial tachyarrhythmia termination algorithms have all been proposed. In this article, we will try to synthesize the grounds for and findings of the different lines of research currently being developed

    New Self-Sufficient Shelter Solutions for Big Cities’ Collapsed Rental Markets

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    Nowadays, there is a wide variety of problems in the big cities related to the urban frame and to housing. Architects have to provide solutions that not only improve people’s well-being but also have to be efficient during the building’s entire life cycle. Within the European context, big cities like Paris, Berlin and Amsterdam have a huge demand for housing coming mainly from two different groups: people looking for temporary shelter and people looking for a more stable situation. In both cases, the need for new housing have resulted in inefficient urban developments, collapsed city centres and developed satellite cities where low and medium class people have tried to find somewhere to live, running away from infra-housing. In Paris, urban regulations set the minimum area for a rented apartment as 10m2. The research described in this paper analyzes the current situation in big cities from two points of view: apartment sizes and medium fees for temporary shelter. It defines the average architectural conditions of the “affordable” shelter and with this data; an experimental approach for a new completely self-sufficient housing module is provided, placed in a worthless space of existing buildings (roofs). This new module is defined by its sustainability and self-sufficiency and it gives the rental market an opportunity to increase the offer of shelter to rent in the big cities. At the end of the research, the development of an analysis of life cost cycle of the new module shows it as an alternative to the existing examples of infra housing with very short periods for recovering the investment

    Entre la posmodernidad y el homoerotismo: la imaginería procesional del siglo XXI y el neobarroco gay

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    La teoría del neobarroco gay se corresponde con un lenguaje estético que postula la exaltación del homoerotismo masculino, explícito o sutil, en clave manifiestamente morbosa y en un contexto religioso específico, aplicado a la escultura procesional de finales del siglo XX y lo que llevamos del XXI, donde además se ha tergiversado la construcción social del género en el hombre/escultura. Este proceso coincide con un espacio/tiempo donde se ha producido una creciente aceptación social de la homosexualidad masculina y su visibilidad, además de una evidente puesta en valor de la misma a través de obras donde el cuerpo del hombre sintoniza con su consideración actual como “objeto” de consumo dentro de los medios de masas.Theory of the called “Gay Neobaroque” is an aesthetic language which promotes exaltation of homoerotic and diseased senses applied to sculptural representation of men, in the particular religious context of Spanish sacred imaginery made for celebrations of Holy Week since the end of XX century to the present days and also twisting social construction of “genus” by the man/sculpture because. The called “Gay Neobaroque” is situated on specific space and time with a specific relationships with visibility, value and acceptance of masculine homosexuality and conversion of men´s body in “object” for consumers according rudiments of marketing and motif for publicity and audio-visual and artistic creation